Hope Christian Reformed Churchhullhopecrc.org/wp-content/uploads/bulletins/2017-10-15.pdf2017/10/15...

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Transcript of Hope Christian Reformed Churchhullhopecrc.org/wp-content/uploads/bulletins/2017-10-15.pdf2017/10/15...

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Hope Council Members 2017-2018 Elders: Arlyn Boon, Steve De Jong, Steve Haveman , Dave Hoekstra, Tim Lammers, Craig Stiemsma, Jerry Verhoef

Deacons: Sou Baccam, Matt Boer, Shawn De Stigter, Matt Roetman, Mark Steiger, Scott Westra

Hope Christian Reformed Church Hull, Iowa

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart…”

Jeremiah 1:5a (NIV)

October 15, 2017

Pastor’s Office: 439-1201 Morning Service 9:30 AM Church Office: 439-1279 Evening Service 6:00 PM www.hullhopecrc.org Pastor Todd Zuidema


TODAY: 5B -Stewart & Cindy VS

OCT 22: 1A -John & Sherry K


TODAY: Craig V & Justin H

OCT 22: Jerry V & Dave E


TODAY: Dennis Van Maanen

OCT 22: Nathan Bakker

NURSERY SCHEDULE TODAY: AM: Leah DS, Payton O, Shega H, Donovan B

PM: Faye DK, Kaily V, Zakiah VDZ

OCT 22: AM: Lora V, Lindsey Z, Allison VO,

Tyson B

PM: Leandra H, Elijah VG, Maliyha DB


2nd: Benevolent Fund

PM: Minn I Kota

OCT 22: AM: 1st: General Fund

2nd: Hope Education Fund

PM: Sioux City Gospel Mission

THIS WEEK AT HOPE SUNDAY: 9:30 AM -Morning Worship Service 10:45 AM -Coffee Fellowship 4:45 PM- Journey Bible Study 6:00 PM -Evening Worship Service MONDAY: 6:45 PM- GEMS TUESDAY: 6:00 AM -Men’s Bible Study WEDNESDAY: 10:00 AM-Coffee Break –Lesson 4

5 DAYS-5 MINUTES-GOD’S PEOPLE PRAY “We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit intercedes for us.”

Romans 8:26b

MON: Robin Vis, Grayson ............................................................. (The Broeks) TUES: William & Elaine Wassink ................................................... (The Van Ees) WED: Gary & Sandy Westra .......................................................... (The Ribbens) THURS: Scott & Andrea Westra, Macy, Logan ............................... (The Keyzers) FRI: Evan & Sarah Wiersma, Emmett, Easton ................................ (The Crulls)

Our Morning Worship Service *Please stand if you are able.

God Gathers and Greets Us

Prelude Welcome & Announcements *Songs of Praise: “Come, Now Is the Time to Worship” “Come Away From Rush and Hurry” *God’s Greeting & Mutual Greeting (Greet those around you with words and a handshake or simply a smile.)

We Confess and God Forgives Call to Confession: Psalm 139:1-22 Prayer of Confession (Unison)

“Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Lord, hear our prayer…” (Psalm 139:23-24)

God Reminds Us of His Promises

The Baptism of Jacob Steven Gerritt Hulstein, son of Dan & Carla Hulstein (see insert) *Song of Thanks: “We Will Extol You God and King” Prayers of God’s People

God Speaks Through His Word

*Song of Preparation: “Come to the Savior Now” PH 535:1,4 Children’s Message (Led by Melissa Boer) Scripture: Ephesians 2:1-10 (text vs 8-9) Sermon “Expert Craftsmanship” Prayer of Application

In Gratitude We Share and God Send Us to Serve with His Blessing

Offering & Offertory: 1st: General Fund 2nd: Benevolent Fund *Song of Application: “Marvelous Grace”

*Parting Blessing *Closing Song: “We Receive Your Blessing” *Moment of Meditation


Our Evening Worship Service *Please stand if you are able.


Welcome & Announcements

Song Service: (led by Dennis Van Maanen)

“You Are Our God, We Are Your People” PH 272: all

“How Lovely Is Your Dwelling” PH 243: all

“Praise The Lord, Sing Hallelujah” PH 146: 1,3,4

*Call to Worship

*God’s Greeting

*Profession of Faith: Our World Belongs to God, Art. 1, 5, & 6 (Unison)

Prayers of God’s People

*Song of Preparation: “My Only Comfort”

Scripture: Revelation 15


“Song of Triumph”


Offering and Offertory: Minn I Kota

*Song of Application: “Come, You Thankful People, Come” PH 527: 1-3

*Parting Blessing

*Closing Song: “Come, You Thankful People, Come” PH 527: 4


Assisting Us In Worship Accompanist: Leah Zuidema

Leading Us in Worship: Pastor Todd Zuidema

Assisting Us In Worship Accompanist: Melissa Boer

Leading Us in Worship: Pastor Todd Zuidema

Sermon Notes:


“Expert Craftsmanship”

By _________, we are _________.

