Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University

Post on 18-Oct-2014

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description The Graduate School of Management (GSOM) is a part of St. Petersburg University, the oldest institution of higher education in Russia

Transcript of Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg University

Russian School with a Global Focus


12Degree programs:

from Bachelor to EMBA

41International academic


65Full-time faculty


5Research centers



Saint Petersburg University Graduate School of Management

is located in the city founded in 1703 as the Russia’s “window

to Europe” by the outstanding Russian reformer – Peter the

Great. In March 1697 he became the first Russian Tsar to

undertake a historic trip to several Western European coun-

tries which resulted in systemic reforms of the Russian state.

Those reforms gave rise to Russia’s global competitiveness –

and today one might call this strategy on Peter the Great’s

part as “going global”.

This historical excursus may be a good metaphor to introduce

you to St. Petersburg University GSOM. It was started from

scratch in 1993 as the first business school inside a major

national university in order to support Russia’s transition to

a market economy, and in partnerships with Haas School

of Business, UC Berkeley and several international and

local companies, led by Procter & Gamble. After 18 years of

dynamic growth GSOM today is the leading and most inter-

nationally recognized Russian business school, and is press-

ing forward with strong support from the Russian government

and national and global business communities to become

a world-class school of management.

While in the time of Peter the Great the main subjects for Rus-

sians to study abroad were shipbuilding and military science,

in the 21st century advances in management and human

capital factor are key to the country’s economic growth and

competitiveness. We at Saint Petersburg University GSOM

present learning opportunities in a large spectrum of degree

programs in management – from Bachelor to EMBA. All

these programs are designed and delivered (many of them

in English) in collaboration with leading international busi-

ness schools, especially those belonging to the CEMS, PIM,

GBSN, EABiS, and GRLI global networks where our school is

the only Russian member.

Faculty development and research capabilities are top priori-

ties for the implementation of GSOM’s ambitious competitive

strategy. Our faculty is well known for its teaching excel-

lence, and research productivity (measured by publications

in top international journals) is growing at an impressive rate.

Our school is also unique in having its own (and the largest)

collection of Russian cases registered at ECCH.

Among the main foundations for GSOM’s further growth are

its traditionally strong and diversified corporate connections.

About 150 companies provide internships for our students.

Many Russian and international business leaders are guest

speakers at GSOM, provide other valuable resources for its

development, and recruit its graduates.

This brochure will provide you with more information on

St.Petersburg University GSOM. I would like to invite you

to become part of this innovative international institution –

as a student, an academic colleague or a corporate partner.

Russian School of Management with a Global Focus

Professor Valery S. Katkalo

Vice-Rector, St.Petersburg University

and Dean, Graduate School of Management


30 000Students

4Presidents and

Prime-Ministers of

Russia among its alumni


8Nobel Prize


Saint Petersburg University

was established in 1724 by

Edict of Peter the Great and

today is the leading national

institution of higher education

and research

The only Russian member of several global

networks of top international business schools

and companies:

St. Petersburg University GSOM – Dynamic and Globally Recognized

The School of Management at St. Petersburg University •

was launched in 1993 in partnership with Haas School

of Business at UC Berkeley – with 4 full-time professors

and 33 Bachelor students

By 2002 the SOM had grown up to 800 students in 5 •

degree programs from Bachelor to MBA, and completed

a major international fundraising campaign for its new

downtown residence

The School pioneered many innovations in Russian busi-•

ness education: Bologna-type Master in Management

program; ECTS-based international students’ mobility;

peer-reviewed journal in management research; interna-

tional business Advisory Board, etc.

In 2006 St.Petersburg University SOM was selected by the •

Russian Government as part of the National Priority Proj-

ect in Education to be developed further as a world-class

business school, and subsequently renamed Graduate

School of Management to reflect its new strategy focused

on graduate studies.

Our degree programs are internationally accredited by:



Our mission

Is to educate and advance national

managerial elite to be able to

meet the challenges of increasing

Russia’s competitiveness in the

knowledge economy of the 21st


Also a member of:


Creation of such a school will undoubtedly contribute to the development

of the national economy. The School’s alumni will have to meet real-life

business challenges, to defend Russia’s interests in the global markets

From the speech of Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation, made at the Groundbreaking

Ceremony on the site of the future campus of the St. Petersburg University GSOM, November 29, 2006.


