Head and Principal Office - Ontario

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Transcript of Head and Principal Office - Ontario

No Securities Commission or similar authority in Canada has in any way passed upon the merits of the securities offered hereunder, and any representation to*the contrary is an offence.



Head and Principal Office Suite 401, 100 Adelaide Street West


•41P03SW0616 63.3148 FRECHETTE

300,000 CO1(No. Par Value)


SharesUnder wr i t ten

and Under Option

200,000 (a) PC -r Share Total

1OO.OOO (1)) Per Share Total

Column ]MaximumPrice to Public

3O0 $60,000

500 $50,000

Column 2Maximum

Underwriting Discount

150 $30,000

250 $25,000

Column 3Proceeds

to Corporation

150 $30,000


(a) These shares are underwritten and the amount as indicated in Coluiwi 3 will be received by the Corporation.

(b) The shares are under option and the amount indicated in Column 3 will be received by the Corporation only to the extent that the option is exercised.

The purpose of the offering is to provide funds to finance an exploration program as recommended by the Corporation's consulting engineer as well as ordinary operating expenses. The particulars are set forth under subject headings "Business and Property" and "Use of Proceeds.

Secondary Offering:

There is a secondary offering of 75,000 shares, the proceeds of which will accrue to the selling shareholders and not to the Treasury of the Corporation. No shares of the secondary offering will be offered until all of the underwritten and optioned shares have been sold. Particulars of the secondary offering, the offering shareholder, its present and post holdings are set forth under subject heading "Secondary Offering".

There is no market for the securities offered.

The 300,000 common shares newly offered under this prospectus'are for the account of the Underwriter/Optionee, and the 75,000 shares constituting the secondary offering are for the account of the offering shareholder all as set forth under subject hervdings "Plan of Offering" and "Secondary Offering".




372 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario


Dated 9 July, 1073


A. C. MacPHERSON h CO. LIMITED Suite 1001, 100 Adelaide Street West

TORONTO, Ontario.

41P03SW06I6 63.3140 FRECHETTE

TABLE 01 -,...^..^


Head Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cover

Registrar and Transfer Agent. . . . . . . . . . Cover

History and Business. ............. l

Acquisition of Property Interests . . . . . . . l

Preliminary Expenses. ............. 2

Plan of Offering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Secondary offering. ............... 2

Prior Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Share Capitalization. ............. 3

Use of Proceeds. ............... 3

Principal Holders of Securities . . . . . . . . 3

Escrowed Shares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Purchasers' Right of Withdrawal and Rescission. 4

Promoter. ................... 4

Interest of Management and Others inMaterial Transactions ........... 5

Directors and Officers. ............ 5

Remuneration of Directors and Senior Officers . 5

Auditors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Material Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Financial Statements. ............. 7-9

Other Material Facts. . . . . , . . . . . . . . lo


- l -


Fairview Mining Inc. (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "the Corporation") was incorporated under the Jaws of the Province of Ontario. It Article's of incorporation became effective by a Certificate of Incorporation dated 31 May, 1973. Its principal purpose is to engage in joining exploration and development; however, its objects arc suffici ently wide to permit oil and gas exploration and development as well.

For the above purpose, the Corporation has initially acquired nine contiguous unpatented mining claims located in Frechette Township, Sudbury Mining Division. The claims, which cover approximately 360 acres, are numbered S-358744 to S-35875O inclusive, S-358467 and S-350496, and are located approximately 50 miles northwest of Sudbury, Ontario.

Set :iorth below is a su,unary, including recommendations, of a Report by H. Grant Harper, P. ling., dated 7 June, 1973,which Report is available in the files of the Ontario Securities Commission for inspection by the Public,

The property is most readily accessible by air from Sudbury to Edna Lake which is within a short walk of the claims. Alternate access is approxi- 40-60 miles by Hydro service road or by Canadian National Railways freight trains to the northeast corner of the property.

