IARI PhD Entrance Question Paper 2011 - Biochemistry

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  • 7/29/2019 IARI PhD Entrance Question Paper 2011 - Biochemistry


    Post Graduate School IIndian Agricultura l Research Institute, New D elhi,..,,.,, ~ x a m i ~ ~ a t i o nor ~ d n i s s i o no F'hB. ~ m ~ r a n m ;011-2012

    Discipline : BiochemistryDiscipline Code : 08 Roll No,I

    Please Note:(i) This question paper contains 13 pages. Please check whethe r al l the pages areprinted in this set. Report discrepancy, if any, immediately to the invigilator.

    PART- I (Genera l Agriculture)



    Multlple choice questions (No. 1 to 30).Choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d)and enter your choice in the circle (byshading with a pencil) o n the OMR -answer sheet as per the instruct ionsg iven on the answer shee t .

    (ii) Tliere shall be NEG ATIVE marking for WR ONG arisvvers in the M~iltip leChoice type questions (No. I to 130) wkicli carry one mark each. For everywrong answer 0.25 mark will be deducferl.

    1. Which of the following crops have beenapproved for com mercial cultivation in India?a) Bt cotton and Bt brinjalb) Bt cotton and Golden Ricec) Bt maize and Bt cottond) Bt cotton only2. This year (2010-11) the expected food grainproduction In lndia isa) 212 million tonnesb) 220 million tonnesc) 235 million tonnesd) 250 million tonnes3. The genome of which of the following cropsis still not completely sequenced?a) Riceb) Soybeanc) Sorghumd) Whekt4. According to the Approach Paper to the 12'"Five Year Plan, the basic objective of the12Ih plan isa) lnclusive growthb) Sustainable growthc) Faster, more inclusive and sustainablegrowthd) Inclusive and sustainab le growth

    5. To address the problem s of sustainable andholistic development of rainfed areas,including appropriate farming and livelihoodsystem approaches, the Governmen t of Indiahas set up thea) Nationa l Rainfed Area Authorityb) National Watershed Development Project forRainfed Areasc) National Mission on Rainfed Areasd) Command Area Development and WaterManagem ent Authority

    6. Which of the following sub-schemes are notcovered under the Rashtriya Krishi V~kasYojana?a) Extending the Gree n Revolution to easternlndiab) Development of 60.000 pulses and oilseedsvillages in identified watershedsc) Nationa l Mission on Saffrond) National Mission on Bamboo

    7. The minimum support price for the commonvariety of paddy announced by theGovernment of lndia for the year 2010-11wasa) ? 1030b) ?lOOOc) ? 980d) ? 9508. According to the Human DevelopmentReport 2010 of the United Nations, India'srank in terms of the human developmentindex isa) 119b) 134c) 169d) 182

  • 7/29/2019 IARI PhD Entrance Question Paper 2011 - Biochemistry


    Subject :PhD - Biochemistry - 2011

    9. Which of the following does not apply to SRImethod of paddy cultivation?a) Reduced water applicationb) Reduced plant densityc) Increased application of chemical fertilizersd) Reduced age of seedlings10. Which organic acid, oflen used as apreservative, occurs naturally in cranberries,prunes, cinnamon and cloves?a) Citric acidb) Benzoic acidC) Tartaric acidd) Lactic acidI . Cotton belongs to the familya) Cruciferaeb) AnacardiaceaeC) Malvaceaed) Solanaceae12. Photoperiodism isa) Bending of shoot towards source of lightb) Effect of lightldark durations on physiologicalprocessesC) Movement of chloroplast in cell in responseto lightd) Effect of light on chlorophyll synthesis13. Ergot disease is caused by which pathogenon which host?a) Claviceps purpurea on ryeb) Puccinia recondita on wheatc) Drechlera sorokin~an a n wheatd) Albugo candida on mustard14. Rocks are the chief sources o f parentmaterials over which soils are developed.Granite, an importan t rock, is classified asa) igneous rockb) Metamorphic rockc) Sedim entary rockd) Hybrid rock15. Which one of the following is a Kha rif crop?a) Pearl milletb) Lentilc) Mustqtdd) wheat16. The coefficient of v aria tion (C.V.) iscalculated by the formulaa) (Mean1S.D.) x 100b) (S.D.IMean) x 100c) S.D./Meand) Mean1S.D.

