Horizons Journal for Women - May Issue

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A free publication produced by Women Still Standing to provide entreprneurial sustainability resouces and personal wellness tools for African American women. Powered by, Women Still Standing - a non profit organization.

Transcript of Horizons Journal for Women - May Issue

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The beauty of a woman

isn’t in the clothes she wears,


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Copyright ©2010-2012 Horizons Journal for Women – All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents

From My Heart to Yours & Trivia Question Pg 4

Cover Story Pg 6

Quick Fitness Tips Pg 10

Slow Down Pg 12

Making Heathly Lifestyle Changes Pg 13

5 Fatal Business Mistakes Pg 18

Overcoming Excuses to Finding Mr. Right Pg 21

Failure Leads to Success Pg 22

Caring For Ourselves Honors God Pg 23

10 Tips to Connect, Communicate, & Collaborate Pg 25

I3 Steps for Small Businesses to Get Paid Pg 30

Month's Poem Pg 34


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Happy Mother's Day and Happy National Women's Health Month! Isn't it something? Why is it that we only appreciate important people – such as selfless, large-hearted, and admirable mothers – and our health when either are missing?

Mothers, while far from perfect, have more responsibilities and demands that ever before today in raising children amidst growing corrupt influences, managing expenses in a fragile economy, and running sustainable businesses as the largest segment of business owners and consumers. Great mothers and guardians aren't looking to be worshiped but can't we do more in our communities to show greater respect and support for such women by speaking out against crimes against women and children, bolstering services to provide quality health care options, support women-owned businesses, and mentor children of single parent households?

Health is a matter often ignored by most women until she faces debilitating, painful or costly symptoms indicating threat of obesity, mental imbalance, hypertension, cardiac/respiratory/circulatory/digestive/ reproductive issues. A woman's greatest asset often is the ability and desire to nurture and care for others even to the exclusion of her own well-being. Don't you owe it to yourself to honor yourself by taking better care of yourself?

It is in the pages of this month's SPECIAL issue that six articles out of the eleven featured discuss health and wellness suggestions and offer terrific perspectives from industry professionals to help you identify unhealthy habits, attitudes, and behaviors and tips to begin making improvement. As a single mother, entrepreneur, speaker, and organizational leader I particularly found the enclosed article “Slow Down” on page 12 to be very sobering and apropos. (hint: multi-tasking is NOT always good)

Another reason this month's issue is SPECIAL is because starting the month of May, we will resume offering a free gift to new subscribers. See the details on our site (www.horizonsjournal.org) under “Free Gift” after you've read this issue. Please enjoy the NEW contributing writers and NEW advertisers this month and please tell a friend – Share our Facebook page (Horizons Journal), Retweet us (@horizonsjournal), and consider advertising in next month's issue. Your support does not go unnoticed – thank you!

From my heart to yours,

Da-Nel EuwingsFounder, Executive DirectorWomen Still Standing

PS: This month's TRIVIA QUESTION – “Behind every excuse is _ _ _ _.” Hint, read article on page 21. The answer and 2 winners will be announced in our June issue. Great PRIZE prize up for grabs: copy of best-selling book, “Zero Debt” by, Lynette Khalfani-Cox. You must be a Subscriber and you must email your answer to horizons@womenstillstanding.org by May 25th(due to the number of responses we will not reply to each entry)

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This month we are very pleased to feature Mrs. Delayna Keller-Watkins, an energetic speaker, a compassionate health professional, and intelligent businesswoman. Delayna Keller-Watkins is a global and award winning Registered Nurse and Certified Wellness Coach in the areas of self-care and personal wellness. For over 2 decades Delayna has been serving wellness seeking women and young girls through her seminars, products and programs. She is an author, motivational speaker, and founder of Delayna Keller Watkins, Inc. and Healthy Soul, LLC a lifestyle company designed to help women achieve optimal health and wellness through the integration of mind, body and spirit. Since pursuing her passion, she has been featured in the Women’s Journal Magazine and appeared as a Women’s Self-Care expert on several Internet Radio Shows and Local Public Television. We thank Mrs. Watkins for taking time to share helpful insights for Horizons Journal for Women readers. Please enjoy and share with a friend!

HORIZONS JOURNAL FOR WOMEN: Happy Women's Health Month! As a Registered Nurse, you've surely seen the struggle women face in maintaining good health, life balance, and mental clarity. There's so much pressure, hype, and misinformation. What is your organization, Total Woman Wellness doing to educate and assist women?

DELAYNA KELLER-WATKINS We are dedicated to providing women with useful health and wellness information to assist them on their wellness journey. Women often don’t create the time to care for themselves, so our organization has a wellness solution that will meet women where they are. In response to the many challenges and obstacles women reportedly face while seeking wellness, we wanted to offer them a solution. Total Woman Wellness has several different programs for every woman including wellness coaching, weekly radio show, wellness community, classes/workshops and a monthly wellness event.

