Home Business Hound

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Home Business Hound

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


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  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


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    Terms and Conditions


    The Publisher has strived to be as aurate and om"lete as "ossible

    in the reation o# this re"ort$ not%ithstandin& the #at that he does

    not %arrant or re"resent at an' time that the ontents %ithin are

    aurate due to the ra"idl' han&in& nature o# the Internet(

    )hile all attem"ts have been made to veri#' in#ormation "rovided in

    this "ubliation$ the Publisher assumes no res"onsibilit' #or errors$

    omissions$ or ontrar' inter"retation o# the sub*et matter herein(

    An' "ereived sli&hts o# s"ei#i "ersons$ "eo"les$ or or&ani+ations

    are unintentional(

    In "ratial advie boo,s$ li,e an'thin& else in li#e$ there are no

    &uarantees o# inome made( eaders are autioned to re"l' on their

    o%n *ud&ment about their individual irumstanes to ataordin&l'(

    This boo, is not intended #or use as a soure o# le&al$ business$

    aountin& or #inanial advie( All readers are advised to see, servies

    o# om"etent "ro#essionals in le&al$ business$ aountin& and #inane


    .ou are enoura&ed to "rint this boo, #or eas' readin&(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - / -

    Table O# Contents


    Cha"ter 1

    )hat.ou 2aveToConsider

    Cha"ter 2

    3i&&in&3ee"er Into Considerations

    Cha"ter /

    4usiness T'"es

    Cha"ter 5

    A 4asi Loo, At .our O%n Produt

    Cha"ter 6

    .our Primar' 4usiness Goal

    Cha"ter 7

    No 8atter)hat .ou Choose .ou Need Inte&rit'

    )ra""in& 9"

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - 6 -

    Cli, ere htt"::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:0ounder0l'

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - 7 -

    Cli, 2ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Godadd'

    Cli, 2ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:2ost&ator

    Cli, 2ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:NameChea"

    Cli, 2ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:=oialAdr


    =uess is ahieved b' bein& %illin& to resist the odds$ ta,e the >road

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - ? -

    less traveled$@ and reali+in& that the &reatest "o%er 'ou have$ is

    alread' %ithin 'ou(

    In m' o%n travel to suess$ Ive determined that the ma*orit' o# %hatis o##ered online is trul' misleadin& and #ull o# em"t' ho"es( I ame to

    attain suess throu&h "artnerin& %ith the orret "eo"le and

    a""l'in& &ood old #ashioned horse sense and smart business

    "raties$ to Net%or, 8ar,etin&(

    As an outome$ Ive been able to %al, a%a' #rom m' or"orate *ob$

    travel the %orld$ all %hile establishin& a home business that %or,s #or


    8' &oal is to hel" 'ou in doin& the sameB that is$ someone %hos

    read' to ste" a%a' #rom the masses$ and #ound a true business that

    mi&ht brin& 'ou the "ersonal and #inanial #reedom 'ou need( Get all

    the in#o 'ou need here(

    2ome 4usiness 2ound

    o% To =ni## Out The i&ht ome 4usiness

    Cha"ter 1)hat.ou 2ave ToConsider

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


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    Let us have a loo, at the onsiderations 'ou have to ma,e %hen 'ouredeidin& on a home business(

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    The 4asis

    Individuals utili+e the term >home business@ too broadl'( The #at isthat there are numerous ,inds o# thin&s 'ou are able to do #rom

    home( Even i# %e onl' thin, about the %a' individuals are

    ondutin& their home businesses no%ada's - throu&h the Net -

    there are do+ens o# hoies(

    =o$ %hat sort o# home bi+ must 'ou ta,e on Its ruial to ,no%

    this$ beause %ithout that ,no%led&e$ 'ou %on@t be able to

    #ormulate the ri&ht sort o# mindset #or 'our %or,(

    ere are a #e% onsiderations that 'ou need to ta,e into aount-

    Are 'ou interested in the business No%$ there are assorted #ators

    that ma' interest 'ou( I# its a reative *ob li,e ommittal to %ritin&

    or %eb desi&nin&$ that ould be a motivatin& #ator #or 'ou to *oin

    the business(

    Or 'ou ma' be ha""' about the %a' the business runs( .ou mi&ht

    be enhanted b' the eas' ash that ma' be made in the business

    Faordin& to 'ou or somethin& similar( )hat is ruial is thatthere has to be somethin& in the business that stirs 'ou$ or 'ou

