How To Build The Business Of Your Dreams

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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LaKesia Wright

Transcript of How To Build The Business Of Your Dreams

  • 1. S E IL E O T PC R P RAH w T B i T eB s e s o o ud h ui sl nO Y u De ms f o r ra T eT o fr uc sh o l o S ce s sFo ta e rnp g e o eS i Ei A t nC v ru e l co st t e i w we o h u eo . mw .Cgr i Ei cH v S a le o u e B lt tl u

2. Hugh Ballou Transformational Leadership Strategist Orchestrating SuccessHow does a conductor of orchestras and choirs teach leadership veryenthusiastically! Hugh Ballou teaches leaders around the globe how tobuild synergy with teams and how to build effective processes thatbring success to any organization no matter how small or how big. Itravel around the country and around the world and find that you canchange the name of the organization, the location and the type ofstructure and you will still have the same issues leaders not leading effectively!Ballou brings 40 years of experience as conductor to his leadership training. I call the trainingBuilding High Performance Teams, but no one can produce effective teams without fine-tunedleadership skills. I teach business executives how an orchestra conductor brings out the best skillof the players that have been hired. The conductor is a dictator, however, if the conductor hires agood oboe player, then its best to let that oboe player use his or her skill rather than tell thenhow to play the oboe! It sounds silly, however, leaders who micro-manage those whom theylead only receive a fraction of the performance that is ultimately possible. Let the team perform!The skill set of planning for success, constructing powerful goals, and delegating with authorityare consistent themes where many leaders underperform.Ballous unique ability in inspire and motivate event the most difficult of audiences has madehim the expert in the field of Transformational Leadership. Transformational Leaders buildstrong leaders on teams that are motivated, focused and highly effective in setting andimplementing powerful goals.As author of 8 books on Transformational Leadership, Ballou works as executive coach, processfacilitator, trainer and motivational speaker teaching leaders in many diverse fields the fine-tuneskills employed every day by orchestral conductors.Books:Transforming Power: Stories from Transformational Leaders to Inspire and EncourageMoving Spirits, Building Lives: Church Musician as Transformational LeaderMoving Spirits, Building Lives: A Workbook for Transformational LeadersBuilding High Performance Teams: Systems and Structures for Leading Teams and Empowering TransformationFour Books Delivered in Online Training Format:The Leadership Accelerator: The Fast Track to Transformational Leadership ExcellenceBuild Your High Performance Teams: For Business ExcellenceTransform Your Church Committees into High Performance Teamsin Just 21 Days!The Definitive Leader: A Complete Program of Transformational LeadershipBooks in Process:Leaders Transform: Transformational Leadership for EntrepreneursLeaders Transform: Transformational Leadership Workbook for Entrepreneurs 3. How to Create the Business of Your Dreams: The Tools for Success Hugh Ballou Are your sick and tired of being in the rut and going to a boring, unfulfilling J. O. B. (Just Over Broke)? Do you have a great idea for an awesome product or service, but dont know what to do next? Have you known someone who tried to launch a business and failed? Do you want someone to help you orchestrate your success?Research shows that 90% of successful businesses owe their success to capable leadership, while90% of business failure can be attributed to a failure in leadership. In technology companies, thesuccess rate for software projects is only 16.2% with only 9% of the projects coming in on timeand on budget. I believe that lack of clarity in leadership is mostly responsible for the estimated$1.7 billion that is wasted due to destructive conflict of all types in the workplace.Heres the answer! Let a musical conductor help you orchestrate your success! What does amusical conductor know about building a business? Read on and you will see for yourself.Learn the powerful principles of Transformational Leadership and equip yourself to launch andlead a successful business. Creating and running a successful business is a very different conceptthan taking a product or service to market. Building a successful business will not only allow youto launch the products the world needs, but it will also create an organizational culture that canbe felt though your employees, the product itself, and the consumers who believe in yourbusiness You could just be creating a job for yourself. Why not build a business?If you master my four leadership principles, then you can run any type of business anywhere.Principle One: Know the ScoreBuild your FOUNDATIONCore Values Vision & Mission Strategic Plan Goals Leadership SkillsPrinciple Two: Hire the Best PlayersBuild and Maintain Effective RELATIONSHIPSCreate Your Teams Create Collaborations and Affiliations Start a Mastermind GroupPrinciple Three: Rehearse for SuccessCreate Effective SYSTEMSCreate Evaluation Systems Design a Balanced Scorecard Conduct Power Packed MeetingsPrinciple Four: Value the RestsEstablish and Sustain BALANCEPlan your Work and Work your Plan Plan Rest and Recreation Into Your Day ReflectRead on. 4. My Story:As you see from my biography above, I trained and worked as a musical conductor for over 40years and still do some conducting when I can. I worked as church music director and