GUILD NEWS - The Baden-Powell Guild of Great BritainGUILD NEWS Scouting Spirit in Action . 1 ... To...

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Transcript of GUILD NEWS - The Baden-Powell Guild of Great BritainGUILD NEWS Scouting Spirit in Action . 1 ... To...


GUILD NEWS Scouting Spirit in Action


Patron – Hon Wendy Baden Powell (Granddaughter of B-P)

President: Derek Elton 01384 371904

Vice President: Alec Fraser 01162 386070

Chairman: David Harbach 01384 861001 70 Vicarage Road, Wollaston,

Stourbridge, W Mids DY8 4QX

Vice Chairman: Julie Wacey 01886 833465

8 Seymour Court

Malvern WR14 1EW

Secretary: Allan Page 01886 832940

Hadley, 29 Grit Lane,

Malvern, Worcs WR14 1UR

Treasurer: Peter Skilton 01684 565542

29 Victoria Park Road

Malvern, Worcs WR14 3DZ

Editor: Pat Parks 01684 565516

18 Christ Church Road

Malvern WR14 3BE


Editorial A belated Happy New Year to you all! Some things don‟t change, though. I

had pictures of floods in my last editorial and you will have read media reports

of the latest flooding. This time around the authorities have got the flood

barriers erected. We must all spare a thought for those less fortunate than

ourselves. Yvonne, from Malvern Branch, lives in Upton upon Severn and she

left at great speed at the end of our last Guild Meeting.

The cover photo shows Rangers at the World Jamboree, Hylands Park, Essex.

Malvern Branch Chairman, Lew Nash, was very pleased to welcome four

Rangers to the branch to give a talk of their experiences. A power point

presentation by these Rangers highlighted the fantastic atmosphere and the

meeting of so many other Scouts from around the world, an experience they

said that will always be with them.

Our young people are very quick to embrace all the new technology and ideas

and I was interested to read about the new badges which youngsters can now

work towards and achieve within Scouting. I think this is good for Scouting

but the original Scout laws still give youngsters a brilliant framework within

which they can live their lives.

Best Wishes Pat


Members Go On a Breakfast Run

Yes it‟s true a Breakfast Run: And not a jog before breakfast either.

Sunday morning the 7th

October members of Stourbridge and Malvern

Branches set off early in their cars to meet at the Downs Inn near

Bridgnorth, Staffordshire.

Now the landlord of this establishment has a well known reputation of

putting on a fantastic full English breakfast (self service), yes have as

much as you want, with coffee or tea on arrival.

These breakfasts are not for the “faint hearted” and proved to be a great

success. Everyone enjoyed a chat, catching up on news and events.

Another Breakfast run is planned for next year.

Allan Page

Sorry folks, I just couldn’t resist it! Editor

A ‘crazy’ story from Amsterdam, Holland, submitted by Allan Page

A man claiming to be a catholic priest was arrested at Schiphol Airport

carrying nearly 8lbs of cocaine under his robes.


Woodbastwick is a picturesque village eight miles north east of

Norwich, situated on the edge of the Norfolk Broads. It has one of the

most photographed village greens in Norfolk, a green dotted with estate

cottages which date from the 19th

century. Some of the cottages are

thatched and some have biblical texts on their frontages. The village is

home to Woodforde Broadland Brewery.

Iris and Peter Skilton of Malvern Branch were on a short break in the

area last October and certainly enjoyed their visit to the village. Peter, a

keen photographer, emailed this photograph to me:

Peter and Iris spent a while talking to one of the residents who told them

the origin of the notice. However, they are not letting us into the

secret…letters to the editor please if you have any interesting



Guild Members Hold Christmas Carol Service.

Saturday the 8

th December Guild members from the Midlands attended

the Annual Christmas Carol Service arranged by the Stourbridge and

District B-P Guild held in Stourbridge. Some 200 attended and joined in

singing many of the traditional carols.

The Host Compare was Guildsman David Tomlinson who did an

excellent job which included many of the local Ely & Aly jokes. The

service also included solo singers and bell ringers.

A buffet supper completed the evening.

Trefoil Guild inspired by Flame Project.

On Saturday the 27th

October, at the Town Hall, Burton upon Trent,

Trefoil Guild members held their Midlands Regional Fellowship Day

gathering. Around 260 members from all parts of the Midlands came to

enjoy a day of activities, talks and displays of the good work being

undertaken in various countries in Africa.

