HINDU MILESTONES From Birth to Death. BIRTH When a baby is born into a Hindu family it is often...

Post on 15-Jan-2016

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Transcript of HINDU MILESTONES From Birth to Death. BIRTH When a baby is born into a Hindu family it is often...


From Birth to Death


When a baby is born

into a Hindu family it is

often welcomed with a

ceremony in which some

honey is put in the child's

mouth and the name of

God is whispered in the

child's ear.


Ten to twelve days after the

birth, the priest announces the

baby's name and prayers are

said. Ear-piercing and first

haircut ceremonies are also

considered highly significant.


In some Hindu families the Sacred Thread

ceremony (Upanayana) is performed when a boy is

around the age of 8.

He is given three strands of the sacred thread –

worn over his left shoulder - which represent three

promises (vows) he makes: to respect the

knowledge, the parents and the society.


In the ancient categorization of society associated

with the Vedas (caste system), only the three highest

groups (“twice-born”) perform this ceremony:

Brahmins, Kshatriya and Vaishya.

Video of Upanayana:




The betrothal of the young couple

(engagement) and the exact date and time of

the wedding are matters decided by the

parents in consultation with astrologers.

At Hindu weddings, the bride and bridegroom

represent the god and the goddess, although

there is a parallel tradition that sees the groom

as a prince coming to wed his princess.


Hindu wedding ceremonies vary from region to region and often

take several hours to complete.

During the ceremony marriage vows or promises are made around a

sacred fire. The couple walk around the sacred fire four times.

At the end of a Hindu wedding ceremony, the bride and groom take

seven steps together around the sacred fire. For each step they share

a promise or a hope. Each promise or hope is about something they

believe is really important and will help them have a happy marriage.

The couple are blessed by the elders and the priest.



After the death of a family member, the relatives become involved in

ceremonies for preparation of the body and a procession to the

burning or burial ground.

For most Hindus, cremation is the ideal method for dealing with the

dead, although many groups practice burial instead; infants are

buried rather than cremated. At the funeral site, in the presence of

the male mourners, the closest relative of the deceased (usually the

eldest son) takes charge of the final rite, if it is cremation, and lights

the funeral pyre.


After a cremation, ashes and fragments of bone are

collected and eventually immersed in a holy river.

After a funeral, everyone undergoes a purifying bath.

The immediate family remains in a state of intense

pollution for a set number of days (10,11, or 13)

At the end of the period, close family members meet

for a ceremonial meal and often give gifts to the poor

or to charities
