High School PUA eBook of 2008

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Transcript of High School PUA eBook of 2008

Grape's PUA eBook of 2008

Table Of ContentsI. Understanding Society (pg. 2)

a. 10 Truths About Womenb. People Who Are Pricksc. Losing Approach Anxiety

II. Self Improvement (pg. 5)a. Getting Rid of Insecuritiesb. Beliefs (Being Naturally Awesome)c. Picking Up Chicks v. Happinessd. Identitye. Balance Out Your Lifef. Your Reality

III. Tools & Methods (pg. 14)a. How 'Canned Material' Should Really Be Usedb. A Guide to Pick Upc. A Guide to Attractingd. A Guide to AMOG-inge. A Guide to Building Comfort/Rapportf. A Guide to Online Pick Upg. A Guide to Using NLPh. NLP: Emotionsi. 3 Facial Expressions to Blow Someone Outj. Mimicking the Bestk. Sticking Outl. The Three I’s

Total Pages: 33

Enjoy men.<3 Grape


Understanding Society

10 Truths About Women - 11/4/08 These are the top 10 biggest secretive truths of women to the Average Frustrated Chumps out there. I hope you guys read this and believe every word of it, because it's the truth.

1. Girls don't care about looks.Females look for survival value in a guy much more than sexual value. It doesn't matter how ugly you are or how short you are. This society is based on wealth and power. Looks have NO relationships to those things. However, fashion and hygiene ARE important.

2. Girls are very sexual.Any girl who says otherwise is either rejecting their instinctive nature or just don't want to be sexual with YOU. It's a girl's nature to be sexual and love dicks. Otherwise, the population would be extremely smaller.

3. Girls lie and cheat.Girls don't care about right and wrong unless it'll affect their outcome in some way. They'll lie and cheat to get what they want as long as no one IMPORTANT gets mad at them. If you get mad at them over such a thing, they'll just go "Fuck you." and ignore you. It's time you accept this fact, suck it up, and optimistically use it to your own advantage.

4. Girls are aware of society and the people around them.Girls socialize much much more than guys and have been since they were very young. They just have more experience in this field of intelligence and have learned to be alert and know what's going on around them. Yet another instinctive trait among women.

5. Girls are childish, youthful, sensitive, and immature.ANOTHER instinctive natural trait of women. Guys are attracted to women who look youthful and childish as where girls are attracted to guys who are mature and fatherlike. It's just nature. Women will 'act mature', but of course this is just like the 5 year old who acts like her mommy. Don't yell at them for acting like this. Tell it like it is and tell them it's cute and adorable.

6. Girls like to be screwed with.Women get very curious about the world of the unknown. This is why they're so fascinated by things such as magic. They like not know what's going on and live in the moment of things. They want a man who won't ever tell them what they truly think of them and want him to constantly change his mind.

7. Girls don't like overtly nice and boring guys.Branching off of truth #6, girls are fed up with overtly nice, receptive, boring guys. They want to be the receptive ones who are TAKEN on an adventure of pleasure,


fun, and excitement. They're like little girls. Would you let a little girl TRULY lead you? It's okay to look down at them and let them lead you just for the sake of their cuteness, but other than that, you must be the alpha male and lead. Enough corny pick up lines that no one falls for anymore. It's pathetic and needy. End of story.

8. Girls are very good actors.Seeming that girls have socialized for a very long time, they have learned to adapt and adjust to their environments. They'll act receptive when they know a guy likes them, they'll act bitchy when they want to get rid of someone annoying, they'll act friendly to a person they don't want to start drama with, they're just fantastic actors! What you have to do is accept this truth, learn when girls are acting and what their motivation is, and use it to your own advantage.

9. Girls are followers, not leaders.I'm sorry, but has there ever been a society run by women? A matriarch society has been very rare and still is rare. It's because it's a woman's nature to FOLLOW, not LEAD. You have to understand this concept and understand WHY every girl acts alike. They dress the same, act the same, and react the same. They have similar hobbies, clothing, taste in music, you just have to understand that women are very alike. Of course, they are all unique and special, but most of the things about them are so alike that it causes a 'chain reaction' within all of them if only a couple of things change.

10. Girls are EMOTIONAL.Girls have a logical function very similar to guys', but they're just naturally so much more emotional about things and their emotions just cancel out their logic at times. Girls like to feel good AT THE MOMENT and sometimes do not care what will happen in the future. Like the crazy teenagers they are, they're bound to start experimenting with sex, drugs, and booze.Also, when girls are overtly emotional, it'll be almost IMPOSSIBLE to 'talk them out of' their actions. Arguing with an emotional chick is like trying to revive a dead person. It just won't happen. A better way to approach situations like these are to stir up bad emotions inside them and link those emotions to the thing she's about to do.

Hopefully, you guys fall in love with this article. It's important and it's needed to be understood.

<33 Grape

People Who Are PricksPeople will only be mean to you for one of two reasons:1. You're someone they don't want to be around and they just want to get rid of you2. They're insecure about their ego and want to boost it by making others around them feel like shit.#1 will only be if you're annoying or mean. As long as you seem like a nice person who's fun then people won't make fun of you, unless it's #2.#2 can be taken care of by showing them you're not the person to pick on. I'll show you how within the next posts.


Losing Approach Anxiety - 1/1/09I lost AA(anxiety of approaching) in a different way than most of the people who've shared their successes here. MOST of them just say "You have nothing to lose." and simple motivational lines going through their heads. The fact that they pushed themselves to get rid of their fears is great.. but we can't really trust them unless we get an explanation of why we have anxiety now and how it disappears.

