HEBRON HERALD · 2016-11-22 · Walk, 2:00 p.m. Monday, Oct. 31 – Halloween Tuesday, Nov. 1 –...

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Transcript of HEBRON HERALD · 2016-11-22 · Walk, 2:00 p.m. Monday, Oct. 31 – Halloween Tuesday, Nov. 1 –...

By Frank Wyche, Pastor

October is a busy month on the Church Calendar, and

a busy month at Hebron.

In the Church throughout the world, October begins

with World Communion Sunday on Oct. 2, and ends

with Reformation Sunday on Oct. 30.

Here at Hebron, October also means receiving the

PCUSA Peace and Global Witness Offering (formerly

the Peacemaking Offering) on Oct. 2, Homecoming on

Oct. 9, and the Staunton CROP Walk to fight hunger on

Oct. 30.

October is also the time to begin collecting for Opera-

tion Christmas Child, the Shoebox Project of Samari-

tan’s Purse (see story on page 3). The collection begins

so early because the national collection dates are Nov.

14-21. The Commitment/Witness Committee has set a

deadline of Sunday, Nov. 6, for folks to contribute the

shoeboxes, so that we can deliver them to our local col-

lection point during the week of the 14th.

World Communion Sunday and receipt of the Peace

and Global Witness Offering are both on Oct. 2 (see

article on back page). Please prepare your hearts and

minds to receive the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper,

as we join Christians throughout the world in sharing

communion on the same day as a reminder of our unity

in Christ.

The Peacemaking and Global Witness Offering is one

of four national offerings received by churches in the

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), of which Hebron is a

member. The others are the Christmas Joy Offering at

Christmas, the One Great Hour of Sharing on Easter,

and the Pentecost Offering.

Twenty-five percent of the Peacemaking Offering is

distributed by Hebron, and the rest goes to area, nation-

al and international mission work through Shenandoah

Presbytery, the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic, and the

PCUSA. Our portion has been designated to go to sup-

port the Central Valley Office on Youth, which serves

at-risk youth in our area.

The CROP Walk in Staunton will also be Oct. 30,

beginning downtown at 2:00 p.m. Hebron has tradition-

ally had a number of folks participate in the event, both

as walkers and as financial contributors.

Reformation Sunday will be Oct. 30 this year. The

HEBRON HERALD Volume 25, Issue 10 October 2016

October: World Communion, Homecoming, Reformation

Sunday, Oct. 2 – World Communion Sunday; Peace and Global Witness Offering

Sunday, Oct. 9 – Homecoming Sunday with fellow-ship luncheon afterward (bring side dishes and des-serts; Hebron will provide meats and beverages)

Tuesday, Oct. 11 – Circles 1 & 2, 1:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 16 – Sunday School and Worship Sunday, Oct. 23 – Sunday School and Worship Wednesday, Oct. 26 – PEP Club, 1:00 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 27 – Session meets, 7:00 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 30 – Reformation Sunday; CROP

Walk, 2:00 p.m. Monday, Oct. 31 – Halloween Tuesday, Nov. 1 – All Saints Day Sunday, Nov. 6 – Daylight Saving Time Ends, 2:00

a.m. (set clocks back one hour)

Protestant Reformation is historically considered to

have begun on Oct. 31, 1517, when Martin Luther

nailed his 95 Theses to the church door of the Witten-

burg Cathedral.

Reformation Sunday is observed on the last Sunday

of October each year. It isn’t always the Sunday closest

to Oct. 31, because All Saints Day is Nov. 1. So the last

Sunday of October is Reformation Sunday, while the

first Sunday of November is All Saints Sunday.

Presbyterian and Reformed churches trace their histo-

ries to the Protestant Reformation, specifically to the

writings and theology of John Calvin (1509-1564). His

theology is often called “Reformed/Presbyterian,” be-

cause it is the basis for the theologies of the Reformed

churches as well as Presbyterian churches. In continen-

tal Europe (Switzerland, the Netherlands, etc.), Calvin-

ist churches are called Reformed. In countries speaking

English (Scotland, England, and British colonies such

as the U.S. and Canada) Calvinist churches are called


Please join us in participating in all of these special

events and activities, and look forward to even more in

November and December!

