Hello!€¦ · Hello! WOODS EDGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (HOA) Welcome to the Neighborhood! Fall...

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Transcript of Hello!€¦ · Hello! WOODS EDGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (HOA) Welcome to the Neighborhood! Fall...


949 Daffodil Drive

De Pere, WI 54115


N e i g h b o r h o o d S i g h t s

Helpful Information

• Key contact information

• Where to find “stuff”

• Who’s in charge

• Neighborhood fun



Welcome to the Neighborhood!

Fall 2019

Page 2

Welcome to Woods Edge!

We’re delighted to have you join our neighborhood and look for-

ward to getting to know you as you get to know us.

You already know we’re not like “typical” neighborhoods, where

you move in, perhaps get to meet one or two close-by neighbors and

pretty much live your life. As a Homeowner’s Association, we share

many things — lawn care, snow removal, for sure; but so much more.

The common areas — clubhouse, pool, ponds, common grounds.

And that’s just the start.

We have a pretty active social life in the neighborhood, something

for everyone. Times we regularly get together for a meal and social

fun, Packer parties, and several clubs — book, crafts, bible study,


This Welcome Kit is meant to be a helpful resource to you. We start-

ed thinking, what would I want to know if I was just moving in now?

And then, what would be a helpful resource since I’m pretty sure I’ll

forget something I was told when I first moved in? The content will

change as the neighborhood grows and develops, and as we get

input from new neighbors. So let us know if there’s something we

didn’t cover and we’ll do our best to get you what you need.

Again, a big Woods Edge welcome to you!

Pat Bellin Monica Golomski

Kathy Roeser Linda Zeske

W h a t Yo u N e e d t o

K n o w

Page 3

Table of Contents





Life in the Neighborhood

Getting Involved — Opportunities to Share Talents/Interests

Neighborhood Governance

Where to Find Important “Stuff”

Contacts 14

Page 4

Social Gatherings

While there are many spontaneous social gatherings, and a few special

ones throughout the year, we intentionally plan monthly get-togethers

to give us all the opportunity to get to know each other and to enjoy

each other’s company. If you have questions or to make sure you’re on

the email notification list, contact any member of the Social Committee:

Pat Bellin (920-655-8275, 71pat40@gmail.com), Kris Olson (920-366-

1617, carterkl02@hotmail.com), or Mary Ortmayer (920-676-5903,


Pot Lucks The first Thursday of every month

is Party With The Neighborhood

night. Every other month, we

meet in the Woods Edge Clubhouse at 6 p.m., everyone brings their

own beverage and a dish to pass. Like all Pot Lucks, ours always ends

up with wonderful hors d’oeuvres, entrees, side dishes and desserts.

Join the fun and benefit from the culinary skills of your neighbors, all

while enjoying each others’ company! No need to sign up ahead of

time, just show up the night of fun.

Dining Out Then, on the other monthly first Thurs-

day nights, we decide to venture out

into the community and try new restau-

rants or old favorites. Because we need

to make reservations as well as pick a

venue that can handle a group our size,

you need to let the Committee know ahead of time, usually about a

week. They’ll let you know the deadline.

Packer Parties If the Green Bay Packers are playing an away

game that’s either a noon or 3 p.m. start, we’ll

gather at the Woods Edge Clubhouse and cheer

on the home team (those night games are just

too late!). Many of us have season tickets so we

don’t gather on home games. Bring snacks to

share and your own drinks, along with your Go

Pack Go Spirit! No need to sign up, just show up!



S o c i a l E v e n t sPage 5

Special Events

Whenever someone feels led to create a special Woods Edge party,

they lead the charge for additional social gatherings. None of these are

cast in stone, but here’s what we’ve been known to do in the recent


Summertime Golf Outing Some of us are avid golfers, some golf

just for fun, others join the group for the

After Party. Whatever your tastes, there’s

something for everyone, guys & gals

alike — golf, friendly competitions, food & drinks.

Past Coordinator: Vic Herber, 920-621-0394,


Fox River Cruise One of the Thursday Night social gatherings

we decided to organize a cruise down the

Fox River, complete with box dinner. Unfortu-

nately, the weather had other plans and it was

cancelled due to thunderstorms. Watch for a

possible Round Two in 2020.

Past Coordinator: Social Committee.

December Bowling & Pizza Party It helps that one of our neighbors owns the

Ashwaubenon Bowling Alley, but we’d no

doubt organize this annual get together

regardless — come on, bowling, drinks &


Past Coordinator: Dave LaBar, 920-857-0638, labardave@yahoo.com

Have another idea? We’re all about getting together for some fun and


Page 6

Ongoing Clubs

The following clubs, groups or gatherings are available to any home-

owner. Contact the group coordinator for additional details and info

about how to jump in and join the fun.