HJW: Successful people sometimes make it look "easy" and some on looking women unfortunately bring stress on themselves attempting to be someone else. Please share critical lessons you've learned walking your own path versus anyone else’s.

DKW: When I began this path of entrepreneurship, I had no idea my journey would take me places I was afraid to go! I was so passionate about the mission that I was ready to take on the world. I was not

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prepared for the stress and frustration that followed. Long nights and short mornings were a regular scenario for months as I worked hard to grow my business. I quickly realized two vital lessons: (1) stay connected to your “WHY” this will decrease the distractions as you are working toward your goals (2) understand the true formula of stress for entrepreneurs {S=D>A}stress occurs when the demand is greater than your ability. Women must also stay connected to other positive women that will hold them accountable and support the vision.

HJW: We often see "mind, body, and spirit" phrased together in health/wellness discussion. Please elaborate on the necessity of women to give each of these areas equal attention, and how.

DKW: The mind, body and spirit connection is very important in achieving wellness. Women love to concentrate on the physical (body) and often neglect their mental and spiritual health. We must close our eyes and begin within. Our true power lies inside, it’s our Personal Power. On your wellness journey each area must be addressed in order to achieve optimal outcomes. The ideal wellness regimen embraces these areas through meditation, exercise, yoga, devotions, affirmations, music, reading and spending time alone.

HJW: You recently held a workshop addressing sexual health. What issues are you finding women to be still lacking correction information or detrimental habits are still being practiced among women?

DKW: Women are still having unprotected sex at an alarming rate and contracting STD/STI’s as well as HIV/AIDS. During the workshop we openly discussed the need to respect and value our vagina, while reviewing the book “I Want My Vagina Back”. It was surprising to take note that most women don’t know what their own vagina looks like! I encouraged every woman to go DOWN THERE and take a look. Women should closely examine their breasts and vagina at least monthly for any abnormalities: changes in size, shape, color, smell, and feel.

HJW: What statistic among women are you advocating to see improved?

DKW: Heart disease claims the life of 1 in 3 women. This statistic has not improved despite the heart health awareness campaigns being launched. I strive to provide heart health information and BP screenings during every wellness lounge and I encourage the women to “Strive for Five”, which means they must tell 5 women about the risks of heart disease.

HJW: As a busy, successful and multi-talented woman, wife, speaker, author, realtor, entrepreneur, and radio show host what wellness regimen do you practice for balance, joy, focus, and health?

DKW: Creating a special space in my home was first and foremost. I then gave a tour of that area to my family members while explaining the importance of me time and my space. This allows them to feel special and included in your wellness journey. My regimen is pretty simple each day begins with a morning devotion (mind), stretching or workout (body) then later in the evening usually before bed, I meditate (spirit) to reflect on the day. Following a wellness regimen encourages you to support your mind, body, spirit health.

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HJW: If you could put SUCCESS into a formula what would it look like?

DKW: When you identify and claim your WHY, the personal power will follow! This power will connect to your passion and purpose which will define success on every level. Spend some time defining or redefining your WHY because this is where you will gain the strength to put in the hard work. This formula is effective for every area of your life: health, career, relationships, family and spirituality. Be very descriptive when discussing your why. Identify people, places, things, expected results and reasons so that every time you state your why it speaks passion and purpose!Example: My WHY: I am driven to educate women about wellness to save lives, improve families and the community at large.

HJW: What motto do you strive to live by?

DKW: Dance as though no one is watching you. Love as though you have never been hurt before. Sing as though no one can hear you. Live as though heaven is on earth. (Just reading this quote is liberating…I love it)

HJW: Although most of our readers are Philadelphia Eagles fans (hahaha!) we have to admit your Baltimore Ravens looked pretty good last season! What kind of football season are you looking forward to, and what is your favorite football snack?

DKW: WoooHooo! Go Ravens! I am truly looking forward to another great season of yelling at the television and eating my husband’s famous baked wingettes. We bleed PURPLE in this part of town…LOL!______________________________________________

Delayna Keller-Watkins, RN,BSN,CWS


Creator of Total Woman Wellness


"Your Total Wellness Solution"

Total Woman Talk Radio Showwww.pwnradio.net

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Quick Fitness Remindersby, Miko Sampson

May is the month to celebrate women and mothers and with that in mind we as women must find time to take care of ourselves mind, body and soul.

Exercise is very important because its helps reduce the risk of heart disease , diabetes, high cholesterol , maintaining a healthy weight and help eliminate daily stress.

