Gerunds and Participles WHAT IS A GERUND? A gerund is a verb form ending in -ing that is used as a...

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Transcript of Gerunds and Participles WHAT IS A GERUND? A gerund is a verb form ending in -ing that is used as a...

Gerunds and Participles


A gerund is a verb form ending in -ing that is used as a noun.


• Example: Running is invigorating.•Verb form: run• -ing form: running•used as a noun: Running is invigorating.


• Remember that nouns can be substituted with pronouns. • For instance, we

can substitute the gerund running with the pronoun it, and we will still have an acceptable sentence.

• How to find the gerund: Look for a word that looks like a verb ending in –ing. Try to replace the word with it . If the replacement leaves you with an acceptable sentence, you have found a gerund.

Example: • Skiing can be

dangerous. • It can be dangerous.


Instructions: Underline the gerunds in the following sentences.

• Example: Singing is fun.

• 1. Crying will get you nowhere.• 2. Reading can be exciting.• 3. Laughing is good for your health.• 4. Have you thought about exercising?• 5. Would you please stop shouting?• 6. Walking is good for your health.• 7. You should try dieting.• 8. You can learn more by studying.• 9. He was awarded for winning.• 10. Studying will lead to better grades.

Gerund Phrases

Definition: A gerund phrase consists of a gerund and any modifiers or complements it may have.• Example: Walking in the rain is

sometimes fun.

How to find a gerund phrase

• How to find it: Look for the entire group of words that can be substituted by the word it.

• Example: Swinging in the trees can be dangerous. It can be dangerous.


Instructions: Underline the gerund phrases in the following sentences. Then rewrite the sentence replacing the gerund phrase with the word it.

• 1. Waiting in long lines really bothers me. ___________________________________

• 2. Playing golf is his hobby. ___________________________________

• 3. We tried walking down the road alone. ___________________________________

• 4. My thinking is not always clear on this issue. ___________________________________

• 5. His trying to excel in this area is commendable. ________________________________

Gerund Phrases


• A GERUND is a verb form that ends in ING and acts as a NOUN (gee, that sounds simple…)

• Gerund phrases take on all of the functions that a noun would normally take in a sentence: Subject, Direct Object, Pronoun, Object of a Preposition, and even Indirect Object


• As a subject: Swimming in spaghetti feels great. • Object of a Prep: I get my daily exercise by swimming in

spaghetti. (by = prep)• Dir. Object: Fortunately, my cat also loves swimming in

spaghetti. (my cat loves what??)


• Pred. Nom: In fact, her favorite activity is swimming in spaghetti. (her activity is what??)

• Indirect Obj. : I recommend that you all give swimming in spaghetti a chance. (give a chance to whom/what?)

Identify the gerund and its function in the sentence

1. My daughter loves running around in circles. 2. Bob’s pet monkey jumped over the huge fence without

falling on its head.3. Kayaking down a river is an exhilarating experience.4. Her wildest dream is going to a Hannah Montana

concert.5. If you give cooking a try, I bet you’d like it!


Present ParticiplesWhat are participles?

Infinitive Past Present Participle

Past Participle

To bore bored boring bored

To interest interested interesting interested

Look at the verb table below and find out the answers.

End with -ing

Past ParticiplesWhat are participles?

Infinitive Past Present Participle

Past Participle

To bore bored boring bored

To interest interested interesting interested

Look at the verb table below and find out the answers.

End with -ed

Participles used as adjectives

Examples :

1a. The boring teacher talked for hours.

1b. The bored students fell asleep.

2a. I read an interesting magazine yesterday.

2b. The magazine receives a lot of support from interested readers.

Present participles are usually active

Past participles are usually passive

More examples:

3a. It was an exciting concert.

3b. The excited fans screamed during the concert.

4a. Many young people experience troubling situations. 4b. The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong receives calls from troubled young people.

Participial Phrases

Participle Phrases

A participle phrase is made up of a participle + object / meaningful expression.

Example :

We get calls from young people worried about relationships.

A participle phrase describing the noun before, i.e. young people.

1a. Look at the boy.1b. Look at the boy climbing the tree.

2a. The man has missed the bus.

2b. The man running down the street has missed the bus

3a. The fans stood up and


3b. The fans, excited by the concert, stood up and danced.

A phrase begins with a present participle. (Active)

A phrase begins with a past participle. (Passive)

Participle phrases as adverbs

We can use participle phrases to join two ideas together.


Feeling upset and confused, the girl called the Samaritans Befrienders Hong Kong.

An adverbial phrase giving a reason

Who feel upset & confused?The girl in the main course.

1a. The girl felt upset and confused. She called the Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong.1b. Feeling upset and confused, the girl called the Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong.

Notice the changes made.

2a. Ellen listened to the girl. She wished she could help her.

2b. Ellen listened to the girl, wishing she could help her.

A participle phrase joining 2 actions which happen together.

3a. He was injured when he was crossing the road. 3b. He was injured crossing the road.

A participle phrase joining 2 actions, one of which happens during the other.