__________ and __________.

______ to _______ and ________.


“Song of Triumph”

___________, ________, and __________.

_________ defeated, but ________ victorious.

God alone is _______.

God alone is ________ of __________.

Welcome to Hope Christian Reformed Church! Please join us for coffee fellowship after the morning service You may also view our church service on Channel 77. The morning service will be played at

1:00pm on Sunday and the evening service will be played at 10:00am on Thursday. Please send your bulletin announcements to hopecrchullsecretary@gmail.com or you may place

them in the Secretary mailbox by Thursday at noon.

If you have any prayer requests you may email them to hopecrchull@gmail.com or you may call Pastor Todd at (712)439-1201.


Welcome to Hope CRC! This morning we celebrate the baptism of Jacob Steven Gerritt Hulstein, son of Dan and Carla Hulstein. We give thanks for God’s covenant promises to all of His children. In the morning, Pastor Todd will be reading from Ephesians 2:1-10. In this text, we are reminded that we are God’s workmanship. If we are God’s workmanship, we should carry that with us in whatever God has called us to do during the week. In the evening, we will read from Revelation 15. God’s judgment continues, but those who have been faithful to Christ sing a song of triumph to the Lord. Let us worship God today!


Journey Bible Study: We will meet today at 4:45pm to watch the first video in Chip Ingram’s series “House or Home: God’s Blueprint for a Great Marriage”. The session is titled “Marriage: A Holy Covenant Part 1”. Drew & Tricia will bring snacks. If you are unable to attend, we can get you set up with the Right Now Media app that we use to watch.

GEMS: GEMS will meet for a regular meeting on Monday, October 16 from 6:45-8:30pm at Hope CRC Prayers & Encouragement: Please remember and encourage Cruise De Groot through your prayers, cards, and letters during his time in basic training with the Army. His address is:





We continue to pray for Cruise De Groot as he continues basic training in the Army. We pray for the unborn child of Todd & Sarah De Jong. Tests have revealed that the

baby’s heart is not developing as it should. They are evaluating what needs to be done. Surgery is likely and it can only be performed at a few locations in the United States. We pray for discernment and healing. Sarah is the daughter of Dave and Diana Kooima.

We pray for Jessica Van Holland, niece of Jerry and Pam Van Roekel and Kathy Hulstein as she recovers from surgery to remove a brain tumor. We pray for her recovery and for her ongoing treatment.

We pray for Hope members who are recovering from surgeries and procedures as well as those who have family and loved ones who are continuing their recoveries.

We remember our members who reside in care facilities: Mary Grooters at Pleasant Acres, Marv Boon at Prairie Ridge Care Center in Orange City, and Evelyn Dykstra in Byron Center Manor in Byron Center, MI. We also pray for their families as they support them.


LeRoy Jongetjes had his first radiation treatment this past Wednesday. He will have 5

treatments a week for 7 weeks. Pray for healing. Tyler Vande Griend’s surgery went well on Monday and he was able to return to his

parent’s home on Wednesday. He plans to return to his home in a few days. He will get the test results of his surgery next week. Pray for healing.

Praise the Lord that Eldon De Wild was put on the list for a lung transplant. They request continued prayers during this time of waiting. Those wishing to send them a letter of encouragement can send it to: 300 SW 19th Street, Renton, WA 98057.

Prayers are requested for Gary Roetman as he will be having a CAT Scan next week Wednesday, Oct. 18, in Omaha. Pray that there will continue to be no visible signs of cancer.

Pray for our shut ins: Sally De Groot, Audrey Jongetjes, Florence Kroese, and Melvin Van Otterloo at Pleasant Acres; Wilma Altena, Verne Huisman, Julianne Kats, and Goldie Veldman at Aspen Heights; Esther Rozeboom in her son’s home, and Ardelle Westra in Sioux City.

Operation Christmas Child brings hope and joy to kids worldwide through a simple gift-filled shoebox. But a shoebox is only the beginning! It also gives the children an opportunity to have a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through a Bible Study. Look for information in your mailboxes. Boxes will be provided in the kitchen (you can also purchase your own container or use a shoe box). You can choose to pack a box for a girl or a boy, or both! This is a fun project to do with your kids too! Please have your filled boxes in church by November 14. If you have any questions please contact Rebecca Te Slaa or Vanessa Vink.