Once you get past AA, you start to realize things about society. You realize that people are very similar. They all have the same emotions inside them and will all react similarly to the same situations, unless they're mentally handicapped. You realize that there's always a connection between people whether it be good or bad. There's a dominating mutual feeling. Rapport. You need to realize that people are just like you. They're not people who want to reject others and make them feel like shit. They don't want to live with the guilt of having put someone down. They're at the damn club to have fun. Don't you want to have fun when you goto a club? (yes.) Boom. You already have something in common. And then you realize that person also deals with the drama and problems just like you. You moan about how you're loveless as where a woman maybe moaning about how she has to find a well paying job soon. I could go on forever, but I think you know that everyone as people share commonalities. You establish rapport(Comfort) by feeling more of a "one-ness" to something. The more rapport you have, the less anxiety (uncomfortable feeling) you get.

Now you have this concept, the only thing you have to work on is... "I'm just like other people." Don't focus on negative statements like "I'm not a loser. I'm not an outcast. I'm not womanless." Focus on positives lie "I'm going to get laid, I'm just like other people."

After you complete this process, go sarging. I hope you don't miss Mr. AA too badly ;]



Self Improvement

Getting Rid of Insecurities - 11/10/08Getting rid of insecuritiesWhy are people insecure?They believe that the society is based on things that they can not fix about themselves thus get very frustrated.

The society is NOT based entirely on looks, fame, wealth, clothes, etc.There are many people who are ugly, short, fat, have birth defects, that have dated supermodels.In my first few months of pick up, I was getting results and I was impressed. However, I was deceived because I thought this would give me ultimate happiness. But truth is, I lost a lot of my friends being soo into the pick up scene and I felt worse. I had so many depressing ideas going through my head and I was sad.This is because I would put sooo much effort into the game and think "I HAVE to do this in order to get what I want." "I HAVE to say this and do that to do this."

The thing about getting girls however, is that YOU HAVE TO BE A COOL PERSON. You can't fake it. EVER. I've been there and done that. DOESN'T WORK. They find out who you REALLY are eventually and they'll crush you completely. So now instead of focusing on "How do I get girls?"Focus on "How do I become a fun and happy person?"

Being a fun and happy person will benefit you in MANY MANY ways:- Relieve stress- Give confidence- Have natural talent in many fields of intelligences

Take a look at yourself. What do you do on the weekends? How often do you get out of the house and actually LAUGH and HAVE FUN.

So start making plans, get new friends, and get out there. I know how you feel "Get new friends?? How will I be able to do that?? Ahh!!"

You have to be a man. You have to take on the challenge in order to get the big prize. Otherwise you'll live the same boring unsatisfying life you've been living for the past years.Be dedicated to this and think about the prize to motivate yourself. "This is all I have to do in order to achieve happiness."

Also, you must know that others don't make you feel bad, YOU make you feel bad. Instead of hating the actions of a person, you must learn to love.

I have a friend who is very insecure with himself and always tries way too hard to get attention. He makes fun of other people, but not in a funny way. It's hurtful


and sometimes others cry. Even I used to be affected by his act and I was miserable because of him. I avoided him for the next 5 months. But again, he came back into my life. By then however, I was a different person and didn't feel the pain I once felt before.5 months ago, when he was trying to make fun of me and make me look bad, I was extremely angered by the fact that a friend would stoop so low.Now, I feel that I don't have to be angered by this. Who cares if this kid is trying to make me look bad. I know that he's just putting an act on and that if I remain unreactive for long enough, then he will stop. I understand where he's coming from with his insecurities so I'm not pissed at him either, I feel bad for him. I know that no matter how hard this kid tries, he can only get LUCKY with his act. Sometimes he'd steal my girls away from me because I was affected by his immature behavior. Now I'm a real friend and tell him "Dude, just be cool. No one's after you."This isn't a premade line. It came from my heart. I want him to be able to love the world surrounding him instead of feeling that he has to prove himself all the time.

Also, I used to feel horrible when people told me I was useless and stupid and immature and childish. Who in the world would want to be labeled like this??I cried.Now, I say "Hey, don't be so mean man, it's not cool."When I first said this, it was out of protecting my ego. When it worked, I was soo happy and I realized that I don't have to feel bad when people call me names. I feel so good right now even after he called me stupid and immature because I know how to make him shut up and stop being immature himself by calling others names.

Sometimes however, there will be a GROUP of people who make fun of you. I'm talking 20-30 people. They'll all call you stupid and useless, but the thing is that they are human and they won't stand up for you just because they have their own insecurities and don't want to lose their popularity.What you can do in situations like these is BLOCK THEM OUT. I'm serious. Don't try to 'prove yourself'. I tried it. I thought "Wow, I'm a real alpha now. I hope they'll like me."No. Bad feelings give a person too much stress. Stay away from those. Humans aren't invincible and we can only have a strong attitude for only such a long time.

Also, realize that emotions don't have any strong a connection to the things happening around you.Emotion is a feeling you have.An action is something that has happened."A person called me stupid and fat.""Am I stupid and fat?""I don't think so..""Well, he IS insecure. He was just trying to get some attention.""Aww, poor little thing."


"Oh well, why does it mean I have to be all sad and moody just because another insecure and immature person called me stupid and fat. I'm not that pathetic. I'm going to now stop talking about this and move on with life because one little insult like that shouldn't hold me back from doing great things. I control my life and I control my own limitations. Other people can't tell me what to do."