workedwith community choirs and orchestras. I was also able to hire the best orchestra players frommajor orchestras such as the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra and the Florida Orchestra. On manyoccasions, I was invited to be guest clinician for music festivals, judge for competitions, and guestconductor or guest lecturer at university music schools. I all came to the fact that I was known asbeing competent in my area of expertise.I found that leadership looks different in different situations; however, I learned that leaderscould lead any group when applying my principles of leadership. One must be respected as anauthority and person of influence. I had the experience and track record as a musical conductor. Ihad built successful music programs in churches from 120 members to 12,000 members asmusic director. I had proven my worth as not only a good musical conductor, I had proven that Icould lead people, create successful programs, and establish new initiatives that continuallybrought energy and vitality to ongoing programs that tended to get stale and boring in otherchurches.It was also evident, when I created cross-disciplinary planning teams, that I could create clarityof effort for planning teams that made it clear what everyone would be responsible for in makingthe project successful. In short, I learned to conduct the team as if it were a musical ensemble.The conductor does not sing all the parts or play all the instruments. The conductor guides theprocess of making great music. I found that the most important skill set for the church musicianwas not musical skill. It is leadership skill. In fact, my opinion is that the job was 10% musicalskill and 90% leadership skills in many forms. I also learned that if I could lead teams in avolunteer organization like the church with many, many opinions and perspectives, then I couldlead and teach leadership in any type of organization. It continues to be true for me thatleadership in the church is one of the most difficult places to succeed today.Having worked with lots of visionary leaders making their dreams become reality, I have helpedmany entrepreneurs strengthen their skills as leaders to be successful in creating and running abusiness. I have worked with many large and medium sized businesses to undo and correctproblems in the systems involving people you might call this teamwork. What I have observedis that businesses do not and have not considered establishing healthy processes forstrengthening leaders and building healthy teams. Therefore, the amount of waste inunproductive people-hours is unnecessarily large.While serving a medium size church of 1,200 members, I also purchased and ran a small camerastore back when everyone used film. I took the business from $20,000 in sales to over $1.5million in sales in just over 12 years by expanding the customer base and addressing the needs ofthe community that I served. I was a musician with some knowledge of photography. It waseffect on the job training for me. With no specific knowledge and no business coach, I build abusiness that made my business the dominating business in my community with the productsand services I provided. What could I have done if I had had a business coach and a leadershipcoach like me? I have already made all the mistakes, so let me share them with you so you canlearn from my learning experiences.We can both save time and money and make a great difference in the world. 5. Principle One: Build your FOUNDATIONIn musical conductor language - Know the Score. Have you ever watched a musical conductor atwork on the podium conducting a choir or orchestra in rehearsal and/or performance? Then youhave noticed that the conductor has thoroughly studied the musical score and not only knowswhat he or she wants for a result, but has also developed a way to get there a rehearsal plan.Well, for the entrepreneur leading a new business, even those starting alone, its imperative thatthere is a clear vision for the results, and a plan to get there.Rule number one is to know what you want. To do that, you must clearly define the vision foryour business. The vision is the concept. The vision not only defines what you are in business for,but what you are in business to achieve.When defining the vision you want to attain, phrase it in present tense. This is an importantprinciple because you need to see yourself already in possession of the vision In your mind it hasalready happened.Build your leadership skills. This is the first and ongoing duty of the business owner. You are anentrepreneur starting up a new business. You are a business owner. You are the leader of thisvision. Transform you vision into reality. Become a Transformational Leader.Transform your leadership skills first before you try to transform your vision or transform yourteam. The traits of a Transformational Leader are very specific: model excellence delegate appropriate duties create leaders on teams support those leaders let go of what you delegate be the cheerleader for you vision.Be a continuing student of Transformational Leadership. Start now. As soon as you decide tocreate a business, begin building your skills to lead this business. It does not matter if you havebeen a leader in a previous enterprise, this one is different, or you would not be creating it. Buildthe skills for the business you will have and for the next level of growing the business BEFOREyou get there.The Transformational Leadership model allows for followers to embrace and own your visionand put energy and passion into their work, because that is what you model as their leader.Get a coach. You dont see your blind spots (because they are blind spots) so you need someoneelse to assist you in this journey of capacity building. Build your skills and you will build yourpotential for success. Having a coach will cost money. Having a competent coach will guide you tosuccessful implementation of this idea in a more direct path. It is important that you do not focuson moving quickly. It is important that you move in a direct manner toward your goals bybuilding a strong foundation. 