Pastor Frank

The Session of Hebron Presbyterian Church held its

stated monthly meeting on Thursday, July 28, at 7:00

p.m. Session did not meet in August. Minutes of the July

meeting were approved at the Sept. 22 Session meeting

and are printed here:

Present: Elders Jan Kitts, J im McGavock, Ross

Shull, Joann Weikert, Mike Fallin, Scott Martin, David

Obenschain, Martha Sieck, Anita Tuttle, Robert Chris-

tian, Lori Malcolm, Mike Ruleman, Moderator Rev.

Frank Wyche; Clerk of Session Robin Moyer; and

guest Larry Mayer. Excused: Elder Nancy K. Cook.

Absent: Elder Allen Martin.

A quorum being present, the Moderator opened the

meeting at 7:00 p.m. with prayer.

Moderator welcomed guest Larry Mayer, co-chair of

the Hebron Cemetery. Larry spoke on the Cemetery

finances and answered questions from the Session. Lar-

ry reported Troy Bradley has been approved to be the

sole grave digger for Hebron. Also, Hebron will charge

a $100 fee for grave preparation, to be collected

through funeral homes and forwarded to the Hebron

Cemetery Committee. Larry thanked the Session for

approving the new sections of fence and finding the

funds to do so.

Clerk’s Report: Session approved minutes of the

Stated Meeting of June 23, 2016, with the correction

that Nancy K. Cook was excused and not absent. Ses-

sion approved a request from Sara Botkin for use of the

Fellowship Hall on Saturday, August 6, for a shower

for Carly Casto. Session approved removal of Giles

Trimble from church roll following his death June 30,


Treasurer’s Report: Handout was provided by

Treasurer Michael Ruleman with a detailed Report of

Fund Balances as of July 28, 2016. The general fund

continues in the red at (-$34,493.61). The total in our

checking and savings stands at $139,785.82. Treasurer

noted that $3740 had been donated to Disaster Relief

for flooding in West Virginia.

Presbytery Matters: Shenandoah Presbytery will

meet Saturday, August 13, at 9:30 a.m. in Shepherd-

stown, WV. Hannah Bush was named as Elder Com-


Old Business: Cemetery finances were discussed

earlier with Larry Mayer. The Treasurer said the new

sections of metal fencing for the cemetery which front

the road will be fully funded by memorial donations.

Committee Reports

Christian Ed (Scott Martin, Jim McGavock, Mike

Ruleman): With recommendations from the committee,

Session approved awarding 2016 high school graduate

Taylor McNeal a $1000 Hebron Youth Scholarship,

and endorsed Lynne Moore’s application for the Shen-

andoah Presbytery Scholarship. There were no appli-

cants for the Scott Hickey Scholarship this year.

Commitment/Witness (Mike Fallin, Martha Sieck): A

new Scout sign has been placed at the Scout Hut. Com-

mittee continues contact with Mark and Jenny Hare.

Congregational Ministries (Lori Malcolm, Joann

Weikert): Committee continues ongoing contacts.

Fellowship/Service: (Nancy K. Cook, Lori Malcolm,

Scott Martin): Lemonade on the Lawn is ongoing.

Personnel (Mike Fallin, David Obenschain): No re-


Property (Robert Christian, Allen Martin, Jim

McGavock, Anita Tuttle): New air conditioners have

been installed in the Secretary’s office and the Pastor’s

office by Mike Dundas and Emerson Willard. Choir

requests air conditioner for the Choir Room and/or Li-

brary; Session passed a motion to purchase two new air

conditioners, one for the Choir Room and one for the

Library. Keyser Kirtley mowed pasture to cut down

thistles. Session granted permission to MGW to go un-

der highway and onto church grounds to install fiber-

optic lines. Session approved a motion to give Bethle-

hem UMC forty of the church’s folding chairs.

Stewardship/Finance: (Allen Martin, Mike Ruleman,

Ross Shull, Martha Sieck): No report.

