Holy Spirit Catholic Churchholyspirit-sr.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/... · 3/14/2015  ·...

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March 14th & 15th, 2020

1244 St. Francis Rd. Santa Rosa, CA 95409

Parish Office & Rectory: (707) 539-4495 FAX (707) 539-3343

E-mail: holy-spirit@sbcglobal.net, Website: www.holyspirit-sr.org

Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Holy Spirit Catholic Church

Photo credit: dove image above made by Patty Zack

Mass & Service Schedule:

Weekdays: Mon.-Fri. during Lent & 1st Sat. at 9:00 am

Weekends: Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. &

Sunday: 7:30 a.m. & 10:15 a.m.

Liturgy of the Word for Children:

Sundays at the 10:15 a.m. Mass

Stations of the Cross every Friday at 6:30 p.m. during Lent

Pastoral Staff:

Pastor, Fr. Ron Serban, Ext. 12

Deacon, John Storm, 479-5424, Ext. 11, jstorm@srdiocese.org

Office Administrator, Carlea Warren-Rossi, Ext. 10

Director of Faith Formation, Megan O’ Neill, Ext. 13


Director of Parish Music, Brenda Roberts, 321-9057

St. Vincent de Paul Society, 537-7835

Men’s Club, Kirt Schlander, 539-4066

Women’s Club, Jane Hoffman, 540-2997

Holy Communion Visitation, Fred Walsh, 291-4848

Prayer Chain, Diane Bowman, 539-9035

Parish Finance Council Chair, Steve Imboden, 537-9166

Parish Advisory Council Chair, Mike Cusack, michaelcusack@aol.com

Sacrament of Reconciliation:

Every Thursday, First Friday and First Saturday

following the 9:00 a.m. Mass or at the Parish House with an appointment

For other Sacraments:

Please call the Parish Office

6 months in advance for Marriage

3 months in advance for Baptism

3rd Sunday Of Lent

March 14th & 15th, 2020

……from your Pastor’s Desk

Taking a ‘Guilt Trip’ this Lent?

Have you ever seen the T-Shirts that say “I survived Catholic Guilt’? There is some humor in that, but, in actuality - Guilt is good. Well, in proper proportion anyway. Therein lies the rub. Like so many other things that CAN be good – we tend to over indulge in it – especially during Lent. Guilt is a normal, God-given reaction to sin. Let me explain. Guilt is the spiritual counterpart to the physical sensation of pain. As pain saves us from being seriously hurt or warns us that we need medical atten-tion, so guilt warns us that something is wrong spiritually. Guilt is part of reality. The question is not: "Will I go on a guilt trip?" All human beings will go on guilt trips. We can't help it. The question is: "When and where and for how long will I go on a guilt trip?"

If we deal with guilt by repenting immediately and taking a short guilt trip to Jesus' for-

giveness, we receive love, mercy, and freedom from our sins. If we delay our guilt trip and hope we won't need to take one, we'll eventually take one anyway. The longer we wait, the worse it gets. And, if we take a guilt trip not to Jesus' love, but to our self-pity, or human efforts, our guilt can then lead to shame (shame results when we try to deal with guilt by our own power). Shame is self-hatred. And God certainly does not want us to hate ourselves. Therefore, when we sin, we should repent immedi-ately and take a short guilt-trip to Jesus' forgiveness.

Lent is a Journey to Easter, not a Guilt Trip to Shame. Life is a Journey, not a Destination.

May we all meet at Journeys End – in the Heavenly Realm. The Sacrament of Reconciliation [Confession] is the best way to get off the Guilt-Trip and back

on the Journey. I am available for private appointments. Our regularly scheduled time for Confession is posted on the front of the bulletin. This year’s Lenten Confessions will be on April 1st, starting at 6:30pm (as seen below). Multiple priests will be available, including bi-lingual [Spanish – English]. We will stay as long as needed. I asked you to think of one sin you want to champion this Lent – this is a good opportunity to name it, claim it, be absolved of it and be done with it!

Blessings, Fellow Travelers.

