Headmaster’s Weekly Newsletter 20 January 2017€¦ · Newsletter 20 January 2017 ... for...

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Transcript of Headmaster’s Weekly Newsletter 20 January 2017€¦ · Newsletter 20 January 2017 ... for...

Dear Parents and Friends,

At the start of the week, our CCF cadets and officers returned from their Winter Camp, amazingly managing to avoid the snow that had decorated our campus on Saturday and Sunday. Ella Armitage gave a full account of the training at our Assembly this afternoon. A full account will follow in my newsletter next week. The focus for Year 11 pupils this week has been on trial examination performance and predictions for the summer. On Monday and Tuesday all Year 11 pupils were interviewed by senior staff and on Tuesday evening, at the Year 11 Parents’ Evening, follow-up discussions were held to ensure they are focusing on the best possible outcomes for the examination season ahead. Mr Botting, Deputy Head Academic, has given assemblies to Year 8 and 9 this week on the importance of literacy. He introduced a new marking for literacy scheme which we will be using to help all pupils focus on improving their literacy across the curriculum. All pupils will be receiving their first spring term effort and attainment grades next week which will be shared with parents via the Parent Portal. Our next Parents’ Evening will be for Year 9 on Thursday 2 February. On Tuesday we hosted a Year 7 Cambridge Maths Roadshow in the Library which challenged the pupils to use their mathematical abilities in some fun new contexts. Wednesday was a very busy day in school as we welcomed 11+ and 13+ entrance examination candidates for their interviews and assessments. I was delighted to meet some very interesting and talented Year 6 and Year 8 pupils keen to join Royal Russell next September. I have seen some pleasing results from our younger sports teams this week, including our U13 gymnasts, U12 and U13 netballers and U13 hockey players. In House sport, Cambridge were victorious in the Junior boys’ Table Tennis, whilst in girls’ Badmington, Queen’s won the Junior competition and Buchanan won the Senior. This week, I wrote to all Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 parents with my thoughts on the acceptable use of mobile phones and social media during the school day. We will be sharing our new Mobile and Electronic Devices policy with parents shortly and implementing some changes for pupils from half term. For advice on how to protect your children online, Internetmatters.org provides a useful interactive guide to parental controls. Today, our Year 13 Geographers travelled to the Docklands and this evening I enjoyed a thought-provoking Chapel Service led by the girls of Queen’s House on the theme of ‘helping people’. The girls introduced a quiz website freerice.com which helps donate food to families in need. I look forward to seeing many parents and supporters at the Music Rush Hour Concert on Monday at 5.00pm in Chapel, and later at a parent and pupil presentation in the Auditorium for those travelling to Utah for our Ski Trip in the spring. Due to frozen pitches, there will be no fixtures or training for Hockey and Football this weekend. Indoor Netball training will go ahead as planned in the Sports Hall.

With best wishes,

Headmaster’s Weekly


20 January 2017

Chris Hutchinson Headmaster

From the Chapel

Years 7 and 8 saw one of the splendid National Gallery framed prints that now adorn our Chapel walls: The Transfiguration [1311] by Duccio. Three disciples were given an extraordinary insight into the person of Jesus when on a mountain his clothes became brilliantly white. Duccio instead shows the divinity of Jesus with the colours of ultramine, gold and red. Our challenge is to look beyond the outward appearance of people we meet to see God’s image within. This Pope John Paul II did in 1983 when he visited in prison and forgave the terrorist who shot him.

Answer to Chapel Quiz 93 Contrary to the popular inclusion of wise men in Nativity scenes, Matthew records [2: 11] that the child Jesus was in a house when they arrived. This suggests that for perhaps several weeks they had followed the star that appeared when Jesus was born.

Christmas Service Collection Many thanks to all who donated generously. The collection of £482.40 was distributed equally to the Save The Children Emergency Appeal for children in Syria and Croydon Council’s fund to help those affected directly by the tram derailment.

Tonight, Friday, 6.00 p.m. Chapel service led by Queen’s House. All welcome.

January 25th

Whilst Scots celebrate Burns Night, the Church honours the conversion of Saul [also

called Paul], chief persecutor of Christians, who became the leading apostle of the Church.

Caravaggio here depicts the moment when Saul, blinded

by a light from heaven, fell to the ground and heard the

voice of Jesus [recorded three times: Acts Chapters 9,

22 and 26].

Saul lies on the ground stunned, his eyes closed as if

dazzled by the brightness of God's light that streams

down the white part of the skewbald horse [which

remarkably occupies two thirds of the picture].

Chapel Quiz 94

How did Saul regain his sight? Prizes for pupils.

Indoor Prayer

May the roof above never fall in; may we never fall out.


Cambridge University Maths Roadshow Visit

On Tuesday, pupils in each Year 7 class were treated to an hour of hands on mathematical activity including logic, spatial awareness and numeracy as well as general problem solving. The session was led by Becky Warren of the Cambridge University Mathematical Nrich Project.

