I AM the Way - Hearts Center · 2016. 5. 17. · We use the term ascended masters. The Masters and...

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Transcript of I AM the Way - Hearts Center · 2016. 5. 17. · We use the term ascended masters. The Masters and...

I AM the Way 60.005 by Beloved Jesus

1. Jesus, Magda, twin flames bright,

I enter heaven’s door. Radiant beams of golden light, My birthright now restore.

Refrain: I AM the way, the golden way; I see the pathway clear. I AM the way, the Middle Way; Dear angels, now draw near. 2. The light that burns within my heart

Is growing every day. The truth, the life that you impart Inspires me when I pray.

Refrain: I AM the way, the golden way; I see the pathway clear. I AM the way, the Middle Way; Dear angels, now draw near.

3. Increase the flow of heaven’s grace. Let radiant blessings stream And hallow now all time and space, Fulfill God’s ancient dream.

Refrain: I AM the way, the golden way; I see the pathway clear. I AM the way, the Middle Way; Dear angels, now draw near. 4. Beloved masters, clear the way

For every daughter, son. Infuse me with your love this day. Our victory now won.

Refrain: I AM the way, the golden way; I see the pathway clear. I AM the way, the Middle Way; Dear angels, now draw near.

God- Mastery

System II: God-qualities and the Cosmic Clock: “the 12 within the 12”

12 1




7 6






Great Divine Director Capricorn

God-power Crown Saint Germain

Aquarius God-love

Seat of the Soul

Jesus Pisces

God-mastery Solar Plexus

Helios Aries

God-control Heart

Godfre Taurus

God-obedience Third Eye

El Morya Gemini

God-wisdom Throat

Serapis Bey Cancer God-harmony

Base of the Spine

Goddess of Liberty Leo

God-gratitude Seat of the Soul

Lord Lanto Virgo

God-justice Solar Plexus

Mighty Victory Libra

God-reality Heart

Cyclopea Scorpio

God-vision Third Eye

Lord Maitreya Sagittarius God-victory


Source: Predict Your Future By Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Summit University Press, 2004


qualities Chakras Petals Ray/color

*Wisdom Crown Chakra 972 yellow

Vision Third-eye Chakra 96 green

*Power Throat Chakra 16 blue

*Love Heart Chakra 12 pink

Secondary heart chamber 8 peach

Peace Solar plexus chakra 10 purple and gold

Freedom Seat of the Soul Chakra 6 violet

Purity Base of the spine chakra 4 white

*the three-fold flame

Source: The Human Aura, How to Activate and Energize your Aura and Chakras, Kuthumi and Dwal Khul, Summit University Press, 1971

System I: God-qualities and the Chakras

Definition of Mastery Random House Webster's College Dictionary

1. mastery - command; grasp a mastery of Italian

2. mastery - superiority; dominance mastery over one's fears

3. mastery - expert skill or knowledge;

possession of skillful technique mastery of the violin


© Lisa Delaney

Spiritual mastery means:

governing our four lower bodies: the

physical, emotional, mental, and etheric;

balancing the fours elements within us:

earth, water, air, and fire;

balancing the threefold flame within us –

maintaining the perfect balance of love,

wisdom and power;

maintaining constant oneness with our I

AM Presence, living fully in the light and

love of God.

We use the term ascended masters.

The Masters and their Retreats, p. 3. Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, compiled and edited by Annice Booth,

Summit University Press, 2003.

A master is one who has attained self-mastery by using the

energy of free will, coupled with the law of their oneness with God,

to demonstrate mastery in time and space.

Through mastery of the flow of energy in his own being as well as

his environment, he reaches a certain level of attainment, bringing

his soul into congruency with his own God-awareness.

This mastery propels him into the reunion with God that is called

the ascension in the light, the union with his I AM Presence.