    %on@t #ormulate a li,in& #or it(

    Even inside the broad area that 'ou "i, out$ there %ill be assorted

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


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  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


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    Ever'one laims to have the MoneM lead &eneration maneuver thats

    &oin& to hel" 'ou blo% a%a' the om"etition$ the Mone ma&ial "illMthats &oin& to ma,e all 'our Net mar,etin& ambitions ome true(

    At a ertain level$ "eo"le ,no% that the Net is #ull o# h'"e(

    It@s li,e readin& a ma&a+ine %ith an advertisement #or a luur' auto

    and sho%s a &ood-loo,in& &u' %ith the &or&eous &irl( At a onsious

    level$ "eo"le understand it@s an ad( o%ever at a di##erent level$

    "eo"le believe it( Those sorts o# advertisements are tar&etin&

    somethin& muh riher than our %ittin& %ants(

    Ee"tional mar,etin& tar&ets "eo"le@s nitt'-&ritt' desires( A "erson

    %ants to be "ri+ed$ to #eel %orth'$ and to #eel uniue and li,e s:he has

    a "ur"ose(

    The ma,e mone'B industr' online runs in the same %a'( At a sur#ae

    level$ most "eo"le om"rehend the Net is #ull o# hoo"la( 4ut there@s

    this other "art o# the human brain$ the emotional "art$ %hih %ould

    li,e to trust some "art o# its true(

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    =o even thou&h 'ou reali+e there@s a ton o# h'"e ever'%here$ it@s trul'

    sim"le to &et %ra""ed u" in all o# it( And it adds u"$ as the Net is

    #looded %ith so man' "eo"le( )hat@s not to love The dream to sta'

    home in 'our "*s$ %or, #rom ever'%here %ith 'our la"to"$ and ma,ebu,ets o# inome livin& li,e a ro,-star((( Corret

    o%ever$ sim"l' beause the Net levels the "la'in& #ield$ doesn@t

    mean 'ou automatiall' sueed(

    A level #ield means that theres o""ortunit' #or ever'one( All the

    same$ its a &ame( 9nderstandin& the &ame %ill be the di##erene

    bet%een survivin& or sim"l' %astin& an immense amount o# time and

    mone'( The hillin& truth is that #or most "eo"le %ho ome online(((

    It@s a tremendous mone' avit'( Peo"le trust that all the' have to do is

    M#ollo% the leaderM and the're &oin& to hit it %ealth'(

    Peo"le dro" 1HHHs and 1HHHs o# dollars #or "roduts that$ #inall'$ are

    not "roduts an'one %ould bu' o## the shel#( 4asiall'$ individuals are

    "urhasin& these "roduts #or the ri&ht to sell and ollet a "ro#it@B

    on them( That@s the bottom line$ re&ardless ho% it@s mas,ed(

    It@s eas' to &et au&ht in the 'le o# "urhasin& ever' hotB tra##i-

    &eneratin& ourse that a""ears bi&-ti,et events$ e"ensive PPCam"ai&ns$ more trainin& ourses$ more monthl' membershi"s$ et(

    4e#ore 'ou ,no% it$ 'oure out Q6HR and still have no lue %hat it

    ta,es to &ro% a suess#ul home business(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - 15 -