Advisory Board –strong support from government and business

Dennis M. Nally



International Network

Sergei B. Ivanov

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian


Chairman of the Advisory Board for

St.Petersburg University GSOM

Sergey V. Bazhanov

Member of the Council of Federation

of the Federal Assembly of the Russian


Olga K. Dergunova

Member of VTB Bank

Management Board

Oleg V. Deripaska

Chairman of the Supervisory Board,

Basic Element, General Director, Rusal

Vladimir P. Evtushenkov

Chairman of the Board of Directors,

AFK Sistema

Valery A. Fadeev

Chairman of the Board of Directors,

Expert Group

Sergey O. Frank

President and CEO, Sovcomflot

Andrey A. Fursenko

Minister for Education and Science

of the Russian Federation

German O. Gref

President and CEO, Sberbank

of the Russian Federation

Les Hayman

SAP Ambassador Office of the CEO,


Dezso Horvath

Dean, Schulich School of Business,

York University

Valery S. Katkalo

Vice-Rector, St.Petersburg University

and Dean, GSOM

Kirill G. Korniliev

Vice-President, IBM Eastern


Andrey L. Kostin

VTB Bank President and Chairman

of the Management Board

Nikolay M. Kropachev

Rector, St.Petersburg University

Eduard Khudainatov

President, Rosneft

Evgeniy M. Lotvinov

President, Baltic Financial Agency

Valentina I. Matvienko

Governor of St. Petersburg

Robert A. McDonald

President and Chief Executive Officer,

Procter & Gamble

Alexey B. Miller

Chairman of the Management Board,


Elvira S. Nabiulina

Minister for Economic Development of

the Russian Federation

Dennis M. Nally

President, PricewaterhouseCoopers

International Network

Leif Pagrotsky

Vice President of the General Council,

Riksbank of Sweden

John E. Pepper

Chairman of the Board of Directors,

Walt Disney International

Vladimir O. Potanin

President, Interros

Bernard Ramanantsoa

Dean, HEC-Paris

Frederic Roze

Managing Director USA, L’Oreal

Blair Sheppard

Dean Fuqua School of Business, Duke


Rustam V. Tariko

President and Founder,

Russian Standard

David J. Teece

Professor, Haas School of Business,

University of California at Berkeley

Ludmila A. Verbitskaya

President, St.Petersburg University

Alberto Verme

Citi Chief Executive Officer, Central,

Eastern Europe and Middle East

Vladimir I. Yakunin

President, Russian Railways

Olga K. Dergunova

Member of VTB Bank

Management Board

Sergei B. Ivanov

Deputy Prime Minister of

the Russian Federation,

Chairman of the Advisory

Board for SPbU GSOM

German O. Gref

President and CEO,

Sberbank of the Russian


Vladimir I. Yakunin

President, Russian


Advisory Board Members


1200students in degree

programs (50% in

graduate studies)

4graduate programs

delivered fully in English

12first prizes won by

students in business

games of top global


14countries represented

in student body

630average GMAT

of accepted to


Master program

400graduates annually


Public Administration


IT in Management

Operations Management

Strategic and International Management

Finance and Accounting

OB and HRM


Career Center Students Services International Office Research Centers

MBA/EMBA Programs18-22 months

Russian-language EMBA

English-language EMBA (w/HEC-Paris)

Part-time MBA (starts Fall 2011)

Customized MBA

Bachelor Programs4 years

Bachelor of Management(5 concentrations)

Bachelor of Public Administration

Retraining Degree Programs9 months

Health Care Management

International Logistics

Master Programs2 years; in English

Master in International Business(Dual Degrees w/HEC-Paris, WU, LUT)

CEMS Master in International Management

Master in Corporate Finance

Doctoral Programs3 years

Management; Marketing

Operations & Logistics

Executive Education(non-degree)

Customized programs

Open-enrollment programs

Programs’ Portfolio Structure

Academic Departments

Diversified Portfolio of Management Programs

All degree programs were designed in cooperation with •

leading European and US business schools and are deliv-

ered in English (fully or partially) and/or with compulsory

semesters/modules abroad

Instruction is based on theoretical advances in manage-•

ment studies and is strongly interdisciplinary

Learning experience is widely linked to management •

practice (e.g., in-company projects and internships), and is

supported by e-learning technologies (e.g., Blackboard) and

state-of-the-art library and computer resources

The GSOM portfolio provides the opportunity to choose from a broad spectrum of degree

management programs from Bachelor to EMBA, as well as for advancing professional level

through non-degree Executive Education.


