Hyperlocal Strategy, The Next Big Thing In Marketing

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Hyperlocal Strategy, The Next Big Thing In Marketing



A 43 year old start up

Who are DAC Group?

the original hyper local


when a map was a

called a road atlas

The technology revolution transformed our hyperlocal world

90%print 90%digital

google started it

the largest yellow pages

phone directory in the world

since then local SEO has

become a whole lot

more competitive

Google testing even deeper hyper local

Every service you might


and they are going to

make you pay for it

Isn’t all this just for Google & plumbers?

no - all the other tech companies are moving into the same space

the consumer

takes it mainstream


voice search will grow like a weed & drive

more local search


for enterprise business this is about your brand at the

local level

no - if you are Pizza

Express why lose out on store traffic

and then traditional media get involved

and what about the last

ecommerce yard?

the customer wants you to deliver the exact answer

Expedia rank for 50m+ pages for a reason

what does it mean for us in

digital marketing?

break down silos

consumer journey

gets even more


great news...when

we want it now, we go

in store

Companies with with just 40+

landing pages get 12x more leads

than those with 5 or less

Source: Hubspot

so how to take advantage

fix your local SEOlocalsearch mapschannels reviews landingpages Social&tech Directories

Personalise your PPC & SEO landing pages for the long tail


In what other media channel can an SMB outperform a national brand?


Thank You!