Ghazni exhibition in Kabul - 4 posters in English and Farsi

Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcription of four posters (text is both in English and Dari/Farsi) prepared for the UNESCO sponsored “Ghazni, Capital of Islamic Civilization: 3000 Years of History” exhibition, running at the National Museum of Afghanistan in Kabul since 15 September 2010.

Transcript of Ghazni exhibition in Kabul - 4 posters in English and Farsi

Sultan Abdul Razaq Mausoleum

Built in the 16th

century, and a beautiful example of Timurid architecture in Ghazni, the Sultan

Abdul Razaq Mausoleum was restored by Italian architects of IsMEO (since 1995: IsIAO) and

opened in 1966 as the Museum of Islamic Art in Ghazni.

Stressing the interest of the peculiar influence of Sassanid Iran and Central Asia on Ghaznavid art,

Nancy Hatch Dupree wrote: “It is highly recommended to all visitors in Ghazni”. Due to conflicts

and security reasons it has long since been closed.

UNESCO and the Ministry of Information and Culture are working toward reopening it for the 2013

Ghazni event.

Picture: Detail from a photography shot by J. Powell, ca. 1960 (via ArchNet)

��ن ���ا��زاق� �����

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ف +!-� +�د� ا�#K )$ا .

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* * * * *

Palace of Sultan Massud III

Professor Giuseppe Tucci, founder of IsMEO (after 1995: IsIAO) started working at Ghazni in 1956.

Many other Italian archaeologists from IsIAO have been working at the Palace of Sultan Massud III

(b. Ghazni, 1061-1114) for a long time since. Some of the artefacts on show here – for instance,

both lone-standing marble panels – come from this large complex completed in 1112, that was

hosting the Ghaznavid court.

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4���OAار + ،�P� �8ز�G ر�!�8و7IsMEO) 1995از ��ل :IsIAO( د را در ��ل�Q د1956، ��روع �� ��� "�اد +!��ر� از . در�

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* * * * *

Tepe Sardar

Also known as Tepe-yi Nagara, this lone-standing hill rises east of the Ghazni river, in a similar

position to that of the old city. It hosts a Buddhist complex of stupas, chapels and monastery cells,

with a rich decoration. Though Buddhism had spread in the Ghazni area from the times of Ashoka,

this particular complex – whose main stupa is the largest one in Afghanistan – was probably built

in the 3rd

century A.D., and thrived for nearly six centuries, until after the arrival of the Arabs.

The complex also hosted a Hindu Shaivite shrine, where the statue of Durga Mahishasuramardini

was found during excavations led by Italian IsMEO archaeologists. IsMEO (now: IsIAO) has been

active in this area for over fifty years since Giuseppe Tucci, its founder, and one of the founders of

Buddhist Studies in Italy, started working here in 1956. The restored head of Durga is now visible

at the National Museum of Afghanistan in Kabul.

A gigantic reclining Buddha statue – measuring over 15 m – that was in chapel 63 of the complex

has been unfortunately almost completely destroyed in recent times.

��� ��دار

�$�د �� ��� ا�#�� . از ا$( �Z ه��4Yن +� ��م �A� �Zر ����ا و 4*� +��� ����� ا�#، در �ق در$�� �V� Wرت $] ا�B �+ �� �Z )$ا���+ �� ���� 5$�� �# دارد �� ��Vور +� �S�ود� �*"��� .�Z )$ا �+ ،�����Q د وQ ه���A د� � ،�Lه�� +�دا � 4% ����V� H���

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ار دا�-� ا�#� .

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* * * * *

Artefacts are not for touching! Or are they?

We have here symbolically set up a place for resting, ideally located anywhere between Ghazni

and the Ghaznevid winter capital, Lashkari Bazar (Bost).

As a general and wide-shared museum policy we are of course very strict in avoiding any contact

with our artefacts, but in this case we made an exception: feel free to have a seat here on the

carpet, and take this ancient Ghaznevid bowl into your hands. It is on plates like this one that

people would have their food served – meat with vegetables, maybe.

Feel its weight, its texture, admire its fine decoration and soft colour… Handle it with care, though:

it is a valuable and fragile artefact.

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