65full-time faculty

of 4 nationalities

45professors from other

Faculties of St. Petersburg


90%of Russian faculty with

international academic


60practitioners with courses

and guest lectures

40international visiting

professors teaching

courses and modules

7academic departments


World-Class Faculty and Experts

Igor N. Baranov

Associate Professor of

Management Accounting,

Visiting professor at

EBS (Germany) and IIM

Bangalore (India)

Kai-Alexander Schlevogt

Professor of Strategic


Director of Dual Degree

EMBA Program

Olivier Bertrand

Associate Professor of

International Economics,

Visiting Lecturer

at Toulouse School of


Richard Germain

Professor of Logistics,

Director of DB & RR

Center for International

Logistics & Supply Chain


Tatiana Gavrilova

Professor of IT


Visiting professor at

Pittsburg University (USA)

Sergei Kouchtch

Professor of Marketing,

Visiting Professor at

University of Uppsala


Yury E. Blagov

Associate Professor

of Corporate Social


Visiting professor

at UC Berkeley,

Aalto University SE

Aliona N. Andreeva

Associate Professor

of Marketing


Cosmopolitan Prize

Winner in Marketing

Dmitry L. Volkov


Professor of Finance,

Visiting professor at

HEC-Paris and University

of Bremen (Germany)

Full-Time Faculty

Professor Jean-Paul Larcon



Tomi Laamanen

Aalto University

Professor William Coyle

Babson College

Visiting Faculty

John E. Pepper


David Aaker


Valery Gergiev

Mariinsky Theatre

Guest Lecturers

Our faculty resources are strongly international and composed of full-time,

part-time and visiting professors, as well as of a large cohort of distinguished

guest lecturers – leaders from business and government, the arts and sports.

Some courses are taught by faculty from other units of St. Petersburg Uni-

versity (e.g., foreign languages, mathematics, and law). Several corporate

partners (e.g., PwC, and Citi) provide specialized courses in their areas

of expertise.

5international research


26publications in


journals in 2010

11articles published in

A and B journals in


30papers presented at

international conferences


45monographs and

textbooks published in

the last 5 years

120cases and teaching notes

registered at ecch


The Leading Russian Center of Management Research

St.Petersburg University GSOM is widely recognized as the premier Rus-

sian institution for advance studies in management. These studies at GSOM

are organized through research centers, and prestigious international confer-

ences and seminars.

Organized Research

Center for Entrepreneurship •

PricewaterhouseCoopers Center for Corporate •

Social Responsibility

Center for Strategic Marketing and Innovation •

Deutsche Bahn and Russian Railways Center for International •

Logistics and Supply Chain

Research projects at these Centers are supported by and/or performed

in cooperation with UNDP; Citi Foundation; IBM; PwC; Deutsche Bahn; Rus-

sian Railways; Global Entrepreneurship Monitor; Russian Managers Associa-

tion; European Marketing Academy; Global Academy for Business in Society

– EABiS; U.S.-Russia Center for Entrepreneurship, and other corporations

and foundations, and professional associations.

Selected International Conferences

and Seminars

Annual Conferences on Game Theory and Management (since 2007), •

key-note speakers include Nobel Prize Winners Robert Aumann,

John Nash, and Reinhard Zelten

Annual Conferences on Public Sector Transition (since 2001)•

IX Annual Colloquium and VIII PhD Conference of Global Academy •

of Business in Society – EABIS (2010)

Conference on Dynamic Capabilities and Beyond (2007)•

The School runs regular Research Seminar on Strategy and Organization,

with participation of top international scholars, e.g., Robert Grant (Bocconi),

Richard Staelin (Fuqua/Duke), Tomi Laamanen (Aalto) and others.

Russian Case Development Center

The School is the largest producer of case-studies (usually based on origi-

nal research) on doing business in Russia, and is the only school to have

its own collection of cases in this area at European Case Clearing House

(ecch). Our professors have developed over 300 cases and teaching notes,

and about 120 of them were registered at ecch.

In 2007 the School launched Russian Case Development Center which

is a unique resource center with 16 other Russian business schools

as members.


