Guilherme Luiz Antunes Major Mischel Carmen Neyra Belderrain ALIO-INFORMS Joint International...

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Transcript of Guilherme Luiz Antunes Major Mischel Carmen Neyra Belderrain ALIO-INFORMS Joint International...


Guilherme Luiz Antunes MajorMischel Carmen Neyra Belderrain

ALIO-INFORMS Joint International MeetingJune 6 - 9, 2010 Buenos Aires, Argentina


• Good decision-making is crucial to success in any business

• It’s difficult to deal with ill-structured problems• Ill-structured problems are common in the daily life

of organizations• Small family-owned business seeking to better

structure its decision-making process

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Strategic Choice Approach (SCA) is applied to the problem of defining future guidelines of a small family-owned firm.

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Ill-Structured Problems

Ill-structured problems are characterized by:– Multiple actors– Multiple perspectives– Conflicting interests– Important intangible aspects– Relevant uncertainty

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Problem Structuring Methods

• PMS are used to deal with ill-structured problems• They are characterized by

– able to conciliate multiple different perspectives– accessible to all decision-makers, so the problem

structuring becomes a participative process– an iterative process– able to provide partial solutions or local improvements

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Problem Structuring Methods

Some PSM:

– Strategic Options Development and Analysis (SODA)

– Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) – Strategic Choice Approach (SCA)

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Strategic Choice Approach

Focused on managing uncertainties and complexity of real-time problems

– Sources of uncertainty:• Uncertainty about working Environment (UE)• Uncertainty about guiding Values (UV)• Uncertainty about Related decisions (IR)

– Decision-making is subject to daily life pressure and urgencies (not an isolated process)

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Strategic Choice Approach

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Modified problem

Current problem

More info

More coordination




Pressure for



Clearer objectives

Strategic Choice Approach

• Complementary modes of decision-making activity:– Shaping mode: definition of what will be decided and how

are these decisions related to each other– Designing mode: generation of alternatives/courses of

action and analysis of the compatibility of these courses of action if taken together

– Comparing mode: comparison of different set of alternatives and identification of the most promissing ones

– Choosing mode: listing of uncertainties, identification of exploratory options and building of commitment package.

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Strategic Choice Approach

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Comparing mode

Designing mode

Choosing mode

Shaping mode

Multiple output

Multiple input

Case study

• The firm:

– Family-owned business– Small firm (600-1200 meals/day)– Location: Pontes e Lacerda – MT

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Pontes e Lacerda

Shaping mode

Shaping mode:– Define decision areas– Identify decision links– Build a decision graph– If the graph is too complicated, rearrange positions– Emphasize urgent and more relevant decision areas– Define the decision focus

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Shaping mode

Decision areas– Description of any situation in which different courses of

action are believed to be possible

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Decision areas Label

Open a restaurant in Cuiabá? RESTCBÁ?

Build a place to rent in Cuiabá? IMOVCBÁ?

Open a supermarket in another small town ? SUPINT?

Sell idle equipment? VENDEQ?

How to manage electronic information? INFOEL?

Take part in new bids? NOVASLIC?

Shaping mode

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Decision areas Label

Buy new equipment? MODERNQ?

Change hiring policies? POLCONT?

Sell building in Nova Lacerda-MT? VENDIMOV?

Hire a driver? PROFTRANS?

Which employee qualification policy to adopt? QUALFUNC?

Shaping mode

• Decision Link– Indicates that it may be different to analyse the decision

areas together or one-by-one

• Decision Graph– Graphic representation of decision areas (circles) and of

decision links (lines)

• Decision Focus– Decision areas thought to be the most relevant and which,

in a first moment, will be kept in the decision process

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Shaping mode

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• Case Study decision graph

Shaping mode

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• Rearranged graph• Clustered decision areas:

– Blue: New Business/Real-state– Green: Human Resources– Red: Equipment

• Classified decision areas• Established decision focus

Decision focus

Undefined alternatives

Important consequences


Highly connected to other areas

Designing mode

Designing mode:– Identify decision options in each decision area– Identify incompability among decision options (option

bars)– Build the decision schemes

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Designing mode

• Decision Options– Any course of action, related to a decison area, thought to

be feasible

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Decision areas Options Label

