HarvOS: Efficient Code Instrumentation for Transiently...

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HarvOS: Efficient Code Instrumentation forTransiently-powered Embedded Sensing

Naveed Anwar BhattiPolitecnico di Milano, Italy


Luca MottolaPolitecnico di Milano, Italy and SICS Swedish ICT



We present code instrumentation strategies to allow transien-tly-powered embedded sensing devices efficiently checkpointthe system’s state before energy is exhausted. Our solu-tion, called HarvOS, operates at compile-time with limiteddeveloper intervention based on the control-flow graph of aprogram, while adapting to varying levels of remaining energyand possible program executions at run-time. In addition,the underlying design rationale allows the system to sparethe energy-intensive probing of the energy buffer wheneverpossible. Compared to existing approaches, our evaluationindicates that HarvOS allows transiently-powered devicesto complete a given workload with 68% fewer checkpoints,on average. Moreover, our performance in the number of re-quired checkpoints rests only 19% far from that of an “oracle”that represents an ideal solution, yet unfeasible in practice,that knows exactly the last point in time when to checkpoint.


•Computer systems organization →Embedded sys-tems; Sensor networks;


Embedded Systems, Sensor Networks, Checkpointing, Tran-siently-powered computing

ACM Reference format:

Naveed Anwar Bhatti and Luca Mottola. 2017. HarvOS: EfficientCode Instrumentation for Transiently-powered Embedded Sensing.In Proceedings of The 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference

on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, Pittsburgh, PAUSA, April 2017 (IPSN 2017), 12 pages.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3055031.3055082


Advances in energy harvesting and wireless energy transferare redefining the scope and extent of the energy constraintsin embedded sensing [8]. It now becomes conceivable to power

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IPSN 2017, Pittsburgh, PA USA

© 2017 ACM. 978-1-4503-4890-4/17/04. . . $15.00DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/3055031.3055082

not just RFID-scale devices out of harvested or wirelessly-transferred energy, but also more powerful devices operatingin sophisticated applications such as smart buildings, factoryautomation, and mobile health [8]. However, energy provi-sioning from ambient energy harvesting or wireless energytransfer is generally erratic. Thus, devices need to cope withhighly variable, yet unpredictable energy supplies across bothspace and time, and be prepared to survive periods of energyunavailability.

The problem is exacerbated as the complexity of applica-tions grows. Many modern applications are effectively state-ful [8]. In these settings, for example, whenever actuationbecomes part of the application logic, actuators must retaintheir operating settings after a power failure to safely resumetheir functionality. Even in stateless implementations, theapplication processing deployed on embedded devices mightnot execute entirely on a single charge of the limited energybuffers typically employed. For example, accelerometer sen-sors may need to apply complex signal processing algorithmsbefore reporting the data, which typically requires a fewseconds of intense MCU utilization.

One way to enable the operation of such transiently-powered devices is to efficiently checkpoint the system’s stateon non-volatile memory [9, 20] whenever energy is aboutto be exhausted. This allows a device to resume operationfrom the saved state as soon as energy is newly available.When and how to perform the checkpoint, which is an energy-expensive operation per se, is crucial. Doing so too earlywould essentially correspond to a waste of energy that couldbe usefully employed in further computations. In contrast,excessively postponing a checkpoint may yield a situationwhere insufficient energy is left to complete the operation.Because of the unpredictable supply of energy from the en-vironment and the varying run-time execution of programs,striking an efficient trade-off is challenging.

We present code instrumentation strategies to place callsto trigger functions that, based on the current system state,decide whether to perform the checkpoint before continuingthe execution [20]. Different from existing approaches, welook at the control-flow graph (CFG) of a program and placetriggers according to different strategies depending on theprogramming constructs, for example, branching statementsas opposed to loops. Simultaneously, we aim at reducingthe size of the checkpoint itself by placing triggers where thesize of the allocated memory is reduced. The decision onwhether to checkpoint is based on available energy as well asthe worst-case estimation of the energy required to reach thenext trigger call.

IPSN 2017, April 2017, Pittsburgh, PA USA Naveed Anwar Bhatti and Luca Mottola

Such a scheme, which we call HarvOS, completely operatesat compile-time and dynamically adapts to varying levelsof remaining energy at run-time, while capturing the actualprogram execution through the CFG. The underlying designrationale also allows the system to spare energy-intensiveprobing of the energy buffer, for example, through ADCs,whenever possible.

HarvOS is largely independent of programming language,OS, and underlying platform. It is generally applicable toimperative programming languages. The execution of check-points is transparent to the OS as long as a way to makethese operations atomic is somehow provided. Our solutionapplies both to platforms where traditional volatile memoryis employed for normal processing and a separate non-volatilememory is reserved for checkpoints, and to platforms wherenon-volatile memory is used in place of volatile one; forexample, when FRAM chips replace normal SRAM chips.

Our evaluation considers modern 32-bit MCUs and threeincreasingly complex benchmark codes commonly employedin embedded sensing. We sweep the possible executions ofprograms against varying size of the underlying energy buffersto measure the performance of HarvOS against existingapproaches. The results we collect indicate that, for example,HarvOS allows a device to complete a given workload with68% fewer checkpoints, on average compared to existingapproaches. Moreover, such a performance rests 19% farfrom that of an “oracle” that represents an ideal solution,yet unfeasible in practice, that knows exactly the last pointin time when a checkpoint is required.

The benefits are not, however, limited to the numberof required checkpoints. Our evaluation also shows that,because checkpoints in HarvOS happen much closer to thelast practical point in time when the system should take acheckpoint, we can also reduce the processing that would gowasted as its results would not become part of any checkpoint.We further demonstrate that, unlike existing approaches,our performance is largely robust against different programstructures. Ultimately, this means that energy utilization isimproved in a larger set of applications, as it is employedmore for useful computations than for checkpointing.

The rest of the paper unfolds as follows. Section 2 placesour work in context. Section 3 describes the design rationaleand the foundations of our approach. Section 4 describes thecompile-time rules we apply to decide on the placement oftrigger calls depending on the program structure. Experi-mental results are reported in Section 5. We end the paperwith brief concluding remarks in Section 6.