Beloved Jesus David C. Lewis, April 9, 2011, Paradise Valley, Montana

The Fragrance of the Divine Aura

You have all met and been

inspired by someone who has

exhibited a more than ordinary

level of purity and holiness. This

individual may have inspired

you higher on your own path

through a certain loveliness that

is naturally expressed in every

mindful word, movement,

gesture and facial expression.

What do Beloved Jesus and

Beloved Omraam tell us

about how to accomplish


The Virgin of the Napkin, Bartolomé Esteban Murillo, 1670s

When you joyously attempt to

emulate such a one through

identifying with her caring

attitude, her intuitive wisdom

and her merciful heart, you

are enlivened with a new

level of your own internal

mastery which issues from

your Higher Self, your

Buddha Nature.

Mary Magdelene by Carlo Dolci, 1644

Allowing the frequencies of

forgiveness, the emanations

of élan and the vibrations of

virya to be yours and to flow

through you as a free-will gift

to life brings harmony and

helps to restore peace in

every quarter.

In this way, you may hitch

your soul to the Oversoul of a

great soul such as Gautama

or Maitreya and be queued

into their electronic body,

their great aura of joyous

manifestation of God’s light. Maitreya

Beloved Jesus David C. Lewis, May 17, 2007, Paradise Valley, Montana

I Anchor the Light of the Ascension Currents

Take up the Path of the Ascension If you would take up the cross, then also

take up the path of the ascension. For it is

essential that many more among mankind

come to the point of master[ing] the

seven rays and the light in each chakra

of their being [and of] gaining entrée into

the inner Holy of Holies whereby greater

currents of cosmic consciousness may flow

through them, even attaining unto the

Bhuddic perfections of the law—ten in

number—and then even moving onward,

blessed ones, to greater initiations of

Elohimic fire and the mastery of fohat and

of advanced alchemy.

Did you know, blessed ones,

that every ascended master,

having embraced this path, has

also become that Christ Light?

And moving onward, once

having attained to that level of

the mastery of the seven rays

and the balancing of that

tripartite light within the heart,

then glory unto glory each one

raised also experiences all that

which I, Jesus, did know in the

hour when I was merged with

the very Presence of God,

which I saw often as I meditated

in silence, with or without my disciples, to know

that which God would do through me each day.

Rembrandt 1636

Each day, blessed ones, you may gain

a little bit more in the understanding of

these currents of the ascension as you

call upon the white light of the universal

Christ Consciousness to flow through

you. You are truly a conductor of this

light. And therefore see yourself not only

in the human guise in coats of skin

whereby you are human, but truly,

blessed ones, see the divine emanation

manifesting through you—heart, head

and hand—and realize what it will take

for you to fully utilize all that God has

given you as a gift of the sacred fire

such that you, both individually and

collectively, may fulfill your reason for

being here.

How to govern the four lower bodies

By Beloved Jesus

From Memoirs of Beloved Jesus and Mother Mary Published by Ascended Master Teaching Foundation,1954, revised edition, copyright 2008

Creating strength of character (paraphrased)

Every time you have a flare of discordant feeling, it blasts all the

electrons and atoms in your being ajar, causing them to vibrate in a

broken rhythm, permitting psychic and astral elements vibrating at that

rate to connect with them and become part of the substance of your

emotional vehicle. This also sets the electrons of the mental body

into motion with additional discordant vibrations.

This in turn stirs up etheric memories, things

that may have happened long ago, and all this

can result not only in discord, but in illnesses

and physical distresses. As a result, you are

required to recreate harmony all over again.

Yet, repression of emotions is not the answer to sublimate the

outer self. Instead, constant control of all energy by letting

the feelings ride like a cork upon water requires no effort to

maintain a buoyant happy state.

Also, one can transmute

misqualified feelings, using the

violet flame, decrees, and

calling upon electrons to be

in accord with the rhythm

of the three-fold flame.

Doing something kind that

will make someone else happy,

playing an instrument, going out into nature, and doing a

good service can channel that energy into something positive.

