Post on 09-Mar-2016

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Bucklers Mead's ICT Policy

Transcript of ICT

ICT Policy - Acceptable Use Agreement

For my own safety when on computers: • I will keep my own password secret. • I will keep personal information to myself. • I will report any nasty, hurtful or uncomfortable material when I see it on-line. • I will think carefully about everything I read on the internet because not all of it is true. Everyone has equal rights to use technology to help them learn: • I will not use the network for personal use unless the teacher has told me I can do so. • I will not try to access any inappropriate material. I will act as I expect others to act towards me: • I will respect other’s work and property and will not access, copy, remove or change anyone else’ files. • I will be respectful in all my communications with others (this includes email/texts/instant messages etc). • I will not take or use pictures of people without their permission. I understand that I am responsible for my action: • The school also has the right to punish me if break any these rules. This may include loss of access to the school network. All activity on the school network is monitored and recorded. • This agreement also applies to the use of my own devices in school (phones, mp3 players, cameras etc).