Book Clubs Once a month on a Thursday morning (usually

the 3rd Thursday) at 10 a.m., avid readers get

together in the Woods Edge Clubhouse to

discuss and review that month’s book — fun,

fellowship, and new insights into shared


Coordinator: Wendy Schroeder, 920-497-2363,


A second Wine & Book Club started in

the evenings: on the fourth Wednesday

of the month, a Fun and Fellowship

book group meets at 5:30 p.m. in the

Woods Edge Clubhouse for snacks,

wine and a short book discussion.

Coordinator: Kathy Roeser, 920-655-4318, kroeser58@me.com

Craft Group Once a month on Wednesday mornings, a group of talented creative

folks get together in the Woods Edge Clubhouse at 9 a.m. to work on

favorite crafts — everyone brings

whatever they’re working on (scrap

booking, needlepoint, knitting,

crochet, wood working, literally any-

thing). Fun, dedicated craft time and

hey, you may learn a thing or two as


Coordinator: Wendy Schroeder, 920-497-2363,


C o n n e c t i o n sPage 7

Bible Study Starting usually in September and running

through May, a group of committed believers

get together every Tuesday morning from

9 a.m.-noon in the Woods Edge Clubhouse to

enjoy coffee (provided), discuss homework,

then watch a video. In Fall 2019, the group is

studying 2 Thessalonians and is considering a Daniel study in Spring

2020. Homework isn’t required but makes the experience more mean-

ingful; anyone can learn a lot by just listening to the group. Usually do

a lighter study during the summer with no homework.

Coordinator: Sandy Springman, 920-288-7440


Book Exchange If you love to read but aren’t into book

clubs, there’s a mini library in the Woods

Edge Clubhouse with a variety of books.

You’re welcome to stop by, peruse and

take home or read there. If you have

books to share, leave for others to enjoy!

Exercise Equipment The Clubhouse also offers a variety of exercise equip-

ment both upstairs and down, if you need a quick

workout, want to tone up or are ready to intensely

train. Upstairs room is outfitted with a TV & cable

hookup to help entertain you during your workout.

Tables, Wi Fi, Cable TV Woods Edge Clubhouse also has Cable TV in the main room and Wi Fi

internet access throughout the facility.

Swimming Pool The neighborhood pool is generally open late May

through mid September, weather permitting. Daily

access, starting at 6 a.m.—10 p.m.

Pool Code: C2019 Clubhouse Code: 2019

Clubhouse Amenities

Page 8

Board of Directors’ Sub Groups

Ad Hoc Committees There are numerous opportunities to use your unique talents, interests

and skills — either in a short term Ad-Hoc group or a longer term on-

going service opportunity. In all cases, our volunteers save us signifi-

cant costs by doing things that we’d either have to hire out, or just not

get done. And they enhance life in the neighborhood in ways that can’t

be quantified. The following are current and/or past Ad Hoc commit-

tees created by the WE Board to creatively solve a challenge or prob-

lem in the neighborhood.

Pond Embankment Team Our 5th year into the HOA neighborhood, the

lawn care around the ponds, both North &

South, became challenging due to the steep

grade. We did some research into the original

pond design and ensured erosion was not an

issue, then sought the help of homeowners to

determine options for enhancing both the aesthetics and the workabil-

ity of the features. Expected to recommend best solution for Board

approval in 2020.

Accounting/Audit Team When you give tens of thousands of dollars to an outside management

company, every so often you want to make sure your funds are being

properly managed. Because Pfefferle does not, as a rule, have annual

audits, we asked experienced auditors in the neighborhood to help the

Board do a review of the management company and its procedures for

our account. An investment strategy was developed and minor pro-

cess changes were made.

Capital Budget Team While we’re a relatively “young” community, at some point we’ll need

to repair/update some of the common areas — pool, ponds, clubhouse.

A team of folks with financial backgrounds was formed to recommend

a long-term capital planning process (10 year) to ensure we don’t get

blindsided by a major repair down the road.

Rules & Regulations Team An initial long term and comprehensive review of the Woods Edge R&R

was done in 2018 to update the document to reflect majority owner

desires once the HOA transfer was made from builder to homeowners.