Overall:1. Change your lifestyle to avoid boring/stressful people/things and go for more exciting/fun hobbies/friends.2. Don't take insults to heart. A person who is cool will never insult out of pure anger, only the insecure will insult so harshly. Use this to your advantage, don't get affected by it, and tell the person that it's not nice, because it really isnt.3. Avoid the big groups of people who share a bad feeling. No one wants to talk or experience the feeling of sadness, anger, depression, etc. AVOID BAD FEELINGS AND GO FOR FUN FEELINGS.4. Give it time. It took me 10 months. But ONLY 10 months, I now have so many years in front of me I DON'T have to spend with stress, depression, and insecurities.

I really hope you guys take this advice into heart. It WILL improve your lifestyle and health.<33 Grape


Beliefs (Being Naturally Awesome) - 11/21/08I have been experimenting with beliefs for the past week and I've had the best week of school the entire year so far.Beliefs are a huuge part of lifestyle. They reflect a person and they tell others what one's beliefs are without even having to say a word.Tom Cruise has the belief that he is an awesome movie star with an awesome life.Thus his subconscious mind works itself to functioning as an awesome movie star with an awesome life.Then there is the average frustrated chump.He has the beliefs that he's a boring, unconfident, anti-social loser.It shows. He has terrible body language and slouches. His voice is weak and too soft to be heard clearly. He makes fun of himself and lets people make fun of him.

Beliefs go even further.A man once believed that he could naturally heal from cancer without things like chemo-therapy. He believed if he lived a healthy lifestyle, then his cancer would naturally disappear. He ate healthily, always had a great time with his peers, and lived a very fun and healthy life. Low and behold, his cancer disappeared.This was a story shared in the book Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Dummies.

Our subconscious minds will respond accordingly to what we command it to be.Every day when I wake up, I say in my head with complete confidence these sentences:- I am free of society's rules- I am confident- I am happy- I am funny- I am loved- I am sexy

The thing about the subconscious is that it doesn't do negatives.If someone says "you're a loser." and you try to convince yourself by saying "I'm NOT a loser."Your subconscious will only take in "I'm a loser." and make your body respond accordingly.If you say "I'm a confident, funny man who everyone loves very much."Your body will respond accordingly, make you FEEL confident and happier, and you'll block out the bad memories.

I also found that your comfort zone level increases tremendously if I feel that you are better than those around you. This is because I don't feel threatened and I feel I don't have any 'dangerous enemies' around me.I convince myself I have a better life than others by embracing my passions:- I am a great musician- I tour the country


- I am famous

Although these may be exaggerated, the subconscious doesn't care. The subconscious doesn't care what's reality and what's imagination. It takes in whatever it receives.

With these statements constantly going through my head daily, I don't have to worry about "What do I have to say to get this girl to like me??!" "How do I act like I don't care about this guy and amog him?!"My subconscious mind learned all the material and it will solve my problems for me as long as I have the right beliefs.This makes me naturally awesome.Everything will come to me naturally.

Enjoy,<33 Grape


Picking Up Chicks v. Happiness – 11/18/08When I first started doing PU, I thought that getting laid and getting girls would give me ultimate happiness and satisfaction.WRONG.I also thought that having all the friends I could would make me happy.WRONG.Those are all great contributions, but the thing that truly gives me pleasure is my passion.As mentioned by someone else in this forum, having a passion is very important.You need an identity and you need goals.I have an identity as the rockstar and I am respected for it.I have goals to tour the region by next summer and I'm taking action for my goals.This gives me happiness. I love playing music with my friends. It's an addiction in a sense.

Find something you want to be really good at, and create your life and identity with it.

People will begin to notice you for what you do. You have goals beyond socializing and receiving validation.If you have make 'getting friends' very complicated and feel like you have to "say certain things" and "run certain routines", then you're still an AFC desperate for attention.If you look at 'getting friends' as a simple and easy thing and you have better things to focus on, then getting friends will be simple and easy.

Mindset guys. Mindset.

Try this out and tell me that it doesn't work.<33 Grape


Identity – 12/6/08Without identity and a feeling of self, it will be hard to be truly in happy in life and achieving great things. One will always be following the footsteps of another who actually has an identity and purpose. A great man once said "Life isn't about finding yourself, it's about creating yourself." I take this statement to heart.

One has to know what he or she has a true passion for and has to put in commitment and time to become the best s/he can. If you have always had a passion for football, play football and have fun! If you always wanted to be in a band and perform, start a band and play! Don't let others hold you back from what you want. People will only push you around if you let them, so just keep on trying and become the best that you are.

Start making serious standards for yourself for the life you live. If you think everything out and truly commit, you'll get your dreams. Look at the rockstars, billionaires, and celebrities today. Many of them had to start from scratch. They were in a similar position which you may been in at the moment. They tried their best, they went above and beyond the others, and they succeeded. They created their life and what it's made up of.

Serious role models right? Just keep this in mind.


Balance Out Your Life – 11/21/08Guys, this is very important.Having a good inner game with a fun personality wont get you laid.You NEED it to get laid, but you need OTHER THINGS as well.An insecure man can get laid.A poor bum can get laid.There's a system to it.

What PUA is about is going beyond that and becoming great great people.Some people only learn the basics of getting laid and leave after.

But this community will change your LIFE, not just your success with women.

No more insecurities, no more being pushed around or being told what to do by stupid people.

Become the social master. It just takes time and dedication. (Which will always be on your side)

With that being said, understand that life is all about balance.While focusing on improving yourself, also focus on your passions and hobbies, your relationships with family and friends, and your sexual self.

You've got to understand that there are thousands of people are out there getting laid RIGHT NOW.

So what do you have to do?

Change focus.Focus on working a target at an instance while focusing on becoming a better person with confidence at another instance.Don't focus purely on one subject. Keep on changing it up so you can master every subject with time and effort.