Volcano Trekking in Lanzarote

Just before the Christmas holidays six A level Geography students, a former student (now at university), Mr Parham and Miss Alison travelled to the island of Lanzarote to research the local volcanoes. On arrival, we drove to the northern part of the island to learn about the formation of the island – visiting the Famara shield volcano. As part of this visit we experienced la Cueva de los Verdes, the lava tubes which formed part of the Corona volcano - where we had a guided tour through the ancient underground lava tube. During the visit we were able to see some of volcanic material from 1000’s of years ago embedded into the rock.

Early on the second day, we visited the south west of the island and climbed the Los Ajaches shield volcano. We then visited the west coast, visiting the impressive basalt columns at Los Hervideros, followed by a walk up El Golfo Maar. After lunch and an interesting camel ride we had a long walk across some cooled lava flows followed by a climb up the multiple cones of the Pico Partido complex. The weather wasn't quite as pleasant as the day before, with a couple of torrential downpours here and there. That evening we went out and experienced some traditional Spanish tapas and then headed back the hotel for a quiet night in.

On our third and final day, we started off with a round of go karting at a nearby track; the students showed the staff how to drive. After this, we went to see the amazing views from the Caldera Blanca tuff cone – the best example of a tuff cone in the Canaries. The trips only sour note was a 2.5 hour flight delay but it gave us a good chance to catch up on sleep at the airport!

Connie Chandler

Star Wars Exhibition - May the force be with you!

Last Sunday, we went on a trip to The O2 in London to see the Star Wars Identities exhibition. The exhibition was all about step by step creating our own Star Wars characters, whilst exploring the Star Wars universe and its heroes. At each stage out of ten we made decisions about the personality of our characters by touching certain areas with our electronic bracelet. At the first stage, for example, we decided what our species (human, Wookiee, or any other alien from the star wars universe). Furthermore we could learn about the different factors that influence and define the personality, like our parents, life conditions of the place where we grew up, our idols, or our job. Everything thing was very well explained using the two most famous Star Wars characters, Luke and Anakin Skywalker (aka Darth Vader). Therefore the exhibition was very useful in understanding why Anakin chooses the path of the Sith, while Luke resists the temptations of the dark side. Even for someone, who was not familiar with the story or the films, it was possible to understand and enjoy the exhibition. At every stage of the exhibition videos explained interesting biological facts about human nature and psychology to explore and understand the action as well as the personality of the characters in the Star Wars movies. Of course, it was amazing to see all the costumes and other devices (over 200 of them) used for the movies, for example, the original C-3PO version, R2D2, Darth Vader, Han Solo frozen in carbonite or even elements from the newest episode VII like BB8. Even the most dedicated fan of the Star Wars films could extend his/her knowledge, as the exhibition provided much information about the director George Lucas and the development and creation of the movies. His own dog, for example was the inspiration for Han-Solo’s co-pilot Chewbacca. At the end of the exhibition we could see our own created Star Wars characters, a result from all the different stages of the exhibition. And who knows, perhaps one of them will appear in a future Star Wars movie!

From the 1853 Society

Unwanted Christmas gifts?

The 1853 Society will gladly take these off your hands if you would like to donate them to the Parents’ Association now, ready for next year’s Christmas Fair. Anything from gift sets to toys to socks would be welcomed. These can be left in Reception. Thank you!

Year 9 Assembly - The Importance of Languages

Old Russellian Mehmet Halim gave an Assembly talk to Year 9 pupils on Thursday in the library. Having left Royal Russell 11 years ago, where he studied French and Spanish at A level, he went on to read Turkish and Persian at Oxford University. Mehmet has been working for 7 years in retail banking and explained how languages were essential to his career and communication skills. Year 9 pupils were eager to ask him questions, including Ata Aslanov (right) who conversed with him in Turkish!

From the Music Department Young Musician of the Year 2017 Competition

Preliminary Rounds will be held on 31 January and 1 February. All styles and abilities are welcome. Pupils can contribute to a new House prize by participating or work together to create a House ensemble/choir. Application slips available in the Music department.

New - Ensembles and Jamming Club

Fridays 4.00pm to 5.00pm. Chance for informal music making of anything from Classical to Rock. See your Tutor/music staff to sign up!

Rush Hour Concert

Please join us for an informal concert in the Chapel on Monday 23 January at 5.00pm.

1853 Society Quiz Night Saturday 4 February - Tickets on sale now!

Booking Form …………………………………………………………………

Royal Russell Parents’ Association Quiz Night

Saturday 4th February 2017

I would like to purchase ……………..Tickets at £10 each.

Pupils’ Name _____________ Class/House ________________

Team Name _____________________________

Please make cheques payable to “Royal Russell Parents’ Association”

Please return to Eileen Jones c/o Swimming Pool or email ejones@royalrussell.co.uk

We look forward to seeing you!

The Quiz will be held in the Great Hall. Doors open at

7.00pm and the quiz will start promptly at 7.30pm.

Teams a maximum of 10 members.

Smaller parties are very welcome and will be

accommodated on group tables.

