Harvard OCS - Personal Statement and Secondaries

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Transcript of Harvard OCS - Personal Statement and Secondaries

  • 5/21/2018 Harvard OCS - Personal Statement and Secondaries


    The Medical SchoolPersonal Statement

    Jeff Glenn

    Office of Career Services

    March 2010

    The Personal Statement

    If we wish to know a man, we must ask, What ishis story, his real, inmost story? for each of us is a

    biography, a story. Each of us is a singularnarrative, which is constructed continually andunconsciously by, through, and in usthroughour perceptions, our feelings, our thoughts, our

    actions; and , not least, through our discourse, ourspoken narrations. Biologically, physiologically, weare not so different from each other; historically, asnarratives, we are each of us unique.

    -Oliver Sacks, The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat

    Topics to Cover

    1. Primary & secondary essays

    2. Purpose of the personal statement

    3. What to discuss and highlight

    4. How to approach/craft your essay

    5. Dos & donts

    6. Feedback & resources

    7. Q&A

    Types of essays

    Primary (AMCAS) application:

    5300 characters 1.5 single-spaced pgs

    MD/PhD have two additional essays

    Reasons for wishing to pursue combined

    MD/PhD degree (3000 characters)

    Describe significant research experiences

    including supervisor, nature of problem

    studied, contribution to project (10,000


    Types of essays

    Secondary applications:

    Some med schools ask for more essays in

    secondary applications; some dont

    Many will ask you why you are interested intheir school (among other questions)

    May arrive at different times: upon AMCAS

    submission, AMCAS verification, all materials

    received, or not at all

    Types of essays

    Examples of secondary questions:

    What do you think will be your greatest personal

    challenge as a physician, and how will you address

    this? ow w you con r u e o e vers y o your

    medical school class?

    Are there any special circumstances that we

    should be aware of?

    Describe your interest in our med school.

    Tell us about a difficult or challenging situation that

    you have encountered and how you dealt with it.

    more on the handout

  • 5/21/2018 Harvard OCS - Personal Statement and Secondaries


    Purpose of the personal statement

    1. To discover the person behind the

    numbers and in the context of the restof your application

    2. To hear what has motivated ou to

    pursue a career in medicine, how you


    3. To see a sample of your writing

    Admissions Dean: We must rely on their own

    words to determine if he/she is someone we

    would like to meet.

    What do you need to do?

    Construct a narrative or story

    Make sure your unique voice andpersonality come across

    into medicine

    Example: unique voice?

    Ive been asked many times why I wish to become a

    physician. Upon considerable reflection, the thought

    of possessing the ability to help others provides me

    with tremendous internal gratification and offers the

    positive direction. Becoming a physician is the

    culmination of a lifelong dream; and I am prepared to

    dedicate myself, as I have in the past, to achieving

    this goal.

    Too many generalities and not a unique perspective;

    could be written by many other applicants.

    Why medicine exactly?

    How do you knownot simply why do you

    knowthat you want to be a doctor? How

    you have demonstrated this interest

    How has our interest in medicine chan ed

    and developed over time?

    How did you overcome your doubts?

    Why medicine and not other career fields,

    e.g. teaching, science, public health,

    nursing, etc.?

    Example: reflections on transitions

    But I also appreciated organic chemistry in a second way:

    It is truly beautiful

    My feelings for organic chemistry grew stronger when I

    discovered how it relates to the human body

    I soon learned, however, that medicine has a reality

    beyond this intellectual epiphany.

    Perhaps my view of medicine is idealistic. I have talked

    with physicians who tell me that it is not a pretty

    professionalthough I do not want to enter medicine with

    my eyes closed, I also do not want to lose sight of what I

    believe to be its greater purpose

    Other questions you might consider

    Have you faced any obstacles in your life (for

    example, economic, familial, or physical)? How did

    you handle these?

    How have you been influenced by certain events

    Recall a time when you had a positive impact on

    another person. How did you and the person

    change as a result?

    What were major turning points in your life?

    What do you want the committee to know that is

    not apparent elsewhere?

