Idean UX Summit #14 - Colin Rule, COO - Modria

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Idean UX Summit #14 - Colin Rule, COO - Modria

Transforming ODR ThroughUser Experience

Company confidential. © Copyright 2015, Inc.

What is ODR?

Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) is the use of information and communications technology to help people resolve their disputes.

Think of a dispute you had, either online or offline.

How did you resolve it?

Were you satisfied with the process?

1% to 3% of all transactions, online and offline, result in a dispute







2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Worldwide eCommerce Disputes Per Year

(in Millions)

There will be nearly 1B eCommerce disputes per year by 2017.

Other dispute types include debt collection, insurance, family, landlord tenant, government, and civil issues

eBay Resolutions

• 60m disputes per year

• 50% resolved amicably

• 90% resolved in software, with no human intervention

• Extrajudicial process, almost never appealed in court

The majority of problems go unreported, and customers become “silent sufferers”

Everyone hates customer support• Customers• Customer Service

Representatives• CFOs / CEOs

Customers want instant resolutions

• Ideal: report a problem, get immediate solution

• If necessary, collaborate with the merchant to resolve issues ASAP

• Customers would rather lose fast than win slow

• Algorithmic resolutions are increasingly preferred• Immediate outcomes, trusted results

Modria Resolution CenterModular online dispute resolution platform

• Consumer interface for parties

• Enterprise interface for escalated case management

• Policy Center to dynamically tune for ROI and loyalty

• API-enabled, ISO security certified

Diagnosis Negotiation Mediation Arbitration

Denise and the Guitar

Customer + Item + Policies

Instantly Provide a Fast and Fair Resolution

Denise is happy – and she’ll come back

Fast and fair resolutions drive an 18% increase in customer transactions*

* Quantifying the Economic Benefits of Effective Redress: Large E-Commerce Data Sets and the

Cost-Benefit Case for Investing in Dispute Resolution. U. Ark. Little Rock. 2012

Transforming ODR through better UX

Idean began working with Modria January 1, 2015

• Immediately intuitive tools for consumers

• Efficient actions for merchants/agencies

• Powerful case management for administrators

Why did we reach out to Idean?

• We were unhappy with our dated UX

• We didn’t want to keep making custom UIs

• We wanted an out of the box design that worked for most of our customers

• We needed to move into responsive design

What Idean helped Modria achieve• Clarity

• Simplicity

• Consistency

• Flexibility

…which in turn will help our customers resolve their disputes quickly and effectively


• How does your organization resolve customer problems?

• Watch out for doing it the old way out of habit

• Leverage creative UX to give your customers the resolution experiences they’re looking for: fast, fair, consistent, and intuitive

…and give us a call at Modria if you want some help

Larry Friedberg

Colin Rule


Thank You!