Proper nutrition is just as important to staying healthy. It is so easy to just pickup a meal while on the run but we can also prepare dinners in advance or pack a lunch to maintain a healthy diet. Studies also show that working out can help reduce risk of breast cancer.

TAKING CARE OF YOU IS VERY IMPORTANT. One thing that I found as women we must learn to balance things in our lives , we cannot always be a superwoman. We all have busy schedules with working, running around with kids , cleaning and always putting our needs last. If we do not take care of ourselves we are no good to anyone and will pay for it later. I knew diabetes runs in my family I would have to change my lifestyle. I have always loved to dance and then I found Zumba at my local gym. Zumba was my way to get back to being fit and doing something I enjoy. I have also found keeping in shape is one way to help to having a happier life because it makes you feel good, gives you confidence and gives you more energy. You can make a commitment by sticking to a schedule and making it a goal to workout. Zumba is a fun way to workout. I have been a Zumba Instructor for over a year now and the benefits have been great and I must say meeting people in my classes have been best part of my class. It s like we are a family because we inspire each other and have fun working out at the same time. As for those of you who are not dancers or not crazy about working out the music alone makes you just want to get up and move because you move at your own pace. Zumba is a fusion of Latin and International Music combined with several different dances moves. Grab your friends and family and go you will have a blast!________________Miko Sampson is licensed to teach body sculpting techniques to enhance rhythm and build strength, as well as custom-designed kids programs blending dance-fitness routines with fun games and high-energy music in the Philadelphia tri-state area.Schedule: www.zumba.com – Go to Find an Instructor, and type: Miko SampsonEmail: miko.zumba@yahoo.com

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(Upcoming special event: May 12th – for details see www.zumba-with-miko.eventbrite.com)

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Slow Down!by, Shawna K. Clark

Last night, I became mentally moved by watching an Oprah’s Life Class episode (on OWN-Oprah Winfrey Network). The main message: we all need to slow down. We are all moving too fast and not living in the present moment. Right now, you are thinking about what you need to do or want to do 5 minutes from now or worse the next day. We spend a lot of time rushing and unfocused on what is presently going on and we miss important things that we cannot get back.

On the show there was a story told about a woman who is married, had 2 children and is a excellent mother. She is like so many of us parents and individuals that “multi-task”. The woman woke up as any other day…got her morning started making breakfast for the kids…making lunch…getting the kids dressed…her husband who normally took the kids to school & daycare had a doctor appointment so the role was switched this day. The woman had to take her kids to their morning destinations (different from her daily routine)…this started the hustle & bustle of getting the morning going she had things to do before she would reach work. She dropped off the first child…headed to the second child’s destination, however it was too early. The woman decided to run an errand to kill time; she completed her errands & arrived at work. Began her busy workday & it was business as usual. UNTIL…a co-worker hours later (almost eight hrs) was outside & noticed the second child was in the woman’s car on a sunny warm day. I do not need to tell you how this ended beyond the 3 yr old dying…what happened…Simple, too much rushing & multi-tasking…too much living and focusing on the future of the day instead of what was going on at the moment and what needed to be done in the present time….People we have to slow down…

This was such an awakening moment for me. I multi-task, I move fast, I plan in advance mentally all the time, I am always on the go. Always thinking about what I need to do next what I want to do next. True and not funny, I often think while others are talking to me, completely not even focused on the conversation. My husband tells me often that I do not always have to do “something” and that I need to slow down & relax. This woman’s story could have been me! This could have been you! There are so many similar stories to this that involve another person being hurt, ignored or worse dying.

Point to walk away with from this is our time is valuable, precious, and important to others & ourselves. We need to slow down. Things will get done and should always be done with your full undivided attention. Let us take the advice of Oprah and start living in the present moment.

_____________________Shawna K. Clark is the Founder/Executive Director of Shawna's House, an informational and conversational hub for individuals, couples, and teens to receive supportive counseling and resources. Shawna is a wife, mother of four, Underwriter, pursuing a degree in Marriage/Family Relationship Therapy, is a youth mentor and community advocate.

Web: www.shawnashouse.com

Facebook: Shawna's House

Twitter: @shawnashouse

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Are You Balanced? Making Healthy Lifestyle Changesby, Erica Thomas

It is National Women’s Health Month! What Giant steps are you willing to take in order to jump start a “healthy lifestyle change”? Perhaps you can start a walk club, join a gym or change your eating habits. In the past when people heard the word “diet” they would cringe. Life as they know it had ended. Today we use the term “healthy lifestyle changes” to reduce the anxiety associated with the myriad of quick weight loss fables in the market.