    No% a Net 4usiness is deidedl' ui,er and hea"er than most other

    business models$ relativel' s"ea,in&( o%ever this doesn@t im"l' that

    merel' si&nin& on #or a "ro&ram and #ollo%in& ste"sB are &oin& to

    ma,e 'ou %ealth'-as a lot o# the o""ortunities out there sa'(

    o%ever havin& an Net business has a %hole list o# inredible

    bene#its i# 'ou understand %hat 'oure doin& and ta,e the time to set

    u" 'our business li,e a real business and not somethin& that 'oure

    sim"l' &oin& to Mtr' outM to see i# 'ou brin& in an' mone'(

    Thin, about a #ranhise #or eam"le( I# 'ou had to dro" Q/HHR #or a

    little #ranhise and sho% u" there dail' to ma,e it %or, and &et it o##

    the &round- hanes are 'ou %ouldnt be thin,in&$ M)ell$ lets *ust see

    i# this %or,s( I# it doesnt$ Ill tr' somethin& else(M

    8ore than li,el'$ 'oure &oin& to thro% it ever'thin& 'ouve &ot #or at

    least 2-5 'ears to ma,e it %or,( On the Net 'ou mi&ht start a business

    and ma,e it "ro#itable in muh less time and %ith muh less start-u"

    a"ital than a traditional business or a #ranhise(

    =uess alls #or "ersistene in masterin& a ne% s,ill set$ bein& %illin&

    to "ut 'oursel# out there and$ above all$ listenin& to 'our hunh(

    4ut this is all easier said than done$ es"eiall' %hen the leadersB that

    'ou thin, 'ou@re su""osed to be listenin& to have been #illin& 'our

    brain %ith #lu##(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - 16 -

    Even as 'ou have to utili+e are %hen &ettin& involved %ith an'

    business o""ortunit'-seletin& %hom 'ou see, advie and &uidane

    #rom should be hosen %ith *ust as muh are$ i# not more(

    I do %ant to hallen&e 'ou to ta,e a hard loo, at %ho 'ou #ollo% and

    ho% ome(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - 17 -

    Cha"ter /4usiness T'"es


    .ou and I both reo&ni+e the Net is #ull o# a lot o# di##erent %a's to

    ma,e mone'( )hile the Net "resents tremendous o""ortunit'$ its

    beome inreasin&l' di##iult to ,ee" tra, o# the di##erent business


    A#ter some time$ all the o""ortunities be&in to loo, the same and it@s

    hard to tell %hat the true di##erenes are(

    Ever'one laims that their %a' is The 9ltimate 8one'-8a,in&

    =olutionB( o%ever in order to sueed$ 'ou have to #irst om"rehend

    %hat sort o# business model is orret #or 'ou and the "ros and ons

    o# eah(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - 1? -

    The / To" T'"es 0or Net 4usiness

    8ar,et a 4i+ O""B or ='stem

    There are a lot o# di##erent om"anies out there %ho &ive 'ou the

    o""ortunit' to reruit other "eo"le into the same business

    arran&ement( This is a 4i+ O"(B There are man' main sorts o# a

    4usiness O""ortunit'(


    This one"t is de#initel' not ne% and hanes are$ 'oure

    #amiliar %ith it( 8L8 has &ot a mediore re"utation amid a #e%

    &rou"s$ as man' "eo"le believe its assoiated %ith a Pon+i

    sheme( o%ever$ this bad re"ort is a result o# "eo"le

    attem"tin& to sell it as somethin& that it@s not(

    That ou"led %ith the #at that most "ersons sim"l' don@t ,no%

    ho% to sell$ %hih is an essential #or most 8L8 om"anies-it@s

    &ot a bad re"utation( 4ut$ 8L8 is trul' a "rett' &reat business

    model i# 'ou vie% the #ats(

    In most 8L8s 'ou &et "aid in 2 basi %a's

    1( .ou &et "aid a ommission on "rodut sales( .oure "aid a

    ommission i# 'ou reruit someone into the business$ b' %a' o# their

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


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    "rodut sales$ or "erha"s a ommission "aid on their start RitB(

