Hello! My name is Mary White. I'm from Canada. Canada came from the old word «Canata»(...

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Hello! My name is Mary White. I'm from Canada. Canada came from the old word «Canata»(...

Hello! My name is Mary White.

I'm from Canada.

Canada came from the old word «Canata»( деревня,община)


Canada is а great state. It is situatet on the North American continent.


This is а map of Canada.

Canada is а big and rich country. Canada is the second largest country is the world.

The population of Canada.

The population of Canada is over 26 million people.My country has two offical Languages English and French.

The symbol of Canada. Maple leaf.

The symbol of Canada. Beaver .

The symbol of Canada. White Bear.

The head of Canada is the Queen Elizabet the second.

Political life of the country

Governor-general a person who represents the King or Queen of Great Britain in the Canada.The leading figure in the political life of the country is the Prime Minister.Prime Minister of Canada is Steven Harper

Prime minister and Governor general of Canada

Prime minister Steven Harper

Govervor — general Adrian Clarson

The Capital of Canada. Ottawa.

Parliament Hill. Ottawa

Canada's official national sport is hockey.

Canada's official national sports are hockey in the winter and lacrosse in the summer. Hockey is a national pastime and the most popular spectator sport in the country. It is also the sport most played by Canadians, with 1.65 million participants in 2004. Canada's six largest metropolitan areas—Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, Ottawa, Calgary, and Edmonton—have franchises in the National Hockey League (NHL), and there are more Canadian players in the NHL than from all other countries combined.

Canada consists of the provinces of Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia and Yukon and the North-West Territories.

Canada provinces.

Every country has is own wonders of the world. And Canada also has some wonders; Niagara Falls, Ontario,

Wonders of the world.

Niagara Falls.

51 melres high. It is а great tourist attraction and millions of visitors come to see the fall every year.

White Polar Bear

Blue whale

Douglas Fir Pine

The Northern light is fantastic.

If will be a great surprise for you, If you see this wonder.

Canada is famous for it`s great lakes.

Great Bear Lake

Great Slave Lake

Canada has a very beautiful nature

Maple Trees

Canadian`s maple groves are brilliant.

Douglas Fir Pine

A famous Douglas Fir Pine is about 5 metres in diamete

Canadians spend a lot of time fishing. In the waters of Canada there are different kinds of fish.But most of all we like to catch seals, because of the meat and fur. Eskimos are most skillfull in fishing.

A lot of nice animals live in Canada






Deer Caribou

Rocky mountain goat


Brown bear

Brown bear

There are a lot of beautiful birds.


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