To be healthy one must be balanced physically, mentally, and spiritually. These three things play a key role in our optimum health. To get there some will have a health scare, a traumatic event or just a made up mind that they will do whatever it takes in order to achieve a healthier life. How can balanced be achieved through the awaking of these three key factors? Lets look at various possibilities – some ancient, others more contemporary. Physically- Become aware of what goes into your temple (body). You will increase your chances for success if you gradually change your eating habits rather than trying to stop cold turkey. In addition you have to start moving! If it’s just 30 minutes a day to start out that’s great. Gradually work your way up to 60- 80 minutes. Reaching these numbers will promote optimum weight loss. To stay motivated, try something new so you don’t get bored with your regular routine. There are so many options for a person to choose from including the gym, household chores; outdoor activities; Group classes. Just Get Moving! Mentally- Take steps to become fully self-aware an engage in self love. Mentally instability can lead to overweight issues, anger, and depression. One must be willing to dig deep and find out why these underlying issues are present in order to become balanced. This area can be touchy, because people don’t realize the things we sweep under the rug or ignore take a toll on us and our relationships. Personally and professionally this can be disastrous. There is great reward when you take the steps to deal with those issues and experience deep levels of mental healing and release. Letting go of past hurts is such freedom. You can achieve this through spiritual counseling, hypnotherapy, self- help, meditation and prayer.

Spiritually- With the vast religious backgrounds we all have one thing in common – some form of prayer and meditation. God, the one, higher power or whatever you refer to the source of your existence will be critical to your success. You must get connected on a spiritual level. Being connected

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continued -

...to a higher power brings a person into balance. This can be done through practices such as prayer, meditation or energy work. One of my favorite scriptures says “Don’t you realize that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself. For God bought you with a high price. So you must Honor god with your body.” 1Corinthians 6:19-20

Make the decision to live a balanced life through healthy lifestyle changes. This journey will be have some rough days, but to start your journey toward achieving balance is well worth it and rewarding. This is going to be a never ending journey with twists, turns, and surprises. Have fun! Choose to live and be fully engaged in life!

References: http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+6%3A19-20&version=NIV _______________________

Erica is the owner of Translucent Wellness as a certified massage therapist; group leader of InSpire U walk club; my passion for everyone to be balanced has led me to enroll in the Mind, Body, and Wellness program with a concentration in nutrition. Seeing how important it is to be balanced mentally, spiritually, and physically, I will show others how this can be obtainable in and out of chaos...

Twitter: @restor4uEmail: InSpireu11@yahoo.comConnect with me on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/erica-thomas/22/283/960

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5 Fatal Mistakes to Avoid in Preventing Business FailureBy Sylvia Browder

Having a business that fail can be devastating. Unfortunately, it happens all too often. In fact, according to the Small Business Administration, 8 out of 10 businesses fail within the first five years. To survive, a new business owner should avoid the following 5 fatal mistakes:

FATAL MISTAKE #1: NO BUSINESS PLANThe worst mistake an entrepreneur can make is to launch a business without a plan. I have seen it happen time and time again. As a result, many small business dreams fail or fall short of their actual potential. DON’T DO IT!

What exactly is this thing called a business plan? In a general sense, a business plan is simply taking your dream and turning it into reality. It is a document that you create when you take an idea and work through all the factors that will have an impact on the successful startup, operation, and management of your business.A business plan defines your business, identifies your goals, and serves as your company’s blue print or resume. Smart entrepreneurs plan because they understand that it increases their chances for success.

In essence, a well thought out business plan is going to:• Force you to examine the feasibility of your business idea and examine all relevant factors.• Provide you with a detailed road map to success as you make your new venture grow.• Aid you in monitoring vital business activities better; identifying and analyzing many factors, both

internal and external, that might affect your overall operations.• Convince investors that you are worthy of their time and consideration. All potential financial sources

will want to see a plan that includes how you will start-up and grow your business.

FATAL MISTAKE #2: No Marketing PlanWhy is a marketing plan important? In order to have a successful company, an entrepreneur must have a game plan in attracting and retaining a growing base of clients.

Marketing is your blueprint or written document for implementing and controlling your company’s marketing activities. It allows you to plan out and create the kind of attention you need to come into contact with the right types of people or companies that is important to your business success. It is imperative that you plan your marketing strategies and find a means to measure your performance in order to sustain your market presence.

Here are 5 cheap marketing ideas:• Incorporate social media into your marketing campaign. Using FREE social networks such

as Facebook Twitter,LinkedIn or Pinterest can increase your visibility, grow your company’s brand,

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Continued......establish you as an expert and resource and create buzz on a global basis!

• Create a professional one-page flyer with ten professional tips based on your expertise. This can be distributed at networking events or distributed in places where your clients might be.

• Create several topics that you could speak about at seminars, as a presentation at a potential client’s office, at professional or civic organizations.

