Hepatitis by Ahmed kadle

Post on 22-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Hepatitis by Ahmed kadle

الرحيم الرحمن الله بسم

University of Bahri

College of Veterinary Medicine

Department of Veterinary Internal Medicine

Presentation About:Hepatitis



Is the inflammation of hepatic cells

Etiology1.Toxic hepatitis:

The common causes of toxic hepatitis in farm

animals are:

1) Inorganic poisons including phosphorus,

copper and arsenic.

2) Organic poisons as Gossypol

3) Bacterial toxins may play a part in

producing hepatitis.

2. Infectious hepatitis:

1)Viral hepatitis as RVF

2)Bacterial hepatitis as

a. Infectious necrotic hepatitis

b. Systemic listeriosis

c. Salmonelosis

3)Parasitic hepatitis

a. Acute and chronic liver fluke infestation

b. Migrating larvae of Ascaris sp.

c. Hepatic sarcocystosis in a horse.4. Trophopathic hepatitis:

White liver disease due to cobalt deficiency.

5. Congestive hepatitis due to CHF.


In toxic hepatitis, the usual

lesion is centrilobular and varies

from cloudy swelling to acute

necrosis with a terminal vena-

occlusive lesion in some plant


In infectious hepatitis, the

lesions vary from necrosis of

isolated cells to diffuse necrosis

affecting all or most of the

hepatic parenchyma.

In parasitic hepatitis, the

changes depend upon the

number and type of migrating

parasites. In massive fluke

infestations sufficient damage

may occur to cause acute

hepatic insufficiency

Nutritional hepatitis is

characterized by massive or

submassive necrosis. Hepatic

lipidosis is characterized by fatty

infiltration of hepatocytes

progressing to development of fatty


Congestive hepatitis is

characterized by dilatation of

central veins and sinusoids with

compression of the parenchymal


Clinical Picture

1. Anorexia, indigestion, weight loss.

2. Jaundice.

Icterus of the sclera

3. Light-colourd faeces and dark


Fig. Dark urine

4. Constipation and punctuated by

attacks of diarrhoea.

5. Oedema and emaciation.

6. Bleeding tendency due to

clotting deficiency.

7. The nervous signs vary from

ataxia and lethargy with

yawning, or coma, to

hyperexcitability with muscle

tremor, mania, including

aggressive behavior, and


A characteristic syndrome is

the dummy syndrome, in which

affected animals push with the

head, do not respond to normal


Head Pressing

8. Subacute abdominal pain, usually

manifested by arching of the

back, and pain on palpation of

the liver.

9. Ascites

10.Photosensitization in animals fed

on green fodders and exposed to


Fig. Photosensitized animal

11.In chronic hepatitis, the signs

developed slowly and persist for

a longer periods.

12.Ascites and dummy syndrome

are more common in chronic

than acute form.

Diagnosis Clinical signs.

Liver function tests: Estimation of

serum total, direct and indirect

bilirobin. In addition to AST, ALT,

ALP, LDH, SD, Albumin.

Biopsy of Liver.

Sonography of Liver.

Differential Diagnosis Encephalopathy:

Hepatitis is easily misdiagnosed

as an encephalopathy unless

jaundice or photosensitization is



By History and Clinical


Treatment Give diet high in CHO, Ca++, and low

in protein and fat.

Purgation and enemas have also

been used but mild purgation is


Injection of glucose (25 or 40%)

and Vitamins.

Specific antimicrobial drugs.

Hepatic fibrosis is considered to

be a final stage in hepatitis and

treatment is not usually


References:- Books:1. O. M. Radostits, C. C. Gay, K. W. Hinchcliff, P. D. Constable. VETERINARY

MEDICINE A textbook of the diseases of cattle, horses, sheep, pigs and goats, 10th ed.

PP. 391 – 394.

2. Abdelkhalek El-Sheikh, Hamed Attia Mohamed and Hatem Mohamed Selim. Textbook

of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 1st ed. PP. 192 – 195.

General Internet Research.

Prepared By:Ahmed Abdulkadir Hassan