Getting People to Walk via Games

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Getting People to Walk via Games

Walking30 min

per dayMonday, December 3, 12

5 days in a row?

Monday, December 3, 12

How Do We Get People


Do it?Monday, December 3, 12

Who is our Target User?

Sally, a working professional with a family, who’s taken many attempts at incorporating walking in her daily life, without any sustainable results

Monday, December 3, 12

How do we do it? By sequencing Behaviors as follows

Using the Walking Wizard, Sally finds out her Walking Element: Water

Sally signs up for SMS-based Walking Missions for Water avatars

Sally chooses a time of day to perform her Walking Missions

Sally receives a text reminder the night before her first mission, asking her to prepare her outfit

Sally prepares her walking shoes and cloths and puts them in her car.

Sally receives a text reminder 20 min before her Walking Mission

Monday, December 3, 12

Behavior Sequence: Sally walks 30 min/day for 5 days

Sally goes out on her walking mission

Sally replies to the walking checkpoint text with a Yes

Sally receives a text congratulating her for her achievement and asking her to prepare for the next day’s mission

Sally prepares her outfit as she did the day before

Sally receives a text reminder 20 min before her second walk reminding her she walked for 30 min the previous day, and asking her to do the same today


Sally closes her 5 days of walking for 30 min Monday, December 3, 12

Elie Noune, Stanford University.@elienoune

Monday, December 3, 12