Answers in Genesis: Western will be hosting a presentation by Dr. Terry Mortenson from “Answers in Genesis” on Mon., Oct. 23, at 9:00a in the Western Event center. Dr. Mortenson will present his view on the flood during the time of Noah. This presentation is open to the public. Fall Recital: This year marks the 5th year of the Ringerwole Organ Recital Series at Dordt College. Internationally acclaimed organist Stephen Tharp will present the fall 2017 recital at 7:30pm on Friday, October 27 in the B.J. Haan Auditorium. The recital is free and open to the public. Love INC Tip Night: Join us October 24 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm at the Rock Valley Pizza Ranch. Come join us for a night of food and fellowship! Funds that are raised will be used for general budgeting and a new Website. Reformation Service: Congregations of Classis Iakota and Classis Heartland are warmly invited to a combined worship service commemorating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation. Join us Sunday, October 29 at 3:00pm at the BJ Haan Auditorium in Sioux Center, IA. (Please note the change in venue.) The service will include music by area high school choirs and a brass quintet, an expository reading by Dr. James C Schaap, a video chronicling God’s diverse classical efforts, a sermon by Pastor John Lee, and a celebration of communion hosted by the councils of First and Hope CRC's of Hull. The offering will be for Resonate Global Mission. Livestream is planned. To Christ alone be the glory! Gospel Jubilee: The American Reformed Church in Luverne Minnesota is sponsoring the 7th annual Gospel Jubilee on Sunday October 29, at 3:00pm. Enjoy the music of the Kingsman Quartet from 3-5 pm, followed by a lunch at 5pm for $5. This meal is a fundraiser for a mission trip. Freewill offerings will be received to help with expenses for the Quartet. Koele Insurance: Reverse Trick or Treat is a campaign that delivers healthy food and games to children of our community for Halloween. While candy can be enjoyed on Halloween, these gifts will bring a smile to children every day. What can you donate? We are going to be accepting donations at Koele Insurance & other businesses and locations around Hull, now through October 31, for the Hull Sack Pack and the Hull Kids’ Club. This is a great opportunity for you to help local children! We will have a complete list of items you can donate on our website www.koeleinsurance.com and on our Facebook page. Thank you for your thoughtfulness!

THANK YOU Dan and I would like to express deep appreciation for the ladies of Hope CRC for

throwing a shower for the birth of Jacob. We have gratitude for the wonderful gifts and good wishes received from everyone. We would also like to thank our care group for all of the prayers, gifts and meals prepared. We feel grateful to be part of a church full of kind and generous people. - Dan, Carla & Jacob Hulstein

We would like to thank everyone for the prayers and caring shown to us after my foot

surgery. Thanks for the food brought in, the visits and the cards of encouragement. It has been a long journey and time of recovery, but we are thankful that there is an end in sight. I have 2 weeks of the boot and crutches yet before my foot can bear full weight, but the reports from my last checkup were encouraging. There is some concern that the loss of feeling and movement in my toe may be permanent. Please continue to pray that this is restored.

-Martin and Sandy Nielsen Thank you to the many who attended the recent Rally Day Supper and Sale. Your

financial support is greatly appreciated. We have received over $58,000 from the sale, supper, and additional donations! We praise and thank God for the generous bidding and giving of the HCS constituents and local businesses. Thank you to the businesses and individuals who donated items to be auctioned at the sale or sponsored our event with financial donations. Thank you to all who made this event an enjoyable and financially successful evening.

-Hull Christian School

ANNOUNCEMENTS Hope Haven: Christian Women’s Auxiliary will hold their annual fall meeting with a catered luncheon in the Hope Haven Gym on Tuesday, October 17. The program will feature Matt Buley, Hope Haven’s CEO. Apple Pie Project: The date for our annual Apple Pie Project is Wednesday, October 18. Please plan to join us for this time of FUN, fund-raising and fellowship. There is a job for everyone! Kids junior high age and above are encouraged to come and help. It will be a youth group service night again this year. It is a big project, but it is always great fun to see all ages working together. You have until October 16 to get your name on the order list. The signup sheet for ordering pies is also on the

kitchen counter. The price this year is $13.00 and we will offer the buy 12 and get 13th free deal. You can find us on Facebook at “Hope CRC Apple Pie Sales”. Please share this Facebook page, as it is a good opportunity to get word out to families and groups outside the church! THANK YOU To all the people who have offered their time and donations already, you are greatly appreciated! WE ARE TRULY HUMBLED BY THE WAY HOPE CRC RALLIES TOGETHER ON THIS! If you have questions or want to order pies please contact Laura Heitritter at 712-540-9016

