How to use Facebook for business?

Post on 07-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to use Facebook for business?



We already talked about effectively using Twitter and Medium in your social marketing. I decided, that now is the time for the biggest fish in this pond – Facebook. In the article below we will go through all of the best hints, concerning usage of this social media platform. Buckle up, Facebook for business tips!


First things first – the hard sell doesn’t work online. Be of service to others, demonstrate value, and build relationships. That’s a proven formula for web “marketing”. People usually come to Facebook for entertainment, chatting with friends, checking out some new photos or even just chilling.

What should we do then? Be active! Engage with communities, join discussions and so on. This way you will become part of the pack, and people will be more

eager to buy your services or simply visit your fan page or blog.

Remember, by brute force advertising – repeatedly posting your slogans and advertisements, you might do more bad than good for your reputation and in the

end make you lose followers. Forget about hard selling!


Now that you know hard selling is bad, I should say few words about interacting with people. First things first – your Facebook page is not an advertisement billboard. Period.

You want your followers to interact with you, to comment and discuss, not just read ads.

In other words – post funny photos, interesting videos and articles not always just selling your services. This way you might just make yourself a loyal fanbase, which nowadays is priceless thing to have.

You are interacting with people, not just clients.


This hint is strongly related to the previous one. We already agreed, that you are interacting with living human beings and should treat them accordingly. There is still second side of this coin though – YOU.

While managing Facebook, don’t be a machine advertising your company. People must hear your voice, human voice. Sound real, sound likeable and followers will come to stay. Act like one of them.


Some people use Facebook for nearly 12 hours a day (even more hardcore examples happen), and when they are not using it, mobile apps remind them of it with notifications.

Frequency of your posts will be crucial in achieving success on this social media platform.

The main rule is – post whenever you have something interesting to share with your followers. While this might sound reasonable, I don’t think it’s really enough.

At least one post a day, while trying to make it as good as possible – in my opinion this should be better solution.


Let’s say that you already managed to get yourself some loyal follower’s base. Loyalty has its limits too, you know. How to make those people stay with you? There are many ways of doing so.

One of them would definitely be rewarding the best, most active fans. Whether you choose to just write a ‘thank you’ post for them, or send them some prize, it’s up to you – just don’t forget about letting the best followers know, that you really appreciate them.

As some smart man said – “Not content, but client is the king. Long live the king.”


Managing Facebook works the same as other aspects of life – running blind without a plan very rarely will get you anywhere.

Before really getting involved in social media marketing, you should prepare yourself to do so. Have a precise goal and strategy how to reach it.

If you don’t know what you want to achieve, there is no way of measuring success, therefore adjusting phase is impossible. Good plan and dedication can really get you a long way on the road to immortal fame and Facebook success.

How often do you want to post, how many followers do you want to get in a given time, how many sales do you want to have etc. Sometimes numbers are a must.


Well, while good content should eventually bring followers to your business, it might take a little longer, than you actually want. In this case – promote, promote and once again promote.

There are many ways of doing so, for example:

Social media marketing:•Using other Big4 platforms – Twitter (check out article on how to successfully use it here, Instagram and Pinterest)•Using some of the underused social media platforms like Quora, Medium etc.•Making Facebook contests and giveaways – offer an attractive prize and people will follow

Classical marketing:•Make sure your business cards, brochures etc. all have your website’s address on them•Use classic advertisements•Get a help from other medias (press, TV etc.)


• EVERYBODY judges people by their looks. Same goes for websites, Facebook pages etc. If you want to be successful, find a freelancer graphic designer, who will project a custom made looks for your site and install them (usually you can get all of that, for no more than 60$. Personally I advise using for example Fiverr).• Unique logo, personalized bar, custom graphics, all those

things might make the difference between success and failure. Don’t hesitate to invest in your dreams!


As I said before – measuring the extent in which your plans have been achieved is definitely one of the most important things while engaging in social media marketing, small businesses etc.

Great content, graphics etc. are great, but you also need some numbers, to know if they worked.


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