Hood's~Cures - Memorial University of...

Post on 13-Aug-2019

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Transcript of Hood's~Cures - Memorial University of...


CARD • . ·LLBb'RT H. M.d.BTIJt,


Dtaltr in all ii.dl of

Lumber, Shinglee,LathiJ, Palings, &c.

aarCIIITtl~l'nce IOlid&ecl. . l'remiafl tn rtar ol lltan. J • .B.

~b rtin·~ eo· ... . PoaL Office Bo(9'l.O

The we1r-knowu Stam}>Dealer,

PAYS TO filGBEST PRIC.!B • - Uf OASB-for used Newfoundland •ta~n ps. Special Prlcte · rt:~id for very old 8Wilpe oo o~al envelope. in u. e 20 or SO years ifO·

Send by mail retitler-ed to ·

~· <)JIMAN, St. Jobata.·•

, /' [nro dou.Au Pa& ~1

MONTBE:AL, ~1817.

A.flt OF PABJJ AMBNT. - - - .11,000,000.00

nallhridell'Pir.t.a- • - 8',809,6'19'.48

JIALB JOITBOD.--~w. ' '\

~ine Hair Tonic, WMMIQialleld rc_.:~-~llleniDK and Beautifying the Hair.

Tooth :Wa~ ~rvative. .

--IIIU. a neW 8DpplJ Of-·

Bromide, ~_.....


Ai.fbU Une ot the Beat Gr..tu of English, American, Canadian . aad Local-made Boot.a and Shoes always in Stock.

-:; ~ Bit Gila at tb Lneat Prica at ear Store. ~ Le&tb.rware ia the Only Stock we 'handle, and we give it

ou -~•tioa; tbe~fore, we ~ give you aatiefaction Ill~~ .... prtee. . OCTri"'RT ORDERS BP£0/AI..LY 801..10/TED

; DOa&rf,cb&r~•· one.. A~4&L Prompt uc1 earelal &Uemton at•en to all ordera 8ln1le pain I han Ute uolllllYe ~t forew~, tJN1)1i'R; KtAI~ ol BocM can be MDt bJ POet anywhere in the Colony a£ -- to .. 1M method ln 8L J'obn e, f.,.. • ....u COIL J!,ee our~ or,., o.atr Pdcu-

WA'TER ST .• HARBOR GBA.CB. Mid. l)r ,_ LJBll, 'l'be Babeort~ee t.o Inform tbe7ue the Bed (or Quality and Price.

Carrfages, Slelc"-1 Carll. &c. ~., ~ a Jolm'•, NJ4. =:R,'tt U:::..w~.!!;-:!.-=:-J: a.Qember: Smallwood'• for Boots and Shoes. JAMES WA.BBl!IN ~ Teetlmonlal ~ w lDu-eaboYellne. r . .

('tfRRIAGE&:BLElOHIJVI£DD • .dn!. • be~~r::.=-.folaUen\Jonwlll omwno or .nvn VGII~ID nrmmmmmmmfiffiffiffiffu ~.[~·~~~~~-·-=:: ~-= Dr.rt.:_~lldrW"t~e8DdenJ'"'ed -.Pnc•mod@1ate. ""uo llHII !dll~la. MtlSie-TE.JI'reHING; 1 l llaTiftl •ed. • ._., ,-- ., •L ·- I J'OBli8PAJdoi8. - :-:- -.~·~:= o,r.~.,.~rta,dallea&dwlrS......, lake _pleuure In 1tattn1 -at we • J.dfarobaaUJ&net. APPJJOATIO!\'Baretl'fqUeiJIIj made Tbe underalped ie prepared to 1V•bt•t .. bollu: t!r"• t7ae uc1 •• ....._ ban had teeth ftlled or utracJJ ~ G4?l ., &be OIHce fA abe ~ bJ 1Lre 11\druoUon ~ a llmiLed num-

t -.;.~~isr l.i ·--~ by ypa with the P0~~ I Wanted. CuOelliiall•w· PN:tl• •••"~ lo bu;r or 1 .... BC011i ber or pupils tn Mualc-Piano .>r ac on guar&D._. lle&bOd and tba& .,. ~..-~ •roud._.. ,_. a.l ~ Jfo &roQ&Ie eo ..U {.:" R.ed Qigan

WATEJt ~"~TRtF.T:J:iABJJOa ORA OZ. DO pain' •~"'· ~an~~ ~•lrfAUfB, !llth•t c..llt priCII =:au:~~=::_~~ a;! Pnp01 oa~ receive instruction at pl~ Ja ~~....-•J • ,.. ~mpt payment paftliteed. lh~Gf~rPIOPedJ,ihl&aaa. thelrbome, o.ra& &be residence or