    2( .ou li,e%ise are "aid residual revenue based on the sales o# 'our

    do%nline F"eo"le %ho are si&ned u" underneath 'ou( Generall'$ an8L8 om"an' ollets all "rodut "a'ments and then 'ou reeive a

    ommission on a %ee,l' or bi-%ee,l' basis(

    One as"et o# the 8L8 that ma' be eeedin&l' &ood is the residual

    inome( Contrar' to other business models$ in 8L8 'ouve the

    o""ortunit' to "rodue residual revenue-%hih means even %hen

    'ou@re not brin&in& in sales 'oursel#$ 'oure still bein& "aid on the

    sales o# 'our do%nline( Traditionall'$ 8L8 ommands more time to

    build durin& the #irst ou"le o# 'ears$ but then 'ou mi&ht be&in to

    e"eriene a residual inome that mi&ht #ar eeed 'our o%n sales


    3iret =ales

    3iret =ales has &ro%n in "o"ularit' over the last 5-6 'ears$

    es"eiall' in the home business industr'( 3iret =ales merel'

    means that 'ou &et "aid a diret ommission #rom sales that 'ou


    In most 3iret =ales om"anies$ 'ou &et "aid in these %a's

    Commission on Produt =ales - Commission is earned %hen 'ou si&n

    somebod' u" in the business o""ortunit'$ the ommission &enerall'

    omin& #rom their "rodut "urhase(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - 1D -

    In a #e% 3iret =ales om"anies$ 'ou ma' be the one olletin& the

    #unds #or "rodut sales( .ou then hold 'our ommission u" #ront and

    send in the %holesale amount to the om"an'( Clearl'$ this is onebene#it o# some 3iret =ales om"anies-'ou are "aid at one(

    A #e% 3iret =ales om"anies do su""l' a residual inome as %ell as

    the u"-#ront ommissions( o%ever most o# 'our revenue %ill ome

    #rom the ommissions on sales that 'ou "ersonall' brin& in( One

    ma*or bene#it o# mar,etin& a 3iret =ales-t'"e business hane is that

    'ou mi&ht brin& in si&ni#iantl' &reater "ro#its and #aster than 'ou

    ma' %ith an 8L8 om"an'( On the #li"side$ 'ou don@t have the lon&-

    term advanta&e o# substantial residual revenue(

    8ar,etin& a 8ar,etin& ='stem

    This hoie is one that a lot o# individuals$ %hether the're in an

    8L8 or 3iret =ales business$ sell on the #ront-end(

    ere@s ho% it &oes

    S .ou drive tra##i to .U 8ar,etin& ='stem %eb site(

    S .ou &et someone si&ned on in the 8ar,etin& ='stem(

    S One the're si&ned u"$ 'ou For 'our sites "resent them %ith 'ourbusiness o""ortunit'(

    )hile this seletion mi&ht %or,$ it an li,e%ise beome etremel'

    onvoluted and on#usin& #or the "ros"et( A#ter all$ %hat 'ou@re

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - 2H -

    essentiall' doin& is sellin& someone on .U 8ar,etin& ='stem #irst o#

    all$ and then sellin& 'our business onern-rather than merel' sellin&

    him:her on the business onern diretl'(

    =ell =omeone Else@s Produt

    No% 'ou mi&ht be thin,in&$ o% is this unli,e O"tion V1 Aren@t I

    sellin& other "eo"le "roduts in V1B The ans%er to that is sure( In

    O"tion V1$ mar,etin& a 4usiness O""ortunit' : ='stem- 'oure sellin&

    someone else@s "roduts( 4ut %hat I@m mentionin& s"ei#iall' here in

    O"tion V2 is the sellin& o# the atual "roduts diretl'$ and not the

    4usiness O""ortunit' or the ='stem(

    )hat %e@re brin&in& u" here is strai&ht "rodut sales( There are a lot

    o# "rimar' t'"es o# "lat#orms to sell others@ "roduts(

    A##iliate 8ar,etin&

    A##iliate 8ar,etin& is the "er#et instane o# sellin& another

    "ersons "roduts( ere some eam"les o# sorts o# "roduts 'ou

    mi&ht sell as an a##iliate mar,eter

    S E-boo,sS )eb 4ased =o#t%are : Tools

    S Eduational Produts

    S Trainin&

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


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    Ari&ht$ %e %on@t &o into the lihW about the )orld )ide )eb bein&an in#o su"erhi&h%a'( o%ever isn@t it *ust that