    17. Which of the followlng is commonly referredto as muriate, of potash?a) Potassium nitrateb) potassium chlorideC) Potassium sulphated) Potassium silicate18.lnbred lines that have same geneticconstitution but differ only at one locus arecalleda) Multi linesb) Monohybridc) isogenic lines 'd) Pure lines19. For applying, 100 kg of nitrogen, how muchurea would one use?a) 45 k gb) Ill gc) 222 kgd) 333 kg20. The devastating impact of plant disease onhuman suffering and survlval was firstrealized by epidemic ofa) Brown spot of rice in Bengalb) Late blight of potato in USAc) Late blight of potato in Europed) Rust of wheat in India21. The species of rice (Oryza) other than 0.satlva that is cultivated isa) 0. rufipugonb) 0. longisteminatac) 0 . glaberrimad) 0. ivara22. The enzyme responsible for the Rxation ofC02 n mesophyll cells of C-4 plants isa) Maiic enzymeb) Phosphoenoi pyruvate carboxyiasec) Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinased) RuBP carboxylas e23. Which one of the following is a 'Vertisol'?a) Black cotton soilb) Red sandy loam soilc) Sandy loam sodic soild) Submontane (Tarai) soil24.W hat is the most v~slble phys~caicharacteristic of cells in metaphase?a) Elongated chromosomesb) Nucleus visible but chromosomes notc) Fragile double stranded loose chromosomesd) Condensed paired chromosomes on the cellplate

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    Subject :PhD - Biochemistry -201125. Ail weather phenomena like rain, fog andmist occur ina) Troposphereb) Mesospherec) Ionosphered) Ozonosphere26. Which of the following elements is commonto all proteins and nuc leic acids?a) Sulphurb) Magnesiumc) Nitrogend) Phosphorous27. Silt has intermed iate charac terislics betweena) Sand and loamb) Clay and loamc) Lbam and graveld) Sand and clay28. Certified seed is p roduce d froma) Nucleus seedb) Breeder seedc) Foundation seedd) Truthful seed29 . Seedless banana is ana) Autotriploidb) Autotetraploidc) Allotriploidd) Ailotetrapioid30 . Which one of the following is used to test thegoodness-of-fit of a d istribution?a) Normal testb) t-testc) Chi-square testd) F-test

    PART- I1 (Subject Paper),Multiple choice questions (No . 31 to 130).Choose the correct answer (a, b, c or d )and enter your chaice in the circle (byshading with a pencil) on the OMR -answer sheet as per the instructionsgiven on the answ er sheet.31 . A potent competitive inhibitor of hexokinaseisa) M!J~' - ATPb) ~ ~ c o m p l e x e dTPC) Mg2+d) Glucose32. The p-carboxyltransferase subunit ofACCase is encode d bya) Nuclear geneb) Chioroplastic genec) Mitochondria1 gened) Both a) & b) of the abov e

    33. Trypsln is uied to cleave the polypeptidechain ata) Lys, Arg (C),b) Arg (C)C) LYS (C)d) Lys, Arg (N)34. The highest negative charge density of anyknown biological macromolecules has beenreported ina) DNAb) Hyaluronc) Chitind) Heparin35. Green fluorescent protein which is used as amarker is derived froma) Aequ orea victoriab) 8, ubtilisc) Thermus aquaticusd) Victoria regia3 6 . The helix rise per base pair in case of Z-formof DNA isa) 1 . 4 Ab) 2 . 6 8C ) 3 . 4 Ad) 3.7 837. The linkage of N-acetylglucosamine in chitlnisa) a1+4b) n l + 6 , a 1 4 4c) pl+4d) p1+4, a l + 638. In case of photorespiration, NH, is releasedinsidea) Mitochondriab) ChloroplastC) Peroxisomesd) None of the above39. The number of substrate levelphosphorylation taking place in case ofgiycolysis isa) 1b) 2c) 3d) 440. Glucose and galactose area) Epimersb) Anomersc) Enantiomersd) Exomers