J 'u KVNN EDY Allf rrieadl: u 8tAU Co., LibaooD. Pa. wU1aJD U.. CdtJ Umlta. lleiiDUQII-ft all U.e Teaoher. • IT . . ~ l'AQI w. B. 811(1001(. .S.A.- At&-11 ..... ballafllwlU be cloDela &be 1\rlel- Spedal attention siven to Re-

Boot and Sboe-Kater, Jon 1. non.., u--...ll p ..... o .. __ of v - oaeUI •• Alto. rHl or ...,... l*lnn, and Tuulnl or Organs.-- 0110110 W AJ,da. ...a 01-ee DWY~~i'l "ew- JIIQIIIftJ Jll8de Offr aadu cJeeda ol ..,....., Fell, Bnwaan- <»wring, ttc.,

IY,l TEll T., HARBOR GRACE. W~J.LUX B. p.--, Draper. foandland wanted, ~1 MDuab' lnilrri.;.:v_;ea&. &M~o&la..._, alway• on band. (oppoai tetbeBllp.) RonnJ'aaB. !orcuborlnexohage_roreeed•. :.=.. • .:;pan oo~naha W H KENNEDY

.WD.Lf•• Wu.u. !~!b price~ paJd. · JWerlo au . • '-J'AS. J COLUII. • · Pianilt ' lir"J.:\'cry description or PADICC'fJIII'N• &t~U~II. • ~ ,...... aacl a.-1 j.i&i; llrokft. 1U Wafw6lr«i Jlo,r6ur o;tue

& rf~~: To~~::,.~&,.paired. st. J=~ I:.tr•· ~:f~~no ~·· Ka~a._, ~ l.ru;:.,. .. •Uoft• BOIDe. MUIIMIUM"U"WUUMUUM ... nd.Sn.rcd Wa _,.-,.


The echooner Lord Devon, Capt. Adruna, left here o needay laBt, for Sydney r for a cargo of fhe .

• .... • • B~st Screened~ ..... o-.-... ...

Nert~ $ydney e ·oals. ~We would ask our lWUlY customers to have their orders

booked early this eeason.

. Paterson a, Foster, Harbor Qrace.

TEAS. TEAS" TEAS. We ba_!!jutL receina per Coroan, a larse ebipment or CHINA and

CEYLON TEAS, wbicli we intend .

-?>To 'Rush otf)at a Very Low Flaur~.~ WHOLkQ,_.AU ANO RETAIL.

A:Jwaye on baud, a well-ee~ectea Stock of

~ Provisions, Gr.oc~riee,


I .-......-... .. -

Cntral Warebue. HAJ,L BROS. · 1larlr Grace.

:reas. Just received per S.S. Carthagenian from England,

eHOIOE NEW SEASON TEAS. Congou and other popular branches in chesta,

half~heata and Caddies Sunnyville Blend in !, i and 1 tb packages. Full stock of CHOICE GROCERlES and


-Ph~nix Fi~e Insurance Co.,

Of Br$'Qklyn, New York. . . .·

Insure your property against toea or damage by fire in the abeve first claas Company, which is open to receive Insurances on nearly nll kinde of property in Newfoundland.


~For particulars apply to either of the andersign! d.

A. 0. HAYWARD, ..fgetl for Net11Jowrw~Umd. W. H. THOMPSON, Sub-Agm, HarlJor Gnu:e.


- Fancy and Toy Bazaar,­v1cron u."'-8'.-llE.ET. ..

.C(iclteC Bate, Raila, and Wiclreta. Fern PoL!, Flow4'r .Pe& Cohrl'.

• Rarthn wnro. l•ota,.. of 3-20 ct.e. Fire & reens, &c.., &c.,

• A. & A. BRUl'tUES.

ouNeedlt! . The"D.&L~--

--£mulslon. It Will····

Curc'l'bt!!Coutr:~ • . UeaiYo~rlungs, Pqtfbs-:1 o:llo.trBoncs F~n·:tLCoa:;::~pticr. .

lt is wi\h re~L t beAr the Le­g1al&S.ure baa dedaed to curtail \he Educational· GranL Tbore are many whom \his will not affect. They can and will oduc:at. thelr children the same u herotofon~, Rnd I will beg of tluob to nmem· ber tboee (ana the number is sreai) ttbo cannot aO'ord to aend lh.U children to eollege or boarding· school but muat needa be uLlsded with the advantages they ban bilhertoenjoyed. Tbereareothen again •ho never bad lbe b,ndt ol a teacher in.ibek lives. Tbere&N many aucb" on this caUL What are we goiDJ to do with them f Are 1ou content, ChriltiworN.ew­foundl~d, to let theN people re­main in igoorance and die io the apathy and IUJ>4!111LIUon to whlch tliey a& present I had 0ftC8 of maoDWiliJI

-· - CIIJidlTii iltblrmiBOi. ·

Tbe Pill for the People. Mudlla Rtf.., Onl, Jao.JB., 1890.