    What will capture their imagination?

  • 5/21/2018 Harvard OCS - Personal Statement and Secondaries


    Several common approaches

    Use a concrete anecdote/experience to

    draw the reader in; perhaps circle back to itat the end to create bookends

    A roach the essa as a chance to share

    the arc of your journey to this point

    Think of the one or two things you really

    want to say; highlight without cataloguing

    Dont need to utilize time progression but

    often good way to avoid generalization and

    abstract language

    Example: grabbing opening

    I do not want to help this man. I do not

    want to be near his gurney. I do not want totouch his bloody legs. Why should I? He is a

    felon. (Opening)

    Broader discussion of journey towards medicine

    I realized, both on the giving and receiving

    ends, that in the medical world especially,

    you cannot let assumptions and biases

    cloud your focus on the patient. Once the

    curtain is pulled back, everyone deserves

    respect. (Circle back at closing)

    Drawing from your experiences

    Dramatic circumstances are fine; not so

    dramatic circumstances are fine too!

    Share lessons & reflections rather than

    detailed descri t ions of ex eriences. It s

    about you, i.e. what/how you think about

    the experience

    Reflections can be unique even if

    opportunities/experiences are not


    Pretend you are writing to a friend, not an

    admissions committee; free write

    Ask a friend/family member which qualities

    the think distin uish ou from others

    Start off with a formative moment or

    realization and go from there

    Think of a theme to build your essay around

    Two or three personality characteristics that

    you feel are your strengths

    Dont need to have a conclusion/point in



    Tell a story

    Keep it interesting by using specificexamples and anecdotes

    Provide information, insight, or aelsewhere in your application

    Describe experiences in terms of whatthey mean to you, what you learned

    Make sure the reader learns about you,not just what you did

    Use strong action verbs and vivid images;paint a picture

    Dos (contd)

    Be concise. Make sure every sentence needsto be there

    Describe what you learned in your research,

    not the details of the specific research project

    Allow plenty of time to write, revise, reflect,revise. etc. Step away often so you can revisityour essay with fresh eyes

    Proofread. Spell checking will will () notcatch everything! Then, proofread again andget someone else to do the same

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    Just list or summarize your activities. This is

    not a resume and can be found elsewhere Try to impress the reader with the use of

    formal or fancy language

    compassionate, motivated, intelligent,curious, dedicated, unique, different thanmost candidates, etc

    Focus only on childhood experiences

    Use slang or forced analogies

    Lecture the reader, e.g. whats wrong withmedicine, what doctors should be like, etc

    Donts (contd)

    Make excuses for poor grades

    Begin every sentence or paragraph with I

    Overwork the essay to the point where you

    Make it your premier creative writing piece

    Use generalizations and clichs

    Follow the advice of too many people

    Try to share everything there is to knowabout you

    Special circumstances

    Questions on the AMCAS:

    Institutional Action: If you answer yes tothis question, you must include anexplanation. (Limited to 1325 charactersor approx ma e y page

    Felony: If you answer yes to thisquestion, you must include anexplanation. (Limited to 1325 charactersor approximately 1/4 page)

    Special Situations

    Ad Board

    Judgment call (eliminate big question

    marks or gaps in readers minds):

    Major changes in direction

    Hardship affecting academic record

    Personal medical situation

    Be prepared to talk about your stories in

    your interview; if you cant/dont want totalk about it, dont write about it.

    Getting feedback

    People who know you (family, friends) can

    give feedback, not only people in medicine

    Ask them:

    Does this sound like me?

    Could someone else write this essay?


    Pre-med tutor

    Writing centerhttp://www.fas.harvard.edu/~wricntr/undergrad.html


    www.studentdoctor.net *

    *read at your own risk or

    perhaps not at all

  • 5/21/2018 Harvard OCS - Personal Statement and Secondaries



    The personal statement is about

    telling a story, not arguing that theyshould accept you.

    ar ear y, rev s o en, an ge


    Use concrete examples from your

    personal experiences and avoid

    abstract language (prone to clich).