    .ou ant den' that In#ormation "roduts are the Internet-a&e term

    %hih entails the "ubliation o# in#ormation-rih ontent on the net(

    This ontent mi&ht ta,e an' #orm$ but &enerall' %hen %e s"ea, about

    in#ormation "roduts$ %ere disussin& e4oo,s$ e-+ines$ videos$ audio-

    boo,s and the li,e(

    Generall'$ this is ontent that "eo"le mi&ht do%nload and store on

    their hard dis and use it a#ter%ards aordin& to their onveniene(

    Theres one more ommon strin& runnin& throu&h all the in#ormation

    "rodut devies - the' have to "rovide bene#iial material to the user(

    There are 2 %a's in %hih 'oure able to &et into the in#ormation

    "rodut business

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    - 2/ -

    In#o Produts

    .ou mi&ht "rodue the in#ormation material 'oursel# or outsoure

    it to someone so that 'ou have 'our o%n "rodut to distribute(

    .ou mi&ht mar,et another "erson@s "rodut on 'our site or blo&(

    Either %a'$ 'oure dolin& out in#ormative material(

    Amon& the %a's to &ive out this material is throu&h a##iliate

    mar,etin&( I# 'oure &oin& to mar,et "roduts o# other "eo"le$ 'ou

    mi&ht selet the available "roduts #rom an a##iliate net%or, and

    distribute it throu&h a servie li,e Ad%ords(

    In this ase$ 'ou %ould not have to have 'our o%n %eb site or blo&

    even( All the same$ 'ou mi&ht li,e%ise distribute suh a "rodut

    diretl'( =ellin& ma,es a &ood o"tion i# 'our "rodut is &ood


    A""l'in& tehniues li,e searh en&ine o"timi+ation$ viral

    mar,etin&$ soial net%or,in& and suh$ 'ou mi&ht #ound a brand

    "resene #or 'our "rodut and &ather a mar,et #or it( One thats

    "rodued$ 'oull #ind that 'our "rodut be&ins earnin& #or 'ou an

    everlastin& stream o# inome(

    I# 'ou maintain 'our o%n "rodut$ there are a lot more advanta&es(

    Number one$ "eo"le assoiate 'ou %ith someone %hos an

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - 25 -

    authorit' in the sub*et( .our name in the b'line means a lot #or

    'our believabilit'(

    This %ill ensure that 'our additional "roduts &et a nihe #orthemselves too( No%$ arr'in& 'our o%n "rodut doesnt mean that

    'ou have to sit and "rodue stu## 'oursel#( .ou ould outsoure

    %or, reall' easil'(

    On *obsites li,e GetA0reelaner


    and =ri"tLane


    its reall' eas' to #ind "ro#essionals %hod %or, #or 'ou at an

    attrative "rie$ and &ive 'ou the ri&hts o# their %or,(

    0or video reordin& material$ 'ou mi&ht "ublish interestin& videos

    on .ouTube FXhtt"::%%%('outube(om:Y and ombine their

    im"at %ith a di##erent "rodut that 'oure sellin&( .our video

    su""lies "eo"le %ith &ood data and at the same time su""lies a

    lin, #rom %here the' mi&ht do%nload a boo, that 'oure

    mar,etin&( That %a'$ 'ou are able to ombine 'our mar,etin&

    e##orts and &et added bene#its(

    Get the maimum milea&e out o# 'our in#ormation "rodut

    enter"rise( I# 'oure loo,in& to sti, to 'our net home business #or

    a %hile$ 'oull have a "resene on the net$ and nothin& %or,s better

    than in#ormation "roduts #or that(

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    Cha"ter 6

    .our Primar' 4usiness Goal


    ere@s the basi "oint I trul' %ish 'ou to thin, about )hat is the

    basi &oal o# 'our business The hie# &oal o# 'our business is to brin&

    in sales so 'ou mi&ht &enerate a "ro#it$ orret Corret(

    =o %ouldn@t it ma,e sense then$ to disover the s"eediest route #rom

    Lead to =ale$ %ith minimal overhead Absolutel'