W.lf. CoJimlOK:, Broclnille, Oat. l>eotr ~'r.-Jiayo l>_ceq leUlor yonr

Dr. Morte'l IndiAn ~ BilJi for lbe .-.& eJsh~ yean i tbey "10 tbe only Pill 1or &l!! peoplP. A. rt.e.r h"dll( qaed lhem once1 l.I:J•1 't'""'' come bacl(. for more.

"foul) trqly1 ~wo. llcTicu.

'Ra.ur llf &~118.-blelrnalng­Kidney and Bladdu dileuea relieved in eb boun b1 the 8ourH AKDIOAX .ICJDliiY. Cvaa." Tbie ow rebledJ ie a ~' ao~o aod deU,b& on acooqp~ oC i&a exoMding prumi)!MI' in reU.nlq ~ Jit·~o flhw:l<fer1 ~4nort, baok a.lil eten ~~ Ql ~be urjn~ Jl&el&«• io male or YemaJe. !L rOliltTI!II re&euW:Ia ol waler and pain in puelng I~ almo~t lmmedial.eiJ. lr you wao& quiok re· lief and cure tbia ill yoor remedy. SoW by all drunlete.

-- J. w • ..,....,. .. o-p. ...!!!:.IIRMwlclt.

After the Orip .. No ltren~rth, No Ambltlo . .

Hood's~Cures ........... .,poleoa~ poor bloocl 1 llnJI blp Boocl'l lluapNWa In m1 bOIUO

M a. .._I Mid a 10111e. 'W• allo ketp, l.l'IDIIODJiu4 .-d Ur1nk lllabl1 Ollbem. ' ~,IlL~. New Unumrlck.

Cheer up! There Is hope for you f!xou wm trv that sJag~-~flft"ihat liiif been In use tor~ than ~ yu.rs..

Wlstar's Balsam of Wild Cberry.

. IJ TIJi/J Cwl Yl Solil t1"' ~

iOT.A.I..·· ~nsnnnttt «:DJJ.


CHAS. ALCOCK. . : • Manager. 1EFEUY BEAVAN, Sub-Mannger. -ftPrCJ# Jp!O?t -ma /leporl ; ~!.''-'hieS op ..... ..... = = .. .un~.m o ~ ~ had ..... . ,. .... .... .t._l ..._IIVUI.oD JI'UDcl.., •• .t~' ti:S.OOO 0 S ~" hlld . .... .... ... • •• •···· l M;I;'UI II 3 i.G'.:.r hocta . ...... . ............... 4,211 .au •• 1 ~IOQ Fluid. . ..... ... 41,1.\jT t IQ

!>root and~-... . ... III,IH.'I 13 1 "li!iO;J:tr.· ~

H•t Jl'ln .._Ianoe tor • ftnL2,078.1tJ 17 ~ !!•' '- tor ........ . "!""'' , ..... ,'IIIU IJ 3

l~uraaee. a~ ~~ ~t ~~emlo r&l.fl o( Premlumt and thla Compan)' wW alia I be &mOOJIL tho fire~ 10 g i vo up ~lp oma 1fblo6 pball bo fQUDq to beq ....

obtaln,eciJ The piDJ wiiJ ~ vor dlltln~;ui•b illell by ha well-known prorupucudo aDd Ullerallt1.1n eeUlemont '>f c.Jairua, wblcb are peW 11rltbou~ provioll4 rercr­eaoe lo BD;land.

JOR BROS., & Co . .Agrot1 for JYJfd.




You will fiDel that it wW ..

,..bJ,t no othar IOlP call do. aad ,rlll p!uNye~VUJ

tn1· It iJ Euy, Cleu.

Alt of the Very Best. Qgality and ~-ofOur

"Shepard- Geld -~ • . . ' ihich we are the only manaf'aciuen. _.Ordtn by letter or

promptly and ut.fActpdly aecutecL

Highest awards at Bot.tou. 18&9; PhUa:lelplaia, 1876 F"llhert. 'lzhlbition, liiU.