Relatively little research exists on enabling transiently-poweredcomputing on embedded devices. Recent work comprehen-sively describes existing approaches and quantitatively com-pares them against each other [6]. Here we focus on theaspects most relevant for code instrumentation. We recog-nize two classes of such approaches.

One class is based on separate memory areas for normalcomputations and for checkpointing. Examples are Mement-OS [20] and Hibernus [7]. The MementOS prototype usesflash memory for checkpointing. Trigger calls are executedperiodically or placed using a loop-latch or function-returnstrategy. The former places trigger calls at the end of loopiterations; the latter places trigger calls at function returnpoints. These are the locations where one may expect thestack to store less data, which would then reduce the sizeand energy cost of moving data to flash. The decision tocheckpoint is based on a voltage threshold obtained throughrepeated emulation experiments that eventually determinea single program-wide threshold based on average run-timebehavior and user-supplied energy traces.

Hibernus [7] uses FRAM instead of flash memory, andtriggers a checkpoint based on a hardware interrupt firingif the operating voltage drops below a threshold. Becauseof the higher energy efficiency of FRAM compared to flashmemory, the latter can be statically defined because Hibernuscan afford to copy the entire RAM segment independent ofthe current memory occupation. The energy to perform sucha fixed-cost checkpoint is stored in a separate decouplingcapacitor, in turn driven by an external voltage regulator. Incontrast, one of our goals is to enable efficient checkpoint-ing without requiring hardware modification. Furthermore,FRAM chips are still limited in overall size. It is then difficultto store multiple checkpoints; for example, to ensure that atleast a complete consistent checkpoint is always available.

The other class of solutions employ non-volatile memory,especially FRAM, as the only memory space. This meansFRAM is used both for normal computations and for sav-ing the system’s state in periods of energy unavailability.The advantage is that application data already resides onnon-volatile memory, so only registers and program counterneed to be saved when checkpointing. QuickRecall [16] is anexample in this class. These solutions are especially indicatedfor scenarios characterized by very short energy bursts, ascheckpoints can happen quickly. However, they suffer from anincrease of energy consumption during normal computationsdue to the use of FRAM in place of SRAM, and from poten-tial data consistency issues that require specialized compilertechniques [18].

HarvOS is independent of the underlying memory archi-tecture, and applies to both classes of approaches with onlyminor changes. The trigger placement rules we describe nextmay replace or complement the heuristics or periodic triggercalls employed in the aforementioned systems. Our design isrooted in the unbalance between normal computation andthe energy-hungry operation of checkpointing, and seeks toreduce the overhead of the latter.


Calls to trigger functions placed anywhere in the code essen-tially represent an overhead compared to the normal com-putation. In existing systems, two operations are performedevery time the execution encounters a trigger call. First, the

HarvOS IPSN 2017, April 2017, Pittsburgh, PA USA

system verifies some condition that indicates whether it istime to checkpoint. MementOS, for example, uses a voltagethreshold as explained in Section 2. If the condition is veri-fied, the checkpoint takes place. The energy cost of checkingwhether a checkpoint is necessary is normally constant.

The energy cost of the actual checkpoint, on the otherhand, depends on the underlying memory architecture. Forplatforms that only employ a single non-volatile memoryarea [16], the size of checkpoints is fixed and independent ofwhere the checkpoint takes place throughout the programexecution: only registers and program counter need to besaved. Thus, the energy cost of checkpointing is fixed.

In platforms employing separate memory areas for nor-mal computations and for checkpointing [7, 20], the entireallocated memory needs to be saved, including stack andheap, at the time of checkpointing. As a result, the size andtherefore the energy cost of checkpointing depend on where inthe program the checkpoint takes place, making this energycost typically proportional to the size of the allocated mem-ory [9]. For example, the higher the stack at that point inthe execution, the larger is the energy cost of checkpointing.

Challenge. Our objective is to minimize the energy over-head due to checkpointing operations. This means i) tominimize the number of trigger calls that are uselessly ex-ecuted, that is, to verify no checkpoint is needed, and ii)to postpone the actual checkpoint to a moment where theavailable energy is strictly sufficient to that end, that is, onecan not perform further computations without jeopardizingthe ability to checkpoint later.

The two needs are at odds with each other. Postponingthe checkpoint, in fact, requires to frequently check how closeis the execution to when no sufficient energy is left to performthe checkpoint. However, trigger calls need to probe the en-ergy buffer, for example, through ADC operations. Therefore,frequently performing this operation may become prohibitivebecause of the energy cost. The negative effects are not lim-ited to energy consumption. Trigger calls might, in addition,change the execution timings. Using resource-constraineddevices, this may introduce subtle software bugs [22].

Rationale. To optimize the point in time when the ac-tual checkpoint takes places and its energy cost, we relyon compile-time information on memory allocation patterns.Static code analysis techniques exist that can return accurateinformation on the evolution of the stack and, in many cases,of the heap as well [4, 14, 15]. The latter techniques espe-cially apply when the size of heap-allocated data structuresis known at compile-time; for example, whenever objects aredynamically allocated in languages such as C++.

Similar to existing works [7, 16, 20], we focus on supportingtransiently-powered computing for the main MCU. Othercomponents on the device, such as sensors or radios, mayoperate through separate energy buffers [13] or techniquessuch as radio backscattering [17]. The former techniqueeffectively decouples the energy management of peripheralsfrom that of the MCU, which is in charge of driving theentire system and thus requires ad-hoc techniques to operate

⟨1⟩ worst-case memory


⟨2⟩ max MCU cycles on full


⟨3⟩ useful cycles before checkpoint

⟨4⟩ compute CFG and split in sub-graphs




Figure 1: Compile-time operation of HarvOS.

across periods of energy unavailability. The latter techniquesenable networking among embedded devices and betweenembedded devices and surroundings infrastructure throughenergy-neutral operations. These ensure that the amountof energy consumed for transmissions does not exceed theharvested RF energy.

