Good Habits

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Good Habits

Many people have many types of habits which are both good, and detrimental.

By maintaining good driving habits such as staying calm when under stress can help drivers through tough times on

the road.

Many people question if habits can really affect their driving such as improving it.

I would like to explain how a few common healthy driving habits can help you improve your everyday driving which makes the roads safe for yourself, your passengers, other

drivers, and pedestrians.

These habits include wearing your seat belt, keeping distractions to a minimum, and having a positive attitude.

While a great deal of drivers perform these actions like a second nature there is still a high enough portion of drivers

that do not follow these simple safety tips while driving.

As a favor to society I would like to discuss some beneficial habits to improve the way people drive.

The first good habit is to try and keep a positive attitude while behind the wheel.

A negative attitude can cause road rage and possibly a collision.

If you are having a bad day, try to avoid driving, if your destination is close, maybe try walking instead to release

some stress.

An angry driver on the road can be very dangerous.

Some people that get road rage let their emotions take over while driving.

Usually they won’t realize they made a mistake until it is too late.

Next good habit is wearing your seat belt; it is against the law if you are not wearing your seat belt in a moving


The fact is a lot of drivers still do no wear their seat belts on the road, based on the information from

Seat belt related accidents are one of the leading causes of death.

More than two million people were taken to the emergency room simply because they were not wearing their seat belt

during a collision.

These numbers could be significantly lowered if more people wore their seat belts.

Another good habit is to avoid texting while driving.

This includes answering phone calls or using any electronic device at all.

Try to plan your route and drive ahead of time.

Most drivers are always in a rush to get to places, usually causing traffic jams because everyone is trying to get in

front of each other.

It is best to plan a route beforehand to avoid any unnecessary traffic.

These habits may seem simple, but they can impact how a person drives tremendously.