This is the way of the alpha.

<33 Grape


Your Reality – 11/5/08Many people have their own realities.Some are fun and exciting.Some are absolutely horrible and depressing.

I eat lunch with a couple of girls every now and then and one of them is always stressing over stupid immature drama.She's always in a bad mood and she drowns everyone else into her reality.

I now stay the fuck away from her. And my life has been getting better.

Whenever she tries to spill her problems on me, I say "Umm, I'll talk to you later."Then she either goes "Fuck you." "Ohh okay." "Fine I'll stop bitching."It's awesome.

You have to show people that you have standards and that you aren't going to join other realities are stupid, sad, boring, depressing, and stressful.

You also have to convince yourself that getting ass ISN'T WORTH IT if the girl has severe depression and whines to you all the time.You gotta either avoid her or tame her.

Also, you have to show people that you live in a reality that is fun, adventurous, stress-free, drama-free, spontaneous, and awesome.

It'll take time, but if you take things on one step at a time, you'll be fine.

<33 Grape


Tools & Methods

How 'Canned Material' Should Really Be Used – 10/1/08Okay, I'm going to have to say this right now.Routines are IMPORTANT!Believe me, EVERY natural has frozen up before.EVERY PUA has frozen up before.The more you freeze up, the more value you lose.The more awkward silences there are, the more value you lose.

Routines help "fill the time" and give you opportunities to show off your personality, your body language, and your vocal tonality. (All ESSENTIAL things needed to generate attraction with a girl.)

Also, most routines are INTERESTING. They will make your 'cute factor' skyrocket!!

Do NOT base your game on purely routines. Routines don't always go as expected. People are different thus require different routines and at different times.

Just memorize the routines, and know that "it's something cool my friend showed me the other day."

Fin.<33 Grape


A Guide to Pick Up – 11/8/08The GameConcept: The game is played by a constant breaking and making of rapport.A typical 'PUA' method is to meet a group of people, break rapport with a 'target' while making rapport with the rest of the 'set'. This will not only make the target feel shy and awkward, but RELY on the PUA to make the rapport and give validation. With this power, the PUA gives the illusion that the target is slowly winning him/her over. Ohh yes, it goes both ways.

Examples of concept:Have you ever met a person who would constantly switch from being nice and flirty to evil and wicked? This is something called push-pull. This will not only confuse the person being push-pulled, but will drive that person crazy and crave for the artist's full attenion, validation, and rapport.

Applying the concept:To successfully "open & hook" a set, the PUA approaches with the belief and projection that he is someone who has a life of more value and excitement than the set, breaking rapport. He has created the illusion that his survival value is better than the set's so now the set wants to keep him around and earn his rapport, thus boosting their own egos and survival values.If the PUA approaches with the belief and projection that he is someone who has a life of less value and excitement than the set, the set will not want him because:1. He's a stranger who has no rapport with them.2. His own rapport is not of value to them.

Become the rockstar, the celebrity, the player, the pimp. Become the one who has power over others and makes his own decisions in life.

Creating the Illusion of Having A High Survival ValueConcept: Illusion is the act of taking an audience's focus away from one thing and towards another.The PUA has mastered the art of illusion. He can control the focuses of others and direct them towards his values.The values he aims to portray are all part of this: He will take the audience on a pleasuring thrill ride they have never experienced before.

Examples of concept:Have you ever seen a person who was ugly, short, fat, and completely unattractive?Did you ever end up losing some of the girls you were hanging out with to him?Were you wondering why?It was probably because he showed that he didn't care about his looks and directed the girls' attention towards the values that were attractive about him.


Applying the concept:The PUA doesn't reveal himself more than he needs to in order to 'hook' the set or audience.He only gives them a glimpse of the real deal, thus sparking something called ATTRACTION.Only once that people are attracted to the PUA does he build rapport with them and boost their egos and survival values.

In order to give oneself the value he needs to be powerful, he must use the tools of the trade that've been made over the hundreds of thousands of years of human past.On approach, the PUA focuses on:- Vocal Tonality- Eye Contact- Body Language- Smiling- Weasel Statements- Negging, Teasing, Bantering, Disqualifying

Vocal TonalityThe tonality of one's voice tells a lot about that person. If the tone is weak and struggling, it shows that the person has little confidence and power over himself and the people around him. The PUA has a tone that is strong, loud, confident, masculine, deep, and soaring. Become the PUA.

Eye ContactMaking eye contact with others without flinching shows that one is not afraid of the others' validation towards him. The PUA can give many looks to others that show that he validates them, rejects them, looks down at them, respects them, and more. Make eye contact with the people within a set. It will convey dominance, leadership, and power.

Body LanguageIf you're slouching right now, take a big breath, stick your chest out, and breathe with your stomach. Not only will this portray confidence without words, but will also strengthen your vocal tonality. If you approach with a totally inconfident body posture, people will know that you are not confident with yourself and will shut you down.

SmilingSmiling shows that you are someone who is social and is comfortable with your surroudings. Having an over-friendly smile will convey neediness, but a nice confident smile will be attractive and valuable. Smile as you socialize. It's a must.

Weasel Statement


In order to approach a set, the PUA must have a reason. Those reasons are called 'openers'. They are pre-made lines that have been field-tested and are known to work. The openers themselves don't matter so much, but they are used to give the PUA an opportunity to show off the values about him such as his voice, body language, smile, eye contact, etc. The openers are every day questions that are interesting to talk about. Don't say things like "Hi, you're extremely beautiful." It shows that you are desperate for the others' value and rapport. Say something that doesn't put the attention on the target. Say something natural and something a high value guy would do such as "Hey guys, do you think I look like I play in a band?"The replies will be sincere and committed if you portray the other values on approach.The replies will be effortless and awkward if you don't portray the other values on approach.

