Geopolitics is a way of "seeing the world"

Post on 10-Nov-2015

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This essay explores the interactions of political units but also the way geopolitical theories impact upon one's perception of the world and its importance

Transcript of Geopolitics is a way of "seeing the world"

According to Flint (2011, p. 33), Geopolitics is more than the competition over territory and the means of justifying such actions: geopolitics is a way of seeing the world. Do you agree with this statement? Why/why not?

To a large extent, geopolitics is more than the competition over territory and the means of justifying such actions; it is a way of seeing the world (Flint, 2011, p.33). Geopolitics can be defined as the intersection between human geography and the politics of countries. This is because geopolitics is not solely concerned with the interactions between states, but also politics on a global scale. It explores the ways in which political units interact but also the way geopolitical theories impact on ones perception of the world and its importance. Thereby providing us with an insight into the workings and relationships between states, allowing for interpretations of surroundings, as well as an understanding of actions between interacting borders.

The division of the world by geopolitical theorists has given us insights into the workings and relationships of states. For example, Halford Mackinders Heartland and the conflicts which have arisen between it and the Rimland (Gray, 1977, p.1). The Heartland encompasses the majority of Eastern Europe, whilst the Rimland consists predominantly of the Heartlands surrounding countries and America. The division between these two territories is a representation of the contest for supremacy between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, seen through their standoff during the Cold War. This geographical divide is also a representation of the clashing nature of the relationship between these two great superpowers, as seen through repeated incidents throughout history, from World War 1 to the Cold War, where both have been opponents in global crises. We can further explore conflicting relationships by examining the conflicts within the Heartland itself, such as the political crisis between the Ukraine and Russia. As Mackinder said, whoever possess the Heartland, will forever seek to dominate the Eurasian landmass and ultimately the world (Halford Mackinder, as cited by, Clover, 1999, p.9). The crisis in the Ukraine is an example of Russias attempts to regain its former glory as the Soviet Union after its collapse in 1991. Russias attempts to remain as one of the contemporary worlds superpowers has resulted in the disenchantment of many countries from leaving the European Union to return to their native shores (Vladimir Putin, as cited by, Oliphant & Partiff, 2015, p.1) of the Soviet Union. Therefore the geographical divisions between the Heartland and the Rimland, as well as internal divisions within the former Soviet Union, gives us an insight into the workings and relationships of neighbouring states, as well as enabling us to also consider the politics of the world rather than just the interactions between states. Different geopolitical theories, such as realism and liberalism, allow for different interpretations of ones surroundings, including a states border. As Professor Stephen M. Walt said, no single approach can capture all the complexity of contemporary world politics (Walt, 1998, p.30), for example, in regards to the NATO expansion towards Eastern Europe. As NATO expands further into Eastern Europe, encompassing countries in close proximity to Russia's borders, realist and liberalist geopolitical theorists have different theories as to what may occur as a result. Realism and Liberalism can be defined as the emphasis on the enduring propensity for conflict between states; Liberalism identifies several ways to mitigate these conflictive tendencies (Walt, 1998, p.30). Consequently, both theories provide different perspectives on the potential consequences of NATO expansion. Under a realist perspective, the expansion of NATO can be seen as the extension of western influence in a period of weakness in the east which could potentially result in a violent reaction from Russia. This has somewhat come to fruition as seen with the military conflict occurring between Georgia, a country under consideration for NATO membership, and Russia, and furthermore the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine, another country under consideration for NATO membership. However, a liberalist perspective would suggest that by increasing NATOs influence in a tumultuous area, such as Eastern Europe, could potentially increase the rise of democracy in this area and thus bring peace. However there are criticisms for both theories, ranging from realism being too pessimistic in nature, and liberalism believing in the high influence of institutions on state behaviour. As a result, the contest between these theories help reveal their strengths and weaknesses and spurs subsequent refinement (Walt, 1998, p.30) which could allow for more appropriate responses and deeper understandings of a states borders.

Political units, such as the European Union, provide a deeper understanding of actions between interacting borders, both within the European Union itself and surrounding states. During the post-Cold War era, a high level of disintegration was occurring within Europe as there was no longer a threat from the USSR. However, independent states within Western Europe, influenced by George Kennans theory of containment towards the USSR, confronted with dangerous hostility anywhere in the world, we should do everything possible to contain it and not let it expand any further (George Kennan, as cited by PBS NewsHour, 1996), sought to limit the possibility of a Third World War through integration. 1952 saw the signing of the Treaty of Paris and the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), which sought to prevent German rearmament and resurgence through the regulation of those resources, and reinforce the community's international position (EUROPA, 2010). But to do so there needed to be reforms, which introduced the enlargement of the European Union in 1973, which sought to protect the independence of smaller states in Europe from larger, more threatening powers. But there was also the need to have economic independence within this unique political dynamic. The Maastricht treaty of 1992 sought to abolish the EUs economic dependence on the US by creating an economic and monetary union (EUROPA, 2010) through the introduction of the Euro in most member states. Therefore we are able to gain a deeper understanding of actions both within the European Union itself and its surrounding borders, as we observe its development of new mechanisms to create a functional and prosperous political unit, but also it attempts to pacify potential threats to said unit and others, thus not only focusing on its own politics, but also the politics and safety of the world.

Therefore, geopolitics is not solely concerned with the interactions between states, but also politics on a global scale. Geopolitics, through theoretical divisions of the world, contesting geopolitical theories and dynamic political units, provides us with an insight into the workings and relationships of states, different interpretations of ones surroundings, and an understanding of actions between interacting states. Therefore opening our eyes to different perspectives and theories about the workings of our world and its importance, and thus emphasising that geopolitics is more than the competition over territory and the means to justifying such actions, it is a way of seeing the world (Flint, 2011, p.33).

References List

1. Clover, C. 1999. Dreams of the Eurasian Heartland: The Re-emergence of Geopolitics, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 78, No. 2, p.9

2. EUROPA 2010, Summaries of EU Legislation, viewed 24th March 2015,

3. Flint, C. 2011. Introduction to Geopolitics. Oxford: Routledge. 2nd Edition. Ch.1, p.33

4. Gray, C.S. 1977. Geopolitics of the nuclear era: Heartland, rimlands, and the technological revolution. Crane, Russak and Company Inc. New York, NY, p.1

5. Oliphant, R. & Parfitt, T. 2015. Vladimir Putin praises Russian Patriotism and claims: Ukrainians and Russians are one, The Telegraph, 18th March 2015, viewed 26th March 2015,

6. Online NewsHour: David Gergen Interview with George Kennan, PBS News Hour, April 18 1996, retrieved 26th March 2015

7. Walt, S.M. 1998. International Relations: One World, Many Theories, Foreign Policy, No. 110, Special Edition: Frontiers of Knowledge. p.30