How are optical illusions created 2&3

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Transcript of How are optical illusions created 2&3

How are optical illusions created?

Objectives To develop an understanding of how optical illusion images

are made.To understand the

importance of using media carefully in order to produce an accurate image effective


A page of 4 mini optical illusions

Starter activity

• Your teacher will hand you a sheet with 4 optical illusions on it.

• In your table groups discuss how illusions are possibly constructed.

• Be prepared to feedback answers to class.

Wavy line illusionRepetitive

wavy line.The lines

have been repeated in order to create a sense of movement, also making the surface seem raised.

Circles within circles.

Start with small central circle

Draw another circle around this circle.

Repeat this so you have 4-6 circles .

Add lines within circles in opposite directions.

Draw a wavy line, then produce parallel wavy lines and shade alternately.

How has the artist created this image?

How would you re-create this?

Are these lines straight?

Concentric circles

Concentric circles, divided into four and then each alternate quarter shaded black and white.

This illusion also works with other shapes. E.g. triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon.


• Split page into 4 sections

• In each section re-create the images shown on sheet.

• Go over these using felt tip pens.


Homework :

Create your own Op art design:

• Filling a whole page.

• Changing shape of illusions created today

• Or invent one of your own