Negging, Teasing, Bantering, DisqualifyingThese are things that only a person with high value would do. He intentionally points out things that embarass the target and make her feel lower value to him. If this is done to an attractive girl with ten guys surrounding her, she will get very curious as to why you aren't acting like every other guy and craving her rapport. Don't be so obvious and stupid as to say "You're stupid and ugly and fat." It's immature and try-hard. The art of teasing and bantering is to be humorous and 'unintentional' while making the target feel shy and low value. Look into the works of Mystery for more explanations and examples.

Once again, these attributes are essential in order to have power and control over a group of people. Use these tools to your own benefit and become successful.

Rapport GuideConcept: Defining rapport and how it's built through FOCUS.Rapport is the feeling of comfort with others.To have something in common with someone is to have a feeling of "one-ness" with that person.So the more one mirrors and shows that one is very similar to one's mark, the more rapport the mark will have towards one.It is achieved when people have commonalities in things like:- Lifestyles- Events/Situation- Social Circle- Emotions- Kinaesthetics- Body language- Vocal Tonality- Gender- Ethnicity


- Beliefs- Personalities

It is very easy to build rapport. Since the conscious mind can only focus on one thing at a time, the sub-conscious mind figures that what ever it is focusing on is pretty damn important.Everyone has so many things in common with each other. The only difference in the levels of rapport are the amount of knowledge and focus that one has on another.

Examples of Concept:Have you ever felt like you knew someone you just met really really well? It's because you guys had direct rapport! There are many factors that contribute to rapport and sometimes you and the other person could have totally different lives. This is because the focus was NOT on the things that were different, but the things that were common.You could go to a different classroom or lunch table and you would feel VERY uncomfortable because you would have no rapport with anyone!! That is until someone 'breaks the ice' and builds rapport!You could find a girl very attractive and pretty, but you guys may have almost nothing in common with each other as where you may find that you and a normal pretty girl to have many things in common. Which one would you date if you were to? I'd say the normal pretty girl.

Applying the concept:So now you must know how to bring another person's focus on the commonalities that you guys share.This is done through: socializing!Just talk about something you did the other day, while intentionally knowing that the other person has done something very similar to it.Talk about the feelings you got, the way your mom yelled at you, the way a friend made you mad, and something that almost ANYONE has experienced!This way, it doesn't matter who you are talking to, because that person has experienced the same thing you have whether you and him like it or not!

Not only this, you can also 'mirror' the other person's body language, breathing rates, facial expressions, moods, vibes, voice tonalities, and just everything that the person is showing directly.

The point of the system is: Focus not the differences, but on the commonalities that you share with another person.

As stated before, you need to first break rapport and build value. Only once you do this and attract the target can you start building rapport and emotional connection with her.


<33 Grape


A Guide to Attracting – 10/11/08The gurus gave me a reality check in terms of attraction.Attraction shouldn't be focusing on "survival value" or "being alpha",All of that will contribute to the main factor subconsciously.The main factor is this: Making girls have a dead set emotional feeling towards me.

There are two main types of attraction:Passive Attraction: Personality, Alpha, UnpredictabilityPassive is when someone is gradually being attracted to your survival value and your personality. Active Attraction: Mysterious, Humorous, TensionActive is when you stir up massive emotions inside a girl and make her curious about you.

My passive game is almost in perfection, now it's time for me to focus on active game. This is an art of Acting, Withholding Emotions, and Being Alert.

I want a girl to see me and completely freeze up. I want her to get aroused just by the sight of me going up to the person next to her and talking him/her up, while the girl stares at me with her full attention.

How will I do this?- Being foreign (We've covered this! lol)- Being high value (Clothing, Shades, Peacocking)- DHVing (Disqualifying her by not noticing her, telling short stories to the set)

One time at a football game, I talked to a friend I hadn't seen in a while. I didn't notice the girl he was talking to. When I said "And who's this??"He replied, "She's my girl bro." And introduced me and her.

Right away, she gives me a really big IOI through full body attention, a cute smile, and a question, "Are you from around here?"

I go, "Nah, do I know you?"

And there we go vibing each other. I later over disqualify her and she becomes too embarrassed.

But, she WAS attracted to me and attraction was generated.

Let's break this down.

What did I do?1. I didn't notice her


2. I opened her boyfriend in an alpha way and showed off major survival value3. I had a mysterious peacocking fashion, and I was foreign.

Girls turn into BEASTS for the following:- Mystery/Foreigners- High Class/High Value people- Anything she hasn't experienced before.

So, you gotta really out do yourself when it comes to things like fashion, facial expressions, body language, and voice.These four things are key.

After you've showed someone your readable values, it's time to communicate.

This is when active sexual tension comes into play, otherwise, Push Pull.

This is done by doing the following:1. Stirring up a massive emotion inside a target.2. Leaving that emotion unresolved and leaving the girl with that feeling.

A GREAT example is this: Grab a girl, pull her chest to yours, and look her deeply into her eyes like you're about to kiss her. Right there, let her go, say "You've got a booger.." and walk away.

Now, she's going CRAZY about you. "I wonder what kind of kisser he is." "Is he going to kiss me tonight?" and all these are emotional questions.

You've officially made her majorly attracted to you.

================Of course, with the techniques, you need the personality.Here it is:- Be Chill- Be Happy- Be Respectful- Be Mean on 'Accident'

ex. "Hey bro" handshake "How've you been man." simple talk Once enough social value is shown to the entire set, look at a girl, act totally disgusted, and continue talking to your friend.

