Ian Hall Casual Relief Teacher iMindmap version 7 Links to ...

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Transcript of Ian Hall Casual Relief Teacher iMindmap version 7 Links to ...

Ian Hall Casual Relief Teacher Jan 2014

IMINDMAP V 7 HELP ON USING iMindmap version 7

Information on Ian Hall, on the meaning of (i) mindmapping,Tony

Buzan, Tutoring on imindmap, the benefits of using imindmap v7

and resources.

Ian Hall

Casual Relief


iMindmap version 7

Links to videos

Links to books


7/16 North St Inglewood Vic 3517




Ian Hall Casual Relief Teacher Jan 2014


Introduction on Ian Hall Casual Re Chapter 1: What is imndmapping? Examples of imindmaps Chapter 2: Video on Getting started with imindmap version 7 Chapter 3: Freedom and Cloud Account Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Conclusion Resources References

Ian Hall Casual Relief Teacher Jan 2014

Introduction: Ian Hall

I have used iMindMap versions over 10 years. I was teaching in WA until 1997. Since then doing casual relief teaching in Victorian schools. I still do iMindMap on A3 paper. I undertook many sessions with students on mindmapping e.g.: info on Ned Kelly or planning events for schools

Ian Hall Casual Relief Teacher Jan 2014

I like using imindmapping personally for creating info on session presenting, interview preparation, update curriculum vitae and planning dreams/goals for 2014. I can save mind map as screen, PDF and many other ways. I have also starting using Thinglink for placing the mind map as screen saver and adding links to You Tubes, info and ebooks.

Ian Hall Casual Relief Teacher Jan 2014

Chap 1: What is imindmapping? Swiss Army Knife Our brains are divided into the left and right cortex. The left side is dedicated to tasks involving order, logic, words, lists, numbers and analysis, the right side deals with rhythm, colour, imagination and daydreaming. If we want to improve memory, learning and thinking skills we have to use our whole brain. (Ref 1)

“MindMapping, according to the real Buzan, is about image and association. It’s a meta-language that geniuses across history (think Leonardo) have tapped into by connecting thoughts with images. A typical MindMap has a central theme, and radiating from it, a series of connected words and images. For Buzan and many users of mindmapping, it’s a way to take notes and connect ideas that fits more perfectly with the brain’s way of doing things than a typical list or piece of prose.” (Ref 2) iMINDMAP is the name created by Tony Buzan’s. Mind Map is a powerful graphic technique which provides a universal key to unlock the potential of the brain. It harnesses the full range of cortical skills - word, image, number, logic, rhythm, colour and spatial awareness - in a single, uniquely powerful manner. In so doing, it gives you the freedom to roam the infinite expanses of your brain.

Ian Hall Casual Relief Teacher Jan 2014

Laws of Mind Mapping

According to the Wiki. A mind map is a diagram used to visually outline information. A mind map is often created around a single word or text, placed in the centre, to which associated ideas, words and concepts are added. Major categories radiate from a central node, and lesser categories are sub-branches of larger branches. The idea of visually representing thought for problem solving and organization goes back centuries. (Ref 3) Similar to a road map, a Mind Map will:

Give you an overview of a large subject/area.

Enable you to plan routes/make choices and let you know where you are going and where you have been.

Gather and hold large amounts of data.

Encourage problem solving by seeing new creative pathways.

Enable you to be extremely efficient.

Be enjoyable to look at, read, muse over and remember.

Attract and hold the eye/brain.

Improve and accelerate your learning and thinking skills.

Ian Hall Casual Relief Teacher Jan 2014

Chap 2: Getting started with iMindMap 7

Web site link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVt3Qu6Xcko#t=0

‘IMindMap Start page

Getting started videos

Latest News

Help Centre

Check for updates

iMindMap from My computer area

iMindMap cloud location

Ian Hall Casual Relief Teacher Jan 2014

iMindmap V 7 main menu below from left side of screen across to the right






Start new mind map

Open mind map



Help area with lots of links

Skin Chooser

Ian Hall Casual Relief Teacher Jan 2014

Chap 3: Cloud Account

Signing in to iMindmap V 7 cloud account

Ian Hall Casual Relief Teacher Jan 2014

iMindmap account log in CLOUD area

Ian Hall Casual Relief Teacher Jan 2014


Thanks to Tony Buzan and the many web sites I have visited over the many years.