Tickets are £10.00 per person. Snacks will be provided.

Please bring your own drinks, corkscrews and glasses!

Numbers are limited and tickets will NOT be available on

the night.

From the Sport Department

HOCKEY Unfortunately, fixtures and training have been cancelled due to the weather. However, we are hopeful that next week will be a different story!

The U13A boys had their first fixture in the National Cup this week vs Ashford School, and were robbed of moving into the next round after a 4-3 loss. There were brilliant individual performances from Callum Firth, Sacha Jennings and David Kawa, who controlled the game through the middle of the pitch. After Ashford scoring 2 early goals, Cameron Leishman, David Kawa and Sacha Jennings all put the ball into the back of the net before the first half was over. Unfortunately, a good goal from Ashford put them ahead 4-3 as we ran out of time.

The whole team performed fantastically and should be very proud of their performances. Onwards and upwards!

GYMNASTICS The U13 Gymnastics team performed excellent floor routines and solid vaults to finish 10th in Surrey.

The girls have worked very hard perfecting their routines and their hard work paid off with a huge improvement in scores and on our 14th place last year.

Well done girls, and thanks to coach Mrs Carmichael for all her hard work.

BADMINGTON David Lang, Year 7 – Cambridge, has been invited by Badminton England to an U13 Junior England Training Camp during February half term. This camp is for the top 12 players in England and is part of the England Junior Performance Programme. Congratulations David!

HOUSE SPORT After a short hiatus, house sport returned last night.

In the girls’ Basketball, both the Junior and Senior competitions were held. Some fierce battles ensued, but at the final whistle Queen’s won the Junior competition with the other Houses in a 3-way tie. Places were decided by the number of baskets scored. Buchanan won the senior competition, but Hollenden still lead on 97 points from Reade on 61. Queen’s are catching Buchanan (45 and 49 respectively).

In the Junior boys’ Table Tennis there was some excellent play across all seeds, but St Andrew’s No.1 seed, Liam Smith was imperious, comfortably winning all his matches. Cambridge were the overall winners followed by St Andrew’s, Madden, Oxford and Keable.

There are pictures of these games on our twitter feed which you can access via our sports specific website www.royalrussellsport.co.uk or search for @RRS_Sport on Twitter.

The overall leaders are still St Andrew’s (118) who are now hotly followed by Cambridge (113) who have overtaken Oxford (108), then Keable (71), who are being quietly caught by Madden (66).

Next week (26th January) is the Senior girls’ Hockey, and the week after, the Senior boys’ Indoor Football (2nd February). Please note the change of date for the re-arranged girls’ swimming gala. TUESDAY 7th February.

FOOTBALL Our Football program have benefitted from an extended period of training since the Christmas break. All pupils seem to have renewed enthusiasm and their application to sessions has been excellent – especially in the U13 and U18 age groups!

BASKETBALL A fantastic win in the London cup for our 1st team. A 3 point victory over KCS Wimbledon puts us in the semi final against either Dulwich or Forest. Zehao Li at point guard led the offence in a great all round team performance.

NETBALL This week was a busy week for Netball. Tuesday the U13’s had their cup game against St.Albans. It was a close game in the 1st and 2nd quarter, unfortunately the score ran away from us in the 3rd and 4th with the final result of 28-11. Everyone was able to get some time on court and it was a great group effort. The Player of the Match went to Rosharna Thomas-Grant, her turnover rate and work rate on court was fantastic. On Wednesday both the U13 and U12 had the first round of the Surrey Netball Tournament.

The U12 had such a great work ethic all day, unfortunately they didn’t qualify through this round but there were lots of positives to take from the day. The Player of the Day for the U12’s was Khalia Charles. The U13’s played the best netball they have played all season. Their defence were outstanding on the day with numerous amounts of turnover in every game. The Player of the Day went to Skye Warren for playing out of her normal position and doing a great job! The U13’s qualified through to the 2nd round.





If you have any uniform or sports kit that no longer fits your child, please consider donating

this to the uniform shop . We are also delighted to

accept sports equipment such as hockey sticks and shin pads.

Donations can be left in the storage box outside the Coach House Shop, adjacent to the

car park.

Uniform Shop

For all our latest news……. Follow us





We welcome your feedback. Please send to Ciara Campbell, Marketing and Communications Manager

email: ccampbell@royalrussell.co.uk or feedback@royalrussell.co.uk

Royal Russell School

Coombe Lane : Croydon : Surrey : CR0 5RF

www.royalrussell.co.uk Patron: Her Majesty The Queen

Diary Dates

Friday 20 January Queen’s House Chapel Service 6.00pm

Monday 23 January Rush Hour Music Concert Chapel 5.00pm

Monday 23 January Ski Trip Presentation Auditorium 7.00pm

Thursday 26 January Year 13 History Trip to the British Library

Thursday 26 January Hockey Tour Oct 2017 Parent and Student Presentation 6.30pm

Saturday 28 January The Hague MUN Conference

Uniform Shop

Car Park