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    About The Pro#it

    eali+e that ever' time 'ou add a ste" into 'our mar,etin& #unnelJ

    'ou@re diminishin& onversions #rom lead to sale( )hat I@m ur&in&$

    is to((( Cut out the middlemanB(

    In this ase$ the middleman is the su""osedl' automated multi-

    ste" 8ar,etin& ='stem( Consider it All the s'stem is doin& is

    "lain& a lot o# %orthless ste"s in bet%een a site visitor and a hi&h

    ommission sale bein& attained(

    And the ost o# havin& all these %orthless ste"s is a ost to .O9(

    Inome is made on the "art o# the middleman Fthe ='stem

    o%ners$ but 'ou@re "a'in& #or this "ro#it out o# 'our o%n "o,et

    %ith 'our membershi" #ees$ #ront-end "roduts and ad mone'


    Eam"le 'ouve 1HH leads(((

    Lead Y Q5D 0ront-end Y Q6HH 9"sell Y Q2HHH 9"sell Y QHHH

    9"sell Y Q12HHH 9"sell

    I# ever' ste" o# the mar,etin& #unnel onverts at 1HZ F%hih istrul' hi&h$ that means

    S Leads [ 1HH

    S Q5D 0ront-end [ 1H

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    - 2? -

    S Q6HH 9"sell [ 1

    That means 'ou drained leads at the 2nd ste" o# the o"eration(

    This means i# 'ou %ere able to &enerate leads at a ost o# Q6 a lead$the 1HH leads ost 'ou Q6HH( =o 'ou s"ent Q6HH on the leads and

    'ou made a ommission o# Q2H on the #ront-end sale( And a Q5HH

    ommission on the Q6HH u"sell$ 'ou made Q52H( =o 'ou trul' lost

    QH and no one made it to the Q2HHH u"sell "oint(

    This is eatl' %hat ha""ens %ith most "eo"le %ho *oin a "lan that

    has a lot o# ste"s involved in their sales "roedure( The members

    don@t have an honest vie%"oint o# the bottom-line numbers$ and

    ho% %ould the' The onl' in#o is %hat the "lan o%ner@s state(

    I# more members trul' did their o%n math-rather than &oin& b'

    %hat other "eo"le state-man' "eo"le %ould be ma,in& trul'

    di##erent business seletions(

    The &reatest issue is that ever'one seems to #or&et the hie#

    "ur"ose o# the business$ %hih is to ma,e inome( ather$ "eo"le

    &et distrated %ith sellin& #ront-end a""liations$ ,its and lo%-

    level "roduts( 0e% ever ma,e it "ast that "oint to trul' &enerate a

    "ro#it on a onsistent basis(

    Generatin& leads isnt the &oal( .ieldin& a "ro#it is( 4i& di##erene(

    8ost "eo"le are &oin& #or the leads$ and that@s it(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


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    - 2D -

    Cha"ter 7No 8atter)hat .ou Choose .ou Need Inte&rit'


    Inte&rit' is ta,in& ation in a %a' that@s in line %ith 'our stated

    values( 8an' "eo"le on#use inte&rit' %ith ethial motive and moral

    "hiloso"h'( Aordin& to )i,i"edia$ Inte&rit' is a one"t o#

    onsisten' o# ations$ values$ strate&ies$ measures$ "rini"les$

    e"etation and results(B To at %ith inte&rit' im"lies that 'our

    ations math 'our e"ressed belie#s and values(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - /H -

    4e A =tand 9"B Person

    To at out o# inte&rit' means 'our ations dont math u" %ith

    'our e"ressed values and belie#s( 0or eam"le$ i# a mar,eter

    states on his %eb site$ I value hel"in& others sueedB$ ho%ever

    then he doesnt ta,e ation to hel" others sueed-hes out o#


    o%ever$ i# a mar,eter states on his %eb site$ I value hel"in&

    m'sel# sueedB$ and he ta,es ation to hel" himsel# sueed-then

    he has inte&rit'( Inte&rit' isnt about bein& ri&ht or %ron&( It@s

    about ations mathin& u" %ith e"ressin& values and belie#s(

    The most si&ni#iant thin&$ es"eiall' i# 'oure a "erson mar,etin&

    'oursel# online$ is that 'ou have inte&rit' %ith 'oursel#( I# 'ou don@t

    have that$ 'ou mi&ht never have it %ith an'one else( )hat are 'our

    o"inions )hat do 'ou value )hat is si&ni#iant to 'ou

    3oes %hat 'ou o##er$ and ho% 'ou de"it 'our business$ have

    inte&rit' 3o the ations 'ou ta,e online math-u" %ith 'our ore


    That is ste" V1 in suess( I# 'our ations don@t math-u" %ith 'our

    nitt'-&ritt' values and belie#s-i# inte&rit' doesnt eist-attem"tin&

    to aom"lish suess %ill be a sti## battle(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - /1 -

