How You Can Make People Successful

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How You Can Make People Successful

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Simon WilbySUCCESSHow you can MAKE Your People successful

Let me begin by telling you why this slideshow will be important to you!

An old friend of mine had a dog-and pony act and spent his life traveling with circuses and shows. I loved to watch him train the new dogs for his act. I loved watching this because of what it could teach us as people about crafting a successful team.

Here is what I noticed.. Every time and I mean every time he was training the new dog and he noticed even the smallest improvement, he patted and praised the dog and gave him meat and made a huge deal about it to the animal. While this is not anything new there is an opportunity that is there to apply this practice in business as well.

Why dont we use this same level of common sense when trying to train people that we use when training dogs? Why dont we use meat instead of a whip? Why dont we use praise instead of condemnation? Let us praise even the slightest improvement. This small change inspires people to KEEP ON IMPROVING

Whatever it is, do it. Instantly you'll be a little different from the rest of the pack. Then keep going. Every day, think of one thing to do that no one else is willing to do. After a week you'll be uncommon. After a month you'll be special. After a year you'll be incredible, and you definitely won't be like anyone else.

Praise is likened to sunlight to the warm beautiful human spirit; we cannot flower and grow without it in our enviornment. Be different, think different. Words have the power of life and death. Choose life next time you have the chance. When someone does a task wrong choose to praise what they did do right within the task or find some sort of silver lining in that situation.

I can look back at my life in the wonder years and see where a few short words of praise have sharply changed my own life. Cant you say the same thing about your life? History is full of examples of the transformative powers of praise.

Many years ago, a ten year old boy was working in a factory in Naples. He longed to become a singer, but his music teacher discouraged him saying you haven't any voice at all you cannot sing he asserted to the boy and your voice was like a frogs croak in a can his teacher exclaimed! Ouch!

But his mother, a poor peasant woman, put her loving arms around the boy and praised him saying to him that she knew he could sing, she could already see an improvement within his voice. She then over the course of time went barefoot buying no shoes in order to save money to pay for his music lessons.

Do you know what happened? That peasant mothers praise and encouragement changed that boys life. His name was the great Enrico Caruso, and he grew to become the greatest and most famous Opera Singer of his age.

12. Work, Finish, Let Go, Work HarderWork hard, do great work, and let it go. Your customers will tell you what needs to be improved, and that means you'll get to make improvements that actually matter. You can't accomplish anything until you let go. Do your best, let go - and then trust that you'll work hard to overcome any shortcomings.

13. Find your role model of successPick someone who has accomplished what you would like to accomplish and follow that path. Confident people are able to recognize excellence in others, because it does take self-confidence to admit someone else is smarter, better, faster, etc. than we are. Don't feel the need to reinvent perfectly good wheels.

14. Do what others havent done yetMost successful people don't succeed simply because they're smarter, more talented, or genetically gifted. Usually the one thing that makes them different from us is the fact they have done what we haven't done yet.

15. Not expect to be perfect, but betterSuccessful people don't expect to be perfect, but they do think they can always be better. Think about your day. Think about what went well. Then think about what didn't go as well as it could have. Take responsibility. And promise yourself that tomorrow, you will do a lot better.