Worship (Nancy K. Cook, Jan Kitts, David Oben-

schain, Joann Weikert): Ramona Bosserman will

preach on Aug. 28 while Pastor Frank is on vacation.

Committee will meet again on Aug. 31 at 6:30 p.m.

Cemetery (Jan Kitts, Anita Tuttle): No report.

Pastor’s Report: Pastor is working on the August

newsletter so that it will be available for pickup at

church on July 31. Hospital and home/institutional vis-

its and communion continue. Friday morning Bible

Study finished studying Paul’s letter to the Romans on

(Continued on Page 3)

Minutes For Regular Session Meeting Held July 28 2


toothbrush, tooth-

paste, mild bar soap

(put in plastic bag),

comb, washcloth etc.

OTHER: sunglass-

ses, socks, flash-

lights (with extra

batteries), lollipops,

hard candy, mints,

gum (please double-

bag all candy), ball caps, T-shirts, hair clips, toy jewel-

ry, watches.

A PERSONAL NOTE: In a separate envelope, you

may enclose a note to the child and a photo of yourself

or your family. (If you include your name and address,

the child may write back.)

DO NOT INCLUDE: used or damaged items; war-

related items such as toy guns, knives or military fig-

ures; chocolate or food; out-of-date hard candy, liquids

or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items

such as snowglobes or glass containers; aerosol cans.

Thank you for sharing in bringing joy to children

around the world this Christmas.

Minutes of July 28 Session Meeting (Continued from Page 2)

July 22; we will not meet in August, and will select a

new topic upon resuming in September. Pastor will be

on vacation August 22-29. Church computers (Sec-

retary’s and Pastor’s) have had Windows 10 installed.

(thanks to Hannah Bush), so some temporary problems

may emerge because of the changes to systems.

New Business: Session members of the Nominat-

ing Committee are Mike Fallin, chair, and Scott Martin.

Congregational Meeting will be held August 21 imme-

diately after worship for two items of business. First

item will be electing Congregation members to the

Nomination Committee; and the second item will be

voting on reducing the size of the Session from 15 to

12. Committee will also need to secure nominees for a

Trustee to replace Giles Trimble.

The next Stated Session meeting will be September

22, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. The Stated Meeting of August

25, 2016, was canceled due to the Pastor being on vaca-

tion that week, with the understanding that a meeting

could be called if necessary before Sept. 22.

The blessings and prayer concerns of the congrega-

tion, friends, and relatives were shared by Session for

corporate and individual prayer. The meeting was ad-

journed with prayer by the moderator at 8:49 p.m.


Hebron will again participate in “Operation Christ-

mas Child,” often known as “The Shoebox Project.”

Our church collection deadline will be Sunday, Nov. 6.

The Commitment/Witness Committee decided that

the church will once again provide the boxes, and

members are asked to give the contents, or to make fi-

nancial gifts to buy materials and/or pay for postage.

Now is the time to shop for a child by filling a shoe

box with appropriate items. Appropriate items are listed

in this article, and also in the green brochure which will

be included with the shoebox the church will pro-

vide. After they are acquired, the brochures and the

shoeboxes will be available in

the Session Room and vesti-


Use the instructions in the

flyer on what types of gifts are

needed (see list later in this

article), and how to label the

box for a boy or girl, and the

appropriate age category.

National collection week for

this project is Nov. 14-21, so we are asking that any

shoeboxes given by Hebron be returned to the church

by Sunday, Nov. 6. You can bring your filled shoebox

to the church office anytime, or bring it to church and

put it on the floor by the Communion Table on any

Sunday morning.

The early deadline will allow Hebron time to pack

shoeboxes, or buy enough to fill partially filled boxes.

The cost of mailing a shoebox is $7 again this year. If

money is not given for mailing, the church will cover

the costs as mission giving. If you wish to pay for your

own box or for others, or if you wish to give so that the

church can buy more materials to go into gift boxes,

please write a check payable to Hebron Presbyterian

Church with “Operation Christmas Child” or “Shoebox

Project” on the memo line, or you may put cash in the

collection plate. If you give cash, please do not use

your regular offering envelope; put it in a different en-

velope, or attach a note so that the church treasurer will

know that the money goes to this mission project.