Operation. Figure 1 illustrates the compile-time operationof HarvOS. Given a program, at step 〈1〉 we estimate theworst-case memory usage throughout the code and use thisto obtain an estimate of the highest energy cost ECKPmax

for checkpointing at any point in a program’s execution. Thelatter step is simple; for example, as the energy consump-tion of flash chips obeys to specific trends dictated by themanufacturing characteristics.

In case the underlying platform employs non-volatile mem-ory also for normal computations, the energy cost ECKPmax

is constant; application data already resides on stable storage,and only the content of registers and program counter needsto be saved. In the following, we consider the more complexcase of variable energy cost for checkpointing operations,germane to platforms that employ separate memory areasfor normal computations and for checkpointing.

At step 〈2〉, we calculate the maximum number of cyclesCMCUmax we can execute whenever the device wakes up witha freshly charged energy buffer supplying energy Ewake−up.Many transiently-powered devices include a wake-up circuitthat boots the device when the voltage level of the on-boardcapacitor surpasses a certain threshold. Knowing this value,computing CMCUmax is also simple, according to an MCU’sdatasheet. In doing so, we consider the maximum powerconsumption of the MCU. This likely underestimates thevalue of CMCUmax, and yet allows us to reason in a worst-case setting that shields us from unexpected power failures.

Steps 〈1〉 and 〈2〉 above are independent of each other.Their outputs are fed as input to step 〈3〉 where we computethe number of useful cycles Cuse the MCU can execute in aworst-case scenario where: i) the device starts afresh withenergy Ewake−up, ii) it does not receive any additional energycontribution from the environment afterwards, and iii) itneeds to spend ECKPmax right before dying to checkpoint thesystem’s state. The number Cuse of cycles are therefore thosethe MCU can execute with an amount of energy Ewake−up −ECKPmax, and can be computed similarly to step 〈2〉. Thesecycles are, in practice, those the MCU can execute to makeprogress in the program.

Next, in step 〈4〉 we compute the CFG of the program andassociate every block in the graph to the number of cyclesrequired to execute it with the target MCU. A combination

IPSN 2017, April 2017, Pittsburgh, PA USA Naveed Anwar Bhatti and Luca Mottola

𝑇1 𝑇2 𝑇3 𝑇4

𝐶𝑢𝑠𝑒/ 2

Local minima

𝐶𝑢𝑠𝑒/ 2 𝐶𝑢𝑠𝑒/ 2 𝐶𝑢𝑠𝑒/ 2

Figure 2: Splitting the CFG in sub-graphs whose required number of MCU cycles is at most Cuse/2. Thepicture considers a linear CFG for simplicity.





𝑬𝑪𝑲𝑷Energy Buffer


Figure 3: Decision logic to take a checkpoint. At theTi−1-th trigger call, the system checks if sufficient energyremains to reach the next trigger call at Ti and to checkpointat Ti. If so, the execution continues. If not, a checkpointtakes place at Ti−1.

of mature code inspection and emulation tools, such as Un-derstand (www.scitools.com), Emul8 (emul8.org), and KieluVision (www2.keil.com) can be used to this end. We thensplit the CFG in sub-graphs whose total stretch in numberof cycles is at most Cuse/2, as intuitively shown in Figure 2.The picture considers a linear CFG for simplicity; we discussthe general case next.

Within each sub-graph, we identify the block correspondingto the minimum size of allocated memory, and place a triggercall right at the end of it. This means we aim at possiblycheckpointing the system’s state whenever the cost of thecheckpoint operation is reduced, as the amount of data tocopy over stable storage is minimal within a sub-graph. Indoing so, we do not add any instrumentation other thanthe trigger calls themselves. As a result of these procedures,provided the code can execute entirely on a single charge,that is, the Cuse cycles are sufficient to cover the entireexecution, no trigger calls are placed anywhere in the code,which remains unaltered.

Step 〈4〉 explained above is crucial in the general case.Because of our placement strategy, the maximum number ofMCU cycles separating any two trigger calls, for example,T3 and T4 in Figure 2, is bound to be less than Cuse. Theextreme case is where the Ti−1-th call is at the start ofa sub-graph and Ti-th call is at the end of following sub-graph; in this case as well, the cycle distance is at most Cuse.Thus, even in a worst-case situation, a device that startsafresh with energy Ewake−up from the location of a previouscheckpoint can reach the next trigger call with sufficientenergy to complete the checkpoint before dying again.

As a result of the placement logic and based on the informa-tion collected up to step 〈4〉, at every trigger call the systemcan take an informed decision on whether to checkpoint. SayEnext is the energy to execute the required MCU cycles fromthe Ti−1-th call to the Ti-th call, whereas ECKP (i) is theenergy required to checkpoint the system’s state against thesize of the allocated memory at the Ti-th call, as intuitivelydepicted in Figure 3. A checkpoint at the Ti−1-th call isrequired if

Eremaining ≤ Enext + ECKP (i) (1)

where Eremaining is the energy left in the buffer when exe-cuting the Ti−1-th trigger call.

The condition in equation (1) essentially checks if theremaining energy is sufficient to reach the next trigger calland to checkpoint there. This reasoning assumes that theenvironment provisions no additional energy between Ti−1

and Ti, that is, we are operating in a worst-case situation interms of energy provisioning. At run-time, we can obtain thevalue of Eremaining through software-based techniques [10,21] or hardware solutions [12, 19] with negligible overhead.

The ability to reason on whether the system can reach thenext trigger call is one of the key of traits of our approach,and a major source of improvements compared to previouswork, as we discuss in Section 5.

Generalization. CFGs are generally not linear as the ex-ample of Figure 2. On the contrary, they show complexstructures reflecting the variety of available programmingconstructs, such as branching statements, loops, and functioncalls. This means there may be multiple places in a sub-graph corresponding to the minimum allocated memory, asa function of different execution paths. Moreover, embeddeddevices often operate in an interrupt-driven manner, that is,the execution through a CFG may be arbitrarily preemptedand temporarily re-directed through the CFG of interrupthandlers. The latter case does not appear to be taken intoexplicit account in existing systems [7, 20].