Father Ron

APRIL 1st – MARK YOUR CALENDAR PARISH CONFESSIONS: Or Reconciliation, or Penance. No matter what you first learned it to be called – we are having them April 1. And, no, THIS IS NOT AN APRIL FOOLS JOKE! There will be four priests available: Monsignor Dan Whelton – Vicar General/Chancellor/ Moderator of the Curia, Fr. Aaron DePeyster [bi-lingual English/Spanish] Pastor of Resurrection, Fr. Moses Brown [bi-lingual English/Spanish] – Director of Religion Department and Chaplain for Cardinal Newman High School, and myself – Fr. Ron – Simple Parish Priest! We will start at 6:30 pm sharp with a quick intro of the priests, an opening prayer and then get right to it. We will stay as long as necessary. If it has been a while since your last Confession – don’t worry – we will gently walk you through it. There will also be sheets available about how to go about it and also the Act of Contrition to say at the end. Gentle, peaceful music will be playing in the background. So – hope to see you then and—NO—THIS IS NOT AN APRIL FOOLS JOKE! :]

Mass Schedule March 14th-22nd

03/14 Sat 5:00pm †David Frey

03/15 Sun 7:30am Mass for the People

03/15 Sun 10:15am †Anne Sweeney Mason

03/16 Mon 9:00am †Marcus Johnson

03/17 Tues 9:00am †Tom Brady

03/18 Wed 9:00am †Mary E. Byrne

03/19 Thurs 9:00am †Gayle Darling

03/20 Fri 9:00am †Dominic Dowgewicz

03/21 Sat 5:00pm Mass for the People

03/22 Sun 7:30am †David Drew

03/22 Sun 10:15am Jesus Ferias’s birthday

March 21st & 22nd – 4th Sunday of Lent

Readers Eucharistic Ministers Greeters Servers

Sat, March 21st

5 pm

#1– P. Babb

#2– M. Davis

Dn. John Storm*

As Available

As Available

Sun, March 22nd

7:30 am

#1– S. Pola

#2– P. Edson

Elizabeth McDonnell*

As Available

As Available

Sun, March 22nd

10:15 am

#1– M. Peterson

#2– L. Johnson

Michelle Davis, Charlene Hullinger & Mary Ellen Friesen*

As Available

As Available

Children’s Liturgy of the Word – Barbara

Homebound Week of Mar 25th – L. Lankford, M. Peterson & T. Sullivan


OUR PRAYERS: The intentions of the Holy Spirit Prayer

Chain, Steve Straessler, Tristan Humble, Karen D’ Am-

brogi, Nina Cantacessi, Pat LaRussa, Ken Hicks, Jane

Young, Becky Crozier Stephens, Kathy Castro, Helen

Hubbard, Leslie Lindberg, Joanne Maniscalco, Phyllis

Smith, Lorri Pimentel, May Pierce-Betsill, Jeanne

Anderson, Marlene Knivila, Jenny Lemp, Christine

Bobrowski, Liz Mullins, Fr. David Shaw, Carol Ricci,

Jennifer Shanahan, Mike Murray, Nora Ward, Doug Har-

man, Lorena Perez, Victoria Rodriguez and Jean Sharp.

FOR THE SOULS OF: Clarence Conrad, Nicoletta

Panizzon, Barbara Torrence, Eric Dohner, Rene

Purugganan, Vivian Brown, Bob Dudley, Gary Larson,

Roger Cooney, Connie Barreto-Fraga, Erin Gilbert,

Gerry Rose, Frank Outcalt, William Brucker, Diane

Lowell, Warren Bowers, Jesusa Purugganan, James

Fitzpatrick, Martin Bowman, Sandi Eitelgeorge and

Carole Posehn.


*Due to the flu season, the Precious Blood will not be offered indefinitely, so the Eucharistic Ministers have changed for each mass

All invited to March Ultreya

To grow closer to Jesus during the Lenten season,

the Catholic Cursillo Movement of the Diocese of

Santa Rosa invites all Catholics to attend a Ultreya

on Saturday, March 21, from 2 – 3:30 p.m. at St.