6. Develop a strategic plan. After beginning your leadership coaching, the next important thing is tocreate a strategic plan for your business. A strategic plan is the framework for launching andrunning your business. It is your pathway to success.In Napoleon Hills book, Think and Grow Rich, he defines the principles of success: First,Definiteness of Purpose; Second, Create a Plan; and Finally, Bring Value to the world with yourproduct and service. These are all defined in your strategic plan.Important: do not do this yourself. Hire the best strategic planning you can find. Learn all you canfrom that person. Make this plan part of your daily life. Get your coach to assist you in developingand implementing this plan. Your leadership skills are employed in every aspect of this business.First you need to be the expert, then you delegate. Then you follow up.Consult a securities attorney and IP attorney. If you have a product or idea that can be protected,then secure an attorney to protect your Intellectual Property (IP). Be careful who you tell aboutthis idea until you have discussed it with your attorney.Create your advisory team and mastermind group. In the Southern USA, there is a saying, None ofus is as smart as all of us. This suggests that you do not attempt this alone. You must have otherbrains to provide perspective, information, and strategies that you would not have otherwiseconsidered. No leaders possess all of the skill or knowledge to fully implement or run a business.It is imperative that the successful leader creates high performance teams: Boards, staff, advisors,and mastermind group. A mastermind group is an independent group of experts with whom youmeet and share ideas in order to solve each others problems.Create your library of important articles and books. You bring energy to yourself by knowing anddefining what you want. Be intentional with your Definiteness of Purpose. Your subconsciousmind is a power playing in your success. The subconscious mind must receive what theconscious mind sends to it. You control your thoughts. Therefore you control what goes into yoursubconscious mind. Define what you want to see happen. Read it daily. Program your mind forsuccess.If you have ever had surgery and been unconscious with anesthesia, then you realize that yoursubconscious mind kept your body alive while your conscious mind was turned off. In effect,your results are governed by your subconscious mind. When Napoleon Hill interview AndrewCarnegie for a newspaper article, Carnegie gave him this pearl of wisdom: Any idea that is held inthe mind, that is either feared or revered, will begin at once to manifest itself into the mostconvenient and appropriate physical form available.Your thoughts govern your success not the other way around.Fill your mind with the intentional thoughts for success and you will attract people of like mind.You attract what you are, not what you need.Build your library. Read daily. Fill your mind with positive thoughts of success and there will notbe room for thoughts of doubt. If you think you are right or you think you are wrong, then youare correct with either thought. You get to choose your thoughts that govern your success. 7. Principle Two:Build and Maintain Effective RELATIONSHIPSIn musical conductor language Hire the Best Players.Create your high performance teams. No musical conductor wants to attempt to make great musicwith marginally talented musicians. Its no different for the business leader. Recruit the bestpeople to be a part of your organization.Leadership is about influencing people to follow your vision. This depends on building andmaintaining effective relationships with those whom you lead. The Transformational Leadermodels the conduct desired as well as the mood and spirit of the organizational culture. You, theleader, model what you want to see acted out in your teams: authenticity, ethical behavior,discipline, care for the individual, and overall effectiveness.You lead by example. You influence people not by the power of your position, but by yourpersonal influence. You demonstrate a moral example that everyone works toward thestimulating vision that benefits the organization. Its not about you. Its about the vision.So, what relationships are needed? Here are some relationships to consider: Advisory Team will help you clarify your vision Board of Directors will assist you in making important business decisions Staff people who will make you money (or cost you money) Affiliates businesses that own a market or loyal customers Collaborators businesses or people that can bring synergy to your business Joint Venture Partners businesses that will develop a market with you Mastermind Group people whom you respect that will help you solve problems Marketing Team people who will help you define and connect to your market Other teams as appropriatePlan the timing and sequence of your teams. Certainly you do not launch these teams all at onceand certainly you may not want to utilize all of those on the list. You will form your teams AFTERyour strategic planning session and in consultation with your strategy and leadership coach.Create Performance Expectations for every relationship. Each relationship is defined by adocument that articulates roles and responsibilities. Create another document that defines whateach person and each team will accomplish. Much of the conflict that exists is created by theleaders lack of clarity of expectations. Define the results you want to see and when you wantthem completed.Effective leadership is based on effective relationships. 