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    Subject : hD -Biochemistry -2011

    41 . Carnitine acyl transferase I, which helps intransport of fatty acids into mltochondria ispresent ina) Matrixb) CytosolC) Inner mitochondr ial membraned) Outer mitochondrial membrane42 . Glycine, found in ail the proteins, rotates theplane of p olarized ight towardsa) Rightb) Leftc) Elther right or leftd) Neither right nor left43. Ketone bodies area) Acetoacetateb) ' Acetonec) p-hydroxybutyrated) All of the above44. The last enzymatic step of urea cycle takesplace ina) Mitochondriab) Cytosolc) Matrixd) Nucleus45 . Tetrahydrofoiate (Hq Foiate) synthesized inbacteria consists o fa) Pterinb) Glutamate moietiesc) p-aminobenzoated) All of the above46. Addllional enzymes requ~ redor the oxidationof PUFA, other than the enzyme offl-oxidation cycle area) Enoyl CoA isomeraseb) 2 ,4 d~enoyl oA hydratasec) 2,4 dienoyl CoA reductased) a) & C) of the abo ve47. Synthesis of each Triose phosphate fromC0 2 equires- ADPH and- TP.a) 5. 12b) 6,c) 6 .J2d) 9,Q48 Chemiosmo tic theory was given bya) Warburgb) MitchellC) Calvind) Slack49. Antimycin A blocks the transfer of electronfroma) ~ y t+ c y t C,b) Cyt CI -t Cyt Cc) Cyt C + Cyl aasd) NADH+Cyt b

    50.Fatty acids are transported into themitochondria bound toa) Thiokinaseb) Coenzyme s A (CoA)c) Carnitined) Acetyi CoA51. The amino acids which are primarily found inbacteria area) L- amino acidb) D- amino acidC) DIL amino acidd) R- amino acid52. The decarboxylation reaction in case of CplantstalJes place insidea) Mesophyll cellb) Bundle sheath cellsc) Plasma mem braned) Both a) and b) of the above53 . Serotonin, a neu rotransm itter is derived fromamino acida) Phenylalanlneb) Prolinec) Tryptophand) Valine54 . The wrapping of DNA around the histonecore isa) Right hande d helixb) Left hande d helixC) NOhelixd) Neulral55 . The antibody which is present in highestconcentration in the serum isa) IgAb) lgMC) IgGd) IgD56. The structure analogue of PABA isa) Penicillinb) Sulfanilamidec) Both of the aboved) None of the above57. The cellular location of eukaryotic RNApolymerase-Ill isa) Nucleolusb) Nucleoplasmc) Mitochondriad) Golgi apparatus58 . The gross ATP required for adding I minoacid during protein biosynthesis isa) 1b) 2C) 3d) 4

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    SubJect :PhD - Blocl~emistry 201159. ABA is aa) Monoterpeneb) Sesquiterpenec) Diterpened) None of the above60. The strong conclusion from Anfinsen's workon RNaseA was thata) 100% enzyme activity corresponds to thenative conform ationb) Urea can reversibly denature proteins In vivoc) The native conformation of a protein isadopted spontaneouslyd) Mercap toethano l can reduce disulfide bondsin vitro61. Number of electrons requlred to reduce onemoiecuie of n itrite to a mmonia isa) 2b) 4c) 6d) 862.The enzyme which is involved in bothglycolysis as well as giuconeogenesls sa) Hexokinaseb) Pyruvate carboxylaseC) Aldolased) Fructose-I-6-bisphosphatase63. At lower co ncentration of ammonia, thepathway operative in plants for itsassimilation isa) GDHb) GSc) GSIGOGATd) GOGAT64. Which of the following sta temen ts aboutnitrate reductase is wrong?a) it reduces nitrate to n~t riteb) It Is an inducible enzymec) It is chioroplastic enzymed) it is cytosolic enzyme

