Henry%20v 1

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Henry%20v 1


A Sword in the Stone productions


Costumes creates a hierarchy

Poor people

Rich people


People of different nationality


This helps by giving people a purpose or a job

A frying pan creates a cook

A sword shows a soldier

A rattle shows someone who is young even if they are old

A crown shows someone who is royal


In a small theatre like the Globe it is hard to create a big army.

We are creating a primitive hamster wheel, this demonstrates how someone can look as if they are running but in fact now move anywhere.

A light can show it is daytime, snow it is winter and rain it is Britain.


In a bare theatre like the globe, you need sets to make a different place.

Trees represent a forest

Sand represents a desert

Mud represents a swamp

Grass represents a field