Gold was first discovered in the area of the claims during the early part of 1930. in later years some old trenches were opened up and a vein intersected. Assay values from drill holes near the trenches and from a location one claim distant are not known.


Near the north boundary of Claim S-358467 one quartz vein was exposed for approximately 30 feet with a horizontal width of about six feet. The vein lies in a small valley which broadens out into a swanp. Three specimen samples of the vein assayed from trace to 1.5 ounces of gold per ton.

The gold values obtained from samples taken on the claims are erratic in their distribution. Mapping of the main vein using a 100-foot grid system is recommended to try and establish a relationship between the strike and dip of the formations, the vein exposures and their patterns.

Detailed recommendations for future diamond drilling of the swampy valley south of the vein exposure cjvnnot be given at this stage. The first phase of line cutting, trench cleaning, geological mapping, sampling, assaying and trenching is estimated to cost v-j,250. Second phase diamond drilling is estimated to cost $10,OOO.

The Corporation intends to carry out the program as recommended.


The nine unpatentcd mining claims in Frechette Township have been acquired from A. C. Macpherson f, Co. Limited, Suite lOOl, 1OO Adelaide Street West, Toronto, (hereinafter sometimes referred to as "Macpherson S* Co.") pursuam to an Agreci.iont dated 4 June, 1973. Before the Corpora tion will be able to obtain a Crown Ixjase for the claims it will be required to perform a total of 200 days of work on Ctxch claim.

In accordance: with the above Agreement 750,000 shares are to be allotted and issued in payment for the claims. Of these 90r;'0 will remain in escrow and lOrx o Vie free upon payment for the underwritten shares. The vendor share consideration will be allotted as follows; 50O,OOO shares to Macpherson fc Co., 125,000 shares to Edward James Blanchard, Box 534, Sudbury, Ontario, 125,000 shares to Harold Barry, 1265 Arvo Street, Sudbury, Ontario.

In addition to the 250,000 shares allotted to Blanchard and Barry, Mac Hie r s on b Co. paid the: sum of $1,55O.

- 2 -


The estimated preliminary expenses for the first year of the Corporation is $4,OOO. for administration and $15,000. for coloration and development.


The Corporation has entered into an agreement dated 2O June, 1073 with A. C. Macpherson fx Co. Limited, Suite 1001, 100 Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ontario (sometimes referred to as the "Underwriter/ Optionee 11 ) whereby Macpherson f* C., acting on its own behalf, has agreed to purchase t lie following shares of the Corporation.

Underwritten Shares

No. of Shares Price Net amount to belin d c r wr i t ten Per Share Received by the; Corporation

200,000 15C1 $30 ) 000

The shares are to be paid for within three days of the acceptance for filing by the Ontario Securities Commission of the Corporation's prospectus, which date is referred to as the "effective date". In consideration of the above purchase the Underwriter/Optionee has been gr tinted the following option:

Optioned Shares

Option to beNet Amount Exercised within

No. of Shares Price to be received following period Opt i,oncd _ Per gharc^ by the Corporation from effective date

100,000 25 c1 S25,000 , 3 months

There are no sub-underwritings or sub-optinns known to the Corpora tion. The only persons having a greater than 5?o interest in A. C. Mac pherson fc Co. Limited are Hruce Malcolm Young, 18 Ballyronan Road, Don Mills, Ontario, and John Ross Austen, 309 Inglewood Drive, Toronto, Ontari o.

In the event the options arc not exercised as provided the Cor poration may notify the Underwriter/Optionee of such default. Unless the same is remedied within ten days of the giving of such notice all right, title and interest shall be forfeited and the optionterminated.

The new Offering by A. C. Macpherson ^ Co. Limited will be at the best prices obtainable. The maximum offering price during the course of primary distribution of shares of the new issue will not exceed that set forth on the Cover Page. Macpherson 81 Co. may distribute the shares itself or sell to or through registered dealers, and in any event during distribution the offering price will not exceed permissible limits.