Hopefully you guys get the big picture.Best of luck to all of ya!<33 Grape


A Guide to AMOG-ing – 10/6/08Alright, so this topic has been on the tip of my tongue for the past week and I've been dying to write about it, however I've had no time.First I'd like to start off by saying that becoming an AMOG (Alpha male of the group) will require change. Major change.The reason we joined this community was to better and improve our success with society.Well, in order to be successful in society, we'll need to change ourselves as well. The world isn't going to change it's rules one day and make everything well for us. We've gotta learn the game and play it well.So with that said, let's get started!

The idea of an alpha male is a simple concept: A real man who succeeds in what he does, surrounded by women, leading other men everywhere.We see this character EVERY SINGLE DAY. Our dads, our role-models, our super-heroes, our movie celebrities, all alpha males.

Now, the community has studied these men very carefully and found out what it is exactly about these men that make them so.. alpha.Well, here's the PERSONALITY they have:- Energetic- Confident- Open-Minded- Playful/Sarcastic- Proud

And the way they reflect themselves upon the world:- Body Language- Tone of Voice- Job/Hobby/Interests- Clothing- Talking

With greatness comes enemies. They WILL bring you down if you are not prepared. But no worries, we have the tools for you to defend yourself.The term for two guys having a quarrel trying to "outshine" each other is called an AMOG battle.An AMOG battle involves showing off traits of an alpha male.This will happen two ways:- Your enemy will initiate.- You will initiate.

The only time you'd have to AMOG someone else FIRST is when you know they're up to no good and they're after what you're after.Most of the time, they'll initiate the battle.


You want to end the battle very smoothly and taking all his value.How do you do this?Luring them in, acting quickly, and ending quickly.It's all about speed.EX:Mean dudeEnemy - Hey fag, nice shoes. PUA - Pfft, you're cool. *Nasty stare* *Back Turn.*Enemy - *Self concious, pissed off, insecure, embarrassed*

Nice dudeEnemy - Dude, you got a small penis, but it's alright bro!PUA - Haha, you're funnier than my TV bro! Good job!*pat on back, back turn*Enemy - *Shy, Embarrassed*

Smooth dudeEnemy - You're really cool man. Stay around here. (In a 'stuck up' tone)PUA - Nah bro, I'm alright.*Smile noticeably fake* *Make a very disinterested face while looking away* *back turn*Enemy - *Self conscious*

The key to this is taking what they give you and framing the actions as You being the AMOG that They want to impress.

Never react to what an enemy says.Maintain a constant energy level. If someone says something stupid, don't all of the sudden act very happy, mad, etc.If you're in your party mode with a big smile, keep that big smile and make him subconscious.If you're in a normal 'school' mode with a subtle smile, keep that subtle smile with the same calmness and make him subconscious.

Once you react to something he says, you're officially his little bitch.

The Art of AMOG-ing is all about FRAMES and REACTIONS. Use this to your advantage.

<33 Grape


A Guide to Building Comfort/RapportConcept: Defining rapport and how it's built through FOCUS.Rapport is the feeling of comfort with others.To have something in common with someone is to have a feeling of "one-ness" with that person.So the more one mirrors and shows that one is very similar to one's mark, the more rapport the mark will have towards one.It is achieved when people have commonalities in things like:- Lifestyles- Events/Situation- Social Circle- Emotions- Kinaesthetics- Body language- Vocal Tonality- Gender- Ethnicity- Beliefs- Personalities

It is very easy to build rapport. Since the conscious mind can only focus on one thing at a time, the sub-conscious mind figures that what ever it is focusing on is pretty damn important.Everyone has so many things in common with each other. The only difference in the levels of rapport are the amount of knowledge and focus that one has on another.

Examples of Concept:Have you ever felt like you knew someone you just met really really well? It's because you guys had direct rapport! There are many factors that contribute to rapport and sometimes you and the other person could have totally different lives. This is because the focus was NOT on the things that were different, but the things that were common.You could go to a different classroom or lunch table and you would feel VERY uncomfortable because you would have no rapport with anyone!! That is until someone 'breaks the ice' and builds rapport!You could find a girl very attractive and pretty, but you guys may have almost nothing in common with each other as where you may find that you and a normal pretty girl to have many things in common. Which one would you date if you were to? I'd say the normal pretty girl.

Applying the concept:So now you must know how to bring another person's focus on the commonalities that you guys share.This is done through: socializing!


Just talk about something you did the other day, while intentionally knowing that the other person has done something very similar to it.Talk about the feelings you got, the way your mom yelled at you, the way a friend made you mad, and something that almost ANYONE has experienced!This way, it doesn't matter who you are talking to, because that person has experienced the same thing you have whether you and him like it or not!

Not only this, you can also 'mirror' the other person's body language, breathing rates, facial expressions, moods, vibes, voice tonalities, and just everything that the person is showing directly.

The point of the system is: Focus not the differences, but on the commonalities that you share with another person. Remember not to come off as desperate and fake though.

<33 Grape


A Guide to Online Pick Up – 10/5/08Alright, so I felt that I really had to post this. It's important.My focusing points:1. Meeting girls online2. Transitioning from online to person3. Online gaming vs Bitch shields4. Online gaming vs Time Management

Point 1 - Meeting girls onlineAlright, so you're going through people's friends lists and looking for a cute girl to talk up. You find her, and then you do one of the following:- Copy & Paste a line- Come up with something on the spot- Just say "hey, you're cute."

All three work, but which one'll actually represent YOU as a person?Think about that. Also, don't expect girls to be so mean. Online gaming is NOT club game. It's more of a relaxed talkative game.