• Send out news worthy PR pieces. Your local newspapers or magazines will publish information for their readers’ benefit. When you contact the local media about your business, you must look beyond the daily operations of your company and find newsworthy information to the media’s audience.

• Establish a database of potential clients. This can be done by using software such as ACT or File Maker. Send out mailings regularly about your company’s promotions, newsletters or just because. This can be done through mail-outs, emailing or faxing. The point is that you need to be in their face so that when they need your services, they will call you.

FATAL MISTAKE #3: Ignoring Your Financial PositionLike many of us, we thought we planned it all out. We launched the company and the clients are knocking at our door. As much as we would like for this to happen, this is not the real world. Customers are not going to buy your product or service just because you are in business; they are going to seek you out when they need you. So, you must mentally and financially prepare yourself for the slow period of your business. Otherwise, if you poorly plan, you can create an unnecessary financial crisis.

A few financial tips:• Create a budget and a measurement process to keep track of how you are doing monthly. If you don’t

know where you stand financially and have neither short nor long term financial goals, then you are just letting fate dictate your success and we know those odds aren’t too good. Control your own destiny!

• Forecast your cash flow. By simply looking at your next 3 months projected income or revenue and your expenditures, this will enable you to forecast what you need to keep the business running. The difference is your cash flow. By taking a little time and creating this on a simple spreadsheet, you can avoid surprises.

• Preplan cash flow issues by prearranging a line of credit at your bank. This will give you a piece of mind if you get into a crunch, at a time when you need it!

• Factor your receivables for quick cash? These are financial service businesses that will pay you for your receivables. This service works by providing a cash advance based on the total value of the invoices that you provide as collateral. Typically, you can receive 75 to 80 percent of the invoice value upfront. Once the invoice is received, then you receive the remaining value of the invoice less a factoring fee. This is especially helpful for clients who may not pay you in a timely manner.

FATAL MISTAKE #4: Poor Relationship with Your CustomersDo you know your customers preferences and spending habits? Can you predict their buying patterns; what they want now and will likely want in the future? Are you regularly scoping out changes in your competitors’ products and / or services or checking out what they are doing to grow their client base? Listen up, if you are not in your customers face, then your competitor will be. In fact, your competitor might be growing their business by

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- gaining your customer as you read this article.

A few tips to keep your customers loyal:• Listen to your customer: Let them tell you what their needs are and then respond appropriately. As the

expert, they are looking at you to fulfill their need.• Take care of complaints immediately: of course, nobody likes complaints, but if you take quick action in

resolving your customer’s complaint, you may have a customer for life and position your company to reap the benefits of good customer service.

• Over deliver and under promise: the worst thing that you can do is to make promises that you can’t keep. Not only are you putting your reputation at stake, you are also disappointing a customer who might eventually lose confidence in you and take his / her business to a competitor.

FATAL MISTAKE #5: Inadequate Employee RelationsOne of the most difficult tasks of running any business is the art of hiring and retaining good employees. When you become an employer, you have the daunting task of motivating, coaching and managing your staff.What does it take? Employees want a good working environment, a fair salary, a sense of accomplishment, a belief in the quality of the company and perks.

Inexpensive Ways to Retain Quality Employees:• Communication is key: Keep your employees informed about what is going on with the company.• Improve benefits: Develop a compensation program. There are plans that will cost you little or no

money. By doing this, you are sending a message that you care which could lead to increased loyalty and reduced turnover.

• Create a team atmosphere: Provide a reward and recognition programs that recognize performance and achievement; sponsor regular company social outings to build rapport; make a big fuss about accomplishments.

To avoid these 5 fatal mistakes, be prepared to put in many hours of hard work, determination and a positive mindset.

___________________Sylvia Browder is founder of National Association Women on the Rise, a virtual community for aspiring and established women entrepreneurs. She has served as an online volunteer SCORE counselor since 2004. For FREE weekly articles go to Sylvia Browder’s Blog for Women Entrepreneurs, www.sylviabrowder.com. She can be contacted at info@nawomenrise.com.

• Become a fan of ‘National Association Women on the Rise:’ http://bit.ly/9qqvWW• Twitter: http://twitter.com/sylviabrowder and http://twitter.com/nawomenrise • Are you LinkedIn? http://www.linkedin.com/in/sylviabrowder • Join ‘National Association Women on the Rise’ on LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/dsd5E0 • Join our community on NING, www.nawomenrise.com

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How to Overcome Excuses That Are Keeping You Singleby, Erica Johnson

“I need to lose a couple of pounds before I start dating.”

“I need to get my life in order before I can even think about attracting a man.”

“When I’m where I want to be in life then I’ll start dating.”

“If God wants me to be with a man then he’ll send me one.”