Number of Shares Number ofOffering Owned as of Date Number of Shares OwnedSha r el ip l ckrrs of Prospectus Shares Of fer od After Offerimi

A. C. Macpherson &CO.Limited 75,000 (free) 75,000 (free) Nil Suite lOOl, 425,000 (escrowed) Nil 425,000 (escrow 1.00 Adelaide Street West, cd) Toronto, Ontario.

Macpherson ft Co. will offer and sell its free shares as principal. No sharer, of the secondary offering will be offered until all of the underwritten and optioned shares have been sold.

- 3 -


There have been no prior sales of f ne securities of the Corporation.


Dcsi gnation of Securi ty

Number and Amountin dollars

authorized or to be authorized

Common Shares 3,000, OCX) No Par Value ^1,500,000)

Number and Amountin dollars

outstanding as of ttif* most recent balance sheet contained in JL he p r o s p e c t us- m

750,005 ^75,005)

Number and Amountin dollars if

outstanding as of 21 June, 1973

Number and Amount in dollars

to be outstanding all securities being issued are sold

750,005 (S75,005)

1,O5O,005 (^130,005)

The capital of the Corporation consists of one class of shares. The shares arc common shares which rank cc|i'rtlly as to voting rights and carry one vote each. They are entitled to dividends, if any, and to shares upon liquidation or winding up on an equal l.n&is. There are no pre-emptive or conversion rights aricfno provisions foi redemption, sinking fund or pur chasing for cancellation attaching to H*e shares. Shares presently out standing are fully paid and non-assess-'-l'Je and shares offered hereundcr will, when issued, be fully paid and nun-assessable.


The proceeds from this offering v/lH be used to finance a recommend ed exploration program on the nine unp ..tented mining claims newly acquired by the Corporation. The estimated cost " f the program totals $14,250. Proceeds will also provide fur the cost of incorporation, organization, and this issue estimated at ,^6,000. toucher with ordinary operating expenses. No funds of the Corporation '^H be used to acquire shares of other Corporations without prior apprm^l of the shareholders and no additional properties, other than clni m" to be staked by the Corporation on its own behalf, or leasehold interests will be acquired without the filing of an amendment so long as the olmres of the Corporation are in the course of distribution.


Listed below are the names of tho^ known to the Corporation owning beneficially, directly or indirectly, n^re than ten percent (lOtf) of its issued common shares.

Column l Name

Column 2 Designation of Class

A.C.Macpherson ft Co.Ltd. Common Suite 10(31ion Adelaide Street West Toronto, Ontario.

Edward J. Hlanchard CommonBox 534Sudbury, Ontario.

Harold Barry Common 1265 Arvo Street, Sudbury, Ontario.

Column 3'|l'|lG Of

HJV shi

r i cial

* fi cial

i cial

Column 4 Number of

Shares Owne d




Column 5Percentageof Class

47.6JS (a)

H.9% (a)

11.9J5 (a)

(a) These percentages calculated on 11'-- basis of all of the new offering being issued.

The table below shows the respoi:li\'" holdings of the public and principal shareholders, before and niu-.r the offering herein described, expressed as percentages, provided all "' the New Offering is issued.

- 4 -

Percentage of CI.is ' Percentage of Class Shareholders Beforo Offering After Offering

Principal Shareholders 10O?5 71.4?S Public nil 28.6?S

The officers and directors each hold only one (1) share in the capital stock of the Corporation.


As of the date hereof the underlisted shares are held in escrow by the Sterling Trusts Corporation subject to release upon consent of the Ontario Securities Commission and the board of directors of the Corpora tion and subject to alienation, transfer or assignment within the escrow upon the consent of the Coinnission.

Designation Number of Percentageof Shares Held of

__CJjs-.s__ in Escrow Class

Common Shares 675,000 64.2?J (a) No Par Value

(a) Calculated on the basis of all shares offered being sold.

In the event any or all of the property for which the escrowed shares were issued is abandoned, the owners of such shcires undertake to donate to the; Corporation for its use and benefit all or part of such shares. The Escrow Agreement further provides that when only part of the property is involved the number of shares to be donated to the Corporation shall be determined by the Ontario Securities Commission.


