
Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Howtoscoreinexams

How to Score in Exams With Little


Few Tips1. Be Prepared2. Compile All Notes3. Prioritize Subjects4. Find a Student-Mentor5. Important Questions6. Don’t Call Up Others Repetitively7. Practice, Practice & Practice:

1. Be Prepared:You got to pull up your socks, because you know the load is heavy. Give a pause to your distractions for a while. Mute your cell-phone when studying. You don’t get another chance with your Grades!

2. Compile all Notes:Check up the syllabus and make sure you have all necessary books and materials to get going. Nothing can be more frustrating than not being able to find resources on the D-day.

3. Prioritize subjects:

When you have very less time to study, it is important to schedule time & dates for respective subjects according to your strengths, weaknesses and the length & depth of the course content. Some people need more time to grasp theory subjects. Understand your needs.

4. Find a Student-mentor:There is always one person in your group who is pretty much prepared for the exam than you are. Ask this person for some help. Genuine people would not decline to your request. This can help you get sorted with lot of your concepts. Have the basic courtesy to appreciate his/her effort however.

5. Important Questions:Some people or even your student-mentor would know the probable questions and important areas to focus for exam. Don’t mess with their intuitions. Some people have this ability within them. Study only important areas, because you don’t have time to finish off your syllabus completely.

6. Don’t Call Up Others Repetitively:Sometimes, it can be equally distracting to both the ends. Allow everyone else to study, if you don’t wish to. Save your doubts for a fixed time.

7. Practice, Practice & Practice:Look up to last year’s exam papers. Practice more questions. There is never any shortcut to hard work. If you plan to stay up all night, substitute regular bouts of cold water instead of caffeine intake. Keeps you active for long & is healthy too.

Source: Trending Us

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