    67. Which of the following is not a d~etaryantioxidant?a) Vltamin Cb) Lipoic acidc) Vltamin Kd) Beta-carotene68. Siroheme present in NiR hasI ai 2COOH.r69. The electron donor for nitrate reductase isa) NADHb) NADPHC) FADH 'd) a) & b) of the above70. A nick in a DNA moiecuie can be detected by

    which of the following methods?a) Nested PCRb) Primer extensionC) RT-PCRd) Karyotyping71 Spec~ ficity onstant of an enzyme isa) VEb) K~Nmsxc) KcetlK~d) V N r n a x72. Most proteins bind SDS in the ratio ofa) 0.5 g SDSIg proteinb) 1.4 g SDSIg proteinc) 2 g SDSlg proteind) 4 g SDSIg protein73. The disease c haracterised by 3D 's i.e.diarrhea, dermatitis and dementia is causeddue to the deficiency o fa) Vitamin B,b) Vitamin BIZC) Vitamin B,d) Niacin -65. Which of the following gases act as signalingmolecule in eukarvotes? 74. A TCase enzvme has subun it comuo sition ofa) Ethylene, nitrous oxide

    b) Ethyidne, carbon dioxidec) Ethylene, nitric oxided) Nitric oxide, oxygen66. Uptake of nitrate isa) Carrier media tedb) Active processc) Follows Michae lis-Menten equationd) All of the above

    75. Succinate dehydrogenase is competitivelyinhibited bya) Succinateb) Fumaratec) Malonated) a-ketogiutarate

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    Subject :PhD- Bfochen~istry 2011 6

    76. In case of 3 5 ~ adioactive isotope, theradia tion type isa) rb) pc) Y,Pd) =77. In Cq plants, the first stable carbon productformed isa) PEPb) OAAc) Malic acidd) Acetic acid78. Which of the following amino acids isdestroyed when a polypeptide is hydrolyzed(n 6 M HC i at 1 10C7a) isoleucineb) Serinec) Cysteined) Tryptophan79. The phosphorylated compound havinghighest standard free energy of hydrolysis isa) ADPb) ATPC) PEPd) PPi80. Chlorophyll lacking central magnesium ion iscalleda) Pheotinb) Pheobinc) Pheophytind) Phyophytin81. W hat enzyme do cows have that allows themto digest cellulose?a) Beta-amylaseb) Beta-lactasec) Alpha-amylased) Beta-hydroxy-beta-methyiglutaryl coenzymeA reductase82. The conversion of glucose-6-phosphate toglucose takes place insidea) Cytosoib) ERC) Mitochondriad) All ofkhe above83. You get a primer sequen ce synthesized froma private company. According to theinformation supplied by the company, theamount 6 f ~rimer synthesized is 56.1nanomoles; Yo u need ' to prepare' a stock'solution of 100 micromolar. In how much ' .volume of waterlbuffer, you will dissolve thegiven amount to get desired concentration?a) 5.61 milliliterb) 5.61 mic roliterc) 561 microliterd) One mic roliter

    84. The en d product of glycoiysis isa) CO2and H 2 0b) Pvruvic acid

    85. Respiration and photosynthesis, both requirea) Chlorophyllb) Cytochromesc) Sunlightd) Carbohydrates86. RFLP marker was first used for m apping ina) Tomatob) Drosophilac) Maize ,d) Sweet pea '87 . The chemical commonly used for somatichybridization i sa) SDSb j PEGc) CTABd) EtBr88. In peptidoglycan, the giycosidic bon d isa) al+4b) pl+4C) al+6d) 01-689. An o ptically inactive amino acid isI BI Probj Alac) Vald) Gly90. Induction effect of heavy metals on thesynthesis of PCs (phytochelatins) are in thefollowing decreasing ordera) Cd > Zn > Hgb ) Z n > A g > C uC) C d > A g > P bd) More than one is correct91. Sodlum hydroxide present in its 100 ml of 1.0

    N solution is8) 2 9b ) 4 9C) 2 o gd ) 4 0 9/ 92. Which vitamin is necessary for synthesis ofFAD7a) Thiamine1 b l Riboflavin1 c j ' Niacin