Sections 64 and 65 of The Securities Act, 1070 provide purchasers with a right of rescission and withdrawal. The provisions provide substantially as follows:

Provided he is still the owner of the securities a purchaser will not be bound by the contract if he so notifies the person from whom they were purchased by writing or telegraph not later than midnight on the second day, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays after receipt by the purchaser of the prospectus or amended prospectus; and may rescind such contract if as of the date of receipt by the purchaser the prospectus and any amended Tirospectus contains an untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state a material fact, if action is commenced within 90 days of receipt of the pros;pectus or amended prospectus or date of contract whichever is letter.

For the purpose herein a prospectus or amended prospectus sent by piepaid mail is deemed conclusively to be received in the ordinary course of mail. The receipt of a prospectus or amended prospectus by a person acting as agent of the purchaser shall be the receipt by tlie purchaser as of the date of receipt by the agent, provided however, that an agent shall not be so considered unless he is acting solely as agent of the; purchaser and has not received and has no agreement to receive compensation from or on behalf of the vendor with respect to the purchase or sale.


The Promoter of the Corporation is A. C. Macpherson b Co. Limited, Suite 10O1, 10O Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ontario. The only persons having a greater than 5fo interest therein are Bruce Malcolm Young, lil Ballyronan Road, Don Mills, Ontario, and John Ross Austen, 309 Inglewood Drive, Toronto, Ontario.


J. Ross Austen is a principal shareholder, officer and director of A. C. Macpherson fc Co. Limited, the Underwriter/Optionee of certain of the Corporation's shares as set forth under subject heading "Plan of Offering". Of the 750,000 vendor shares, A.C. Macpherson Si Co. Limited will receive 5OO,000 shares as set forth under subject heading "Acquisi tion of Property Interests".


The nories and home addresses of the directors and officers of the Corporation and their principal occupations are as folloxvs:

Name Address Office Meld

John Ross Austen , P . ling. -K)9 Inglewood Drive PresidentToronto, Ontario and Director

Charles Austen Stable- 74 Glentworth Road, Vice-President forth Willowdale, Ontario and Director

Douglas ft. pyzer 67 Yonge St. Ste.1220 Secretary-TreasurerToronto, Ontario. and Director

liar]oy How.-'.vd Hubble C2 Hudson Drive DirectorToronto, Ontario.

Edward Arthur Hart . .p.hng.23 Trunan Road DirectorWillowdale, Ontario

The principal occupations of the directors during the past five years are as follows:

J. Ross Austen, P. Eng. - Sales Engineer, Detrick Company ofCanada, 67 Yonge Street, Toronto; Director of Coniston Explorations ft Holdings Ltd., Process Minerals Ltd. and Geneva Metals Inc.

Charles A. Stableforth - National Sales Representative,Tele-Direet Limited, Toronto, Ontario.

Douglas A. Py^er ~ Director of Detrick Company of Canada

Harley H. Hubble - Executive, Administration, DominionElect a .ve Protection Company, 92 Adelaide Street West, Toronto.

Edward A. Hart , P. Eng. - Consulting Geologist


No officer or director has jnccived any remuneration since incor poration. The? Directors of the Corporation will receive $5O for each meeting of the; board and shareholders attended by them. Superior Corporate Services Limited, Suite 401, 10O Adelaide Street West, Toronto, Ontario, will be paid ^'5OO per month for head office, routine accounting and secretarial services. Bruce M. Young and j. Ross Austen, President and Director of the corporation, are equal controlling shareholders of Superior Corporate Services Limited.


The Auditor of the Corporation is T. H. BernholtK, Chartered Accountant, Suite 11O4, 33() Bay Street, Toronto, Ontario.

- 6 -


The material contracts entered into by the Corporation are as follows:

1. Agreement dated 4 June, 1973 between the Corporation and A. C.Macltierson f* Co. Limited relative to the purchase of 9 unpatented mining claims more particularly described under subject heading "Acquisition of Property Interests".