NOVASLIC? ●Take part only in regional bids LICIREG

●Take part in bids in the state of Mato Grosso LICIMT

●Don’t take part in new bids ÑLICI

POLCONT? ●Hire only people who have experience in the sector CONTEXP

●Hire only people who already live in the region CONTREG

Designing mode

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Decision areas Options Label

POLCONT? ●Hire only people who have experience in the sector

and already live in the region



●Don’t estabilish a hiring policy ÑPOLÍTICA

INFOEL? ●Hire someone fully dedicated to the electronic



●Keep to manage these informations without a fully

dedicated person


Designing mode

• Option bar– Graphic representation of the incompatibility between two

distinct decision options related to two different decision areas

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Option barsUncertain option bars

Designing mode

• Decision Scheme– Combinação de opções viáveis, cada uma delas tomada de

uma área de decisão dentro do foco do problema

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Designing mode

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Esquema A

Esquema B

Esquema C

Esquema D

Esquema E

Esquema F

Esquema G

Esquema H

• Decision Scheme– Set of feasible decision

options each coming from a different decision area within the decision focus.


Comparing mode

Comparing mode you:– Define the comparison areas– Define the assessment method for each comparison area

(e.g. profits , employee satisfaction rate, etc.)– Assess courses of action relative to their flexibility– Build a shortlist of decision schemes (choose the most

promissing ones)– Make relative assessments of the shortlisted schemes– Make advantage comparisons– Assess the overall advantage balance

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Comparing mode

Comparison area– Area of concern in which it is believed to be relevant to

consider the possible outcomes of the different courses of action

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Comparison area Label

Revenue and profit RECLUC:

Administrative difficulty ADM:


Long-term perspectives LPRAZO:

Level of investment INVEST:

Comparing mode

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Comparison areas Label

Customer satisfaction SATISCOM:

Employee satisfaction SATISFUNC:

Qualidade dos vínculos empregatícios VINCULOS:

Required time of the owners TEMPOEMP:

Dedicated employee salary SALARIO:

Comparing mode

• Pre-selection of decision schemes– Selection of most promissing decision schemes

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Scheme RECLUC: ADM: RISCOS: LPRAZO: Dominated by:

A 4º 5º 4º 2º B, C

B 4º 4º 3º 2º

C 4º 3º 4º 1º

D 1º 8º 7º 5º E, F

E 1º 7º 6º 5º

F 1º 6º 7º 4º

G 7º 1º 1º 7º

H 7º 2º 1º 7º G

Comparing mode

• Relative Assessment– Comparison of the difference of the outcomes of two

decison schemes regarding one specific comparison area

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Comparing mode

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B Scheme C

E: ExtremeS: SignificantC: ConsiderableM: MarginalN: Negligible

NM M SC ESE C• Relative Assessments and

Advantage Comparison

Comparing mode

• Balanço Geral de Vantagens– Condensação em um único índice da comparação de

vantagens em todas as áreas de comparação

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Comparing mode

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Comparing mode

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Choosing mode

Choosing mode:– Indentify uncertainty areas– Classify them according to their nature – UE, UR and UV– Assess the importance of the uncertainty areas– Find exploratory options to investigate the uncertainty

areas– Define action scheme for the most urgent decision areas– Establish a commitment package defining courses of

actions and further exploratory options to be taken

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Choosing mode

• Uncertainty area– Any source of uncertainty that affects the final decison

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Uncertainty areas Labels Recognition

? Possibility of winning the bids ?VENCLIC Shaping mode

? Necessity of recruiting policy ?NECPOLCONT Shaping mode

? Worker/Labor availability ?DISPMÃO Designing mode

? Standarizing data format with suppliers ?DADOS Designing mode

? Feasibility of operating in the whole MT ?MTVIÁVEL Designing mode

Choosing mode

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Uncertainty areas Labels Recognition