.,.. Pau.a.au onT BT 1'D P.Wil81o .. ~:

THOMAS BIECBAII, St. Sold by 1111 DruqWI ud Paten~Kedlolae ~~~

o~ K,.QWL.IN ~ St. Jolm·.,~ ......

" WtU mmly a IAtJdqw of lltr jont&n-I#Jj."

t..ared to be neeleu, and week alter week abe continued to grow wone, until i' was evident abe wu fut goio1 into a deolh~ ~back· ing coogl\ eet. in, and toe poor girl, who wu formerly plump and healthy looking, with bright roer oheelra, began to waste awa1, and ln a few months was merely~ a abadow of ber forme1' self. Her mo~er had abou' ton all hope of saving the young glrl'e Hr6, the doctors being apparently unable to do anything w check the ta.qee oflhe myeterioue dieeue. A' le~ the mother'• aUentloo wu dlreotecl to Dr. Willlama• Plnk Pllla, aDd ehe decided to &ive UJem a \rial. A box wu &aken, and u Ule Jlrl did no' tbow any •lalble dpi of impro•emenl, . her mO\heT wu on the poin\ofdlecootinuln& &be medl· clne when a neiJhbor pen~ed her that a tin1le box wu no\ a fair trial.~... and induced her to continue the nils. By the time a HCond bo:a: wu compteWd there wu tome impiOYemeo\ nolioeable and there was joyln &ba\ tmall houtehold, and no more penauion wu needed

at.o lor the ex·

tbia Jlledioine wn:ou .. trn. in heal"·

In the cue of young girl• who an pale or ~allow, llttlee,.troablecl with a .8aU.J1D£ or pal~tatioa or the beari, weak and ealllf tired, no time ehoold be 108\ in tald!ll a coune or nr. William.' Pla1t Pille, which wfll tD&edlly enrich the blood, and bnq a IOIIJ 1low or beaUh to' the cbeeb. Tbeee Pilla are a poilU•• c•re lor all troablea arising from a TiUa&ed ooodltioo of tbe blood or a tbaUered Deno~ tystem. They are a s~Jftc for troubles peculiar to femal-. cor­recting tnppreaions, irresolarltiee, and aH forma of weakn ...

HAnufac\ured by the Dr. Wil­liams' ·Medicine Co., Brocnille, Ont., and sold in boxee (nenr in lOOM form bylhe doaen or hundred) •' liO cents a box, or six boxee lor 12.50. May be hl\d of· aU drauiell or direc' by mail from Dr.-Wil~ llama' Medicine Company a' abo•e addrees. ·

Meean. T. )lclturdo & Co. are wholesale agenll for Dr. Williams' Pink Pille at St John'11, NJld.