TOYS: small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, ka-

zoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, small Etch A

Sketch®, toys that light up or make noise (with extra

batteries), Slinky®, etc.

SCHOOL SUPPLIES: pens, pencils and sharpeners,

crayons or markers, stamps and ink pad sets, writing

pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring books, picture

books, etc.

Hebron Again Supporting ‘Operation Christmas Child’

Very special birthday wishes to: Junior Hewitt

who will be 88 on the 3rd; Nancy Cook who will be 88

on the 15th; and Jake Ott who will be 90 on the 30th.

Congratulations to: Dick and Jean Miller who will

have been married 59 years on the 19th.

Reminder: If you have been omitted from our birth-

day list, or if you know of someone who should be in-

cluded, please call the church at 885-1648 with the in-

formation, as we don’t want to miss anyone.

PEP Club Will Meet On Oct. 26 The PEP Club (People Enjoying People) will meet

Wednesday, Oct. 26, at 1:00 p.m.

This will be the PEP Club’s last meeting of 2016, be-

cause it does not meet in November or December be-

cause of the busy-ness of the Thanksgiving and Christ-

mas holiday seasons.

Looking Ahead to November… The last quarter of the year, October-December, is an

especially busy time for Hebron, as well as other churches. October is a busy month (see story on page

1) with many special days and events, and there are many more in November.

November 1 is All Saints Day, when Protestants re-

member and give thanks for Christians all around the world. Nov. 2 is All Souls Day, when we remember and give thanks for people of other faiths.

Thanksgiving will be Nov. 24. The Community Thanksgiving Service will be at Arbor Hill Church of the Brethren, with Smoky Row providing the speaker.

Advent, the season of preparation for Christmas, will

begin on Sunday, Nov. 27.

October Birthdays And Anniversaries

October birthdays are:

Mike Dundas 1

Eugene Underwood 1

Brenda Smiley 2

Brogan Cash 3

Junior Hewitt 3

Zachary Smiley 3

Meredith Arneson 9

Alex Brown 13

Joan Wright 13

Tammy Moyer 14

Nancy T. Cook 15

Dennis Hewitt 18

Lorrie Dean 19

Mike Fallin 19

Keyser Kirtley 19

Bobbie Kennedy 22

Elaine Wyche 24

Linda Brown 26

Michaela Kennedy 28

John Ott 30

Hebron Homecoming Oct. 9 Hebron will celebrate Homecoming on Sunday, Oct.

9, with a fellowship meal following morning worship.

Traditionally, Hebron has held Heritage Sunday each

year for four consecutive years, with Homecoming held

every fifth year, and this year is a Homecoming year

marking our 270th year (1746-2016).

As has also become customary, the church will pro-

vide meats and beverages for the Homecoming meal.

Members of the church are only asked to bring side

dishes and desserts.

No program is planned this year, but please come out

and join us for worship and fellowship!

CROP Walk Will Be October 30 The Staunton CROP Walk will be held on Sunday,

Oct. 30. CROP Walk is an annual event sponsored by

Church World Service to raise money to fight hunger at

home and around the world. Different communities

hold CROP Walks at various times, and Oct. 30 has

been chosen for Staunton this year. CROP Walks are

sponsored by religious groups, businesses, schools, and

other organizations. Please see Robin Ruleman or any

member of the Hebron Youth Group if you are interest-

ed in contributing or participating this year. The 4-mile

walk in Staunton will begin at 2:00 p.m. at the Central

United Methodist Church downtown. You can join the

walkers, or you can sponsor them with a donation.

Nominating Committee Is At Work

Hebron’s Church Nominating Committee is working

to prepare a list of nominees to serve as Elders of the

class of 2019 of the Session. We will also need to elect

one additional Trustee to replace Giles Trimble.

If there are active members of the church whom you

would like the nominating committee to consider,

please speak with any member of the committee: Mike

Fallin, chair (337-9277, elderfallin@gmail.com), Scott

Martin, Jon Arneson, Larry Mayer, or Robin Ruleman.

