Globaleco2016 global geoparks_angusm_robinson (2)

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Transcript of Globaleco2016 global geoparks_angusm_robinson (2)

  • UNESCO Global Geoparks - Pointers for Australia - GlobalEco 2016

    Angus M RobinsonGeotourism Forum, Ecotourism Australia

  • Todays Agenda

    UNESCO Global GeoparksAustralian Pre-Aspiring UNESCO Global GeoparksAustralia- China Sister Park OpportunitiesTake Aways

  • Founded in 1945 - 193 member statesUNESCOMan and the BiosphereWorld HeritageUNESCO Global Geoparks

  • UNESCO Programs (after Dowling, 2016)ProgramSitesCountries World Heritage1052165 Man and the Biosphere669120 UNESCO Global Geoparks12033


  • Australias UNESCO Sites (after Dowling, 2016)

    ProgramSites World Heritage22 Man and the Biosphere14 UNESCO Global Geoparks0


  • UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARKSWhere are the geoparks?There are 120 UNESCO Global Geoparks spread across 33 countries and 5 continents. This includes 69 in Europe as part of the European Geoparks Network (founded in 2000) and 46 in the Asia-Pacific region as part of the Asia-Pacific Geoparks Network (founded in 2009).

  • Map - Distribution of Chinese geoparks with global statusGlobal Geoparks of China 201633 Global Geoparks in China

  • Immersed in the landscape & geology Tianzhushan Global Geopark

  • UNESCO GLOBAL GEOPARKSIS A GEOPARK JUST ABOUT GEOLOGY?No! While a geopark must demonstrate geological heritage of international significance, the purpose of a geopark is to explore, develop and celebrate the links between that geological heritage and all other aspects of the areas natural, cultural and intangible heritages. It is about reconnecting human society at all levels to the planet we all call home and to celebrate how our planet and its 4,600 million year long history has shaped every aspect of our lives and our societies. UNESCO Global Geoparks are single, unified geographical areas where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development.

  • Global Geoparks vs National Parks

    Unlike World Heritage Areas and national parks, Global Geoparks can embrace both protected and any resource extraction areas, focusing on sustainable development objectives.Global Geoparks focus on community engagement and ownership .Whilst national parks are created in perpetuity, the status of global geoparks are reviewed every 4 years.In Australia, national parks focus generally only on biodiversity at the expense of geological heritage.

  • GeoparksGeoparks are both a development concept as well as a branding tool. They achieve these goals through:


  • National Landscapes & UNESCO Global Geoparks

    Have similar goals relating to local development and community engagement as well as education and experiential tourism (geotourism).Both require government approval but with different government stakeholders. However, the Australian National Landscape Programme has been formerly disbandoned by its government sponsors, but the iconic landscapes and their communities are still very much in place!

  • Geotourism Diversity of Places

    GeotourismIcons(Inc National Landscapes)Mine Sites

    National Parks/Reserves/Urban Parks

    GeotrailsGeo-sitesGeoparks/PaleoParksCaves/Karst AreasLandformsWHAsGeo Villages

  • Geoparks and Community Engagement

    Geoparks =CommunityEngagement Mine Sites

    National Parks/Reserves/Urban Parks

    GeotrailsGeo-sitesGeo Villages

  • Pre-Aspiring WarrumbunglesUNESCO Global Geopark,New South WalesOutstanding shield volcano remnant landforms close to a major coal development area located in the Warrumbungles National Park (236 square km area) at the intersection of the three local government areas.

  • The Proposed Savannah Way Geotrail linked to the Pre-AspiringEtheridge UNESCO Global Geopark in the state of Queensland

  • Pre-Aspiring Etheridge UNESCO Global Geopark, QueenslandComprising the entire Shire of Etheridge, and including areas of outstanding volcanic and mining heritage - embracing some40,000 sq km. Its key attractions are geotourism & not ecotourism focused

  • Pre-Aspiring Etheridge UNESCO Global Geopark

    The Pre-Aspiring Etheridge Global Geopark embraces a complex grouping of rocks which also host gold deposits, notably the former Kidston mine. The Etheridge Province also include significant occurrences of gemstones, notably agates and topaz, as well as hot springs attractions.Two geological events feature as iconic geotourism attractions in the region, the most significant of which is the Undara Lava Tube system, truly unique in the world based on consideration of age, preservation and lineal extent, as well as the geomorphological expressions within flat-lying sediments at Cobbold Gorge. All the landforms in the area contain unique biodiversity characteristics including a rich assemblage of birdlife. Committed input from the Ewamian Aboriginal community is sure to identify sites exhibiting rich indigenous culture.

  • Pre-Aspiring Etheridge UNESCO Global Geopark

    Geosites In abundance, with Undara as a global icon.Geo villages Georgetown, Mt Surprise, Forsayth, Einasleigh, all with community engaged geosites (including gem fields); key established ecotourism resorts of Undara and Cobbold Gorge.Geotrails As well as the Savannah Way (Lava tubes, Gems and Gorges Trail) with connections to Chillagoe, Mt Garnet, Croydon etc.National Parks Undara National Parks plus seven others.Heritage Mine Sites Kidston, Einasleigh, Gilberton.

  • Australia-China Memorandum of CooperationThe GSA and the Geological Society of ChinaExecuted June 2016The Australia-China relationship is becoming more important with the increasing level of economic, social and cultural activities in the coming decades.

    The Memorandum of Cooperation will be focused on growing and enhancing best practice nature-based tourism (i.e. geotourism) in both countries.

    Tourism park managers could play a significant role in establishing sister relationships between parks, as a key driver of future geotourism.

  • Establishing Ties Amongst Parks Can be in form of sister parks, field study and training centres, joint research projects, management staff or guide exchange programs.

    Sister Park relationship can be a holistic approach to implement these joint projects.

    Indonesian delegation visiting Chinese geopark

  • Take-Aways

    For Australia, Geoparks are the new National Landscapes!

    Geoparks have a well established global network.

    International visitors know and want to visit global geoparks.

    Geoparks foster community-based, sustainable, regional, economic development a model ideally suited for Australia.

    To remain competitive in global markets, Australia needs global geoparks. We are the only continent without them!

  • Contact Details + 61 418 488 340