To address these issues, the next section describes a setof trigger placement rules that, depending on the programstructure, dictate where to place the trigger call and what toconsider as the Enext energy to reach the next trigger call. Weidentify branches, loops, function calls and interrupt handlersas the fundamental structures of the CFG, and design specificrules for them. The complete set of rules is recursively applieduntil an elementary block in the CFG is reached. The rulesalso determine the conditions when probing the energy bufferfor the value of Eremaining is strictly needed, or Eremaining

HarvOS IPSN 2017, April 2017, Pittsburgh, PA USA


If the ‘IF’ block executes in one complete segment

If the local minima in terms of memory is at ‘3’ then save the energy budget of the path in ‘A’ which needs highest power consumption

to reach ‘3’. 3 requires ADC operation

If the local minima is at ‘1’, we still need to place one checkpoint outside the ‘if’ block.

Save the budget of the path in ‘A’ which needs highest power consumption to reach either ‘3’

or ‘1’. ‘1’ requires ADC operation and will contain the energy consumption of a path till ‘B’. Advantage: We will save energy by saving

small amount of data.

Same procedure as 1 will be applied on ‘2’, if the local minima is at ‘2’





(a) The location of min-

imum allocated memoryis found outside of the

branching statement.


If the ‘IF’ block executes in one complete segment

If the local minima in terms of memory is at ‘3’ then save the energy budget of the path in ‘A’ which needs highest power consumption

to reach ‘3’. 3 requires ADC operation

If the local minima is at ‘1’, we still need to place one checkpoint outside the ‘if’ block.

Save the budget of the path in ‘A’ which needs highest power consumption to reach either ‘3’

or ‘1’. ‘1’ requires ADC operation and will contain the energy consumption of a path till ‘B’. Advantage: We will save energy by saving

small amount of data.

Same procedure as 1 will be applied on ‘2’, if the local minima is at ‘2’






(b) The location of mini-

mum allocated memory isfound in either of the two


Figure 4: Placement rules for branching statementsfully included in a single sub-graph. The battery iconindicates where probing the energy buffer is mandatory.

can be inferred from compile-time information. The lattersituation allows the system to spare operations that may beenergy-expensive per se, such as probing ADCs.


We illustrate the set of rules used to place trigger calls forarbitrary program structures. In conceiving these rules, ourreasoning is based on a worst-case analysis among the possibleprogram executions. In addition, interrupt handlers requirespecial care, as it is generally impossible to predict the pointin time when they preempt the execution.

4.1 Branching

The challenge here is to account for the lack of compile-time information on what path is taken at run-time. Toaddress this, one may decide to instrument the code to tracethe actual execution. Doing so, however, would add furtheroverhead and greatly complicate the instrumentation strategy;as the complexity of the code grows, the number of possiblepaths increases exponentially. We rather adopt a worst-caseapproach and avoid any further code instrumentation besidesthe trigger calls. We demonstrate in Section 5 that this isnot necessarily detrimental to performance.

In general, what rule to apply depends on whether branch-ing is fully included in a single sub-graph or not.

Branching in a single sub-graph. Figure 4 shows thesituation. We call TA (TB) the last (first) trigger call in thepreceding (following) sub-graph. We consider two cases:

(1) The minimum amount of allocated memory is outsidethe branching statement, for example, at locationT1 in Figure 4a. If so, at trigger call TA we consider










Figure 5: Placement rules for branching statementsexecuting across multiple sub-graphs. The battery iconindicates where probing the energy buffer is mandatory.

the Enext value corresponding to the most energy-consuming branch. This means that, if the environ-ment provisions no additional energy since TA andthe least energy-consuming branch is taken, at T1

we are going to find a higher value for Eremaining

than we expect. This is the reason why at T1 weare forced to probe the energy buffer to find out theexact value for Eremaining before taking a decisionto checkpoint.

(2) The minimum amount of allocated memory is foundin either of the two branches, say at location T1 inFigure 4b. According to Section 3, we place a triggercall at T1. However, an issue arises if the other pathis taken, where no trigger calls are placed. To caterfor this, we place a trigger call right outside thebranching statement, say at location T2 in Figure 4b.The Enext value at trigger call TA is set to the mostenergy-consuming path between those leading to ei-ther T1 or T2. At T1 we can spare probing the energybuffer because, provided only one execution path ex-ists, the energy necessary from TA to T1 is fixed.Differently, we still need to probe the energy bufferat T2. In fact, without additional instrumentation,we cannot determine what path is taken at run-time.

Branching across multiple sub-graphs. Figure 5 illus-trates a general example. Following the sub-graph where thelast trigger call is TA, different sub-graphs may correspondto different paths. We may thus identify a block in the CFGwith the minimum amount of allocated memory in everyinvolved sub-graph. The Enext value at trigger call TA isthen set to the most energy-consuming path between the oneleading to either T1 or T2. If a single execution path exists,the trigger call along this path does not require probing againthe energy buffer, as the energy required from TA up to the

IPSN 2017, April 2017, Pittsburgh, PA USA Naveed Anwar Bhatti and Luca Mottola

If the ‘WHILE’ block comes in one complete segment

“A” will save the energy budget of the to reach ‘1’. ‘1’ will not require an ADC


‘1’ will save the energy budget of the path to reach ‘1’ again. ‘1’ will not require an ADC



We will place another checkpoint at the end of while e.g. ‘2’. ‘2’ will save the energy

budget of the path to reach ‘B’. ‘2’ will require an ADC operation






(a) The loop executes in a

single sub-graph.

If the ‘WHILE’ block does not comes in one complete segment

“A” will save the energy budget of the path to reach ‘1’. ‘1’ will not require an ADC


‘1’ will save the energy budget of the path to reach ‘2’. ‘2’ will not require an ADC operation

We will place another checkpoint at the end of while e.g. ‘3’. ‘3’ will save the energy

budget of the path to reach ‘B’. ‘3’ will require an ADC operation

‘2’ will save the energy budget of the path to reach ‘1’.









(b) The loop executes

across multiple sub-graphs.

Figure 6: Placement rules for loops. The battery iconindicates where probing the energy buffer is mandatory.

trigger call is fixed. The same does not hold for the pathrequiring the least energy.