? Brazilian economy in the upcoming years ?ECONOMIA Comparing mode

? Food price ?PREÇOALI Comparing mode

? Client locations ?LOCAL Comparing mode

? Importance of ADM: ?IMPADM Comparing mode

? Importance of RISCOS: ?IMPRISCOS Comparing mode

? Importance of LUCREC ?IMPLUCREC Comparing mode

? Long-term results ?RESLPRAZO Comparing mode

Choosing mode

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Uncertainty areas Labels Recognition

? Dificuldade administrativa adicional

ao se trabalhar em todo o MT e não

apenas na região

?DIFICILMT Comparing mode

? Número e tipo de refeições que serão


? REFEIÇÕES Comparing mode

? Prazo dos contratos futuros ?PRAZOCONT Comparing mode

Choosing mode

• Exploratory Option– Actions for decreasing the uncertainty level

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Uncertainty Areas Exploratory Option Assessment




•Decision-maker group

meeting to rediscuss the


Confidence: Confidence in the balance

between C and F considerably higher

Resources: few hours of discussion

Delay: a few days

Choosing mode

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Uncertainty Areas

Exploratory Option Assessment

?DIFICILMT Investigate infrastructure

of potential clients’


Confidence: confidence in the

relative assessment of C and F

relative to ADM: reasonably higher

Resources: web reasearch, informal

talk with people who know the

locations and visits

Delay around 2 weeks (after list of

potential client is ready)

Choosing mode

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Uncertainty Areas Exploratory Option Assessment

?REFEIÇÕES • Prospective potentials

customers about

number and ype of

meals. s

Confidence: confiança um pouco

maior na avaliação relativa de C e F

quanto à RECLUC: e RISCOS:.

Resources few hours for searching,

calls and eventuals meetings. Delay:

about 2 weeks

Choosing mode

Commitment Package

– Defining courses of actions and further exploratory options to be taken

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Choosing mode

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Decisões Imediatas Espaço de Decisões Futuras

Ações Explorações Decisões AdiadasPlanos de




Se a contratação não se provar compensadora, analisar se problema é o colaborador ou a sua função

Choosing mode

ALIO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting June 6 -9,2010 Buenos Aires , Argentina 42


Decisões Imediatas Espaço de Decisões Futuras

Ações ExploraçõesDecisões Adiadas

Planos de Contingência



Não havendo de mão-de–obra, flexibilizar política de contratação

Choosing mode

ALIO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting June 6 -9,2010 Buenos Aires , Argentina 43


Decisões Imediatas Espaço de Decisões Futuras

Ações Explorações Decisões AdiadasPlanos de



Conduzir reuniões para reduzir incertezas sobre a importância de ADM:, RISCOS: e LUCREC:.

EM 1 SEMANA•Se ainda não for possível escolher entre C e F, realizar a listagem e sondagem de empresas

EM 3 SEMANAS•Caso tenha sido necessário a sondagem, efetuar pesquisa sobre infra-estrutura


• The results showed that the SCA is easy to apply and able to deal with uncertainty, even in complex problems, contributing to the decision group process.

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References• FRANCO, L.A.; CUSHMAN, M.; ROSENHEAD, J. (2002). Project review and

learning in the construction industry: Embedding a problem structuring method within a partnership context. European Journal of Operational Research, 2004, v.152, p.586-601

• FRIEND, J. K & Hickling, A. Planning under pressure: the strategic choice approach. Oxford: Pergamon, 1ª reimpressão. 1988. 338 p.

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ALIO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting June 6 -9,2010 Buenos Aires , Argentina 45

References• STERNADT, J. M. A utilização da abordagem "strategic choice" para o

aperfeiçoamento de um centro de prestação de serviços. 1997.87 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia). Departamento de Engenharia de Produção, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis. 1997

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• MINGERS, J.; ROSENHEAD, J. Problem structuring methods in action. European Journal of Operational Research, 2004, v.152, p.530-554

• UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. Institute for Manufacturing. Strategic Options Development and Analysis. Disponível em trol/soda.html. Acesso em: 25/10/2009.

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• KRUJIF, J. Problem structuring in interactive decision-making processes; How interaction, problem perceptions and knowledge contribute to a joint formulation of a problem and solutions. 2007. Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department Water Engineering and Management, University of Twente, Enchede, 2007.

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