S h a r i n g T a l e n t sPage 9

Ongoing Groups

The following groups are ongoing on an “as needed basis,” but will

always welcome anyone who wants to join in the fun:

The Fixers Changing a light bulb, fixing a broken

window, installing a dimmer switch,

painting window trim … minor home

repairs we all deal with on a regular

basis. Either you handle the job yourself or call a friend for help, easy

peasy. But when it’s a clubhouse with 65 “minority owners,” who’s

responsible? Those minor common area problems can become a major

repair requiring the hiring of a third-party. Enter the Woods Edge Fix-

ers — a group of men who are pretty handy, enjoy the odd job and

love getting together to socialize and have some, “Tim the Tool Man”

guy time.

Coordinator: Glenn Thiede, 920-321-8959, thiedes@live.com

Woods Edge Hospitality & Advocate Team A team of folks who act as a welcome to our com-

munity for all new homeowners, help a homeown-

er who wants to make exterior changes find a

“win” resolution, and research community inter-

ests that can benefit a large homeowner population

(i.e., cleaning services/handyman services).

Contact: Monica Golomski, monica.golomski@snc.edu, 920-680-4658

Pool Volunteers From opening the pool in the Spring, to daily and ongoing mainte-

nance, to closing the pool in the Fall, our Woods Edge pool volunteers

literally save the HOA $100/day at the least. A

group of folks take turns testing the pool for

chemicals and ensure it stays clean, all while

ensuring all equipment stays operational,

particularly over the busy holiday weekends.

Coordinator: Jim Dzioba, 224-242-5078,


Page 10

Board of Directors

The Woods Edge HOA is managed by a 5-member elected Board of

Directors, all of whom serve staggered 2-year terms. A portion of the

Board is elected every year during the Annual Meeting, typically held

in November in the Woods Edge Clubhouse. The current Woods Edge

Board & their contact info. is listed at the end of this packet.

Regular Meetings Each Board has the opportunity to create it’s own “schedule,” but typi-

cally, the Board will meet on a monthly basis, hopefully at a regular

time. They also may meet more frequently if working on a specific

“project,” or less frequently (over the winter months). At least once

each quarter, the Board opens its meeting with an Open Forum, allow-

ing anyone in the neighborhood to come and raise any issue or ask any


Communications The preferred method of communications within the neighborhood is

email — Board notifications, information about changes to the Club-

house code, updates from the Landscape company about ongoing

maintenance, and a regular newsletter letting you know what the Board

has been working on and what it’s up to is all sent by email. All previ-

ous newsletters are also posted on the Woods Edge website

In addition, once each year hard copy “snail mail” is used to provide

materials prior to the HOA Annual Meeting or for any legal action taken

such as a change to any governing documents (R&R, By Laws, etc.)

Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting is typically held in November and is an opportuni-

ty for the Board to report on all actions taken during the year as well as

the plan for the upcoming year. It involves a presentation of the HOA

budget, with line items for expenses, income and unexpected costs.

A portion of the Board is also voted in during each annual meeting, in

staggered terms so there is continuity and knowledge that remains

from year to year. Each term is for a two-year commitment.

The 2019 Annual Meeting will be held on Nov. 13, 2019 at 6 p.m.

L e g a l P r o c e d u r e s

Page 11

Rules & Regulations

The Woods Edge Rules & Regulations are

the governing rules we operate by on a

regular basis. You should have received a

copy of the current R&R in your final sale

paperwork, it is also available on the

Woods Edge web site. We expect that all

homeowners will abide by the R&R, and

will seek a variance or exception if they

want to vary from the R&R. Unannounced

inspections are conducted at various times to ensure compliance by

all; noncompliance will result in steps identified in the R&R.

Reserving/Renting the Clubhouse The Clubhouse is available to all Woods Edge homeowners, both on an

ad hoc basis for quick gatherings with others in the neighborhood if it’s

not reserved, or for rental for private parties.

The process to reserve is simple:

• Contact Jeff McMcLaughlin, at Pfefferle to determine availability(920-470-2148 (cell); jmclaughlin@pfefferle.biz )

• Send Pfefferle two paper checks — $40 for the rental fee, and an-other $175 deposit (returnable if all requirements met)

• Fill out after-use checklist, get to Sue Hurley and you’ll receiveyour deposit check back

Coordinator: Sue Hurley, 920-309-1484, suehurley721@gmail.com

Plant Listing If you want to do some landscape updating, you are

able to do so without preapproval if the plants you

choose are on the approved plant list and you’re not

creating any new landscape beds. The current ap-

proved list can be found in the Clubhouse Lobby

(hard copy) and is also available on the Woods Edge

website. Also available on the website is the form for

seeking approval of exterior improvements to your


Page 12

Website Has It All

Woods Edge HOA has developed a private “by invitation only”

website that contains everything you’ll ever need or desire to know

about living in the neighborhood. Make a note of the URL, but please

keep it private as the site contains a lot of information that’s only meant

for Woods Edge Homeowners.

