Growth Hacking A Book: Minimum Viable Product to Bestseller

Post on 22-Nov-2014

92.907 views 1 download


Based on the book "Growth Hacker Marketing" by Ryan Holiday

Transcript of Growth Hacking A Book: Minimum Viable Product to Bestseller

12-18 months

later a book is born… and hopefully it excels.

Growth Hacking A Book: Minimum Viable Product to Bestseller

Book publishing

is as old school as it gets. Book publishing is as old school as it gets.

Editors have hunches and make big bets on proposals.

12-18 months later a book is born… and hopefully it sells.

12-18 months

later a book is born… and hopefully it excels.

What if there was a better way ?

12-18 months

later a book is born… and hopefully it excels.


Let me show you how it worked for me. has an ANSWER!

I wrote an article for Fast Company

In 2012

AKA Minimum Viable Product

12-18 months

later a book is born… and hopefully it excels.

Then I got an email from my editor.

Would I like to try it as an e-single?


came out

12-18 months

later a book is born… and hopefully it excels.

We kept the price low. !


Marketed it with guest posts, podcasts and Slideshare

12-18 months

later a book is born… and hopefully it excels.

It became a #1 Amazon bestseller.

AKA: Product Market Fit

Only then did we decide !

to make it physical.

We improved the book based on feedback, doubled the length,

updated the examples

We brainstormed how to activate existing fans - how to create a WOW factor

We created viral tools to spread the book to new groups. !

Even after giving away all these free copies, pre-orders went way up !

Now, it’s out and for sale and doing better than ever. I’ve spoken all over the world in support of the book, invested in companies, advised incubators. !

It’s sold tens of thousands of copies across platforms and has more than 300 reviews on Amazon. !



It all started because of a minimum viable product—an article. !



Book publishing

is as old school as it gets.

Growth Hacking works! Even for something as old school as a book.

12-18 months

later a book is born… and hopefully it excels.

Why don’t you try it ?

Just send an e-mail to: growthhackermarketing@

Special Bonus !

Get the actual transcripts of the interviews from Growth Hacker Marketing, a free

chapter from Trust Me, I’m Lying, and a code for two

free months of Growth Hacker TV (a $58 value)!