Based on a similar reasoning, the Enext value at triggercall T1 or T2 is set to the energy required to reach T3. Atthe latter, however, we necessarily need to probe the energybuffer; again, we cannot determine what path the executionis coming from. Cases may exist where combining these rulesrecursively might introduce a slight overhead. For example,if multiple branch statements are nested inside each other,all of them are forced to probe the energy buffer at the end.A single probe operation may be, however, sufficient.

4.2 Loops

When the number of iterations is known or can be staticallydetermined, placing trigger calls when a sub-graph includesloop statements is not an issue. One may first exerciseexisting loop unrolling schemes [11]; then apply the remainderof the techniques in this section to the resulting CFG.

Whenever the number of iterations is determined by run-time information, however, we are faced with two challenges.First, we need to decide whether the last (or single) triggercall inside the loop should consider as the Enext value theenergy to reach the first trigger call inside the same loop,that is, the loop continues with the next iteration, or ratherthe energy to reach the first trigger call outside the loop, thatis, the execution exits the loop. Second, whenever the latterhappens, it is impossible to know how many iterations wereexecuted without additional instrumentation, for example,in the form of counters, which would increase the overhead.

The lack of run-time information at compile-time preventsus from taking an accurate decision here. However, loopsthat depend on run-time information are likely to yield somenumber of iterations. Again, we need to distinguish whetherthe loop is fully included in a single sub-graph or not.

Loop in a single sub-graph. Figure 6a illustrates thesituation. Consider TA (TB) is the last (first) trigger call

in the preceding (following) sub-graph. Inside the loop, T1

indicates the trigger call corresponding to the location ofminimum allocated memory.

The Enext value at TA is set to the energy to reach T1,which is fixed if a single execution path exists; therefore, thetrigger call at T1 may not need to probe the energy buffer.This already implicitly considers the case that the executionenters the loop at least once, which may be considered as themost frequent case.

Because of the above observation, at T1 we consider theEnext value to reach the next trigger call as the one corre-sponding to the execution continuing with the next iteration.In Figure 6a, this corresponds to the energy to execute fromT1 back to T1. In this case, if the code inside the loop showsa single execution path, we can spare probing the energybuffer, as the energy to reach T1 from T1 itself is fixed.

Note that the other option here would be to consider theEnext value corresponding to the execution exiting the loop,that is, the energy necessary to reach the first trigger calloutside the loop. If this was higher than the one to reachT1 again, the system would likely over-checkpoint withoutany need. Every time the execution reaches T1 with littleenergy, the system would detect there is no sufficient energyto reach the first trigger call outside of the loop and it wouldcheckpoint. However, the energy may be sufficient for anotheriteration of the loop if the individual iterations are less energy-expensive than reaching the first trigger call outside of theloop. We expect this to be the most frequent case.

Finally, we place another trigger call, indicated with T2 inFigure 6a, right outside the loop. This is necessary becausewe have no information on how many loop iterations executedbefore exiting. The last time the trigger call at T1 is executedbefore the loop breaks may not checkpoint, as the systemthinks one more iteration is possible. As this reasoning is nolonger applicable when the execution exits the loop, at T2 weare forced to probe the energy buffer to possibly checkpoint.The Enext value at T2 considers the energy to reach TB , thatis, the first trigger call in the following sub-graph.

Loops across multiple sub-graphs. Figure 6b illustratesa general example. We handle this case as an extension ofthe previous one, with the added complexity that multipletrigger calls are necessarily included in the loop body becauseit spans multiple sub-graphs.

In this case, the last trigger call in the previous sub-graphconsiders the Enext value to reach the first trigger call insidethe loop, indicated with Tfirst in Figure 6b. Inside the loopbody, the last trigger call, that is, Tlast in Figure 6b, considersthe energy value Enext corresponding to continuing with afurther loop iteration, which leads to Tfirst. Again in thecase of a single execution path, the Enext value at Tlast toreach Tfirst is fixed, so we can spare probing the energybuffer. This again considers the case of the loop continuingwith the following iteration as the most probable.

Right outside the loop, we still need to place a furthertrigger call T2, required for the exact same reasons as thecase of Figure 6a.

HarvOS IPSN 2017, April 2017, Pittsburgh, PA USA


If the ‘FUNCTION’ block does not comes in one complete segment

“A” will save the energy budget of the path to reach ‘1’. ‘1’ will not require an ADC


‘1’ will save the energy budget of the path to reach ‘2’. ‘2’ will not require an ADC operation

‘2’ will save the energy budget of the path to reach ‘3’. ‘3’ will not require an ADC operation

‘3’ will save the energy budget of the path to reach ‘B’. ‘B’ will not require an ADC






Function Call




(a) Function calls.

If the ‘ISR’ comes in one complete segment

“A” will save the energy budget of the path to reach ‘3’. ‘3’ will not require an ADC


‘1’ will save the energy budget of the path to reach ‘2’. Neither 1 nor 2 will require an ADC


‘2’ will check if the flag is raised then checkpoint otherwise not.

‘3’ will save the energy budget of the path to reach ‘B’. Neither 3 nor B will require an ADC


If it is evident that the checkpointing is required after reaching the nextcheckpointing function then before continuing we will raise the flag ‘F’ while weare in the current checkpointing function. We will place the checkpointingfunction in the start which will check whether enough energy is left to completethe current ISR or not. And place another checkpointing function in the end whichwill check if the flag ‘F’ is raised or not, and if it is raised then checkpoint the state




Interrupt Handler





(b) Interrupt handlers.

Figure 7: Placement rules for function calls and in-terrupt handlers. The battery icon indicates where probingthe energy buffer is mandatory.

4.3 Function Calls and Interrupt Handlers

Placement rules for function calls and interrupt handlersfollow a similar rationale as the previous cases.

Function calls. Whenever a given execution path includesa function call, the situation is equivalent to “inlining” theCFG of the function within the CFG of the caller, as shownin Figure 7a.

If the execution of a function call spans multiple sub-graphs, at least one trigger call is placed at a local minimum ofallocated memory inside the function. The energy value Enext

at the last trigger call in the previous sub-graph considersthe energy to reach the first trigger call inside the function,that is, Tfirst in Figure 7a.

