How to Acquire Mobile Users using Facebook by Stephanie Shum

Post on 08-May-2015

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How to Acquire Mobile Users using Facebook by Stephanie Shum

Transcript of How to Acquire Mobile Users using Facebook by Stephanie Shum

Mobile App Ads

Driving discovery and action in a compelling way


Mobile App Ad in News Feed

Third-party ad

Larger canvas

Call to action


App Store > 900,000 Apps Google Play > 900,000 Apps

You are here

Two key challenges

1. Customer discovery & acquisition

Mobile App install Ad in News Feed

App available through app store

Mobile app install ad How it works

Two key challenges 2. Retention, engagement, and conversion

66%   of app users

open apps only between 1-10


Average consumer has

27 apps on their phone

Mobile app engagement ad How it works

Mobile App Engagement Ad in News Feed

Deep linked to specific location within app

App now available on

device Mobile app ad to install your app

Connecting the dots: Build an install base

Installed from app store

Now what?

Connecting the dots: Engage and keep users active

App now available on


Mobile app ad to engage existing


Switches user into app by a

deep link

Mobile app ads work

8400 Advertisers

245M Installs Driven

60%+ Penetration among top grossing


ROI Positive and CTR above 2.5%

in the first week of the campaign in the UK

# 283 to # 2 in under 5 days in the U.S. top Apple App store paid iPhone


Driving users back to their mobile app to book new ticket deals

YPlan, a mobile app that offers carefully curated shortlist of the best events in town, used mobile app ads to encourage their existing users to come back to their app and book new ticket deals.

215% return on ad spend 20% Increase in paid


Getting Started


Simply copy and paste your URL

Place your order! 3

In Ads Create tool, choose App Installs objective and Copy + Paste App Store URL


Customize your ad: - Creative - Targeting - Budget


Buying methods

Preferred Marketing Developer

Ads Create Tool

Advanced options

Getting Started

Engagement and Conversion

Key steps when using mobile app engagement ads

Determine objective you are seeking for your mobile app Make sure your app supports deep-linking Set-up your ad creative and budget Target customers who have installed your app Measure in-app actions as a result of your campaign






Setting up your ad

Target existing users: - If measuring, check a box - If not, upload a Custom Audience


Select engagement objective 1

Customize your ad: - Deep link destination - Choose call to action - Budget


Place your order! 4


Why measure installs?

Demographic Makeup of Users

App Insights

Mobile App Ad Performance

Ads Manager or MMP

Plus, unlock advanced bidding options: oCPM, CPA for install ads

Register your app with Facebook: -  Provide basic app information -  Provide an app icon

Integrate the Facebook SDK to log installs with a couple lines of code Or work with a Mobile Measurement Partner



How to measure

You can also measure actions taken within your app…

Integrate with App Events in the Facebook SDK or work with Mobile Measurement Partner to see demographic makeup and ads attribution.



Reached a Level

Added to Cart App Opens

…then target based on those actions

Target based on App Events in a simple UI when creating ads. Use rules and logic to set the value and time period you wish to target as well.

Purchases Registrations

Reached a Level

Added to Cart App Opens

So here are some best practices…

Three Pillars of Success

Create Target Scale


Mobile App Ad for Installs

app icon character description

App title

Image size

Include Mobile Devices

Demonstrate Your Value with Numbers

Illustrate What Your App Does

Test, Test, Test


Phase 1: Standard Demographics

• Age • Gender • Geo • Device • OS

Phase 2: Interest Based Targeting

• Precise Interests • Broad Categories • Partner Categories • Similar Apps

Only available

on Facebook

Phase 3: Custom Audiences and Lookalikes

Custom audiences

Reach the people you already know

Lookalike audiences

Find more people like your best customers

Only available

on Facebook


Expand Campaigns Globally Make unprofitable countries profitable

Top  partners  adver/se  in  40+  


+  60%   of Facetune revenue

is from markets outside of the US # 1 spot in Apple

App store of top paid iPhone apps in over

40 markets

Buy Facebook Ads Efficiently Work with a Preferred Marketing Developer

Measure Post Install Performance

Work with a Mobile Measurement Partner

Scale with expertise