2. Agreement dated 20 June, 1973 between the Corporation and A. C. MacPlicrson & Co. Limited relative to an underwriting agreement more particularly referred to under subject heading "Plan of Offering".

- 7 -

To The Di rectoro!''a \ r v i e w Mini r j p; l n c .Toronto, Ontario

] have examined the balance sheet of Fai rvi ew Mining Inc. as at Juno ?1, 1973 and in connection there with reviewed such supporting evidence as I considered necessary in tho circumstances.

In in y opinion, the accompanying balance sheet presents fairly the financial position of the Corporation as at June ?a, 1973 in accordance with generally accep ted accounting principles.

Toronto, Ontario T. H. Bernholtz June 2], 1973 Chartered Accountant

- B -



AS AT JUNE 21 V 1973


Cash on hand l 5.00 ['lining claim::; and properties, (Note l) 75,000.00

Organisation and incorporation expenses, ostimated 6,000.00



Accounts payable, estimated ft 6,000.00

Capital stock: (Note 2)


3,000,000 common shares, without par value

not to exceed tl, 500, 000 . 00

Allotted - to Le issued:

For cash:

5 shares | 5-00

For properties:

750,000 shares 75,000.00 75,005.00


The accompanying note:; are an integral part of this balance sheet.

Approved on behalf of the Board of Directors:

i___________________________ Director J. Ross Austen

DirectorDouglas A.

- 9 -



AS AT JUNE 2 1 1 1973

Hole; 1. The mining claims consist of nine unpatented claims in

the Prochotte Townshi p, Sudbury Mining Division, Province

of Ontario and are valued at the corjsiderati on attributed

to 7^0,000 shares of the Corporation's capital stock, issued


Note 2 . By agreement dated June 20, 1973 the underwriter has firmly

agreed to purchase 200,000 shares of the Corporation's

capita] stock at 1.5/' per share, payable within three busi

ness days of the effective date of the agreement. The

effective date is defined as the day upon which the Corporation

receives a final receipt for its prospectus from the Ontario

Se cu r i t i e s C omHI i s s i on.

In consideration of the firm purchase, the Corporation has

grantee! the underwriter an option to purchase all or any

part of an additional 100,000 shares of the capital stock

as follows:

100,000 shares at 25^ per share within

three months of the effective date.

Note 3- A statement of source and application of funds from inception

(May 11, 1973) to June 21, 1973 is not included as the Corporation has not yet commenced operations.

- 10 -

There are no other material facts.

Prospectus dated 9 July, 1973.

The foregoing constitutes full, true and plain disclosure of all material facts relating to the securities offered by this Prospectus as required by Part VII of The Securities Act, 1970 and the regulfitions thereunder.


Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer


Director Director

To the best of our knowledge, information and belief, the fore going constitutes full, true and plain disclosure of all material facts relating to the securities offered by this prospectus of the Corporation as required by Part VII of The Securities Act 1970, and the regulations thereunder.



Per: Donna M. Ellins

41P03SW0616 63.3110 FRECHETTE 020




Wdllowclale, Ontario June 7, 1973

II. Grant Harper, F.G.A.C., P.Kng, Economic Geologist




I'll i s if; a report on n go] ci prospect located in frechette

Township and owned by Fairview Mining Incorporated. The purpose

of this report is to summarise the mining history of the property

in so far as it is known and to recommend a program of exploration

and appraisal.

My report is based on the following sources oJ information:

1. Discussions with Edward Blanchard of Sudbury, Ontario who trenched, sampled, drilled, and generally worked on this prospect, some twenty years ago.

2. Map P734, geology of Frechette Township published by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

3. An examination of the assessment work records maintained by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

A. An examination of the main showing on the property on May 24, 1973.


The property consij;ts of nine contiguous mining claims located

in the south east quarter of Frechette Township, Sudbury Mining

Division, Ontario. The claims are numbered as follows:

S35B496 S350467 S358744 to S3587M enclusive

The. claim area approximates 360 acres. The claim titles were not searched.