During the meeting our National Secretary, Allan gave a presentation on

the Flame Project in the UK.


Guild Help with District Fun Day

Eastnor Park was the setting for the

Malverns District Centenary Fun

Day. Groups from Worcester and

Pershore were also present . The fun

day consisted of 4 zones, with each

zone having different activities.

The Guild were asked to run Reception . All leaders had to book in all

those taking part and were given coloured security tags for all


Picture shows Guildsman Pat Garbutt attaching a security tag to a Scout

taking part in the fun day.

During the Fun Day the District Commissioner Eddie Gover organised a

plaque to be placed here to commemorate this day in the 100years of


A group of Guild members holding the commemorative plaque.

Guild members Lew Nash and Sue Page waiting to take a turn on the




On Thursday the 15

th Nov members of Bebington were given a talk about

the active service of the Royal Marines and Commandos. Lt Col Steve

Wotherspoon explained the roll of the Marines in today’s present British

Forces. Steve explained how the Marines are trained to become

commandos and their active role in conflicts around the world, a most

interesting talk.

B-P Scout Guild Scotland To Hold AGM in Troon.

The B-P Scout Guild Scotland will be holding their 2008 AGM in

Troon, Ayrshire on the 29th

March 2008. The venue will be the South

Beach Hotel, Troon.


Lord Robert Baden-Powell A notable person died about 65 years ago who is still in the news. The spirit of

scouting lives on and I have him to thank for a very useful and most interesting

life spent in scouting. Discussing B.P. with a member of my church, I

mentioned that I had met him. He replied that I must be one of the few around

now who have had this honour. This inspired me to set pen to paper and let

others know of this great occasion.

I was assistant Scout Master of St Barnabas Troop, 42nd

Sunderland and

attended a Jamboree with my Troop held at Raby Castle in May 1936. This

was the home of the County Commissioner Lord Barnard.

The weather was terrible the day we paraded for B.P., the heavens

opened and the tents were flooded. B.P. said this always happened when

he meets Scouts: it didn‟t dampen our spirits though. B.P. and Lord

Barnard were having fun asking us to judge who had the knobbliest

knees between the two of them. I always looked on this day as the

beginning of my Scouting days. My brother, two years older than me,

was also there with his Wolf Cub pack. He has given up helping old

ladies across the road – chasing blondes across the road now!

Later, I was „called up‟ to do six months training (the Militia) and served

as a Sapper in the Royal Engineers at Aldershot. After being there a day

or two, I was informed by our N.C.O., who had noticed my Scout Badge

when I enlisted, that the local Scout Troop, St George‟s, could do with

some help. I did help on Troop nights but very soon war was declared

and the Scout Master and I were posted elsewhere so I don‟t know what

happened to the Scout Troop.


Early in 1940, on being posted overseas, our convoy sailed into

Columbo, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), where I had a few hours ashore and

called in at a Scout Headquarters. The Scouts were pleased to meet a

Scout from England and walked me around sight seeing. This was my

first encounter with foreign Scouts.

My next activity with Scouting was also in 1940, when I was working

on the docks of Alexandria, Egypt. I came into contact with sailors in the

Royal Navy who were Deep Sea Scouts, the first time I had heard of

them, who were serving on various ships lying out in the harbour.

I then had invitations to meetings held on the various ships. I hired a

dhow, (water taxi) to get there and their on duty boats brought me back

again. I was also invited aboard a yacht anchored in the bay belonging to

a Retired Naval Officer. He was away, having been „called up‟ for

convoy duties but his wife and daughter were aboard. I also attended

special local Scout meetings with the sailors and officers where I met

Scouts of all nationalities. It seemed like meeting old friends, and being

so far away from home it made life more bearable, and safer, as the fleet

could put up a terrific barrage.


Later I met up with Scouts in Greece and Palestine so it makes you

realize that in B.P. we had a lot to be thankful for.

On being demobbed I was too busy with work and my studies to do

much with Scouting and was very surprised on leaving the church after

Kathleen and I were married to see a Guard of Honour formed by the

Scout Troop (1950).