Point 2 - TransitioningSoo many guys get caught up talking and running routines on a girl through AIM or Myspace or Facebook or whatever. They're forgetting about their goal: Meeting her and getting romantic.A great friend of mine is a natural, and he always points to a hot girl's ass and says "Focus on this. THIS is important."And then I'm back to reality. It really helps me.So what to do? As SOON as a girl replies with a good effort and a nice laugh on myspace/facebook, get her AIM/MSN/etc., as SOON as you made her comfortable and she has an idea of who you are, get her phone number. Now, you can do one of two things:1. Text2. Call

Texting is for when you're too busy to talk or when you're shy.Calling is for more advanced PUAs, it separates you from the BETA-MALES who are much too shy to even call a girl. And believe me, talking on the phone and falling asleep with her can be a blast.

As soon as she really really likes you over the phone, you GOTTA makes plans with her. Make plans.

Point 3 - Online gaming vs Bitch shieldsAlright, so many PUAs think that all girls have bitch shields. Not true.Actually, only the slightly uglier and annoying and stupid ones have bitch shields. The true hot ones enjoy life soo much they slightly ignore the guys they don't


fancy. So what does this mean?Don't neg.Just be C&F. NEVER neg online unless it's playful. I'm serious about this. I tested this shit. You can NOT generate attraction through the internet with asshole negs. Read that again. YOU CAN NOT GENERATE ATTRACTION THROUGH THE INTERNET WITH ASSHOLE NEGS.It's comfort game. It's all comfort. So build comfort with her instead being so mean to her and making fun of her. Build attraction by push-pulling the amount of comfort you have with her. The bitch shield will only come up once you neg her and make her realize "Wow, this guy's an asshole. I don't want him around. Bitch shield up!"

Point 4 - Online gaming vs Time ManagementMy final point is probably the most important. You guys need to realize an alpha male doesn't have much time to blow off online. He has something important and something better to do than just "talk".Short and to the point: Don't spend 3 hours with a girl online chatting her up. Don't do it.

Please take these tips to heart. It'll help your gaming soo much more, that's a promise.Peace, love, success<33 Grape


A Guide to Using NLP – 10/9/08NLP is a tool used by the best psychologists and hypnotists in our world today.It's helped people stop smoking, heal from mental diseases, and much more.The way this happens is when the practitioner uses it on his client.He must go through three steps of Hypnosis:1. Learn the client's preferred sense.2. Make client believe he is controlling the situation with facts like the Practitioner being in the Client's reality.3. Slowly and unnoticeably bring client into practitioner's reality.

During this process, several techniques are used. Some of which are:- Command Tones- Anchoring- Swapping constructive and remembered

To do all this, the client must be willing. To be willing, the client must be comfortable. It is your job to make the client comfortable.You can give him comfort by this one word: Trust.Trust can be built in many ways, some of which are:- Appearing stupider than he is, making him feel no threat from you.- Showing him your trustworthiness through your ACTIONS.

The tool most practitioners use is relaxing the client through hidden hypnosis. Use small command tones and make the client get into a hypnotic state.

Applying NLP to Pick Up.I only use NLP when I've isolated a girl and I feel I can completely trust her. I tell her "I'm going to show you something you've never even imagined."She usually thinks I'm being cocky/funny but once I show her my serious yet comforting face, she understands.I tell her "Now I want you to close your eyes and take very deep and slow breaths. (Pause) Very good. (Pause) Don't control it, just relax and observe how relaxed you become. (Pause) Alright? Good, now I need you to do something. (Pause) *Use routine*"

After the routine, she and I are both in a very emotional and surreal state. We do what we gotta do and enjoy the rest of the day/night.

BE AWARE: NLP is NOT to be used solely for "hit and runs". It WILL affect your emotions towards your client/target and you WILL become just as attached as she is to you.


Peace, Love, Success.<33 Grape


NLP: Emotions – 10/10/08Did you guys know humans have a sixth sense?Yup.

We as humans are compelled by our emotions and have been for the past... 50 millions years or so.


Now, emotions have changed and evolved into more advanced levels.EX: Happiness into Comical Happiness, Validated HappinessLove into Like and Love

But the point is, we're emotional.

AND we as humans have a tendency to communicate and socialize with each other.

Now the cool part about this is that emotions can be transferred through communication.

I don't mean by communicating through WORDS or BODY LANGUAGE, but I'm talking about the emotion that compels you to do everything you're doing at the moment.

Try it.

When you say 'Hi' to a friend, have some emotional passion behind it, and observe how it's different from the same tone of voice saying 'Hi'.

You express yourself the same on the outside, but s/he WILL react differently if you have emotion behind your actions.

This is KEY in NLP.

So next time, direct your FOCUS and your WILL on putting emotion into your words. Have Intent.

<33 Grape


3 Facial Expressions to Blow Someone Out – 12/26/08These 3 looks on your face should make the guy you're trying to AMOG be completely blown out.

• The "You're an Idiot" LookThis look is full of something that says Wow, are you serious? Is this how your brain works? I can't believe this. You're an idiot. I'm just going to turn around now while you stand there babbling about how big your nipples are. Okay. Keep this face until they react with no confidence. When they do, back turn.

• The "You're Gross" LookIf you receive this face, be careful that you don't ruin your life. Nothing is worse than getting this face. NOTHING. Look like you're having mixed emotions of anger/pain/misery.Like you just smelled some week old poo that's still moist, like you just saw your mom's vagina, like you see dead babies, like Women's Rights aren't a joke anymore!GROSSSS RIGHT??!!! Give this face to anyone, guy or girl, they'll back away. Be sure to back turn after they notice for 2-3 seconds.

