Horror Movie Poster Analysis

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Horror Movie Poster Analysis

Horror Movie Poster Analysis

Poltergeist• I have chosen the poster for

the movie “Poltergeist”, this is because I found it quite eerie and creepy. This is because of its simple and dark mise-en-scene. The main colours are black and blue as they’re the only colours present, this again makes it odd and sinister. The photo used is also a snippet of the movie which teases you into what is upcoming in the movie.

• I like the use pf the phrase, “they know what scares you,” because it is a very simple yet uncanny sentence which can again link to the movie. These sentences can make a quick link into future moments in the film which is why they are used so frequently.

• The use of a young child gives a mysterious effect, this is also because of the fact that there are visible connections between the child and the television screen. This is a hint towards to paranormal feel of the movie itself, making further connections to further on in the film.

• The hands in the tv are again, saw in the film. The poster entirely is teasing the film to you, but also by not giving away too much. The tv is of high significance in the movie therefore it is a key piece to show in the poster.

• The boldest text in the poster is the title itself, the reason this is to stand out and catch the audiences eyes and links closer to the whole paranormal experience of the film as the title “Poltergeist” links to.

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones

• I have chosen the movie ‘Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones’ this is because I like the dark mise-en-scene and how it links to the eeriness of the movie.

• In the photo of the boy, there are visible lines across the photo which symbolises the fact that the whole movie is meant to seem real life and as if people were videoing their life when things start getting weird. This links to the entirety of the film being caught on tape.

• In the text of the title itself, it again has the lines of the camera which symbolises the camera being used again, this is a very significant part of the poster as its also red, and red symbolises danger, death and blood which gives a deadly vibe.

• The short phrase “You’re one of us now,” is straight to the point and has links to parts further on in the film which is almost a spoiler, but people probably won’t realise otherwise.

• The title itself, “The Marked Ones,” carries associations to the character Jesse in the movie, as he is “marked,” by a supernatural force which is continued throughout the entire movie.

• The dark mise-en-scene in the poster suggests connotations to impending doom, also the use of the thaumaturgic triangle in Jesses hand suggests that he will die because the triangle represents that the first born in the family will die, which again links to impending doom.

The Visit• I have chosen the

movie poster of “The Visit,” I have chosen it because at first glance it appears to be rather nice and sentimental, however what actually happens in the movie suggests otherwise.

• The close up of “Grandma’s Rules,” again, makes the actual visit the children are going to have, be fun and enjoyable. The rule “Don’t ever leave your room after 9:30pm” makes the views question what would happen if the children disobeyed and did leave after 9:30pm.

• The blood surrounding the house and the title suggests that blood will be spilled during the film, which again contradicts the sense of niceness which is given on the whole poster, because of the blood it takes away the sentimental appearance of the poster.

• The full appearance of the poster looks as if it has been stitched by their “Grandma.” This makes it seem unlike the normal horror movie poster and more like a children’s movie, but yet the blood again contradicts the niceness of the poster and has connotations to death, or just blood being spilled in general.

• Red is a prominent colour towards the bottom of the poster, even the house has red detailing because blood spill is inside the house. Even the title and the month in which the movie will be coming out is still red, so the connotations to death or danger is constantly there, even in the details of the pleasant and peaceful looking house.