Growing, growing up, growing old

Post on 11-May-2015

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I made a short Pecha-Kucha ppt with growing up as a theme. I would say it kind of summarizing my thought on a lot of things.

Transcript of Growing, growing up, growing old


Growing up Growing old

Today I saw a tall man, when he yawned, his lips parted so wide, I could hear the skin at the side of his lips tear.

The sunbeam is a soft warm and the wind is a gentle cool. The skin swings smoothly from warm to cool to warm to cool, unsure where to settle, much like a lava lamp.

There is no place like home, except Grandma’s

I miss being in school. Things were simpler. I miss being 10 and thinking that the world is a beautiful place.

“It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.”

“Elope with me Miss Private and we’ll sail around the world; I will be your Ferdinand and you my wayward girl; I wish that you were here with me to pass the dull weekend …”

I spent months building my defences, and one sweet fragrance brought the walls down.

There is nothing much nice to say. Go away.

“I’m sticking with you ‘Cause I’m made out of glue; Anything that you might do I’m gonna do too.”

Oh Yesthere are worse things thanbeing alonebut it often takes decadesto realize thisand most oftenwhen you doit’s too lateand there’s nothing worsethan

too late.

Isn’t it the climbers who command respect, get worshiped, get loved? The climb is the story that is worth listening to, worth remembering, worth telling your grandchildren.

We made gold from lead. We were alchemists.

Its a God given gift, to come home from work at six and be at home for dusk.


Clearly,Today is not the day to work,A mid week aberration,Where is the celebration?And the promised inebriation?

Clearly,Today is not the day to work,A mid week aberration,Rhyme, rum and some friends,Or at least a better alliteration?

Old friends have an uncanny ability to cheer us up, dont they? I love it. Nothing like conversation with old friends. I’d rate it better than song.

Shantanu’s mom was very hot. Like Stacey’s mom, from that song.

COO = Chief Optimism Officer.

Freewill is overratedChoice is idiosyncratic

The Maiden:Pass by! Oh, pass by!Go away, fierce man of bone!I am still young, go my dear!And do not touch me.

Death:Give me your hand, you beautiful and delicate form!I am a friend, and am not come to punish.Be of good cheer! I am not savage,You will sleep softly in my arms!