“I’m too busy to date.”

Does this sound like some of the conversations that you’ve had with yourself or shared with your girlfriends? Let’s be honest. We’ve all said something of the sort to ourselves once in our lifetime. The truth is you and I know that these are a bunch of excuses.

Let’s be honest with each other for a second. The truth is deep down inside you really want to be in a committed relationship with a man that is supportive, loving, and can be your knight in shining armor. Not really a knight in shining armor but a man who is financially stable and can provide for the family.

Why the excuses? What I have realized is behind every excuse there is a fear.

Fear of rejection.

Fear of not being thin enough.

Fear of not being beautiful enough.

The fear is what is keeping you single.

You have to move past the excuses and the fear in order to attract Mr. Right.

The first step is to recognize your excuses. What excuses have you been sharing with yourself and others as to why you haven’t been dating?

The second step is to become clear on the fear behind your excuse. You may fear dating because you don’t want to be hurt again. You may fear dating because you’re not sure of exactly how to date and aren’t confident meeting men.The third step is to step out on faith.

Mr. Right Attraction Assignment

1.Write down all of the excuses that you’ve been sharing with yourself and others why you haven’t been dating.2.Write down all of your fears of dating.3.Decide to move past your fears and start dating.


Erica Johnson, the Mr. Right Attraction Mentor, helps single women who struggle with dating, confidence, and attracting that special someone however, are ready to be in a fulfilling relationship with their Mr. Right. To download Erica’s FREE E-book “How to Attract Mr. Right Starting Now!” and receive weekly Mr. Right Attraction tips and tools visit www.guidingu2success.com.

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Failure is a Step Toward Successby, Osric V. Baughman

We have always been taught that failure is not a good thing. Failing is never an option and when you do fail, you are seen as a failure. You will never be successful because you failed. I will prove to you that failure is not defeat, that it is a step towards success and that it is essential to you planning.

First, let me tell you that failure is a step towards success. The greatest accomplishments throughout history were the results of numerous failures along the way. Nothing is ever done right the first time. No invention was made the first time. The difference between those that have succeeded and those that did not is how failure was embraced. Successful people see failure as a step towards success.

Those people, who we say are successful, failed but did not give up. What they did not do is accept failure as defeat. We all realize that nothing comes easy. If you truly have the burning desire to achieve a particular goal, do it. Understand that when you are met with failure, it is your decision if you have been defeated. It is your decision if you believe you have been defeated. Failure is just another chance to continue on your path to success. It gives you another opportunity to try something that will work. It is not defeat until you accept it as such.

Failure is essential to planning because of what it does for you. For any undertaking, you must have a plan that will guide you to reach your goal. If you fail, that means you need to reassess your plan and begin again. Prepare a plan and follow the plan. When you fail, celebrate! You have just eliminated a plan that will not work to achieve your goal. Now try again and again. Continue until you have eliminated all the ways that will not work and you are then left with what will work.

Embrace failure, it is your friend not your enemy! It is your beginning not your end! It is your guiding light! Failure has been misrepresented and misinterpreted. I am telling you right now that if you want to achieve a goal, you will at some point fail. I cannot reiterate this enough: celebrate because you are one-step closer to reaching your goal. Rethink your plan and start on achieving your goal again. This is your time to reach your potential. Do not be discouraged. Do not be afraid. Failure is a step towards success. I charge you to keep stepping!

Osric V. Baugham focuses on personal and professional development through his Blog, Internet radio show and article contributions. He has written for online resources and is a featured writer for a magazine which empowers women. His forthcoming book entitled 'The Theory Of Luck' gives a step-by-step solution on how one can achieve their goals through practical applications. To learn more, visit: www.osricvbaugham.com

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Caring for Ourselves….is to Honor Godby, Carla Armstrong

Over the next several months we will be writing about issues women are facing and the need to hear from God about how we can resolve them with simple truths. In this issue we will talk about general health issues and the need to take care of ourselves.

In the 21st century women are being challenged to deal with a variety of issues we have never had to face at anytime in history. Doors are opening for us and we are achieving some of our dreams and successes which in the past seemed virtually impossible. We are buying houses, raising children, heading ministries and are the CEOs of organizations, etc. God is opening doors for us to live out our dreams. We couldn’t be happier about the successes we have achieved. However, some of these successes are causing us to experience health issues in our bodies and minds at an alarming rate. Issues such as heart attacks, breast cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, AIDS, depression and feelings of hopelessness, etc., are stressing us out and taking our lives sooner than expected. We need to take a look at the progress we have made, put it into perspective and seek to apply a healthier lifestyle.