In 1959 our son, David, joined the 2nd

Malvern Cubs after being on their

waiting list. When our second son, Peter, was of an age for Cubs, no

place was available. Mr. R. Welch, District Cub Commissioner, had the

answer: if I started another pack on another evening Peter could join…so

be it! Much later, after they joined the 2nd

Malvern Troop, I finished

with the Cubs and helped at the Scout Troop. I was mainly teaching First

Aid and Kathleen and I both served on Parents‟ Committees.

In 1963, Harry Dobbs, Chairman of the B.P. Guild, talked me into

joining the B.P. Guild. That‟s 45 years ago, how time flies! There were

no ladies in those days and now they have just about taken over!

Having joined the Scout Movement as a Scout in 1929, and still a

member of the B.P. Guild (Vice President) and the A.S.C., it would

appear that Scouting has kept me on the straight and narrow for 79

years. Not bad for an 89 year old.

Mr. Tom C. Hall CEng. MIGEM (Malvern Branch)

Many thanks, Tom, for a very interesting article. Editor


Deep Sea Scouts The Deep Sea Scouts came into being in 1928 as demands were made for

additions to the organization which would enable a continuing participation

within the Scouting Movement.

Robert Baden-Powell wrote to the new group, “Damn rules! I want a jolly

brotherhood through which I can get in touch with pals of my own or other

ships or at ports of call – especially those pals who have the same Scouty ideas

as I have…” This was the purpose of the Deep Sea Scouts.

The original aims of the Deep Sea Scouts were:

To enable Scouts afloat to get in touch with their brother/sister Scouts in ports

throughout the world.

To afford them the opportunity for continuing their Scouting activities in their

sea-going profession.

To provide an opportunity to hike and camp as Scouts, when on leave at home

or abroad.

To be of service to all, as the opportunity offers, particularly by instructing

Cubs or Scouts, when in ports of call.


Any member of The Scout Association was eligible for membership if they

were serving in any of the following organisations:

Royal Navy, Royal Naval Reserve, Merchant Navy, Royal Marines, Royal

national Lifeboat Institution, Deep Sea Fishermen, Deep Sea Rigs, Deep Sea

Yacht Crews, Sail Training Ships.

Due to the decrease in shipping and the Royal Navy, the number of members

fell dramatically and the organization was replaced by a Scouting Fellowship.

The Deep Sea Scouting Fellowship was started in 1991.


Malvern Branch Reposition Guild Plaque at Eastnor

Allan Page and Keith Parks

Peter Skilton and Keith Parks





Guild members working on the extension to the Log Cabin in circa


The Log Cabin in 2008

This interesting article and photographs were submitted by Dave Walker of

Kinver Scout Camp Guild. Editor


A Scottish Love Poem

A‟ coorse ah love ye darlin‟ ye‟re a bloody tap notch burd.

An‟ when ah say ye‟re gorgeous ah mean iv‟ry single word.

So yer bum is oan the big side. Ah don‟t mind a bit o flab.

It means that whin ah‟m ready, there‟s somethin‟ therr tae grab.

So yer belly isny flat nae merr. Ah tell ye ah don‟t cerr.

So long as when ah cuddle ye I cin get mah erms roon‟ therr.

Nae wummin wha is your age hiz nice roon‟ perky breasts.

They jist gave in tae gravity, bit ah know ye did yer best.

Ah‟m telling ye the truth noo. Ah nivir tell ye lies.

Ah think it‟s very sexy thit ye‟ve goat dimples oan yer thighs.

Ah swerr oan mah grannies grave noo, the moment thit we met

Ah thocht ye wiz as guid as ah wiz ivir goanie get.

Nae maitter whit ye look like ah‟ll aywiz love ye dear.

Noo shut up while the fitba‟s oan an‟ fetch anither beer.

Willie Taylor, Bo‟ness Branch



Bebington Len Marshall 0151 327 2344


Gravesend Mrs Enid Ingham 01634 851964


Henfield Derek Gardner 01273 495028

W Sussex

Malvern Mrs Geraldine Shaw 01684 566448


Stourbridge David Tomlinson 01384 393512

W Midlands

Tiviot Dale Arthur Stevens 0161 483 0789


Trent Bryan Noble 01159 735645


An independent National Association of Men and Women who believe that the spirit of Scouting should be extended into Adult life, including many who were not Guides or Scouts in earlier days.

By its help and practical assistance in a variety of local charitable causes the Baden Powell Guild make a

worthwhile contribution to the community.