Henderson bridge anushka narayan

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Henderson bridge anushka narayan



•highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore, s•springs from a scenic location off Mount Faber and spans across Henderson Road to Telok Blangah with a flowing organic form of seven “wave” spans.

•folded three-dimensional surface-form cleverly created by a mathematical equation articulated as a continuous organic and structural form which bends, undulates and ascends in a singular movement. T•he structure is also functional, flowing, forming and reforming into access ramps, balustrades, benches and shelters for leisure walking and scenic viewing for the public

spans some 284 meters above Henderson Road, a six-lane freeway running through the south coast o•seven spans, six of typical size (3.5 meters high, 24 meters long), and a larger one (6 meters high, 57 meters long). T•he upside spans unfold above deck level and house temporary activities, such as seating, lounging and sight-seeing. The remaining spans unfold below deck level and are not accessible –simply ensuring the continuity of the structure.

•The primary structure of the bridge features a sequence of steel arches and catenaries joined across, and resting upon, reinforced concrete pylons. •These pylons (the tallest of which reaches 38m) sit between waves as it were, at the point where the surface-form self-intersects and tapers down to a single beam.•The 1,500 square meter timber deck sitting on top of the steel structure is the centerpiece of the project.

•During construction, the typical 24 m span members were fabricated, welded, galvanized and painted •Stability to the bridge structure was provided laterally by the column structures and longitudinally by the tying of the lower deck members. •The timber segments were then installed in sequence, followed by the decking.•The Henderson Waves footbridge was officially opened in May 2008 and forms part of plans to construct a green pedestrian corridor linking the Southern Ridges to the waterfront in Bu kit Chermin on the south coast.