Many of our issues are as a result of not applying the knowledge available to us regarding eating properly, resting, going to the doctor for checkups and taking care of ourselves first. We are making some progress in these areas, but not enough is being done. Our young African American girls are becoming obese at a young age. This is a disturbing statistic because many of them will not reach the age of forty without being confronted with health issue if our actions don’t change. Most women and girls don’t get enough sleep; we feel there are not enough hours in the day to take care of the things we have to deal with. If you are single and raising children sometimes it can be worse because you have to do it alone.

In this century we have become accustomed to instant gratification. This instant lifestyle does not take into consideration the time needed to rest the body and mind. Our minds and bodies need to be nourished daily. Our minds and bodies are not built for the levels of stress we have taken on without proper rest. We must find time with God and allow him to show us how to refresh ourselves if we are to continue to do what he called us to do. In all our ways we must acknowledge him and he will direct our paths. When our success is increased, our prayer life must increase. We must allow the one who created us to show us how to take care of what he has given us. When we do our health will be restored and our children will benefit from the change in our lifestyles.

When we take care of ourselves, we honor God._______________________Carla Armstrong is a speaker, consultant and life coach for women and teens. She develops training programs for college students, single mothers and HR professionals. She may be contacted at http://www.carlaarmstrong.com.

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Top 10 Tips to Help You Connect, Communicate and Collaborate at Your Next Seminar or Conference

By, Walethia AquilThis is the season for seminars and conferences. Conferences are a great way to meet other professionals in your industry and to gain valuable knowledge. These events can offer great opportunities to network and make important business contacts. Following the tips below will help to ensure that the conferences you attend showcase you in the best possible light and will help to enhance your career opportunities.

1. Networking – In terms of networking, a conference can be a goldmine! This is the place where you are likely to meet key people in your field and can broaden your network of contacts. Take advantage of this. Make sure to get out there and speak to people. You never know, your next boss or business relationship could be right there in the room.

2. Business Cards – You want people to be able to reach out to you easily after the conference so be sure to bring an ample supply of business cards. The last thing you want is to make a great impression on someone and then not have a business card handy to give them.

3.Follow Up- After spending all that time networking at the event you don’t want to lose contact with those key people who have given you their business cards. Make sure to send them a short email letting them know that you enjoyed meeting them and that you hope to do business with them in the future.

4.Ask Questions- You want to get the most out of your conference so be sure to ask questions. This is a great way to clarify anything you don’t understand and will show the speaker and other attendees that you are interested in the presentation.

5. Take Notes- There will likely be a lot of information given at your conference and it may be nearly impossible to commit it all to memory. Be sure to bring a pen and paper so that you can take notes to refer to later.

6. Dining Etiquette- After you have done all your networking at the event, have impressed others with your knowledge and made some great contacts you don’t want to blow it at the dinner table. Remember your basic rules of dining etiquette while at the event.

7. Dress appropriately- One sure way to lose your confidence and possibly your credibility is to show up at a formal affair in casual attire. To avoid this embarrassment it is best to check ahead of time with the event organizer or someone familiar with it to ensure that you are dressed appropriately.

8. Be on Time- Most conferences are packed with valuable information so showing up late may mean that you miss out on something. In addition, arriving a few minutes early allows you to mingle,

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and possibly make important connections so it is in your best interest to make sure that you’re on time if not a little early.

9. Don’t use the Seats Next to You – At a conference you never know how significant the next person you meet may be to your career. Be sure you don’t use the seat next to you for your coat or briefcase. Sitting next to someone is a great way to start talking.

10. Be ‘On Duty’ At All Times- If you are attending an out of town conference and are staying at their designated hotel be sure to remember that even though you are not technically working after the conference is over your behavior still reflects on your employer and your career. Nothing will squash a business opportunity faster than the combination of having too much to drink and having colleagues there to witness it. Avoid the walk of shame into the office the next day and be on your best behavior.


Walethia helps you build a new kind of wealth, “Social Capital” by equipping professionals and other service providers with training in proper business decorum and protocol’s in a step by step system that is specific to getting results. Now you can position yourself to never miss an opportunity due to fear, indecision, doubt, or lack of confidence. Learn how you can move from “Invisible to Impeccable”,contact Walethia today. Have an etiquette/image question email Walethia at:info@graceandcharm.com, direct number 1- 810-334-5427 or 1-866-610-3746.

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You finally got your dream business started. You now have regular customers. But what happens when your dream business gives you a huge headache because your customers aren’t paying you on time?

Get it in writing. Be sure your agreement or contract states what the payment expectations are and the consequences for non-payment. When you go over the contract with your client, be sure they initial the payment policy section. This way they can't say, 'you didn't tell me' or 'I didn't understand,' and this can be used later if it goes to small claims. You can hope that they will pay you quickly. But that doesn’t always happen. You sometimes have to take charge of the situation and get tough.