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    Subject :PhD -Biochemistry- 201193. Peptide bond in proteins isa) Planar, rigid and transb) Planar, rigid and cisc) Planar, flexible and cisd) Non-planar, flexible and trans94. in proteins at p-turn, the amino acidcommonly present isa) Aspartic acidb) Glycinec) Alanined) Phenylaianine95. In competitive inhibitors of an enzymea) Urn i s co nsta nt a nd V ch ang esb) K changes and V changesc) K, is constant and V is constantd) K, changes and V is constant96. Allosteric enzymesa) Obey Michaelis-Menten equa tionb) Do not obey Michaelis-Menten equationc) Obey Linew eaver-B urk equa tiond) Do not obey Henderson-Hasselbalchequation97. The glycosaminoglycan hyaluronan is arepeat of basic disaccharide un it constitutinga) Galactose and N-ace tyi glucoseb) Glucuronic acid an d N-ace tyl galactosaminec) Gaiactonic and glucos amined) Giucuronic acid and N-acetyl giucosamine98. In glyco i~sis, the only reaction providing

    NADHcH is from the reactiona) Dihydroxyacetone phos phate toglyceraldehyde 3-phosphateb) Glyceraidehyde-3-phosphate to 1,3-bisphosohoalvceratec) 3-phosphogiicerate to 2-phosphoglycerated) 2-phosphoglycerate to phosp hoenol pyruvate99. Gluconeogenesis is energetically expensive,as each molecule of glucose formed frompyruvate requires high-energy phosphategroups, numberinga) 4b) 5 .c) 6d) 7100. Pyruvate dehydrogenase enzyme requiresfor its activitya) 2 coenzymesb) 3 coenzymesc) 4 coenzymesd) 5 coenzymes

    101 Complete oxidation of odd chain fatty acidsrequires an enzyme i.e. containingcoenzyme-Bl*a) Methvlmalonvl-CoA epim eraseb ) ~ e t h ~ l m a l o n ~ l - C O AutaseC ) Methylmalonyl-CoA isomerased) Proplonyl-CoA carboxylase102. Shuttle system that indirectly convey cytosolNADH into mitochondria for o xidationisa) Mala te-asparta te shuttleb) Glycine-serine shuttlec) Carn itine shuttled) Glutamate-a-ketoglutarateshuttle103. What iS the role of the Rho protein intermination'of:transcription?a) It acts as Helicase to break base pairbetween the template and transcriptb) It is a DNA binding protein that stalls

    movement of RNA polymerasec) It is a nuclease that degrades 3'-end ofRNA transcriptd) It is a subunit of ribosome that stopstranslocation104 Which of the following is a definition of anisoaccepting -RNA molecule?a) A single t-RNA molecule that can interactwith different codons for the same arninoacidb) Different t-RNA molecules that are specificfor the same amino acidc) Different t-RNA molec ules that recognizethe same codond) A t-RNA molec ule that can beaminoacyiated with different amino acids105. Which of the following nuclease activates isutilized by DNA polymerase to provide theproof reading ability during DNA synthesis?a) 5' 43 ' exonucleaseb) 3' 45 ' exonucleasec) Restriction endonucieased) Double strand endonuclea se106. What a re Okazaki fragments?a) Short segments of polynucleotidesynthesized on leading strand of DNAb) Short segments of polynucleotidesynthesized on lagging strand of DNAc) The primer synthesized on the laggingstrand that are required for DNA synthesisd) The Proteolytic fragments of DNApolymerase

