Hercules april

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Hercules april


The Kneeler


Spring Constellation April- October

5th Largest Constellation

❖ Identified with Greek hero Hercules

❖ Given 12 task as punishment.

Fun FactsNo 1st or 2nd Magnitude Stars

Tau Herculids are the only meteor showers in Hercules

The Leo, Hydra, Draco, and Cancer constellations are all victims of Hercules

15 Stars with known planets

Has many double and variable stars

Alpha Hercules- Rasalgethi Yellow/Blue Binary

95 Hercules Double Yellow/red

Deep Sky Objects

❖ Abell 39

Messier 13“Great Globular Cluster”

❖ Messier 92


Hercules Cluster of Galaxies

X Her- Binocular Variable Star