You can also submit names for the committee’s con-

sideration by placing a note in the offering plate on any

Sunday, or by leaving a message (written, or by tele-

phone) with the church office.

In addition to those who will be placed in nomination

by the committee, as is always the practice of PC(USA)

churches, there will be an opportunity for additional

nominations from the floor during the congregational

meeting when the election is held.

The members of session whose terms end this year

are Jan Kitts, Allen Martin, James McGavock, Ross

Shull, and Joann Weikert. Elders are elected to 3-year

terms, and can be elected for on successive term; but in

no case may anyone serve more than six consecutive



Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


2 World

Communion Sunday; Re- ceive Peace and Global Witness

3 4 5 Commit-

ment/Witness Cmte., 6 p.m.

Property Committee, 6:30 p.m.

6 7

Bible Study 10 a.m.


9 Home-

coming with Lunch after Worship

Christian Ed Meets, 6 p.m.

10 Columbus

Day (observed)


Circles 1 & 2 Meet, 1:30 p.m.


Choir Practice, 7:30 p.m.

13 18

Bible Study, 10 a.m.

Shenandoah Fall Foliage


Shenandoah Fall Foliage Bike Festival


Shenandoah Fall Foliage Bike Festival

17 18 19

Choir Practice, 7:30 p.m.

20 21

Bible Study 10 a.m.


23 24 25 26 PEP

Club Meets, 1:00 p.m.

Choir Prac- tice, 7:30


Session Meets, 7 p.m.

28 29


Reformation Sunday

CROP Walk 2:00 p.m.

31 Halloween (A contraction of ‘All Hallows Evening,’ the night before All Saints Day

Nov. 1

All Saints Day


All Souls Day

October 2016 Hebron Presbyterian Church

Sunday School 9:55 A.M./Worship 11 A.M.

Children’s Church Leaders 2: Tracy Mayer 9: Donna Moyer 16: Hebron Youth Group 23: Julia & Scott Martin 30: Robin Ruleman

World Communion Sun-day began in the Presbyteri-an Church in 1936, with Presbyterian churches in the United States and through-out the world all observing the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper on the same Sunday.

For many years it was called “Worldwide Com-munion Sunday.” In 1940, the Federal Council of Churches (a forerunner of the National Council of Churches, of which the Presbyterian Church (USA) is a member) adopted the observance, and commend-ed it to the many Christian denominations throughout the U.S. and the world; since then, many denomina-tions have joined the observance.

Hebron will participate in World Communion Sunday

on Sunday, Oct. 2, joining churches of different de-

nominations throughout the world in celebrating the

Lord’s Supper.

On Oct. 2 we will also receive the Peace and Global

Witness offering of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

(formerly the Peacemaking Offering). Twenty-five per-

cent of the offering stays with Hebron for local distri-

bution. The Commitment/Witness Committee has des-

ignated the Central Valley Office on Youth (serving at-

risk youth) to receive the 25% to be dispersed at our

discretion. The rest goes to Shenandoah Presbytery,

Synod of the Mid-Atlantic, and the PC(USA) for re-

gional, national, and international mission projects.

Contributions will be accepted throughout the month.

You may use the Peace and Global Witness Offering

envelopes in the vestibules, or you can write on your

regular envelope or your check memo line that you

wish all or a portion of your gift to go to “Peace and

Global Witness.”


Hebron Presbyterian Church

423 Hebron Road, Staunton, VA 24401

Church Office: (540) 885-1648

Church FAX: (540) 885-9512

E-mail: hebronchurch@msn.com

Website: www.hebronpc.com

Rev. Frank H. Wyche, Pastor

Robin Moyer, Clerk of Session

Ministries available to all ages

Sunday Services:

Sunday School, 9:55 A.M.

Morning Worship, 11:00 A.M.

Youth Group, 6:30-8:00 P.M.

Bible Study: Friday, 10:00 A.M.

Hebron Presbyterian Church

World Communion Sunday and Peace/Witness Offering Oct. 2

October 5, 2014