The easiest access from Sudbury is by Aircraft which may land on

Iklna Lake - then a short walk west to the property.

The GNU line crosses the northeast corner of the property. At

regular by infrequent interval;;, access to the property can be gained by

the local way freight.

Perhaps the iuost convenient means of access is by four wheel drive

vehicle along the service road which underlies the Hydro Electric Power

Line. Access to the power line road is from Val Therese at the south,

northward about forty Miles; or from Shining Tree at the north, southward

about sixty miles.

There is no ruining equipment or facility of note located on the


11 1 STORY

Gold was first discovered in the area ear J y in the 19 30' s. At

this time considerable trenching and pit sinking was done. Girca 1955

Edward Blanchard of Sudbury was part of a work crew which opened up and

sampled some of the old trenches. Some good assays resulted and one

drill hole was bored to the south of the main trench. The vein was

intersected but its assay results are not known.

In 1962, R. J. Jowsey Mining Company Limited drilled seven holes

totaling about fifteen hundred linear feet approximately one claim south

and slightly west of the art-.a treru ln-d by Blanchard and examined by the

writer. Saiuples vi re cut from f lv o of the seven holes drilled but no

assay results were available*

In 1972, Preliminary Map P734, Geology of Frechette Township was

published by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and a scale of one inch to

one quarter m J le.

The underlying rocks on the claims belong to the Huronian Series of

the late precambrian age. The lowest Huronian formation present is the

Gowganda and it its represented of beds of arkose and argillite frequently

intercalated. Aiiovu the Gougamlu, a few outliers of Lorrain

Quartzite occupy the hilltops. A small stock, or possibly a sill, of

Nipissiiig Diab;, occurs in the western part of the property.


Kor an area of Huronian rocks the structural indications as

evidenced by dip symbols on 3J 734 are exceedingly complex. The strikes

vary from east-\-cst to north-south and the dips from 15 to 65 degrees in

opposite directions. The recorded Uips are too steep to be initial dips

and on the 1/4 mile scale of mapping it is impossible to work out a

system of axial planes which v;ould define the folds.

Possibly a further complication is introduced by faults which have

tipped the formations. Two very strong ISnears trend north-westerly

through the property and these are cut in an east-wst direction by a

transverse set of linears.

The 1/4 mile capping done by the Ministry of Natural Resources has

clearly indicated the geological complexities in the area without providing

sufficient data to permit a reliable interpretation.


According to local prospecting reports the claim area is characterized

by erratic high gold values. The gold occurs in quartz veins which carry

erratic and varying amounts of pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite and bornite,

Most of the quartz is course grained, milky white in color, bull quartz

and "looks most unprepossessing. However, some of the quartz is a fine

grained, blue-grey variety end seems much more promising.

Only one quartz vein, located near the north boundary of claim

S358467 was exposed sufficiently for a proper examination. Here the vein

is well exposed in a deep trench for approximately 30 feet and for a

horizontal width of about six feet. The vein strikes north. Its dip

appears to be easterly but is uncertain. The vein lies in a small, valley

which rises to the north and broadens out into a swamp to the south. Three

cpecinien samples of the vein were collected and assayed.

1. Massive pyrite - BQZ ~ mostly cubic, possibly some marcasite,

assayed trace in gold.

2. Typical bull quartz with minor pyrite and chalcopyrite. Assay -

0.01 ounces of gold per ton.


X 50Z qu.-iitK about equally bull and blue-grey varieties and 50Z

well ehlori i iwd wall rock (argillite) x;ith very minor

chalcopyrite* Assayed 1^5 ounces of gold per ton.

