Hungry hippo folktale

Post on 27-May-2015

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Transcript of Hungry hippo folktale

  • 1. THE

2. Not so long ago lived a hippo that was not such a hungry hippo.
In facthe didnt have much of an appetite at all.
3. One cold, shivering, scary night there was thunder and lightning.The hippo woke to the most painful feeling EVER of being hit onthe back with a stroke of lightning.
4. That night he could not sleep,but every minute he would have a sharp shiver in his back and he would start to shake non-stop.
5. He thought to himself that everybody would be asleep so off he went.His AMAZING sense of smell took him to the one and only best food place in the world where you have to pay hundreds to just enjoy a crumb of bread.He broke in and greedily ate all the food he could find.
6. The alarm went off and the security came running in hysterically. By then the hippo had become the HUGEST hippo in the world.
7. The chief steward of the security said GUNS UP, AIM, continue AIMING, AIM A BIT MORE AND FFF...
Whats wrong? asked the security guard.
The hippo started crying and then when he opened his mouth to speak all the food came spurting out and hefrantically ran away.
8. The hippo promised never to be greedy again. He also said, maybe I should consider getting a house under cover where I would not get struck by lightning again.
He bought a house and a few days later he got married to an ostrich. They had 70 sons and 70 daughters. They turned into famous movie celebrities...
but that is a whole different story!
9. The end