• The "You're A Baby" LookBeing looked down on is probably one of the worst things that can happen to a man. Give the look your big brother gave you when you were 7 years old and tried to be cool like him. Give the look like you're the rich dude surrounded by hot chicks, and he's the one who has no life, no lifestyle, no money, no nada. Don't you dare break eye contact first with this. Keep on staring until he does something that gives you the higher hand showing you're the cooler one in the situation.

Enjoy men.<3 Grape


Mimicking the Best – 1/1/09I've been looking into my natural friends and I've finally noticed something that they ALL have in common. It's not the thing we've talked about 1000 times about confidence, body language, etc.

It's the fact that they are mere imitators. They are very good at imitating and copying. They see someone do a backflip, and then boom they already have half the skill down.

This is why they're soo.. NATURAL at doing things! They merely imitate the best model they can find and then get similar results. From a young age, they've had amazing father-figures and role models so they naturally grow into becoming good with women. The role models they choose obviously have value, say like a rock star. Rock stars get laid. That means the natural will get laid by imitating the rockstar, right?

Maybe they weren't that good at copying others when they were five, but by adulthood, it's been over 20 years. They're pros at adapting, changing, and imitating to help themselves.

So I'd like to get some other opinions on this concept. Do all your natural friends also know how to copy and mimick well?

<33 Grape


Sticking Out – 9/27/08For society, time seems to be so long and so short at the same time.We can use this to our advantage.In high school, we have 4 years to get laid by hundreds of women. This means that guys will compete and fight intensely these 4 years the most in order to practice their skills as a "man".Some will get laid to THEIR preference, only about 30% of the men. (60% of men who have sex in high school say their partner was not as "beautiful" as preferred) and others will only leave high school with kisses and hugs.So what's the secret to even getting a girl to "notice" you?Becoming somebody.

When you see that girl in class, the hallways, on the bus, don't talk to her. In fact, don't give a shit about her unless you have a REASON to besides "she's very pretty and I'm very horny".Even if you do have a reason, it'll be 50-50 that you successfully hook her after opening.

So you gotta have other people you already know and talk to them!Otherwise, people will more "compliance".Beautiful girls have something about them that makes them feel special. Probably because hundreds of beta-males tell them "Wow, you're pretty. Wow. wow. wow."

You gotta stick out. Talk to everyone around her. WORK THE "SET" or the "PEOPLE AROUND YOU".This way, you'll come off as a very social person with energy and a good personality.Start off with just 1-2 people. Hook them, talk with them, pique others' interests. Let them join in on the convo.Before you know it, you'll have 10 cool guys and hot girls around you all forwarding their direct attention to.. You.

Major attraction right there. Make sure you have the personality to keep this state of mind though.Good luck everyone.<33 Grape


The Three I's – 10/30/08IntelligenceWe live in a society where people are constantly judging one another and their intelligences. Now I don't mean just "school smart" but rather things like: social smart, music smart, personality smart, street smart, etc.Some words you can use to banter are:for their "attractive" behaviors:Cute, Adorable, Childish, Witty, Funny, Brilliant, Amazing,for their "unattractive" behaviors:Stupid, Gay, Dumb, Dork, Immature, Selfish, Shy, Suck, Loser,

Notice how these terms are very vague and are left for the target's imagination to amplify/alter/distort.

Commenting on others' intelligences won't only make you seem higher value, but as a qualifier and a judge.Just remember, only comment when it seems to make sense. Saying "You're selfish." out of nowhere and not being able to back yourself up with a reason will make you seem try-hard and attention seeking.

IntentionEveryone has an intent to do something.You can use this do your advantage. When someone does something, you can 'reframe' their action as having an unattractive intention behind it.ex: A girl says "You have ugly shoes." You can reframe the situation as if they had an intent to give YOU the upper hand by saying something such as "They always DID remind me of you."

Also, you need to have intent/reason behind your actions. If you go into a set not knowing what it is you want with them, you will fail. Your subconscious mind needs a goal to achieve, it's just the nature of the male mind. Going in with intentions of picking girls up will help a ton, as where going in with intentions to 'impress' them by being a 'nice guy' will not help.

IntimacyThe thing about intimacy, sexuality, and seduction with females is that they are VERY VERY sexual. Any girl who says otherwise is either socially 'unaware' or just a rare type.Here are a few concepts of this theory:- All females are very open to sexuality. As long as they don't feel like sluts, they will comply accordingly.- The 'slut effect' takes place when a guy gives the girl the decision of sex and sexual activities.- A guy must take blame and responsibility for all sexual actions done with a girl.

:::Applying the concept:::


Screen words: Screen words are terms we use that don't sound sexual at ALL, but are often interpreted in sexual ways. Using these will not only let a girl be able to be sexual with you while still saying "No we weren't! We were just talking about baking together." but will also enable you to imply to a girl that you have intentions of being sexual. You may say something like "Come over. We can watch movies in my room and bake cookies."What are some screen words?"We can bake cookies/cream pies/cakes together.""Come in my closet/under my blanket/in my room with me.""We can color together.""And we'll stay up until three in the morning.""We'll watch movies together.""We're going to have a pillow fight.""I'm going to wrestle you down."

Taking blame: When you and a girl are alone together, and she says something like "We're going too fast."You can do one of two things to turn off her LMR:- Not escalate any further by being submissive or too aggressive- Be a man and take responsibility for her actions

If you simply say "It's okay, I'll take the blame." or "Hey, I understand. It's my responsibility, not yours." she'll continue to escalate as long as she still feels comfortable with you.

I hope this helps out!<33 Grape