The sample result i: confirm the erratic nature of the gold distribution

as reported by Inward blanchavd. Tt \ n*o hia opi.r.ion that the sulphides

carried the I.. st gold values particularly x/hen some arsenopyrite could be

seen. Hi {-h gold value;.; in the wall rocks near gash veins of white quar t a

are not uausua] . I'robabJy the best example of this occurs as u replacement

in the wall rock of Vlie Vi.-ins.

Moving soutlu/urd fri.i.i the trenched portion of the vein the narrow

valley broadens j i, Lo a fairly x/i.cl:-;, wet swamp. Soiic ''iOO feet south, old

trenches against the valley w:,;ll, filled with water, had boulder sized

chunks of \.liite q,... rt;-, i.duc:. aliped with uul f ides lying on the dumps.

At two other locations in the valley, where creek erosion had washed away

tiie earth,, cobbli of typical quai-i;'. vein material were located. Since

the whole vein systeu (and a system of echeloned veins is far more probable.

thjjii one continuous vein) .-sppeavs rvilat.ed to the north-west trending

linear plotted on PV3'i, one ixiy expect other veins to lie hidden under the

suaiitp. The probleu is to find them.

cos iCLii i ; ion s1. Fairvicvj llining Incorporated owns a gold prospect from which high

gold values have be; a obtained in specimen samples. The values are

erratic in their distribution.

2. The immediate area of the main vein (one thousand feet along its

strike and four hundred feet, to either side) should be mapped in

detail using a JGO foot g-cid sy..feiii for control. The purpose of

the mapping is to try ; nd ea t: ab li. oh a structural relationship

between the coinjilex strike and dip of the formations, of northwest

trending linear,, the lcncnm vein exposures and their patterns,

3. The main tiench should be cleared off and channel sampled at five

foot intervals.

4. H is likely the diamond drilling ui the swampy valley south of the

vein exposure wj'Kl be required but precise recuni,uendat ions for

drilling Ci'niiol bc 1 gjveu ;,t thin st.'.jV*


PI.a::;e I

1. Line cutting and trench cleaning ? 400.00 3 Miles of picket line cleaning 1:11 ncLc-s 100,00

2. Geological uapping 1,500.00

3. Moiling, :;;a;!p3Jng and ; ,^yiag 500.00

'i. '.frciiu;};o.:t:;,i ion i, ml ;:c(.01. ^.odation 750.00

5^ Additioiia] i:.;.:)n)ing, t tench Jug andSuiiipliug leijul l. i.isf; from v;ork pirojjiam

Minimum of ] ,,()00 ]:inc?ar feet of diamond dri.'l].1ui at c,u ovej,,l.l t:ost of ?30.00 per K.ot.

Sub-Total $ 4,250.00

Total $ 14,250.00

My report it; i'i:t;pectfully i


VJJ3 3ov?dci3e, O^Lavjo 11. Gr.;nil Haipev, K.G.A.C., P.Kng. June 7, 1973 i!

l, HUGH GRANT HAWKi!, of Metropoli tan Toronto, in the Province of Onlajio, certify as follows with respect to rny report entitled Fairview Mining Incorporated, gold prospect, Frechette Township dated June 7, J973.

For over ten years ] have been practising as an independent economic 1 'j^olcgist, carrying on business u s:

H. Grant Harper, I'.Kng., 3] 4 llendon Avenue W j. l J owda le, On t ara o

i graduated from the University of Toronto with the degree of li,A.Se,, 1950 and M.A.Si . , 1951 and have been engaged in my profession since that time. I am a Fellow of the Geological Associate cm of Canada, a Member of the Ontario Association of FrofessioiKil FniJneeri.: registered in the Mining Branch, a Member bf the Canadian Institute of Mining find Metallurgy, and a Member of the Hoard of Trade oi Metropolitan Toronto.

I have no direct or indirect interest, in either- the property or securities.

My report is based on an cxanimination of the property made on May 24, 1 973 and of the sources of information listed in my report.

Willowdale, Ontario Jiune 7, 1973

H. Grant Harper, I1'.G.A,C., I'.Fng, Economic Geologist

•f/ ' i /y -s,

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