Paid version - iMindMap 7 (released November 2013 includes the following features: Presentation View; DropTask integration 3D View, Branch Art, SmartLayout, MultiMaps, Flowcharts, spreadsheets, Map Snippets, adding & exporting audio notes, attaching data (via dragging and dropping), intelligent printing, filtering, integration with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Outlook), Apple iWork (Pages, Numbers, Keynote) and OpenOffice.org (Writer, Calc, Impress); Project View for project management; image and icon library; sketch tool, OPML Import & Export, expand and collapse; focus on and focus out; relationship arrows; boundaries; importation of Mind Manager, Novamind, Freemind and Word files; export as web pages, PDFs and SVGs, It also Supports Mac Mavericks and Windows 8. Languages include: English and Japanese. For a list of all current languages, see Product history table below.

In the newest update, 7 (released November, 2013)new features have been added to the desktop software including Branch Art, a whole new user interface, export presentation to PowerPoint, DropTask integration, new editor tools, presentation backgrounds, templates and PDF handouts, new Sketch and changeable Skins.

Subscription version - "iMindMap Freedom" is a subscription package released in March 2012. It includes iMindMap mobile apps for iPhone, iPad, Android Phone and Android Tablet, an online editor that can be accessed through a web browser and ThinkBuzan Cloud to store and sync Mind Maps between the supported devices.

Ian Hall Casual Relief Teacher Jan 2014

RESOURCES: Mind Mapping





You Tube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/iMindMap

On line training http://thinkbuzan.com/training/online/

Freedom Account http://thinkbuzan.com/products/imindmap/freedom/

Free eCourse at http://www.mindwerx.com/HowToMindMap

Faceboon for iMIndmap for Apple iPhone


Android software


Scoop it web site

http://www.scoop.it/t/imindmap ThingLink web site

My mindmapping in Education presentation with links to You Tube, an ebook and other info https://www.thinglink.com/scene/477038711096213504

Mahara web site

http://mahara.brightcookie.com/view/view.php?t=a1G6RKAyQnwb4Hs9xuqi Wikispaces



Mind Map on Wikispaces at: https://ballaratcrtnetwork.wikispaces.com/mind+mapping

Blogs and Wordpress



http://imindmapping2014.blogspot.com.au/ Facebook



Ian Hall Casual Relief Teacher Jan 2014













Google Plus communities

Mind Mapping https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/110821746973517325116

Think Buzan Mindmapping https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/109987455277087581910

Mind Mapping https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/108630522269768285041

Contact Details: Ian B Hall Casual Relief Primary School Teacher 7/16 North St Inglewood 3517 Mobile: 0403 264 041 Skype Phone 03 90149457 Skype User: skippy32519 Skype: https://workspace.skype.com/users/ian-hall Biographical site https://www.vizify.com/ian-hall Web site: http://vu2lioj.dhpreview.devhub.com/ Main WEB SITE: https://sites.google.com/site/ianhallseportfolio/ Google WEB SITE: https://plus.google.com/+IanHall Yahoo Profile: http://profile.yahoo.com/K44SAXW5ZAFBVHVTMAFNT73KUE LinkedIN: http://au.linkedin.com/in/ianhall2057 Moodle blog: http://moodle2012.blogspot.com.au/ Casual Relief Teacher blog: http://casualreliefteacher.blogspot.com.au/ Edublogs: http://ianhall.edublogs.org Pearl Trees web site: http://pear.ly/f3nPm

Ian Hall Casual Relief Teacher Jan 2014

Word Press: http://challengementorofepcopmooc.wordpress.com Wikispaces: http://ihall2057.wikispaces.com/ Slide Share: http://www.slideshare.net/ihall2057 Gnomio: http://ihall.gnomio.com/my/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ian.hall.16 ThingLink: Ian Hall Nov 2013 https://www.thinglink.com/scene/448629198429356033 Mahara Ian Hall Nov 2013 Training, Voluntary activities and Mind Mapping at: http://mahara.brightcookie.com/view/view.php?t=a1G6RKAyQnwb4Hs9xuqi EPortfolio Assessment: Framework for understanding at: https://sites.google.com/site/eportsforlearning/ Reference:

1. http://www.buzan.com.au/learning/mind_mapping.html 2. http://makeapowerfulpoint.com/2013/03/04/after-powerpoint-whats-next-prezi/ 3. http://thefutureisred.com/august-writing-prompt-mind-maps/ 4.