Hatfield - MultimediaInstruction

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Hatfield - MultimediaInstruction

“ ”quote me

By: Erin HatfieldEDTECH 513

Reading: Literature5.1- Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.

By the end of this lesson, 5th grade students will know how to use quotation marks when quoting from a text.

Writers use quotation marks all the time.

What is that!

Researchers need to use them too!

Tell where the information came from

The words must be exact!

Add those quotes!

“ ”“ ”

Check Your Knowledge!Use both of these statements in a sentence using quotation marks:1. Darwin’s revolutionary ideas have become so

established not that biologists cannot imagine life without them.

- Charles and Emma 2009 by Deborah Heiligman2. He signed more autographs than just about any player

in history.- Who was Babe Ruth? 2009 by Joan Holub