How To Increase Your Connections - Amazon S3To+Increase+Your+Conne… · nowhere at all), send...

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Transcript of How To Increase Your Connections - Amazon S3To+Increase+Your+Conne… · nowhere at all), send...

How ToIncrease



I’m going to show you how to grow your LinkedIn connections, which is really important for getting more people to see your profile and to see content that you

share on LinkedIn.

Importance of increasing your connections

So people are not entirely sure why they connect with other peo-ple… I always receive this reply

“well I’ve connected but I haven’t really done much with that relationship”

And that’s why I wanted to create this report to give you real rea-sons why you should be increasing your connections and am also going to show you ways to increase your connections.

The result will mean you get more noticed for your niche and more awareness to your business


Remember the marketing funnel


This would come in especially handy if you were look-ing for new client, referrals or looking for a job.


Imagine for one minute you have about 1000 connections, these are people you have connected with directly.

you’ve both exchanged messages, they’ve probably viewed your profile, and So, they know something about you.

Now a few days later you decided to share a quick post, when you shared that post, most of your connections were alerted.

Because you’ve exchanged communication with most of them, it’ll peak their interest, they’ll view your post… if you consistently share awesome information, information that changes makes a difference then you’re probably going to be seen as an expert.

You’ve probably created an image that you are the go toperson. This Is One of The Reasons To Increase Your Connections.

Now… the more connections you have, especially if they’re in your target market they better your lead generation.


Increase Second- And Third-Degree Connections

The more first-degree connections you have, the more second- and third-degree connections you have, making you literally one connection away from millions of people.


LinkedIn is a massive search engine and the more connections you have the higher up you are when other people are searching for you or your keyword on your LinkedIn profile.

Ok lets look at reasons to increase your connections and widen your network


Post Status Updates Daily

It’s important to be active on LinkedIn, and that starts with posting status updates every day.

Think of your LinkedIn updates the same way as any social media post.

Make sure they add value, talk about your business and include a call to action. Share other people articles but make sure its an article that going to add value…

When you consistently stay in the feeds of your connections, there’s more opportunity for them to comment, like and share your posts.

This interaction gets you introduced to their connections and gives you another way to grow your network.

When people are sharing and commenting on your stuff, it’s social proof that you’re an expert in your field.


Engage With Your Connection’s Updates

Review your wall regularly and share, comment on and like other people’s updates and long-form posts.


Start relationships with new connections by commenting on their updates. That’s puts your front of mind immediately…

You can build an audience by joining the conversation on popular posts in your niche.

This interaction lets people know you exist and gives you more visi-bility. Some of these people are likely to want to know more about you, leading to new connections.

Approach LIONSLIONS are LinkedIn Open Networkers who welcome all connection invites.

When you connect with a LION in your field, it opens the door to their entire network. And an underpinning

of LinkedIn is the 2nd degree connections.


Add Keywords to YourProfile

To make it easy for people to find you, add keywords to yourLinkedIn profile.

The three main areas to focus on are your

1. Headline And 2. Summary And 3. Experience sections.

All of these sections are searchable. Adding keywords will lead to more views and make you more searchable, increasing the poten-tial for new connections.

When filling out these sections, tell stories put in relevant keywords that people will search for

For example, if you’re a business owner and you might be called president or CEO, but how many people will actually search for those terms? Put in likely keywords that describe what you do, so that when people search for your profile comes up


Check Out yourNotifications daily

Notifications get their own section in the new LinkedIn user interface, which makes it much easier to view interactions and respond.


Easily review and respond to LinkedIn notifications, which are now in their own section.

The Notifications section also lets you view work anniversaries, people in your network who published an article or have been mentioned in the news, birthdays, and promotions.

You’ll also see people who have followed you, engaged with your articles and other content, and endorsed you.

Now because you have the section all to yourself you really want to spend your time here, only going to take a few seconds daily to be top of mind.

If you’re doing this diligently, you can start liking , commenting and sharing other people’s articles, you get credit by association.

You can start congratulating them, make a comment… I bet you’ll see your connections increase when you start doing this .


Add Your LinkedIn URL to Your Email Signature

Your LinkedIn Profile works for you in a number of ways: as a resumea testimonial, social proof, a portfolio of projects and clients and proof of expert value, all in one convenient place. In your emailsignature, rather than send prospects to your Facebook account (or nowhere at all), send people to your LinkedIn profile.

First, you need to get a LinkedIn vanity URL, this is basically a click-able link that’s easy to recognize and easy to remember

Ridiculous Number of Profile Views

Chances are that when you add a new user to your connections, they’ll end up checking out your profile.

Once you start adding and accepting more LinkedIn connec-tions, you’ll see your profile views dramatically increase.


RecommendationsAnother great advantage of LinkedIn connections is the hugeincrease in recommendations you can receive and give out

When you’re lacking in connections, you’ve got less people in your network to recommend you.

Think about the last time you bought something from the store, did you look at the reviews?

More often than not we will look at the reviews

if fact a study by bright local found 92 percent of people looked at a reviews

And so when it comes to recommendations, especially receiving recommendations from past clients or colleagues

I would argue that having a few recommendations on your profile separates you from the competition

When a prospects views your profile and sees other peoplerecommending you vs your competition they’re more likely to hire you because recommendations is a form of validation


You should also be looking to recommend others as well, oneadvantage with recommending others is that fact that this is the only opportunity that LinkedIn gives to write on other people profiles…

Here’s an example where I’ve given someone else arecommendation


In the message write down that you would really appreciate it if they could recommend you for the work you have done for them.

Once they recommend you, thank them and if possible return the favour by recommending them back. You can also ask professors and teachers to leave recommendations for your education

Getting recommendations will give your LinkedInprofile that extra credibility which will encourage

people to accept your invitations and to invite you to connect with them


Send Invites only after you’ve completed profile

Okay this is where I messed up big time. I thought that I could have a partially completed profile and just send invites to everybody and they would accept.

Things didn’t work out that way.

LinkedIn blocks users from sending invites if too many people click, “I don’t know this person.”

So how do you remedy this problem

Make sure your profile is 100 percent complete

Then when you’re sending an invite never use the default setting or message that LinkedIn provides…

Then one that says


“I’d like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn,”

Write a personal message instead

Use Linkedtify Messenger App and send personalmessages that will get a reply, there are so many to choose from…

if you have a common occupation, potential connections are more likely to accept your invitations

If a Dentist in Dallas sends an invitation to connect to a dentist in new York, the chances are good that the invitation will be accept-ed and the connection will be made.

The closer the “connection,” the better.

State That You Accept Invites in Your Profile

If people read your profile and you indicate in your contact settings, summary, or headline that you accept invites, it will become easy for you to receive more invitations.


Avoid Bad Practices

Don’t lose connections through bad practices. Make sure to turn off activity notifications when making adjustments to your profile.

Your connections receive emails every time you make changes to your profile, which can get annoying if you’re in a transition andconstantly making changes to your profile.

Also, don’t share content on LinkedIn that is better suited forplatforms like Facebook or Twitter. Remember: LinkedIn is the networkfor professionals. Content you share should remain professional.

When you take advantage of what LinkedIn has to offer, yourprofessional network will grow, and opportunities will emerge.