Here’s what you’ll find on the site:

Documents • Woods Edge Rules & Regulations

• Wood Edge Approved Plant List

• Woods Edge By Laws

• Woods Edge Articles of Incorporation

• Woods Edge Declaration

• Clubhouse Cleaning Checklist

• Woods Edge Hospitality & Advocate Team

• Landscape Associates Frequency Schedule

• Information on Japanese Beetles

• The Fixers

• Woods Edge Maintenance, Vendor & PaintDirectory (original supplier list along with

colors, product specifications so you can

effectively update)

Forms • The Fixers Binder to note a needed improvement

• Exterior Improvement Form (fillable)

• Direct Deposit Form for Monthly HOA dues

• R&R Appeal Form (fillable)

• Clubhouse Reservation Form (fillable)

• Woods Edge Expense Form (fillable)

We even have a Facebook Page — search for “Woods Edge

Community De Pere” in Facebook and ask for permission to join

the group.

HOA URL: https://woodsedgehoa.weebly.com/

L e g a l P a p e r w o r kPage 13

Where to Find Important Stuff

Additional Pages: • Home page — fun happenings, changes frequently, submit photos

• Events — scheduled social gatherings

• Newsletters — all past editions about what’s been happening

• Calendar — Clubhouse reserved times/events

• Business — current Annual Meeting documents

• Photos — looks around the neighborhood, feel free to submit some

• House Plans — all 4 models layout and design; and lot map

Contacts • Woods Edge Directory

• Pfefferle Management

• Lawncare & Snow Removal

• Woods Edge Board of Directors

• Newsletter

• Website: https://woodsedgehoa.weely.com

• Pool Volunteers

• Social Event Coordinator

• Hospitality & Advocate Team

• Clubhouse Rental

• Book Clubs

• Craft Group


List of service vendors recommended by homeowners who’ve used

their services and/or who’ve negotiated discounts for the neighbor-

hood (there’s strength in numbers!). Feel free to recommend — the

more the merrier! Types of vendors listed:

• Window cleaning

• Dryer vent cleaning

• Handyman services

• HVAC maintenance

• Christmas decorations

N e i g h b o r

C o n t a c t s

Page 15

President: Diane Johnson


920 609-4500

Term Ends Nov. 2021

Vice President: Cheri Feser



Term Ends Nov. 2020

Secretary: Sue Hurley



Term Ends Nov. 2021

At Large: Norm Schroeder



Term Ends Nov. 2020

Monica Golomski

Welcome Lead



Kathy Roeser

Homeowner Support Lead



While all team members help

with all tasks, the lead take the

first step in specific areas. So, if

you applied for an exterior

change that was denied and

you’d like help to further pursue

it, contact Sue Hurley. If there’s

a service or something you think

the whole neighborhood would

want, contact Pat to do some

research and see if we can work

a special “Woods Edge” deal!

Current Woods Edge

Board of Directors

Newsletter: Mary Deckert



Quarterly Open Forums,

generally meet monthly and as

needed additionally.

Woods Edge Hospitality &

Advocate Team (WEHA)

Pat Bellin

Research “Deals” Lead



Linda Zeske

Welcome Lead



Treasurer: Barb Cody



Term Ends Nov. 2021

Mike Strauch, Fine Gardening

Account Mgr. (until March 2020)

920-268-2894 (mobile)



Woods Edge Property Manager Take care of ongoing maintenance, pays

all bills, seeks bids from variety of vendors

for needed services.

Page 14

All contact information for the entire neighborhood is available

on the Woods Edge website, but here’s your “short list” for the

ones you probably want to connect with more often than


For the complete list of all neighbors, go to the website at:


Lawn Care/Snow Removal Provider Take care of weekly lawn care and ongoing

landscape maintenance and winter snow

removal/ice care. Offer additional services

at additional cost to homeowners.

920-337-4915 (office)

Trude Jacobs, Accountant


Josh Jadin, Maintenance Mgr.

920-391-9485 (mobile)



Jeff McLaughlin, WE Site Manager

920-470-2148 (cell)


This is also the place where you send your monthly Association

dues, and they don’t send “bills,” so either set up automatic

bill pay or mail to their offices:

200 East Washington Street - Suite 2B Appleton, WI - 54911