-=-THE-QUEEN·~· -~

~~~~~:~8!?.: the eum

$541,000 and the

QUEEN INSURANCE CO. paid out ro S9S of ita patrona, wboee policies were involved in the fire, exactly a similar amount, viz.,


JOHN CORMACK. Ageat, St. Jobn'e.

A. T. DRYSDALR, . A pot, Harhor Gl"J'OO

~ Blank P'on:na ot all des­...-criptione printed at . the --S!AJrD.UD Office.

• ..

one havee&ecl

in relief or the Colony These are are noUormi~abllfisuree in new or the P.t embarrUemen~ wbieh lbnat.ened our people on ~'" raiture ohhe banb and of llopplyin~ mer­chan~. '!!hanks to the correct appredb.Uon. mndo by Sir Herbert llorrav, or the financinl elato oft he Colon;-, ancl to hls judgn1oot., aocl tAct In applyint-t.bo relief, ne,·cr heron, we feel eafu in u.y\ng, WRI! tJltre an equnl amoun\ o( money epent with auch c~ and far-reAch­log reeolta. • 11

. ·~'~--· ~----Deprec:tatlnc Our' Flsb In the

· ~orelp Markets.

~landed A moDI' tltoee 01t board ._IN 8ft. Kr. Antle. Kre. Antle, Meun. IAmb, .._..,r. O. Bayly, ·!ln. Lamb, llr. aDCl Mia. DeviD._

- . lJieldGdl of Ioelad.

\ix· MlliiYI)Il pOUlOUI .... teen J)AtoDI.

in&JI'Uai~ ·Four tboueac.d jute workua, Dundwe, a&rib • . J •

Tbo CbiQeae OoYanmenl. aay they ~ powerleu to Ktle\l~ng.

El&rl Cadogan, new Vioeroy for Ire­land, baa been vczy cof'tiallr rectlnd.



I •

On 'f~•Y laat..m.h Augua1, at St. Jamee Cburoh, Carbooear, 6y tho Jk,·. J . If. Woe!, ..U.ted by tho 'llev H Harri~, M. J. Hawkn, to Clara y~u••s:: eeL tiaolllter of \be late O.ptain Mor· &imo&?~ .


·Ai one o'clock, in the

CeueriialSale·ROOil, StJohn's, (if not previoaaly disposed of), . . Dau 111811 ANn,-

Oq bebaiC of &he Coaar:qatioo of W8koy .Cburob, 'We uke very ~~ pleaaure tn preeentiDr you wi&li &he -accomp&n)'ltll tole eo oHbelr 'tfrJ""' ..-N for )'ou. 'Ihey feelladlriduallJ 'be lOA t~e7 wUl•.._t&bJ b)' )'Oar ll!Jial' ad~ yoururr from them owlna ~ apPfOI'CMna marrtace, wliiob bappJ e~ they ff'lldu~ )"Oil upoa, aDd truel. aJI tbo bl-(np ot a kiDd PloYid­ace will OYfJihadOW your (UtUN J~ Aplo we ·caa~ · allow yw to eeYt r )'OUr. COODecUOD Wilb Dl wiLbOu' ~ 1111 Jlpofl reconl our •Inoue rtgre' at loalag your YerJ t~Ye uniON u Orpliilc, ~tta&ultoaaly reWtred for 10

' 'IIW I ~

S.S. Lady Glover


• II 0 4 0 0

' '

manyyean. • -In urmlnaLinc all \bc:ae pleuaot u­

IOria&IOIIIi.D cbQroh work, we do to Wit.h alnctre, and 6ea' wiebte lot' bappl.,_ aiMl pn»pt'rily to follow you. .

William SnDo~ Su~riatedeot, N. Pike, RecordCnc S&ewapJ, H. 0. W4'(11 Cba pell:l&eward.

• RBPLY. 1'o Nr. N. Pib RfC:OI'din~t Steward

and Hr. U. C. \Vatte, 0\apfll Steward: and Lbe Olht'r member. ol the W eeley PI~ -~~&~~~or~ .

• p u'll'ilsat-.­

built ai Pneton. in 1 , under t()ftCl-.1 IU"IJ' 188 tooa OSS • 94 \one Detl · H"uih,od moclii ry in Rood order. For ~oulara ntl fnveutory apply to

A. ,G. SMITH & Qo .. Auaionttrt.

8&. John'•• Aur. 21, 1805.

Post OMce oNotlce !

Foreign Mails I Hereafter, until further notice

all Mails for abroad wUI be dq~ patche4 by 'V~rr~-.Qable ~·r to Canada, the United States, and to the Uni\ed KinJdom

1 or which

notice will be liYeo u rar u pos­sible.

( - J . O, FRASER, - Poti-JIGII;fr Qfllfi'Gt

t'h ole )'ota TfliJ ~acb ~ ~'-t ldad apd ~ ~1"·,0~ 1Jl111tDL~ ·~~·==-.-.=.---=­})aye beta.,~ a. to &he m~e&.he . -

occaalon ol my marriaae. 11-u dou6Je tokrn uf yaur 1 ~ and appreeiaUoo of my u Orpailt will be •"'r Ya.lued b1. me af t~e O'!~me or )'~r ~ei'Oif.'Y ol bea~. 'WbJBtl , howerer, baa ~ ...,. oleot.ly teeli 8C'(l to by your ooadlallay toward• me, and your rudy auia&aea. all Lbe lime of my beinr whb you. I feel though, my d~ar fri~1 &bd 1 haTO only done and done whn much lmperftetlon, wluit iL wu Ill)' du'y &o do, in aldJnf )'OU in your ecnioe ol lOll f . . BeHove IJle tbaL J ehpQ enr olledtll \be.-mem~ of tbo IJI&:I)' happy llaon •.}Jell~ 'fiili dear frjeade jo Wale7 Cburoh J!.atbor Grace. Tl'l~tng you .aaaln, ,e,., atnceie11

roura, LI;N$1a.; AIUY.

1farbor Grace, Aug. 22, 1~. ...

- Dr. HcKetale nu ~ appolnteCJ Dia&riet Surgeon, for St.. Jabn'a EN&.

' I .-We ha.ve on exhibition, B~

sp1endid aaaortment ot



HALL BROS. Water &., Harbor Grace.

