Glorious Revolution Graphic Organizer.modified

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Transcript of Glorious Revolution Graphic Organizer.modified

Name __________________________ Date ________________ Per______________ Glorious Revolution Notes

Instructions: Read p. 180-182 to answer these questions.

(1 )In England there was a group of nobles that met frequently with the king called the Parliament. Unlike France, however, the power of Parliament and the nobles was strengthened over time instead of weakened. Use the chart to answer the question: How did Parliament become stronger over time?

Event Explain how Parliament was strengthened after this event.1628 – Charles I fights Parliament

Charles I needed $ to fight wars, but Parliament did not want to give him any. Parliament agrees to give money only after Charles I gives them the power to ________________________________________________________________

1637- English Civil War Charles I ignores the rights he has just given Parliament, but then the people _______________________________________________. This shows the Parliament believes it has the right to overthrow kings that are not ____________________________________________.

1660-Charles II Reigns After seeing that there is just as much problems with a tyrant as a king, Parliament asks Charles II to come to power as long as he agrees to ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(1) After which event do you think the power of Parliament was so ingrained in the culture of England that no monarch could limit it? Explain.

(2) How were the events in England different than the events in France?

(3) What questions do you still have about this material?

Name___________________ Date _________ Per _________ Glorious Revolution Notes Background: In 1688, a groundbreaking moment in history occurred: James II, the man who was trying to be an absolute monarch of England, was removed from power. How did this happen? Read p. 183.

Political Causes Religious/Social Causes

Glorious Revolution : (Write your own definition. Why do you think it was called glorious?)

Nov. 1688: Because the people of England hate King James, they send for Dutch royals William and Mary "to save the Protestant religion and the

constitutional liberties of England."

Dec. 1688: William arrives with 15,000 troops and is welcomed without resistance by the people. James II fled to France. Why do

you think James II fled the country instead of fighting back?

Effect 1A constitutional monarchy was formed which…

Effect 2A Bill of Rights was created which…

Effect 3All over Europe, people began to question…