The issue here is that same function may be called atmultiple places in the code. Without resorting to additionalcode instrumentation, it is impossible to differentiate thesecases. Therefore, at Tfirst we necessarily must probe theenergy buffer, as the function’s execution is unaware of wherethe caller code issued the call; thus, we cannot know uniquelywhat is the amount of energy spent since an arbitrary TA.

Because of the same reason, we need to place a furthertrigger call right after the function returns, indicated withTreturn in Figure 7a. Chances are that the local minimum inallocated memory within the sub-graph is found right when

the function returns, that is, the time when the function’sactivation record—including the memory allocated for localvariables and to resume execution of the main code—is de-allocated. The Enext value at the last trigger call inside afunction considers the energy spent to reach Treturn.

Interrupt handlers. The case of interrupt handlers addsanother challenge to those for function calls. Without addi-tional instrumentation, interrupt handlers have no informa-tion on what was the situation in the execution the handlerpreempted. Consider Figure 7b as an example. The triggercall at TA decides not to checkpoint as the condition in equa-tion (1) indicates the execution may reach T3. An interrupthandler preempts the execution between TA and T3. Copingwith this case requires two rules in addition to those normallyapplied to the code in the interrupt handler:

(1) When it starts, the interrupt handler has no informa-tion on what decision was taken at TA. Therefore,we place a trigger call right at the beginning of theinterrupt handler to verify that, based on remain-ing energy, the next trigger call within the interrupthandler is reachable. Probing the energy buffer isthus mandatory at T1.

(2) When the interrupt handler finishes, it has no infor-mation on where the next trigger call is located inthe main code. It may happen that the executionat TA was actually expecting to checkpoint at T3, aswe predicted we could reach T3 with just the rightamount of energy. As the interrupt handler con-sumes some energy per se, T3 may be unreachablenow, and we need to checkpoint before returning tothe main code. To capture these situations, everytrigger call raises a flag if it expects to checkpointat the immediately following trigger call. In thisexample, TA would raise the flag. The flag promptsan additional trigger call at the end of the interrupthandler, shown as T2 in Figure 7b to checkpoint.

Finally, we need a second flag to indicate that the maincode was preempted. The trigger call at T3 may be onethat does not require probing the energy buffer, according tonormal placement rules. This decision must be superseded ifan interrupt handler executed in between, whose energy costis generally not known.


We assess the effectiveness of HarvOS along multiple dimen-sions. In the following, Section 5.1 describes the experimentalsettings, whereas Section 5.2 reports on the results. Our keyfindings are summarized as follows:

• HarvOS allows transiently-powered devices to com-plete a fixed workload with with 68% fewer check-points, on average compared to existing approaches;

• HarvOS performance rests 19% far from that ofan “oracle” that, while unpractical in reality, knowsexactly the last point in time when to checkpoint;

IPSN 2017, April 2017, Pittsburgh, PA USA Naveed Anwar Bhatti and Luca Mottola

• compared to existing approaches, HarvOS reducesthe amount of MCU processing whose results do noteventually become part of a checkpoint;

• compared to existing approaches, HarvOS allowstransiently-powered devices to complete the samefixed workload using smaller energy buffers;

• HarvOS performance is robust against implemen-tations of different complexity and structure, unlikeexisting approaches.

The following sections provide quantitative evidence ofthese findings.

5.1 Settings

Benchmarks and setup. We consider publicly available Cimplementations of Kalman filter [3], finite impulse response(FIR) filter [2], and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) [1]with key length of 256 bits. Kalman filters are often usedin embedded sensing to process accelerometer values; forexample, to predict future trends. FIR filters are equally usedin embedded sensing to filter out noise, especially when theinput signal includes multi-rate components. AES is a block-cipher algorithm widely employed in embedded systems.

The implementations we consider include a variety ofbranching statements, loops, and function calls; therefore,they exercise most of the trigger placement rules describedin Section 4. These implementations also exhibit differentdegrees of complexity, with the Kalman filter code being thesimplest, the FIR filter code being the longest in numberof lines of C code, and the AES implementation being theone structurally most complex. Overall, the benchmarks arearguably on par, and sometimes more complex, than thoseconsidered in existing literature [6, 20]

The Kalman filter code executes a fixed workload of 1000iterations using 48 bytes of dummy data as input, emulatingthe use of Kalman filter to process consecutive accelerationreadings. Instead, we consider a single iteration of both theFIR filter and AES implementations as they perform enoughprocessing in a single iteration to raise the problem of resetswith limited energy buffers. We feed the FIR filter code with116 bytes of dummy data, whereas AES processes 100 bytesof dummy data for both encryption and decryption. Weconsider these sizes as they are comparable to the size of aradio packet.

These benchmark codes do not take decisions based onsensed values or perform actuation. To introduce some degreeof unpredictability, we experiment with a further customversion of the Kalman filter code, where we artificially modifythe executions so that there is a 75% probability that adummy interrupt handler worth 10000 MCU cycles preemptsthe execution. The latter version serves to measure theperformance of the rules in Section 4.3 in an extreme case.

We consider an ARM Cortex M3 MCU aboard an STNucleo L152RE board, equipped with a standard flash chipas stable storage. The board is not specifically designed fortransiently-powered operation; however, here we are onlyinterested in the MCU, which represents state-of-the-art

technology and was recently employed in designs with powerconsumption comparable to earlier 16-bit platforms [5]. Tothis end, ST Nucleo boards crucially provide a range of hooksuseful to monitor the MCU execution and isolate its powerconsumption. Using the ST-Link in-circuit debugger, KieluVision, and a Tektronix TBS 1072B oscilloscope, we canobtain very fine-grained information on the real hardwareexecution, including all the information required at compile-time as described in Section 3. This is key to the accuracyof the results.

Metrics. Based on the information gathered with the setupabove, we consider a variable size for a capacitor used asenergy buffer that we assume to fully recharge every timeis exhausted. Then, similar to existing works [6, 20], wesynthetically emulate the execution of the code and computethree key metrics:

(1) The number of times the MCU resets because thecapacitor needs to recharge to complete the fixedworkload. This figure is inversely proportional tothe effectiveness of a given instrumentation strategy.Given a fixed workload, the more the MCU needsto reboot, the more the checkpointing operation issubtracting energy from useful computations. Lowervalues are thus better.