8. Principle Three:Create Effective SYSTEMS:In musical conductor language Rehearse for Success.In the music world, a bad rehearsal means a bad performance. If the conductor lets wrong notesslip by, tolerates sloppy playing, or is uncommitted to excellence in playing every note, then theresult is mediocrity. The musical ensemble rehearses for excellence or rehearses for mediocrity.In visiting a new city recently, I had a chance to hear the same piece of choral music performedby two different choirs. One was very average and the other was exciting. The difference was inleadership. Both choral groups were capable, however one conductor knew how to inspireexcellence in the culture of the ensemble.This is no difference in the business world. One leader inspires excellence in every part of thebusiness and encourages every person to rehearse in every business activity. Excellence thenbecomes the DNA of the organization.Develop systems for high performance in every activity in your business: quality documents andpublications, quality products and services, effective meetings, comprehensive communicationssystems, daily reviews of critical measurements for success, and other business systems relativeto your organization.Create your written plan. Goals that are not written down are merely dreams. Great businessesbegin with a dream. We were all penalized in school for daydreaming, however when it comes tocreating a world-class business, you are encouraged to dream, and to dream big. Your ideabegins with a dream. Move promptly into creating specific goals and objectives that aremeasurable and timed. This will provide you with a roadmap to success. Your goals are anoutcome of your strategic planning process. Likely, your strategic planner will provide you with aset of specific goals and objectives. Take these seriously. Make sure that these goals reflect yourintent and are your goals. It is your vision that will be transformed into reality. Goals provideclear targets for your teams to create action plans and to implement.These goals are your secret to leading a successful business. When you take the time to createand refine your goals, you will create intentionality of purpose. You will transition from believingyou will succeed to knowing that you will succeed. You will also be able to know what you shouldbe doing and what does not fit into your daily routine. You will also benefit from actions that,when completed, move toward the next step in your process. This will save you time and moneyby reducing waste on unnecessary activities.Take action immediately. Do not be guilty of perfection paralysis. Do not wait until you haveperfected your plan to begin. Start moving to your goals right away. Start work now on thejourney and remember that this is a process that unfolds. Build your plan as well as you can inthe strategic planning session, and then begin to implement. 9. Make corrections constantly. When living in Huntsville, Alabama, where many rockets for NASAwere designed and tested, I learned that in every space flight there were constant coursecorrections. Why then do we think we can make a plan, without making course corrections, andexpect not to crash? Create your best plan. Pay attention to the results. Make corrections asnecessary.Successful leaders do what others are not willing to do.Create effective systems for evaluation, reflection, revision, and renewal. Making corrections meansthat you have developed systems to evaluate and measure your progress. Reflect on youranalysis. Revise your plan. Recommit with a renewed vigor. As Churchill said, Never, Never,Never give up!Keep your coach. You started this journey with a coach. Its important that you have a confidentialadvisor to assist you in your personal growth as a leader and to have a source of feedback formaking decisions and evaluating your effectiveness. Your personal leadership skills will let yougrow to the leader you were created to be.Utilize your mastermind group. You created your mastermind group with the people you respect.Do not give up on this group. You will learn to appreciate the energy and wisdom this groupprovides for your leadership skills. Make a group covenant that inspires each person to worktoward his or her individual success by empowering the group process in an ongoingcommitment. Its not important how often you meet. Its important that you meet regularly. Meetin person if at all possible.Develop a balanced scorecard. Design a measurement tool to monitor your business effectivenesson a daily or weekly basis. There are many examples for designing this tool. Basically, if you reada profit & loss statement on February 10 for January sales, then it is too late to make correctionsto Januarys business and possibly too late to make many corrections in February. If you developa way to measure critical factors on an ongoing basis, then you will know in advance that yourP&L will be fine.Effective leaders create effective systems and continue to work on improving those systems. 