How to relieve stress quickly

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to relieve stress quickly

Top 14 solutions how to relieve stress quickly


Here are some


1. Go for a walk

Long walk would be perfect, but even 15 minutes will help you to relieve your stress. Better if you go to a not crowded place, something like a park, for example.

2. Light some joss sticks

Joss sticks are great for fighting stress as the give you relaxation. But never buy the ones of poor quality, otherwise, they will only give you a headache.

3. Draw something

The result isn't that important but the process can be very relaxing and this way you can express all the emotions and senses you hide in your soul, which will relieve your stress.

4. Get a massage

You can't even imagine how much past experience your muscles keep in themselves. Massage is one of the best ways for getting rid of them. You will feel much more relaxed after it.

5. Use a colouring book

Colouring books are great for stress relief. You can reduce short time stress by colouring just one picture, or you can colour one picture every day if you feel stressed permanently.

6. Find something to laugh at

You can watch a funny movie that you love, or watch videos of some comedians like Eddie Izzard, for example. Choose something that makes you laugh and use it.

7. Do something good for yourself

Try to think, what you would like to do right now, something that is just for you. It can be an ice cream, a hot bath, walking in the park, visiting a museum, etc. Do it right now and you will forget about your stress.

8. Make a herbal tea

Herbal teas are wonderful for relaxation. If you feel stressed, find such tea with the best aroma for you in a grocery store and make a hot cup of it. It will cheer you up and relax your body and mind.

9. Put on your favorite music and dance

Dancing can relief your short time stress in several minutes. Put something that you really enjoy and dance to it. Try to dance with closed eyes, sometimes it works even better.

10. Spend time in nature

Nature is an amazing and wise healer for souls. Just breathe, look and listen. You will feel much more relaxed after it.

11. Read a good book

Books are great for relaxation and getting away from all the problems. So remember what book you wanted to read or ask your friends what they would recommend and start reading it.

12. Take a long bath

A hot bath will take away the tension in your body and you will become much more relaxed. You have to be sure that your blood pressure is not high, otherwise you can feel dizzy.

13. Reach your old friend

There must be a friend that you really love but haven't seen for months. Now it's time to reach him or her and to meet for coffee. It will give you so many positive emotions that your stress will become much easier to deal with.

14. Meditate

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