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    Subjec t : PhD -Biochemistry -2011107. Which o f the following seque nce modules Isnot a b asal promoter element?a) CAAT boxb) GC boxc) TATA boxd) Octamer module108. Heterochromatin s defined asa) Chromatin that is composed o fheterogenous nucieotide sequencesb) Chromatin that contains heterogenousproteinsc) Chromatin that is relatively condensed andcontains inactive genesd) Chromatin that is relatively relaxed andcontains active genes109:The site of enzyme mod ification byphosphorylation s the am ino acida) Tyrosineb) Cysteinec) Lysined) Serine110. Since the pK values for Aspartic acid are2.0, 3.9 and 10.0, it follows that theisoelectric point (pl) isa) 3.0b) 3.9C) 5.9d) 6.0111.Given that AG" = -2.3 RT log Keq.determine the free energy of the following

    reaction:A + B * c10moles 10moles 10 moles

    a) -4.6 RTb) -2.3 RTC) +2.3 RTd) +4.6 RT112 Which of the following techniques forpurification of proteins can be made specificfor a given protein?a) Dialysisb) Affinity chromatographyC) G I iltration chromatographyd) Ion-exchange chromatography113. The hydrolytic step leading to the release ofa polypeptide chain from a ribosome iscatalyzed bya) Stop codonsb) Peptidyl transferasec) Release factorsd) Dissocia tion of ribosom es

    114. Wh ich of the following statements aboutInterferon s true?a) It Is virus specificb) It is a bacterial productC) It :nhibits viral multlol;cation in all cellsd) it requires expression of cellular genes115. Whlch one of the following single-strandedDNA molecules would be palindromio in thedouble stranded state?a) ATGCTACGb) ATGCCGTAC) GTCATGAC,d) GCTATGAC116. Which of the following enzymes of thegiycolytic pathway Is particularly sensitive toinhibition by fluoride ion s?a) Hexokinaseb) AldolaseC) Pyruvate kinased) Enolase117.An allosteric enzyme thought to berespons~ble or controlling the rate of thecitric acid cycle isa) Pyruvate dehydrogenaseb) AconitaseC) lsocitrate dehydrogenased) Malate dehydrogenase118. Whlch one of the following reactions is leastlikely to occur?a) AM P + PP i -t ATPb) AM P + ATP -,2ADPC) CD P + ATP + CTP + ADPd) ADP * Pi + ATP119. All the following are involved in calciummetabolism and functions excepta) Thyroxineb) Parathyroid hormonec) Vitamin Dd) Calcitonin120. The important reactive group o f glutathionein its role as an antioxidant isa) Aminob) Sulfhydrylc) CoAd) Carboxyl121. A ring is absent in the chemical structure ofwhich of the foliowing vitamins orcoenzymes?a) Niacinb) Tetrahydrofoiic acidc) Pantothenic acidd) Biotin

  • 7/29/2019 IARI PhD Entrance Question Paper 2011 - Biochemistry


    122. Wh ich of the followina vitamins is the I 12n rAlh1-h 4 the foliowino vectnrs is hiolr,, I- -precursor of CoA?a) Riboflavinb) Pantathenatec) Thlam~ned) Pyrldoxamine123. Which of the following enzymes or enzymesystems is localized in the inner membraneof the mitochondrion?a) Acetyi CoA carboxylaseb) lsocitrate dehydrogenasec) Fatty acid CoA oxidation enzymed) Succinate dehydrogenase124. A hom ogena te of liver cells is ce ntrifuged at1,00,000xg for 1 hour. Following this, thesupernatant is separated from the pe llet andthe pellet is resuspended in physiologicalmedium. Assuming inclusion of the

    appropriate substrates and cofactors all thefollowing enzymes activities can bemeasured in the resuspended pellet excepta) Glucose 6-phos phate dehydrogenaseb) Glycogen synthetasec) Aconitased) Acyi CoA hydratase125. Cellulose is indigestible by huma nsbecause we lack the enzyme thathydrolyzesa) u(1-4) glycosidic bondsb) a(1-6) glycosidic bondsc) P(1-4) glycosidic bondsd) Long chain poiysaccharides126. in C3 plants. C 0 2 is fixed into w hich of thefollowing molecule?a) RuBPbj PEPc) Acetyl-CoAd) PGA127. Ubiquitin s a prote in required fora) Protein synthesisb) Protein degrad ationc) Amino acid degrad ationd) Glycoprotein degrad ation

    I1128. Geiger-M uller Counter is used to measurea) Light intensityb) Conductivityc) Electric currentd) Radioactivity129. In sugarcane, the first acceptor of C 0 2 sa) Pyruvateb) Ribulose-5-phosphateC) Phosphoenol pyruva ted) Rlbulose-l,5-bisphosphate

