Group photography task starter unit 3rd eso

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Group photography task starter unit 3rd eso

STARTER UNIT – Interface 3 rd ESO


We’re going to start reviewing our previous knowledge of English, i.e. what you remember from last year through photography…

To do that, you’ll imagine you’re English photographers and you’ll distribute in groups of four to take photos of things related to the list below. In case you don’t find any object related to the list in the classroom, you can find them at home or anywhere else, or even you can draw a picture of the objects in particular. The next day, you’ll have to give a short presentation of some of your photos to the rest of the class.


Take a photograph of…

1. A big classroom object2. Something small3. Somebody / something old4. Somebody young5. Something cheap6. An expensive object7. Somebody slim8. Somebody/ something short9. Your favourite piece of clothes10. An object related to your favourite subject11. An object related to your favourite season of the year12. Your favourite place/ building of Badalona (the Magic’s cinema, a park…)13. An object related to your favourite part of your house (kitchen, bedroom)14. Some food / drinks that you love15. Some food / drinks that you hate16. Some food / drinks that you can find in your fridge (E.g. There are some

apples in my fridge…)

STARTER UNIT – Interface 3 rd ESO


Your oral presentation should be approximately about 5 MINUTES per group. Remember that the GROUPS will be OF 4 people and that everybody in your group MUST SPEAK in ENGLISH!

You must introduce yourself and talk about these points:

1. What’s your name?2. How old are you?3. How are you today?4. Where do you live?5. What are your hobbies?6. Who is your best friend?7. Where did you go on holidays?8. Talk about something you CAN do well. (E.g.: I can sing well. That’s why I

want to take music training this year.)9. Talk about something you CAN’T do yet, but you’ll try to do this year. (E.g.

I can’t ride a scooter, but I’ll try to do it this year because…)10. Choose two or three of your best pictures, or the pics you like the most.

Explain them to the class (what can we see in the picture?, what does it represent?, why do you like this picture?, why did you choose this object?, …)

11. Finally explain why you chose the two or three pictures of your presentation.