10. Principle Four:Establish BALANCEIn musical conductor language Value the Rests.The rest is an important event in music. It is not simply the absence of sound. It has value of itsown. The rest validated what has preceded it and prepares the listener for what comes next. Therest is intentionally placed into the music by the composer for a specific effect.Rests in life also provide punctuation as well as time for reflection, thinking, and gainingperspective. The leader who works every minute of the day does not provide a time for thinking,evaluating, and regeneration of energy.Create balance in your life. If you expect to have time for planning, reflection, and evaluation, thenyou must put those times on your calendar. Plan time to plan. Plan time to reflect. Plan time toplay. Plan time to rest. If you dont put it on your calendar, then it will not happen.Plan your work and work your plan. You might think this is just a trite that people just say. Well itis repeated because it has real value. There are many great strategic plans that live in drawers orfile cabinets and are never implemented. My first principle of creating a strong foundation meansthat you will spend time creating your plan. Next you will create a plan for implementation ofthat strategy. Next you will define ways to monitor and evaluate your progress and createaccountability for yourself and your team. Pay the upfront cost. Spend time creating your plan.The important part of this principle related to your plan, is to plan time for yourself.A musical phrase ends with a cadence and comes to a point of rest. There is a rhythm and flow tothe music. There are punctuations at the ends of phrases and sentences. There is a time tobreathe. Your life and your work must be in sync and create harmony. An end to a musical phrasebrings clarity and focus to the point of resting and breathing. Your action items are like phrases.Your goals are like paragraphs. Your long-term strategic objectives are like chapters. Musicalphrases are independent parts of the greater musical composition. Your action plan is a part ofyour greater symphony your strategic plan. Observe and learn the natural flow of your day.Create places of rest and clarity in your day, in your week and in your life. Successful leadersobserve and know how things happen.Balance does not mean that everything is equal. Balance in music means that you can hear themelody over the harmony parts and that the critical melodies stand out. Balance in yourleadership means that the main thing continues to be a primary focal point. As Covey says in hisbook, The 7 Secrets of Highly Effective People, Keep the main thing the main thing. Focus onimplementing your vision and making a profit. Develop a full awareness of how all your actionsmove your vision toward effective implementation, just like how every phrase moves forward inthe symphony. You are conducting your symphony of success.Create your daily routine for effectiveness. Find time each morning to read your goals and activateyour action plan. Review daily. Create success daily 11. A system for growing your capacity as leaderAre you overwhelmed with not knowing enough to create the business of your dreams? Are youafraid that you will miss a step or forget an important leadership skill or tool? Do you needsamples of leadership tools and strategies for success? Are you confused about what to do next?Well, heres the answer:The Transformational Leadership Accelerator program is for you! This program provides youwith weekly lessons giving you the details for building your leadership skills, your highperformance teams, and most importantly, your business.The Fast Track to Leadership Excellence will help you: Grow yourself Grow your business Grow your market Grow your incomeWhats included in this 13-week fast track program: 13 Lessons Applications for each lesson that can be used immediately Transformational Leadership tools defined in realistic and immediately usable terms Skills inventory and strategies for building new skills Emotional and mental processes for keeping yourself on track and encouraged Processes for building powerful teams and collaborative relationships Overall pathway to success in creating and fulfilling your dream Personal training webinars: o Composing Powerful Goals: the Nuts and Bolts of Success Defined o Conducting Power-Packed Meetings: Motivate and Engage Your Teams o Being The Definitive Leader: Becoming the Leader You Were Created to Be Templates for planning, decision making, and implementation: o Core Values o Vision & Mission o SMART Goals o Action Plan o Communication Plan o Balanced ScorecardIts a life-long learning resource you will use forever. Its a notebook for continual referral andlearning. Its a collection of videos, audio, and printed worksheets. Its a completeTransformational Leadership program in realistic usable form with a proven track record. 12. Many people have paid me from $5,000 to $20,000 to learn the secrets that I have developedover the past 40 years. I can offer these strategies and systems to you for a fraction of that pricebecause I have created this streamlined program for you to follow whenever you choose. Theseare systems and strategies that I created for real life situations - these are not just theory ormerely academic principles! The have worked for me and are still working for me and for myclients!The price? Well one client recently told me that this program was priceless! Anythingworthwhile, however, has a price.The program is $997. By wait!If you are one of the first 100 to sign up, then you can have the full program for half price. Yes,thats only $497. Those who can make decisions and act are the people who can and will makethe decision to be successful.Is that you?If it is then sign up now: HERE