    o%ever$ %hen %hat 'ou "rovide is in line %ith 'our ore values

    and o"inions$ an' resistane a""ears to dissi"ate %ithout notie(

    It@s not a #i&htB o# &ettin& "eo"le to bu' stu##( It@s merel' a matter

    o# sharin& %hat is alread' there( The %hole "roess o# ma,in&inome beomes #un and en*o'able(

    Let@s #ae it %e don@t have a boundless number o# da's on this

    earth( Theres no "oint in stru&&lin&B to ma,e revenue %hen 'ou

    mi&ht have #un ma,in& mone'( This is the bene#it o# buildin& a

    le&a' %ith inte&rit'(

    Produin& a suess#ul business$ re&ardless i# it@s online or a

    traditional business$ ta,es a lot o# blood$ s%eat and tearsB(

    The last thin& 'ou %ish is to "ut in all o# this %or,$ and have +ero

    to sho% #or it(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - /2 -

    )ra""in& 9"

    =oon$ a time %ill ome %hen 'our home business %on@t remain a

    home business( In realit'$ our "ers"etives o# home businesses are

    uite ontrived( 0or most o# us$ a home business means a otta&e

    enter"rise that %or,s %ith traditional tehniues and has a small

    sale "rodution and a ommensuratel' little inome( 4ut$ %e have to

    han&e this im"ression( ome businesses onl' be&in at homeJ there@s

    no limit to ho% #ar the' ould &o(

    Individuals %ho have started buildin& sites #rom home %ith *ust a

    one"t in mind have no% made their sites &lobal( otmail$ no% a

    "art o# 8=N$ is a reall' &reat eam"le o# that(

    In realit'$ ri&ht #rom the moment 'ou see, 'our #irst lient or &et 'our

    #irst bu'er #or 'our home business$ 'ou ou&ht to sto" treatin& it as a

    home business beause it has not sta'ed at home( .ou have ta,en it

    outside alread'( .our "h'sial s"ae is the home$ but 'our business@

    s"ae isn@t( Its &one hi&her(

    There#ore$ 'ou must be read' #or these thin&s ri&ht #rom the

    be&innin&( .oure &oin& to have a &lobal "resene$ but small it is(

    .oure &oin& to beome #amous on the Net$ 'our name mi&ht #i&ure

    on Goo&le$ man' thin&s ma' ha""en( It is hi&hl' #allaious$ then$ to

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - // -

    all 'our business as a home business(

    o%ever 'ou have to learn to be read' #or that lea"( .oure "la'in& in

    a &lobal arena( It@s not about earnin& *ust a #e% bu,s a da'( ="ea,%ith 'our aountant about the ta matters(

    Consult %ith a la%'er %ho 'ou mi&ht use i# needed$ "artiularl' to

    he, ontrats( 0ind a tehniian %ho %ould re"air 'our PC at short

    notie( All these "re"arations have a muh &reater %orth than 'ou

    ma' believe - the' &ive 'ou a stron& indiation that 'our business is

    &oin& to be &reater than 'ou have e"eted it to &ro%(

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - /5 -

    -eommended -esoures

    Cli, ere htt"::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:0ounder0l'

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - /6 -

    Cli, 2ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Tra##i)ave

    Cli, 2ere1 htt"1::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Imnia8ail

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - /7 -

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  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound


    - /? -

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    Cli, ere htt"::&uideri&ht&rou"(om:Ua++le=ho"AndCreateIn9=A

  • 8/10/2019 Home Business Hound
