Going From Good To Great

Post on 18-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Going From Good To Great

Jason Benton

Going From “Good” To “Great”!Continuous Improvement techniques that can propel your organization to the next level

Inspect & Adapt


Structure for Retrospectives1) Set the stage 2) Gather data 3) Generate insights 4) Decide what to do 5) Close the retrospective

Taken from: Agile Retrospectives by Esther Derby & Diana Larsen

Set the stage

Gather data

Generate insights

Decide what to do

Close the retrospective

Close the retrospective


Establish working agreements

Focus on problems over personalities

%&#@! @#&%!%@$#!

Avoid interrupting others

No personal attacks

%&#@! @#&%!

Avoid blame


Post Up

Affinity Mapping

Dot Voting

Art Gallery1) Give participants post-its and a pen.

2) Ask them to draw a picture that represents how it felt to work on the project.

3) After 2-3 minutes, have them put their drawing on a wall.

4) Group similar pictures together and quickly discuss themes.

*A simple variation on this (for less creative teams ) is to have the participants write a single word to describe the project

Start, Stop, Continue

1) What should we start doing?

2) What should we stop doing?

3) What should we continue doing?

Four Questions

1) What did we do well?

2) What did we learn?

3) What should we do differently?

4) What still puzzles us?


Start EndJanuary




SailboatThings that propel

us forward

Things that hold us back


Learning Matrix

Team Satisfaction Survey5 = I think we are the best team on the planet! We work great together.

4 = I am glad I’m a part of the team and satisfied with how our team works together.

3 = I’m fairly satisfied. We work well together most of the time.

2 = I have some moments of satisfaction, but not enough.

1= I’m unhappy and dissatisfied with our level of teamwork.

Lean Coffee

FuturespectiveWhat could go wrong? How could we prevent that?

What would success look like? How do we make it happen?

Tips!1. Occasionally change the format if the meeting gets stale.

2. Ask other team members to facilitate.

3. Change the location - maybe go outside if the weather is nice.

4. Make action items visible. Put them up on the wall in a team area.

5. Do this regularly. Resist the urge to only hold retrospectives when something “bad” has happened.

6. Get feedback on the retrospectives themselves from time to time.

Great success!



Jason Benton