    .-". ..,,,",, " - - -. -vector? ,1 a p U C l 8Matching type questlons (N o. 131 to 140);all questions carry equal marks. Choosethe correct answer (a, b, c, d or e) foreach sub-questlon (i, ii,iii, v and v) andenter your choice In the circle (byshading with a pencil) on the OMR , -answer sheet as per the instructionsgiven on the'ap we r sheet.131.i) NR a) Rhizob iumii) (hif gene b) Ammonia assimilationiii) NiR c) Vana diumiv) GOGAT d) Cigar shapedv) Nitrogenase 2 e) Chlorop lastic enzyme132.i) Cyt oxldase a) Moii) Nitrotlenase b) Niii) ~ r e a s e c) Zniv) Alcoho l dehydrogenase d) Sev) Glutathion e peroxidase e) Cu133.i) Starch a) a l+ 4 & a 1 4ii) Sucrose b) a 1 (32iii) Man nose c) a1+4iv) Cellulose d) PI-4v) Trehalose e) a l - r l134.i) Hyaluronic acid a) Terpe noidii) Insulin b) Proteiniii) Euge nole c) Carbo hydrateiv) Proge steron d) NucleotideV) ATP e) Ste roid135.i) Okaz aki fragments a) Protein synthesisii) Bam HI b) Induceriii) Alioiactose c) DNAiv) EF-TU d) Lagging strandv) Histones e) Restriction endonuclease136.1) Chromatography a) Cechii) Electrop horesis b) Kend rewiii) Myo globin c) Tiseliusiv) Haemoglobin d) Tswettv) Ribozyme e) Perutz

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    Subject : PhD -Biochemistry -2011

    137.i) Transformation a) Proteinii) Transforming particles b) DNAiii) 3 2 ~ c) Meselsoniv) 3 5 ~ d) McCarty and McLeodV) 1 5 ~ e) Griffith138.i) Pyruvate kinase a) TCAii) Citrate lyase b) Fatty acidbiosynthesisiil) Glucose 6-phosphate c) Pentose ohosohate. .dehydrogenase pathwayiv) Acetyl CoA carboxylase d) Giyoxylate cyclev) Malate dehyd rogenase e) Glycolysis

    139.i) Hexoklnaseii) Alcohol dehydrogenaseiii) Glutathione peroxidaseiv) Pyruva te kinasev) Urease140.i) Protein synthesisii) RNA synthesisiii) O xidative phosphorylationiv) Replicationv) Topoisomerases

    a) Ni"b) SeC) Ktd) Mg++e) Zna) Cyanideb) AphidicolinC) Doxorubicind) Puromycine) Actinomycin

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    Subject : hD - Biochemistry -2011 11

    Short questions (No. 141 to 146); each question carries FIVE m arks. Write answ ers,Including computation Imathematical calculations if any, in the soace ~r o v id e dor, -each question on the questlon paper Itself.

    141 . Why should phenyiketonurics avoid using aspartame, an artificial sweetener?

    142. What is the [S] for the enzyme catalyzed reaction which has an initial velocity of 12 62 mole/Lit/min,maximum velocity of 21.85 molelLitlmin and Km of 3.88 molelLit?

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    Subject: PhD -Biochemistry -2011

    143. Nucieotides play a variety of roles in the cell. Give exanlple of nucleotide that acts in each of thefollowing roles or processes:a) Allosteric effector, b) DNA sequencing, c) Activation of acetyl group, d) Se cond messenger, ande) Activation o f carbohydrates

    -144. When chloroplasts of green plant are iliumlnated in the absence of ADP+Pi and the light 1s turned offand ADP+PI added , ATP Is synthesized for a short duration In the dark. Ho w does this work?

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    Subject : PhD - Biochemistry -2011 13145. How acetyi C oA genera ted in mitochondria is transported to cytosol for fatty acid biosynthesis?IL .-

    1 I 146. List some of the desirable features of a plasmid cion~ng ector.I