(2) The number of wasted cycles because the MCU ex-hausts the energy before reaching the next triggercall. This figure is again inversely proportional tothe effectiveness of a certain solution. The higher isthis figure, the more a given instrumentation strat-egy is failing in accurately identifying the last usefulmoment where to possibly checkpoint. Lower valuesare thus again better.

(3) The minimum size of the energy buffer that allowsthe MCU to complete the workload under a giveninstrumentation strategy. For example, dependingon how the trigger calls are placed, with small capac-itor sizes, the execution may not reach even the firsttrigger call. This means checkpointing never hap-pens and the system is stuck in a live-lock situation,rebooting every time from the initial state.

Baselines. We consider the loop-latch and function-returnstrategies of MementOS, described in Section 2, as represen-tative of current approaches.

Note that the voltage threshold MementOS considers todecide whether to checkpoint is the result of repeated emu-lation experiments ran with a specific application code anduser-supplied energy traces [20]. HarvOS does not requireusers to supply similar traces, which may be hard to obtainin the first place. Our solution is rather based on a worst-case analysis and assumes that the environment provides noadditional energy once the device can reboot.

Considering this specific energy supply pattern also in theevaluation, as we do, does not impact the results. Shouldthe environment provide new energy after the device reboots,equation (1) in Section 3 would capture the new supply ofenergy as part of Eremaining. Similarly, the new supply of

HarvOS IPSN 2017, April 2017, Pittsburgh, PA USA

Capacitor size(uF)0 100 200 300 400 500



of r












(a) Kalman filter.

Capacitor size(uF)0 100 200 300 400 500



of r












(b) FIR filter.

Capacitor size(uF)0 100 200 300 400 500



of r









(c) AES.

Figure 8: Number of resets necessary to complete a fixed workload. HarvOS improves by a 69% factor on average,with a peak improvement of 80% compared to MementOS, while performing close to the oracle.

energy would affect the execution of MementOS as soonas it is sufficient to move the operating voltage above thethreshold.

To study the performance of MementOS in a mannerorthogonal to the availability of energy traces, in our exper-iments we manually vary the value of MementOS voltagethreshold. This way, we are likely to cover also the spe-cific setting that MementOS would identify given a specificapplication code, and orthogonally to energy traces. Weexperiment with multiple such thresholds, always above theminimum voltage that still allows the system to write ontothe flash chip. Settings of or below 2.2V, in particular, werenever seen for MementOS in related literature [6, 20], andare likely to play favorably to it.

In addition, we apply a brute-force search on all possibleexecutions of the code to identify an oracle that, by predictinghow the execution is going to unfold in the future, knows thelast practical point in time when to checkpoint. This is notfeasible in reality; to make it work in a concrete execution,one would theoretically need to place a trigger call after everyinstruction in the code, yielding an unbearable overhead.

5.2 Results

Number of resets. Figure 8 plots the results we obtainin the number of MCU resets for a fixed workload, with nopreemption due to interrupt handlers. As expected, biggercapacitor sizes generally correspond to fewer resets, in thatindividual executions progress farther on a single charge.

Compared to either of the MementOS strategies, Har-vOS completes the fixed workload with 69% fewer resetson average, with a peak improvement of 80% fewer resets.On the other hand, certain configurations exist, especiallyfor the FIR filter code in Figure 8b and for the AES imple-mentation in Figure 8c, where the performance is the same.Yet, HarvOS never performs worse than MementOS in ourexperiments.

Moreover, in most cases the performance of our solutionrests very close to the oracle. Notably for the Kalman filter

code, the performance is often almost the same. This demon-strates that the rationale explained in Section 3 strikes aneffective trade-off between opposite needs, ultimately per-forming similarly to an optimal solution that is, however,unfeasible in practice.

Comparing Figure 8a, obtained using the Kalman filtercode, with Figure 8b that shows the performance with the FIRfilter code as well as Figure 8c that depicts the performance ofthe AES implementation, one may note that the performanceof HarvOS is robust against diverse benchmark codes. TheKalman filter code is 1053 lines of C code and includes a fewfunction calls at the outmost level of the code structure; thesize of a checkpoint is 442 bytes. The AES implementationis 2848 lines of C code and it includes two loops and multiplefunction calls at the outmost level of the code structure; thesize of a checkpoint is 624 bytes. The FIR code is 14986lines of C code as it includes several digital signal processingfunctions part of a larger library, but includes two loops withfewer function calls than AES at the outmost level of codestructure; the size of a checkpoint is 568 bytes.

MementOS, on the other hand, shows a different behaviorin terms of how the program structure affects the performance.For a certain voltage threshold, the performance of bothMementOS strategies is very similar for the Kalman filtercode in Figure 8a and for the FIR filter code in Figure 8b.In contrast, loop-latch performs distinctively better thanfunction-return for the AES implementation, as shown inFigure 8c. In fact, one should generally not only emulatedifferent voltage thresholds for configuring MementOS, butalso try with different instrumentation strategies to find thebest performing configuration [20]. The process may thenbecome laborious.

To complement these results, Figure 9 depicts the numberof resets necessary to complete the Kalman filter workloadwith a 75% probability that the main code is preempted by adummy interrupt handler. As MementOS does not explicitlyaccount for interrupt handlers, we can only compare againstthe oracle here. Compared to Figure 8a, the performance isremarkably similar. The strategy described in Section 4.3, asa result, bears minimal additional overhead.

IPSN 2017, April 2017, Pittsburgh, PA USA Naveed Anwar Bhatti and Luca Mottola

Capacitor size(uF)0 100 200 300 400 500



of r












Figure 9: Number of resets necessary to complete afixed workload with the implementation of Kalmanfilter in preemptable executions. We emulate a 75%probability of preemption by an interrupt handler. The per-formance is close to that of Figure 8a with no interrupts.The rules of Section 4.3 bear minimal additional impact.



Checkpointing not possibleVoltage

[HarvOS] Can I reach the next T? Yes!

[HarvOS] Can I reach the next T?

No, checkpoint!