Our faculty has published in top interna-tional peer-reviewed journals:

Journal of International Business • Studies

Research Policy•

Industrial and Corporate Change•

Journal of the Academy of Marketing • Science

Industrial Marketing Management•

Journal of Business Logistics•

Journal of Comparative Economics•

International Journal of Industrial • Organization

Journal of Economics and Management • Strategy

Human Resource Development • International

Journal of Purchasing and Supply • Management

International Journal of Innovation • Management

Applied Economics•

Economics of Transition•

Since 2003 the School publishes Russian Management Journal – the leading (by national citation index) peer-reviewed periodical in Russian

41partners –

top international

business schools

8global networks of top

business schools

5dual degree programs

with top international


2internationally accredited


250students in international

exchanges annually

10courses and modules

jointly delivered with

leading US and European




Aalto University School of Economics (Finland)

Audencia Nantes School of Management (France)

BI Norwegian School of Management (Norway)

Business School, University of Mannheim (Germany)

Copenhagen Business School (Denmark)

Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary)

EMLYON Business School (France)

ESADE Business School, Ramon Llull University (Spain)

ESC Rennes School of Business (France)

European Business School, International University Schloss Reichartshausen (Germany)

Faculdade de Economia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal)

Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne (Germany)

Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubliana (Slovenia)

Graduate School of Business, Economics, Law and Social Sciences, University of St.Gallen (Switzerland)

Graduate School of Business, Koç University (Turkey)

HEC Paris – School of Management (France)

London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom)

Louvain School of Management (Belgium)

Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (Norway)

RSM Erasmus University (Netherlands)

School of Economics and Business Administration, Catholic University of Portugal (Portugal)

School of Business, Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland)

Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden)

Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin (Ireland)

Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Italy)

University of Economics, Prague (Czech Republic)

Warsaw School of Economics (Poland)

WU – Vienna University of Economics and Business (Austria)

North America

Babson College (USA)

Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University (Canada)

Fuqua School of Business, Duke University (USA)

Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley (USA)

Queen’s School of Business, Queen’s University (Canada)

Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario (Canada)

Schulich School of Business, York University (Canada)

Central and South America

COPPEAD Graduate School of Business, Federal University of Rio De Janeiro (Brazil)

Fundação Getulio Vargas, Escola De Administração De Empresas De São Paulo (Brazil)

Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo De México (Mexico)


Faculty of Business Administration, Chinese University of Hong Kong (China)

NUS Business School, National University of Singapore (Singapore)

School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University (China)

Global Network of Academic Partners

150companies provide


6career days in 2010

18leading global and

Russian companies

in the Advisory Board

500executives & managers

enrolled in degree & non-

degree programs annually

40guest lectures by business

leaders annually

4200professionals in the Alumni



Tradition of Strong Corporate Relations

Since its inception the School has developed a solid tradi-

tion of systematic and successful partnerships with leading

Russian and international companies who are involved in the

design and delivery of our programs and recruit its graduates.

These business networks and other connections are support-

ed through the Academic Committee of our Advisory Board;

the Career Center, and Alumni Association.

Career Center

Career days: annual (Fall and Spring) and company-•


In-company internships and projects (150 partner •

companies in 2010)

Guest lectures•

Seminars and trainings•

Resume• ' books

Business games

Teams of our students regularly win national and global finals

of prestigious business games organized by top global com-


L’Oreal R U HR (2010 – global 1st prize)•

L’Oreal e-Strat Challenge (2003, 2004, 2005 – national •

first prize; 2005 – global 3rd prize)

L’Oreal Brandstorm (2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, •

2010 – national 1st prize)

KPMG Case Competition (2010 – national 1st prize)•

Microsoft Case Competition (2010 – national 1st prize)•


Creating Our Future... Adamant




Arselor Mittal



Bank Saint Petersburg

Bank Uralsib BASF

BBH, “Baltika Saint Petersburg Brewery”

BNP Paribas

Boston Consulting Group

British American Tobacco

Business Link Group



Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia

Colliers International




Duke University

Efes Pilsener

Ernst & Young

Ford Motor Company


Gazpromneft-Marine Bunker

General Motors

General Satellite


Heineken Brewery



Incotec Group


Imperial Porcelain Manufactory

Independent Media

Industrial Construction Corporation PULKOVO

Ingosstrakh Saint-Petersburg

Interleasing Group

International Bank of St.Petersburg

Jensen Group



Kappa SPb



Kraft Foods

Kit Finance


Lemmin Kainen

Levis Strauss & Co






Maersk AS



MC-Bauchemie Russia


METRO Cash & Carry


Terentiy Meshcheryakov The Government of Saint Petersburg


Saint Petersburg University Graduate School of Man-

agement gives you a truly modern level of education.