Elizabeth Seton Church, 4595 Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park.

Ultreya means “moving forward,” and teaches about the

Catholic faith and how to walk more closely with Jesus Christ

and other Christians. Those who want to know more about

the Catholic Cursillo Movement and those who have already

lived a Cursillo weekend are invited to attend.

For further information call Molly Touchette at 707-292-8389

or Olga Dorado at 707-755-0022.

Audio Visual Assistance

If you attend the 5:00pm or 10:15am Masses you know what this entails. Someone to run the ‘board’ so the slides and songs and pictures can

be changed on the large screens at the appropriate times. Thom O’Neill has been doing it all until now, with Steven as a helper, but we want to get him some more assistance. It would also be nice to have someone to do the 7:30am Mass as well. So, if you have ‘mad-skills’ in technology – or just want to learn how to run our system, this is for you. And it’s fun too! Talk to a staff member for more info.

Please call the office, 539-4495 if you wish to have someone

remain on the prayer list above or add someone to the list. Each

name will remain for 3 months from the time we receive a request

unless we hear otherwise. Blessings!

Healing Prayer and Adoration

“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” Mt 11:28.

Who among us is not burdened with stress, anxiety, worries? Don’t we all need heal-ing, whether from physical, emotional, spiritual or psychological pain? Come join our lay ministers between 5:30 and 7 pm on March 25th in the church. They will pray with you, over you or for you, or the ones you love. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed.

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.” Mt. 18:20.

Prayer changes things.


Faith Formation for ALL Ages

March 14th & 15th

Faith Formation Grades Preschool to 5th Grade In this Sunday’s Gospel, John 4:5–42, a Samaritan woman visiting the village well be-comes the bearer of Jesus’ Good News to her townspeople. Jesus chose a woman and a Samaritan to spread his message. He offers her living water, which brings a realization that

Jesus is the Messiah and his new community will include Samaritans. We are first given living water at Baptism. Through our Baptism we become part of the community and given

the grace to live as Jesus did.

Pray Together As an evening prayer, children often use the simple litany form of “God

bless” followed by the name of a person the child wants God to watch over. Some evening before bed, gather together to create a litany of people who gave you living water by spon-

soring you for Baptism or Confirmation, by teaching you about Jesus, by giving you good examples, or the like. Say a few words about the

person and all can respond with a hearty “God bless (name).”


Spring Break this week! No classes on Sunday, March 15th

and Wednesday March 18th

! Classes will resume Sunday March 22nd.

Calling All Confirmation Candidates!

Monday, March 16th 6:30-8PM No classes this week!

Enjoy your Spring Break and stay healthy!


GIG! (God is good)

All 8th to 12th graders are welcome to join us on Wednesday evenings when-ever you are available. We gather in the Holy Family Room from 7-8:30PM.


This month we are centering our focus on Respect Life! NO GATHERING THIS WEEK, but we are looking for-ward to continuing our theme Wednes-day, March 25th with the topic of suicide.

Can you solve this riddle?

I was stolen from my home, and sold into slavery. During this time, I found my faith.

I became a missionary and dedicated my life To spreading the Word of God.

I was born in Britain, but I am considered the patron saint to a neighboring country.

Who am I?

Answer to last week: Elijah

Adult Lenten Faith Sharing Group (Reflection on the Sunday Readings)

Next meeting: Tuesday, March 17th 1pm Parish House “Couch Room”

Small faith-sharing groups may reflect on scripture, but faith sharing reaches beyond information and insight about scrip-ture to how the scripture message can transform the individu-al and the community. The process of faith sharing is theo-logical reflection (reflection on God and the things of God).

Faith-sharing questions encourage reflection on personal ex-perience rather than factual understanding. For example, a bible study of the Syro-Phoenician woman who asks Jesus to

heal her daughter might begin with an understanding of the geography of the area of Israel and Syria. A faith-sharing question might ask “Why did Jesus refuse to heal the woman’s daughter? When have you been tested by God’s seeming indifference to your needs?”

Show up on Tuesdays for more information or contact Megan O’Neill.