A three-step process usually helps. The first step is to send them a series of three-four collection letters. A delinquent customer often needs only a reminder that the last payment was not made. Each letter is more insistent than the previous one.

Always use your company letterhead and use proper letter etiquette, such as addressing the recipient and finish with a proper closing, such as “Sincerely” and then sign the letter. The second step is to send them a final collection letter. The third step is to obtain an attorney or file directly with the court. After you get a judgment against your client, you will then have to hire someone to collect the money. That person will likely keep 30-50% of what was due to you.

Step One: Collection Letters - Series One - Sample Letter One - Just a reminder that your $62.90 balance hasn’t been paid. Will you please mail your check today?

Series One: Sample Letter Two - Has the mail been delayed again preventing your check from reaching us? Did you mail a payment on your account recently? If you did, please stop payment and send another check for $62.90. We are anxious to have your account on a current basis.

Series One: Sample Letter Three - There has to be a reason why we haven’t heard from you after our previous reminders. Will you let us know why? Or perhaps you would like to spread the balance over a longer period. Please let us know how we can help. The amount due is $62.90.

Series Two: Sample Letter One - We hope that this year has been a pleasant and successful one for you – and that next year will be even better. To end this year happily, we would like to see you clear your past due balance of $62.90. A check mailed to us today will start your new year with a current account.

An envelope is enclosed for your convenience.

Series Two: Sample Letter Two - I am sure we both agree that a good reputation is essential to a prospering business. Your past due account, however, does not seem to support your good reputation. We feel it is important for you to get your account on a current basis.

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Series Two: Sample Letter Three - Your account is nearly five months behind our terms of 30 days. I am sure it is not your intention to ignore past due notices at the expense of your credit standing. We strongly suggest that you make a payment within the next few days. We are expecting your check.

Series Two: Sample Letter Four - The small balance of $62.90 in your account does not warrant any more of our time and expense to collect. We also feel it should not be placed with a collection agency. We can write it off as a bad account, but your credit reputation will suffer. Your credit standing can be maintained, however, by a prompt payment – made no later than the end of this month.

Step Two: Final Collection Letters - The final collection letter is the last step prior to turning the account over to a collection agency (which normally takes up to 50 percent of anything collected) or to an attorney for whatever legal action he or she thinks will open the delinquent’s pocket book. However exasperated the creditor is, the goodwill of the debtor must be retained. Do not demean the delinquent payer or use any foul language. Care is required to avoid writing anything libelous or even halfway libelous.

Sample Letter One - I would like to talk to you about your delinquent account. Since this is not feasible, let me talk frankly. Your payments were on time until the beginning of this year, but since then we have received no payments. During this time you have continued to buy from us. You have ignored our past reminders. Something is wrong. Can we help? Please phone or drop in to visit so we can get together on a payment plan. At this time we must insist on hearing from you within the next ten days. After that, we will have no choice but to cancel your credit and turn your account over to a collection agency. We don’t want to do this because it may harm your credit rating. We must hear from you by December 10.

Sample Letter Two - Because our many letters have remained unanswered, we get the impression that you do not intend to pay the $62.90 balance on your account. Therefore, we have taken steps to turn your account over to a collection agency. To stop this action and its effects on your credit standing, won’t you please mail us a check or call today?

Step Three: Obtain an Attorney or File Directly with the Court - You have to be willing to sue, or even threaten suit, to show that you mean business. Often, as small business owners, we're perceived as weak-willed and unwilling to go to the mat for what's ours. Until we demand professional attention--whether that's getting paid on time or being given a chance to compete with larger organizations--we're always going to be considered second-class. Sometimes a few well-chosen words in the business community can let others know the potential downside of working with a slow-paying customer. If they value their reputation, they may pay up to get you to shut up. For those who refuse to pay, keeping an attorney on hand to write the occasional letter can help.

____________________Cindy Freland is the author of several business articles. Freland is an award-winningvirtual assistant and founded Maryland Secretarial Services, Inc. in 1997.

Phone (301) 352-7927 Email: cindy@marylandsecretarial.com Web: www.marylandsecretarial.net

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Copyright ©2010-2012 Horizons Journal for Women – All Rights Reserved

The beauty of a womanIs not in the clothes she wears,

The figure that she carries,Or the way she combs her hair.

The beauty of a womanMust be seen from her eyes,

Because that is the doorway to her heart,The place where love resides.

The beauty of a womanIs not a facial mole,

But true beauty in a womanIs reflected in her soul.

It is the caring she lovingly gives,The Passion that she shows.

The beauty of a woman with passing years --only grows and grows.

- unknown

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Copyright ©2010-2012 Horizons Journal for Women – All Rights Reserved

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