This is an engaging and equally practical approach,

deeply adapted to the participants’ needs. Special

value lies in the ability to provide solutions not to the

current issues only but to the future challenges as well.

The world management practice is treated not as a set

of ready-made recipes, but as a landmark for construct-

ing your personal managerial toolbox on the basis of

the knowledge consistency distinctive of the university.

Guzel IshmatovaL’Oreal Paris

Director, Styling Marketing Development

What I liked mostly while studying at GSOM was first

of all the faculty, who taught us not management and

business theories only, but addressed practices and

realities of economic life. Secondly, it’s a perfectly func-

tioning system of various internships, which allows you

to develop yourself and choose career path suiting you


Michail YakuninVTB Factoring, Moscow


To obtain a business education I have chosen Saint

Petersburg School of Management (GSOM). Among

other advantages, this leading Russian business school

has a strong faculty. At the end of study, we had a good

opportunity to apply our theoretical knowledge in prac-

tice, in my case, during internship in London. It was

incredibly useful learning experience.

Victor MinakovMcKinsey & Co. China


I have the warmest and vivid memories associated with

the School. An important aspect for professional analy-

sis and consulting is that study at GSOM develops

a systemic and holistic approach to management. I am

grateful for the knowledge and opportunities provided

by the faculty, and especially friendships I gained dur-

ing my years as a student.

Employing Companies:



Mikhailovsky Theatre

Moscow Bank for Reconstruction and Development



National Bank Trust


Nobel Audit


Nokian Tyres

North -West Timber Company



Pension Capital Fund


Philip Morris




Radisson SAS Royal Hotel

Raiffeisen Bank


Renaissance Insurance Group

Renaissance St. Petersburg Baltic Hotel

Roland Berger Strategy Consultants

Rosgosstrakh North-West Region



Russian National Insurance Company

Russian Railways



SCA Packaging

Scania Peter



Siberian Coal Energy Company


SPN Ogilvy

St. Petersburg Government




SUE “Vodokanal”

Sun InBev

Sun Microsystems





Telecom Saint Petersburg


TNS Gallup Media

TNK-BP Northern Capital


Unicredit Bank


URSA Eurasia






Zebra Telecom


Yuriy ChentyrevBBH, Baltika-Saint-Petersburg Brewery


When choosing where to get my business education

I had no questions – to be exact, no doubts. Only Saint

Petersburg University Graduate School of Manage-

ment. Firstly, because of Saint Petersburg University,

and secondly, because of Graduate School of Man-

agement – brands, which are both well-known and

recognized. Two years of study broadened my view on

what I did earlier in the practice of business manage-

ment, and increased the level of my professional mana-

gerial expertise.

Yulia ZakharovaJFC Group, St. Petersburg

General Director (President)

I am sure that MBA education is a drastically new stage

in the career of any executive. Regularly communicat-

ing to many leading top managers of other companies

I’ve observed, that those who study or studied in the

GSOM EMBA program advisably differ from others.

The program gave me an opportunity to apply knowl-

edge I got to JFC practices, and intercourse with the

classmates motivated my self-development.

Eduard OparinSever Liquide Gas, St. Petersburg

General Director

Graduation from the program Dual Degree Executive MBA

became decisive factor in my appointment as a General

Director of the company Sever Liquide Gas, Ltd, one of

the Russian subsidiaries of the French company AirLiq-

uide in Saint Petersburg. Knowledge I got in the program

broadened my business perspective and improved my

understanding of the way business and personal strate-

gies are designed and implemented.

Andrey ZasypkinCenterAtom, Moscow

General Director

Prior to my education at GSOM my professional career

was not related to business. The School not only

formed my perspective on this new area, but gave me

a practical toolbox and methods to run business the

way it should be run. My choice of educational institu-

tion was in many respects influenced by the fact that

the school was created on the basis of the oldest uni-

versity in the country which guaranteed high quality

of the teaching process supported by the right balance

of tradition and innovation.

Employing Companies:

1–3, Volkhovsky PereulokSt. Petersburg, Russia199004

Tel: +7 (821) 323 84 56

Fax: +7 *812) 329 32 34
