Go Green Now!

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Go Green Now!. Motivating Homeowners to Make Their Homes Environmentally Friendly. Thomas Hartmann Nathanial Newman Laura Garcia. Opening Story. Dave and his wife Susan High energy b ill Retirement worries Choice: Push back retirement Reduce energy consumption Boring Lecture… - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Go Green Now!

Go Green Now!

Thomas HartmannNathanial NewmanLaura Garcia

Motivating Homeowners to Make Their Homes Environmentally Friendly

Opening Story Dave and his wife Susan High energy bill Retirement worries Choice:

Push back retirement Reduce energy consumption

Boring Lecture…

Motivation Annihilation

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The Moral and the Answer:Go Green Now!

Nothing happening is far too common Under education or mis-education

Savings Potential – Energy and Money Tax cuts and rebates

Go Green Now! Providing engaging means of educating, motivating, and assisting

people to make their homes environmentally friendly.

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Go Green Now!: Aims Forcing people to seriously

consider making their homes green

Convincing people through education

Acting as a resource and assistant

Organizing Competitions

3 Main Aims:

Engaging Education Friendly Assistance Exciting Competitions

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Aim 1: Engaging Education Interactive Activities Lively speakers Fun Goal: Get people to associate

going green with fun and excitement

No long boring lectures Prevent more stories like

Dave and Susan

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Aim 2: Assistance Going green can appear

daunting Tax cuts Rebates System installation

It is too easy for people to lose motivation and stop making progress

Step-by-step outline Assistance with each step Refer people to external

sources if we do not offer them

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Aim 3: Competitions Exciting! Highly effective

Humans are naturally competitive

Proven Utility companies’

personalized reports The BrainShift Foundation’s

Energy Smackdown

Begin with School Competitions Less funding required Children have a huge

influence on their parents Expand to other classes of

competitors Scoring

Percent reduction in electricity consumption

Bonus: Alternative Energy Production

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Rationale: Why Go Green Now?

Household energy use counts for nearly one half of the carbon output in the United States

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RationaleDifferent approach to increasing energy


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RationaleWill motivate people

to want to make their home more energy efficient

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Logistics: Implementation

Phase 1: Organization1 year

Phase 2: ActionSeminarsCompetitions

Phase 3: ExpansionMeasure success

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Logistics: Competitions

School RallyElectricity billsUntil text bill

students reduce electricity

Scored on % reduction

Three groupsHomesCommunitiesTowns

Rules and scoring the same as school event

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Logistics: ExpertiseEnvironmental EngineersEconomistTax SpecialistsLawyersSpeakers

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Logistics: FundingInitially

NYSERDAAlternative Energy CompaniesDonations

While OperatingSeminars/Contests

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Logistics: LocationTroy, NY

Target demographicMiddle to low incomeYounger adults

Possibility for volunteersColleges

New YorkHelpful policies

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Logistics: StakeholdersCitizens of Troy, New YorkAlternative Energy CompaniesEnvironmental For-Profit AgenciesNYSERDAMakers of Energy Efficient ProductsLocal, State, and Federal


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Logistics: Social AlliancesLocal College Campuses:

Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteTroy Public Library

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Logistics: Social Trends


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Logistics: PoliticsPolicies favor Energy Efficiency

Tax Credits

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Logistics: Economic Tough Economy People want to save Money Energy Efficiency saves Money

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Logistics: CulturalAmerican Citizens are generally concerned

about the environmentRaising a new class of environmentally

concerned and educated citizensExpansion of Go Green Now!

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Dave and Susan… [Alternate Ending]

Davie and Susie – Dave and Susan’s children Go Green Now! comes to Davie and Susie’s school Davie and Susie are very excited They do little things to reduce their energy consumption 2nd Place to their neighbors: the McGunkermeisters

Without Go Green Now!: People will be stuck in a rut. With Go Green Now!: People will use that rut to channel

water to a hydroelectric generator to power the home.

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