Women’s Connection: All ladies are invited to the Women’s Connection on Wednesday, October 18 at 9:15 am in the Whispering Heights community room. Brunch is $4.00. Our inspirational speaker will be Ilene Dirks with the message, “In the Blink of an Eye”. Teresa den Hoed will present the feature, “Common Sense Health” and music will be provided by the den Hoed Brothers. An offering will be received for Stonecroft Ministries. Reservations are necessary. Please call Winifred at 470-5549 or Bertha at 476-2583 if you would like to come 1st Reformed Church: invites you to their annual Soup and Pie Supper on Thursday October 19, at the Hull Community Building, serving from 5:00-7:30p. Freewill offering for support of missionaries Sioux Center Health is providing a Multiple Sclerosis Support Group for patients & caregivers on Thursday, October 19 from 4:30 – 5:30 pm at Crown Pointe Gathering Room. Come and learn new information and strategies for challenging problems, finding support from others and feeling empowered and more self-confident in coping with challenges. For questions, call Yaby at 722-8378. Dordt College: Dordt College student Mary Van Wyk will present a junior vocal recital at 7:30pm on Friday, October 20 in the B.J. Haan Auditorium. The recital is free and open to the public. Shopping for a Cure and Bake Sale: October 21, at American State Bank in Hull, from 10-2. This year we will be supporting two great causes. We will be raising money for JDRF to help with research for Diabetes and for Camp Hertko Hallow. Hertko Hallow is a camp in Boone IA, for kids with Diabetes. Logan was able to go for the first time last summer and is hoping to return again next summer. It is a great camp where they can connect with other kids and counselors with Diabetes. The staff, nurses and doctors are amazing and we would love to support them in any way we can. This year’s vendors include: Dwelling Creations, Scentsy, Tastefully Simple, Usborne, Sassy & Chic, Silver Tulip Designs, LuLaRoe, Pleasant Kids Boutique, Entegro Health and Pam Tiedeman-Custom Designs. We will also have our bake sale and we are always looking for food donations. If you would like to donate you may drop it off at our house, or at the bank the morning of the bake sale any time after 8:30. If you would like to donate, but are unable to attend, you may make a donation to either organization and we will get it to them. We would love to see everyone there! Thank you for all of your support! Scott, Andrea, Macy and Logan Westra

FFA Farmer Feed: The Western Christian FFA club will be hosting their 3rd Annual Farmer Feed on Saturday,October 21. They will be serving burgers, chips, cookies and a drink from 11-2 at the following elevators: Hartog Elevator in Sanborn, Ag Partners in Sheldon, Hull Coop and Hull Feed & Produce, the Doon Elevator, and Cooperative Farmers Elevator in Rock Valley. Thank you for your support! We look forward to serving you! Donations are welcome.

New Roots: A seminar--Policies, Statuses, and Lives of Immigrants & Refugees--will be hosted by New Roots Ministry on Saturday, October 21 from 10AM--2:15PM. It will be in the Community Room of the Sioux Falls Ministry Center (225 E. 11th St., Sioux Falls, SD 57104) Speakers will include Amon Eustache as the keynote speaker, and two people who share their personal experiences as refugees and with DACA--Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. Learn, be inspired, and enjoy an ethnic meal! There is no cost! If able, please RSVP by October 17 by calling or texting (605)376-6330. If you are unsure, no problem; just come! Calvary CRC: announces that it has called Pastor Dave Heilman to the position of Advancement Coordinator at Inspiration Hills Conference and Retreat Center. His installation service will be held on October 22, at 5:00pm at Inspiration Hills. Give thanks with us for the ministry of Dave Heilman. Hope Haven: Hope Haven’s 53rd annual Society Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 24, at Hope Haven in Rock Valley beginning at 5:30 pm. Society members will have the opportunity to elect new board members, review recent audit and budgets, and receive the annual report on the ministry of Hope Haven. Hope Haven is a society owned agency, therefore, you are encouraged to exercise your membership and become involved in the business of Hope Haven. NICSTO: Hull Christian and Western Christian are continuing to collect money for the Northwest Iowa Christian Schools Tuition Organization (NICSTO). This gift helps families with tuition assistance. In exchange for your donation you will receive a 65% tax credit on your Iowa income tax (C Corporations, S Corporations, LLC and Partnerships are also eligible for STO tax credits.) It can also be claimed as a deduction on your federal income tax. If you are interested in donating to this fund please contact Randy Ten Pas (439-2273) at Hull Christian or Wes Fopma (439-1013) at Western Christian. Service Day: Hull Christian School will be holding their annual Service Day on Thursday, October 26. The 6th-8th grade students can assist anyone needing extra help raking your leaves. Please call school (439-2273) by Monday, October 23, if we can assist you in this way.