The objective is to keep the atoms and electrons harmonized

long enough for your God-presence to manifest through you

in dignity and mastery.

What is a Spiritual Master?

Chapter 1 and

A Living Book:


Reflections 1, Chapter 14

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanov

A Master is like all other men. What makes him different is

that his consciousness is very much greater than that of

most people: the Master has an ideal, he sees things from a

higher point of view and above all, he has achieved perfect

control over himself. It takes an enormous amount of time and

work to achieve this, and that is why no one can become a

Master in a single incarnation.

St. Sebastian, Andrea Mantegna, 1470

Should you meet a Master,

you must realize that all the

qualities and virtues that he

manifests have not been

acquired in just this one

lifetime. He will have had to

work over centuries, even

millennia, and the qualities

he has attained are by his

own work. From incarnation

to incarnation, he keeps

adding new spiritual

elements to his being until

the day comes when he can

truly conduct light and

heavenly virtues.

A true Master is a being who

knows the essential verities,

the essential truths as seen

by Cosmic Intelligence. A

true Master had to have

both the will and the ability

to dominate, master and

control everything within

him. This science and

control which he has

acquired must only be used

to manifest all the qualities

and virtues of unselfish


Luminous spirits, who have sent us to earth, watch us,

measure us and if they see that we have made efforts and that

we have succeeded in dominating ourselves and correcting

some of our faults, they give us a diploma. What kind of

diploma? Our faces are stamped with a mark, as are our

bodies, in proof that we have achieved a victory over ourselves.

People may perhaps not see it, but all the luminous spirits of

nature see it from afar and obey us and come to help us.

Queen Katherine’s dream, William Blake, c. 1783-1790

When a being comes to

incarnate on this earth,

however elevated his spirit

may be, he will inherit from

his parents a more-or-less

defective matter which he

has to transform. This he

does by using his other

qualities and virtues and so

he becomes even greater

after this success because

he has managed to

transform crude material

into a more refined material

which can be used in his


Illustrations to John Milton - L`Allegro and Il Penseroso, William Blake, 1820

I, too, have had to work years

and years on myself and there

is nothing more difficult than

that. The soul and the spirit are

of divine essence and they can

be seen and understood as

such in their work, but they must

also be seen and understood

through matter, through the

physical body. This is the

greatest mystery of existence

which is symbolized in the

image of the snake swallowing

its tail.

Source unknown

The head of the snake represents the spirit, the Higher Self,

and it has to manifest itself through the tail, through matter, of

the lower Self. Spirit, which is all knowing and all powerful on

high, has to look at itself through the mirror of matter. The goal

of initiation is to transform matter so that it can reflect back the

spirit’s own true likeness.

Christ as the Redeemer of Man, William Blake, 1808 Source unknown

A Master is capable of mobilizing all

the faculties given to him by the

Creator, and then he uses them in all

the situations he encounters to take

one step further on the path of light.

He is never satisfied with who he is.

Day and night, he works on his mind,

heart and will to eliminate that which

is still dark and inharmonious in

himself and attract the purest

particles. This is how, little by little,

his whole being vibrates differently,

his etheric structure is changed, new

possibilities are given him, and he

experiences the subtlest joys, to the

point that one day he scarcely

recognizes himself.

Source unknown

A Master who has worked

over thousands of years to

conquer all his human

passions and to attract all the

virtues of Heaven, emanates

beneficial elements for those

who are around him. The

usefulness of a Master lies in

the fact that by listening to

him, looking at him and living

close to him, his disciples

receive some particles of his

life which allow them to

evolve much more quickly. Maitreya

His sole care is to give you

elements of a higher nature

which vibrate in harmony with

Heaven. If you can receive

these elements, if you can keep

them and even make them

grow, you will find that in time,

your thoughts, feelings and

even your health will improve.

What virtues radiate through God- Mastery?