[HarvOS] Can I reach the next T? Yes!

[MementOS]Did I surpass

the threshold?Yes, checkpoint!

Figure 10: Graphically comparing the behavior ofMementOS against HarvOS. The voltage threshold inMementOS defines a “grey area” that corresponds to a manda-tory checkpoint as soon as it is entered. While this thresholdapplies globally to the whole program and may penalize specificexecutions by checkpointing too early, HarvOS can postponethe decision to checkpoint based on the specific situation.

Explaining the improvements. The gains over Memen-tOS are intuitively explained in Figure 10. MementOS em-ploys a single voltage threshold in all of its trigger calls.Such threshold defines a “grey region” of energy suppliesthat, during the off-line emulation experiments, were foundat least once to immediately require a checkpoint, or thedevice would die before reaching the next trigger call withsufficient energy to checkpoint. As soon as MementOS entersthe grey region and a trigger call is executed, a checkpointtakes place without checking whether it can reach the nexttrigger call given the available energy.

In contrast, our solution works in a localized fashion. Oncewe enter in what MementOS would consider the grey area,every trigger call results in a checkpoint only if the availableenergy is insufficient, in the worst-case, to reach the nexttrigger call and to checkpoint there. This is, in essence, whatequation (1) in Section 3 stipulates. This reasoning allows

us to postpone checkpointing in time and space, essentially“digging” down into the grey area as long as possible.

Wasted cycles. Figure 11 shows the number of wastedcycles against the capacitor size. As expected in light ofthe discussion of Figure 10, at higher threshold voltages,MementOS wastes a higher number of cycles because check-points tend to happen too early, leaving unused energy inthe buffer.

Moreover, the staircase pattern in MementOS, especiallyvisible for the Kalman filter code in Figure 11a and the FIRfilter code in Figure 11b, appears because both its strategiesare too coarse-grained. Either the trigger call is located atthe “right” place, and so there are only a few wasted cycles,or it is located at “wrong” place and so a lot of unusedenergy remains in the buffer. In fact, MementOS placementstrategies only look at the structure of the code and not atits energy consumption patterns.

Differently, with smaller capacitors, HarvOS results ina higher number of wasted cycles than MementOS becauseequation (1) in Section 3 often finds Eremaining insufficientto reach the next trigger call in the worst case. The valueof Eremaining is, in fact, upper-bound by the size of thecapacitor. The worst-case analysis we apply is here counter-productive, in that it tends to be excessively pessimistic.The larger is the capacitor, however, the less this issue af-fects the operation of HarvOS, yielding increasingly precisecheckpoint decisions that reduce the number of wasted cycles.

Minimum size of energy buffer. Figure 12 reports theminimum capacitor size required to complete the three bench-marks, against different threshold voltages for MementOS.

When operated under lower threshold voltages, MementOSfinishes the execution only with bigger capacitors. This isessentially a result of its logic for placing triggers and ofbasing the decision to checkpoint on voltage levels. Withoutreasoning on the energy necessary to reach the next triggercall, MementOS may place trigger calls too far from eachother. Under lower threshold voltages, the execution maythen continue “blindly” up to a point when insufficient energyis left to complete the checkpoint, namely it is too late tocheckpoint. To remedy this, a bigger capacitor is needed.

In contrast, our solution allows one to employ smallercapacitors. The splitting of the CFG in sub-graphs whosestretch is at most equal to the number of cycles the MCU canexecute in a worst-case situation, as explained in Section 3,rules out the possibility of placing trigger calls too far apart.In fact, our performance in Figure 12 is independent of thevoltage threshold used by MementOS. At each trigger call, weagain decide whether to continue the execution or to check-point based on the ability to reach the next trigger call withsufficient energy to checkpoint there, as equation (1) indicates.The ability to complete a given workload with smaller capac-itors may be particularly beneficial in applications requiringquick recharge times.

HarvOS IPSN 2017, April 2017, Pittsburgh, PA USA

Capacitor size(uF)0 100 200 300 400 500















(a) Kalman filter.

Capacitor size(uF)0 100 200 300 400 500













(b) FIR filter.

Capacitor size(uF)0 100 200 300 400 500














(c) AES.

Figure 11: Number of wasted cycles. Both MementOS strategies are too coarse-grained and oblivious of energy consumptionpatterns. Differently, basing the checkpointing decisions on the ability to reach the next trigger call yields increasingly precisedecisions with bigger capacitors.

Voltage threshold(V)1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5



r si











(a) Kalman filter.

Voltage threshold(V)1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5



r si













(b) FIR filter.

Voltage threshold(V)1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5



r si













(c) AES.

Figure 12: Minimum capacitor size required to complete the three benchmarks. MementOS places trigger callstoo far from each other, and thus requires bigger capacitors to complete the workload. Our placement rules allows the system tocomplete the workload with smaller capacitors.


HarvOS operates at compile-time based on the control-flowgraph (CFG) of the program. Trigger calls are placed bylooking at the worst-case energy cost required to reach thenext trigger call and depending on the program structure asrepresented in the CFG. The information collected at compile-time also enables to spare the energy-intensive probing of theenergy buffers whenever possible. The combination of thesetechniques allows the system to take informed decisions atevery trigger call on whether to continue with the normalexecution or to rather checkpoint. Our evaluation of theapproach, based on three diverse benchmarks, indicates thatour techniques allow transiently-powered devices to completea given workload with 68% fewer checkpoints, compared toexisting literature. Our performance also rests only 19% farfrom that of an “oracle” that would know exactly the lastpoint in time when a checkpoint is required. The performanceof HarvOS may further improve by removing, wheneverpossible, the worst-case assumption at the cost of additionalcode instrumentation. We consider exploring the trade-off

between simplicity of instrumentation and the additionalinformation it may provide as a direction for future work.

Acknowledgments. This work was partly supported throughthe Google Faculty Award program, by the Swedish EnergyAgency, and by projects “Zero-energy Buildings in SmartUrban Districts” (EEB), “ICT Solutions to Support Logisticsand Transport Processes” (ITS), and “Smart Living Tech-nologies” (SHELL) of the Italian Ministry for University andResearch.

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